ANSI INCITS 244-1995 Information Technology - Test Methods for Media Characteristics - 90 mm Read Only and Rewritable M.O Optical Disk Data Storage Cartridges with Continuous Compo.pdf

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1、ANSI INCITS 244-1995 (R2000)(formerly ANSI X3.244-1995 (R2000)for Information Technology Test Methods for MediaCharacteristics 90 mm Read Only and Rewritable M.O.Optical Disk Data Storage Cartridgeswith Continuous Composite Servo (CCS)ANSIX3.244-1995American National Standardfor Information Technolo

2、gy Test Methods for Media Characteristics 90 mm Read Only and Rewritable M.O. Optical Disk Data Storage Cartridges with Continuous Composite Servo (CCS)SecretariatInformation Technology Industry CouncilApproved June 6, 1995American National Standards Institute, Inc.AmericanNationalStandardApproval o

3、f an American National Standard requires review by ANSI that therequirements for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval havebeen met by the standards developer.Consensus is established when, in the judgment of the ANSI Board of StandardsReview, substantial agreement has been reached

4、 by directly and materiallyaffected interests. Substantial agreement means much more than a simplemajority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that all views andobjections be considered, and that a concerted effort be made toward theirresolution.The use of American National Standards

5、is completely voluntary; their existencedoes not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the standardsor not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes,or procedures not conforming to the standards.The American National Standards Institute does not devel

6、op standards and will inno circumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard.Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretation ofan American National Standard in the name of the American National StandardsInstitute. Requests for interpretations sho

7、uld be addressed to the secretariat orsponsor whose name appears on the title page of this standard.CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised orwithdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National StandardsInstitute require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm

8、, revise, or withdrawthis standard. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive currentinformation on all standards by calling or writing the American National StandardsInstitute.CAUTION: The developers of this standard have requested that holders of patents that may be required for theimp

9、lementation of the standard disclose such patents to the publisher. However, neither the developers nor the publisherhave undertaken a patent search in order to identify which, if any, patents may apply to this standard. As of the date ofpublication of this standard and following calls for the ident

10、ification of patents that may be required for the implementationof the standard, no such claims have been made. No further patent search is conducted by the developer or publisher inrespect to any standard it processes. No representation is made or implied that licenses are not required to avoidinfr

11、ingement in the use of this standard.Published byAmerican National Standards Institute11 West 42nd Street, New York, New York 10036Copyright 1996 by Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in anyform, in an electronic retrieval s

12、ystem or otherwise,without prior written permission of ITI, 1250 Eye Street NW,Washington, DC 20005.Printed in the United States of AmericaiForewordii1 Scope, purpose, and conformance12 Normative references .13 Definitions24 Test environment25 Test items .46 Test conditions.47 Test methods .7Figures

13、1 Particle size distribution52 Block diagram 83 Typical servo system control loop .84 Actuator signal method block diagram.95 Error signal test method block diagram .106 Optical system with position sensor 117 Position sensor block diagram 128 Resolution159 Write power repeatability 1910 Read power

14、repeatability 2011 Amplitude vs. frequency .22AnnexesA Reference servo implementation.28B Signal Imbalance and Figure of Merit definitions .30C Write pulse definition 31D Optical system for measuring write, read, and erase characteristics (reference drive)32E Pre-recorded signal definitions33F Bibli

15、ography .34ContentsPageiiForeword (This foreword is not part of American National Standard X3.244-1995.)ANSI X3.244-1995, Test Methods for Media Characteristics 90 mm ReadOnly and Rewritable M.O. Optical Disk Data Storage Cartridges withContinuous Composite Servo (CCS), was developed in conjunction

16、withISO/IEC 10090. This document was originally the work of test methods forboth 90 mm and 130 mm. After the unanimous support of the committee,the test methods document was split into two separate test methods docu-ments pertaining to the respective 90 mm and 130 mm media types.This standard presen

17、ts test methods for 90 mm rewritable optical disk car-tridges with continuous composite servo (CCS). These methods are to beused for information interchange among processing systems, communica-tion systems, and associated equipment utilizing a standard code for inter-change. This standard deals with

18、 methods and procedures for testingmedia characteristics.The TC X3B11 Subcommittee on optical digital data disk cartridges, whichdeveloped this standard, consists of experienced and qualified specialistsin recording digital information on optical media. In the development ofthis standard, careful co

19、nsideration was given to current practices andexisting equipment and supplies with the broadest possible acceptance,and to provide a basis for future improvements in the use of this cartridgemedium.This standard contains six annexes which are informative and are not con-sidered part of this standard

20、.Requests for interpretation, suggestions for improvement or addenda, ordefect reports are welcome. They should be sent to the ITI, 1250 EyeStreet, NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20005.This standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by theAccredited Standards Committee on Information P

21、rocessing Systems, X3Committee approval of this standard does not necessarily imply that allcommittee members voted for its approval. At the time it approved thisstandard, the X3 Committee had the following members.James D. Converse, ChairDonald C. Loughry, Vice-ChairJoanne Flanagan, SecretaryOrgani

22、zation Represented Name of RepresentativeAmerican Nuclear SocietyGeraldine C. MainSally Hartzell (Alt.)AMP, Inc. Edward KellyCharles Brill (Alt.)Apple Computer, IncDavid K. MichaelAT to an observer looking in the direction fromwhich the light is coming, the end point of the electric vector would app

23、ear to describe an ellipse in theclockwise sense.3.4 Kerr rotation: The rotation of the plane of polarization of an optical beam upon reflection from therecording layer. In the case of elliptical polarization, the Kerr rotation is the rotation of the major axis of theellipse.4 Test environment4.1 Ge

24、neralUnless otherwise specified, tests and measurements made on the optical disk shall be carried out in anenvironment where the air surrounding the optical disk is under the following conditions:Temperature: 23 C 2 CRelative humidity: 45% to 55%Atmospheric pressure: 60 kPa to 106 kPaAir cleanliness

25、: Class 100,000Conditioning before testing: 48 hours minimumNo condensation on, or in, the optical disk shall occur. Measurements that meet the requirements in thetest environment must provide data interchange over specific ranges of environmental parameters withinthe operating environment. See ISO/

26、IEC 10090 for media operating environment conditions.4.2 Recording4.2.1 OpticalWavelength: 825 nm + 15/-10 nm 780 nm + 15/-10 nmRatio of Lambda/NA: 1.560 m m 0.040 m m 1.475 m m 0.035 m mD/W2): 1.0 maxVariance of the wavefront: Lambda2/180 maxDetection method: Differential methodExtinction ratio: 0.

27、01 maxPolarization direction: Parallel to the track4.2.2 Read powerFor the wavelengths 825 nm and 780 nm, the optical power incident on the entrance surface of the diskand used for reading the information shall be in the range from 1.0 mW to Pmax. Pmaxshall be in therange: 1.2 mW Pmax 1.3 mW. Pmaxsh

28、all be specified in bytes 21 and 135 of the Control track. The_2)D is the diameter of the lens aperture. W is 1/e2beam diameter of the Gaussian beam.ANSI X3.244-19953recommended values for Pmaxat other rotational frequencies are given in ISO/IEC 10090. For otherwavelengths, see ISO/IEC 10090.4.2.3 E

29、rase power and field4.2.3.1 Erase conditionsMarks are erased from the disk by a constant optical power in the presence of a magnetic field. Erase powerThe erase power is the optical power incident on the entrance surface of the disk and used for erasingmarks.The tests shall be carried out at

30、a temperature of 23 C 2 C and with an erase power appropriate to theradius, given in bytes 45 to 47 and 159 to 161 of the Control data (see ISO/IEC 10090). For radii otherthan those specified, the values shall be linearly interpolated. The actual power used shall be within 10% of that selected.For o

31、ther temperatures, the values should be compensated as shown in ISO/IEC 10090, in whichrecommended maximum erase powers for two optional rotational frequencies are also shown. Erase magnetic fieldThe requirements of all tests must be met for all magnetic field intensities at the recording lay

32、er duringerasing in the range from 16,000 A/m to 32,000 A/m. The erase magnetic field, pointing in the south tonorth directions, shall be within 15 from the normal to the disk reference plane P, from the recordinglayer to the entrance surface.4.2.4 Write power and pulse widthThe write power is the o

33、ptical incident on the entrance surface of the disk and used for writing marks. Thebias power Pbshall be set between 0.9 mW and 1.1 mW. The test shall be carried out at a temperature of23 C 2 C at either one of the three constant pulse widths Tpand a write power Pwappropriate to theradius, as given

34、in bytes 22 to 30 and 136 to 144 of the Control data (see ISO/IEC 10090), or a constantpulse power Pwgiven in bytes 31 and 145, and a pulse width appropriate to the radius given in bytes 32to 34 and 146 to 148, respectively, of the Control data (see ISO/IEC 10090).For radii other than those specifie

35、d, the values shall be linearly interpolated. The actual power and pulsewidth used shall be within 5% of those selected.For other temperatures, the values should be compensated as shown in ISO/IEC 10090, in whichrecommended maximum write powers for two optional rotational frequencies are shown.The r

36、equired write power shall not exceed611192TTmW T nsppp+ for or7 mW for Tp 92 ns.Tpis expressed in nanoseconds in the formula.ANSI X3.244-19954The requirements of all tests must be met for all magnetic field intensities at the recording layer duringwriting in the range from 16,000 A/m to 32,000 A/m.T

37、he write magnetic field, pointing in the north to south directions, shall be within 15 from the normal tothe disk reference plane P, in the direction of the incident beam, i.e., from the entrance surface to therecording layer.4.2.5 Disk rotationThe rotation frequency of the optical disk shall be 30.

38、0 Hz 0.3 Hz. The direction of rotation shall becounter-clockwise when viewed from the objective lens.5 Test items5.1 GeneralThe following table shows a list of test items. The number (1) header represents the associated clauses inISO/IEC 10090. The number (2) header refers to A.I.P., an accepted ind

39、ustry practice: no test procedurefor those characteristics will be included in this document. The number (3) header denotes the clausenumber of the test method described in this document.5.2 List of test itemsRef.#(1) Test items A.I.P.(2) T.M.#(3)ISO/IEC 1009011.4.2 Mass X Moment of Inerti

40、a X Imbalance X Axial Deflection 7.311.4.6 Axial Acceleration 7.411.4.7 Dynamic Radial Runout 7.511.4.8 Radial Acceleration 7.611.4.9 Tilt X 7.711.5.3 Birefringence 7.811.5.1 Index of Refraction X 7.911.5.2 Thickness X 7.1011.5.4 Reflectance 7.1126.1 Resolution 7.1225.2 Imbalance

41、 of the Magneto-Optic Signal 7.1324.4 Erase Characteristics 7.1424.3 Write Characteristics 7.1524.2.2 Read Characteristics 7.1625.1 Figure of Merit 7.1726.2 NBSNR 7.1826.3 Cross-Talk 7.1921/22 Pre-Recorded Characteristics 7.206 Test conditions6.1 Testing environment Air cleanliness class 100,000The

42、classification of air cleanliness is based on a particle count with a maximum allowable number ofspecified minimum-sized particles per unit volume, and on a statistical average particle size distribution.ANSI X3.244-199556.1.1 DefinitionThe particle count shall not exceed a total 3,500,000 particles

43、 per cubic meter of a size 0.5 m m and larger.The statistical average particle size distribution is given in figure 1. Class 100,000 means that 3,500,000particles per cubic meter of a size of 0.5 m m are allowed, but only 25,000 particles per cubic meter of asize of 5.0 m m or larger.It should be re

44、cognized that single sample distribution may deviate from this curve because of local ortemporary conditions. Counts below 350,000 particles per cubic meter are unreliable except when a largenumber of samplings is taken.6.1.2 Test methodFor particles of sizes of the 0.5 m m to 5.0 m m, equipment emp

45、loying light-scattering principles shall beused. The air in the controlled environment is sampled at a known flow rate. Particles contained in thesampled air are passed through an illuminated sensing zone in the optical chamber of the instrument.Light scattered by individual particles is received by

46、 a photo detector that converts the light pulses intoelectrical current pulses. An electronic system relates the pulse height to particle size and counts thepulses such that the number of particles in relation to particle size is registered or displayed.100 000 00010 000 0001 000 000100 00010 000100

47、01000.1 0.5 1 5 10 100 1000Particle size in mMaximum allowable number of particles per m3Figure 1 Particle size distributionANSI X3.244-199566.2 Storage and shipping environment (see ISO/IEC 10090)Normal office environment is an extrapolation of US air cleanliness class 100,000 when measured in unit

48、sper cubic foot (see Fed. Std. No. 209D, dated October 7, 1987).6.3 Measurement set-up6.3.1 General test equipmentTest methods for 90 mm optical media contain set-up parameters that are listed for both the tester andthe support equipment.The test equipment should be of high reproducibility and repea

49、tability and shall conform to the followingdescription of the Performance Tolerance Ratio (P/T) where:P/T = 6 x SD/Tolerance 2kHzPhase margin 40Lens actuatorLens movementsensorObjectivelensBeamOptical systemsLensdisplacementDiskAxial deflectionand dynamic radialrunoutFigure 6 Optical system with position sensorFigure 7 shows the block diagram of a servo that includes a position sensor. In this configuration, x is notaffected by the actuator characteristics because it is divided by the loop gain. Figure 7 also shows thesignal xs (the runout),

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