ANSI INMM N15.8-2009 Methods of Nuclear Material Control – Material Control Systems – Special Nuclear Material Control and Accounting Systems for Nuclear Power Plants (Institute f.pdf

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ANSI INMM N15.8-2009 Methods of Nuclear Material Control – Material Control Systems – Special Nuclear Material Control and Accounting Systems for Nuclear Power Plants (Institute f.pdf_第1页
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ANSI INMM N15.8-2009 Methods of Nuclear Material Control – Material Control Systems – Special Nuclear Material Control and Accounting Systems for Nuclear Power Plants (Institute f.pdf_第2页
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ANSI INMM N15.8-2009 Methods of Nuclear Material Control – Material Control Systems – Special Nuclear Material Control and Accounting Systems for Nuclear Power Plants (Institute f.pdf_第5页
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1、American National Standardfor Methods of Nuclear Material Control Material Control Systems Special Nuclear Material Controland Accounting Systemsfor Nuclear Power PlantsANSI N15.8-2009An INMM Sponsored DocumentANSI N15.8-2009ANSIN15.8-2009Revision ofANSI N15.8-1974American National Standardfor Metho

2、ds of Nuclear Material Control Material Control Systems Special Nuclear Material Controland Accounting Systemsfor Nuclear Power PlantsSecretariatInstitute of Nuclear Materials ManagementApproved February 18, 2009 American National Standards Institute, Inc.Approval of an American National Standard re

3、quires review by ANSI that therequirements for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval havebeen met by the standards developer.Consensus is established when, in the judgement of the ANSI Board ofStandards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly andmaterially affect

4、ed interests. Substantial agreement means much more thana simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that allviews and objections be considered, and that a concerted effort be madetowards their resolution.The use of American National Standards is completely voluntary; theirex

5、istence does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approvedthe standards or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or usingproducts, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standards.The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards andwill in no circu

6、mstances give an interpretation of any American NationalStandard. Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to issue aninterpretation of an American National Standard in the name of the AmericanNational Standards Institute. Requests for interpretations should beaddressed to the secretari

7、at or sponsor whose name appears on the titlepage of this standard.CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised orwithdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National StandardsInstitute require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, orwithdraw this standar

8、d. Purchasers of American National Standards mayreceive current information on all standards by calling or writing the AmericanNational Standards Institute.American National StandardPublished byAmerican National Standards Institute, Inc.25 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036Copyright 2009 by Americ

9、an National Standards Institute, Inc.All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in anyform, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,without prior written permission of the publisher.Printed in the United States of AmericaiContentsPageForeword ii1 Scope . 12 Normative Re

10、ferences 13 Definitions. 24 Organizational Requirements 35 Material Control and Accounting Program . 46 Input Control 47 Internal Control 58 Physical Inventory . 69 SNM Calculations 710 Output Control . 811 Records and Reports . 812 System Review and Assessment 913 Physical Security . 9iiForeword (T

11、his foreword is not part of American National Standard ANSI N15.8-2009.)This standard was revised under the procedures of the American National StandardsInstitute by Accredited Standards Committee N15 on Methods of Nuclear MaterialControl. The secretariat of N15 is held by the Institute of Nuclear M

12、aterials Manage-ment (INMM). Committee N15 has the following scope:Standards for the protection, control, and accounting of special nuclear ma-terials in all phases of the nuclear fuel cycle, including analytical procedureswhere necessary and special to this purpose, except that physical protec-tion

13、 of special nuclear materials within a nuclear power plant is not included.The Institute of Nuclear Materials Management has long recognized that a well-de-veloped and established material control and accounting system is one of the ele-ments essential for preventing and detecting loss, theft, or di

14、version of specialnuclear material. This standard provides the principal elements of a system for con-trolling and accounting for special nuclear material at a nuclear power plant. ANSIN15.8-1974 was written when the fuel assembly was the primary unit of interest forcontrol and accounting of special

15、 nuclear material. At the time, there were no plansfor reconstitution of fuel assemblies and therefore no specific guidance on fuel rodsseparated from the parent assembly. There was also no specific guidance on controland accounting of pieces resulting from fuel damage. The revised standard provides

16、clearer guidelines on controlling and accounting for these materials.Suggestions for improvement of the standard will be welcome. They should be sentto the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, 111 Deer Lake Road, Suite 100,Deerfield, IL 60015. (Additional information about the INMM may be foun

17、d at http:/ standard was prepared by Committee N15 following ANSI requirements for dueprocess and for obtaining consensus. N15 Committee approval of the standard doesnot necessarily imply that all committee members voted for its approval. At the time itapproved this standard, the N

18、15 Committee had the following members:Carrie Mathews, Chair(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)Melanie May, Vice-Chair(U.S. Department of Energy)Lynne Preston, Secretary(U.S. Department of Energy)Organization Represented Name of RepresentativeAmerican Nuclear Society (ANS) . Patricia SchroederAm

19、erican Society of Industrial Security (ASIS) Robert D. HulshouserAmerican Society for Quality Control (ASQC) Chuck MoseleyAmerican Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Charles PietriAREVA-NP . Marilyn LawBWXT Lynchburg . Matthew SuwalaGlobal Nuclear Fuels Rose MartynInstitute of Nuclear Material

20、s Management (INMM). Nancy Jo NicholasLos Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) James SprinkleNational Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) . James M. AdamsNew Brunswick Laboratory (NBL) Kimberly Johnson-MillerSandia National Laboratories (SNL). Allen StanleySavannah River National Laboratory .

21、Saleem SalaymehiiiOrganization Represented Name of RepresentativeU. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).Martha WilliamsU. S. Department of Energy (DOE).James CrabtreeWestinghouse .Rod LikesY-12 National Security Complex .Sherri RedmonMember at Large.Obie Amacker, Jr.Member at Large.Yvonne FerrisM

22、ember at Large.Reuben McGilvaryMember at Large.Bruce MoranMember at Large.Joseph D. RiversThe Writing Group for N15.8, Special Nuclear Material Control and Accounting Sys-tems for Nuclear Power Plants, which is a revision of ANSI N15.8-1974, Nuclear Ma-terial Control Systems for Nuclear Power Plants

23、, had the following members:Martha Williams, Chair(U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission)Paul D. Adam(Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation)James Crabtree(U.S. Department of Energy)Giancarlo Delfini(Entergy Nuclear Operations)Frank J. Fresella(Exelon Generation Company/Public Service Enterprise Grou

24、p)Edward B. Gibson(Southern Nuclear Operating Company)William Herwig(South Carolina Electric and Gas)Melanie May(INMM ASC N15 Advisor)Thomas Morello(Constellation Energy)Everett Redmond(Nuclear Energy Institute)Glenn Tuttle(U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission)Dori Votolato (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Co

25、mmission)ivAMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD ANSI N15.8-20091 American National Standard for Methods of Nuclear Material Control Material Control Systems - Special Nuclear Material Control and Accounting Systems for Nuclear Power Plants 1 Scope This standard establishes guidelines concerning control of and

26、 accounting for special nuclear material (SNM) at nuclear power plants. The guidelines set forth in this standard are applicable to SNM and various material mixtures containing SNM. Generally, the SNM involved is plutonium, 233U, or uranium enriched in the isotope 235U. The 235U content will vary de

27、pending on the type of reactor and various reactor parameters. SNM is typically in the form of pellets encapsulated in fuel rods. Guidelines are set forth for the fundamentals of a SNM control and accounting system, including criteria for the receipt, internal control, physical inventory, and shipme

28、nt of SNM. 2 Normative References The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this American National Standard. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this American National Standard are encouraged to in

29、vestigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 20, Standards for protection against radiation Title 10, CFR, Part 72, Licensing requirements for the independent storage of spent nuclear fuel, high-lev

30、el radioactive waste, and reactor-related greater than Class C waste Title 10, CFR, Part 73, Physical protection of plants and materials Title 10, CFR, Part 74, Material control and accounting of special nuclear material (All references are to Title 10 as of January 1, 2008.) ANSI N15.8-2009 3 Defin

31、itions In this standard the following definitions shall apply: 3.1 book inventory (inventory of record). A master database or listing of all SNM currently possessed, reflecting the input of all material control records. 3.2 dry storage canister. The smallest structurally discrete item containing fue

32、l assemblies or fuel components, which is stored on an ISFSI pad within the area controlled by the owner. 3.3 fuel assembly. The grouping of fuel components combined as an integral unit for use in a nuclear reactor. 3.4 fuel component. The smallest structurally discrete part of a fuel assembly that

33、contains SNM. This is normally a fuel rod for intact components, but includes rod fragments, or pellets (or significant fraction thereof) if the rod structural integrity is not maintained. 3.5 fuel component container. A container that provides protection to fuel components comparable to that afford

34、ed by an intact fuel assembly and that is held to the same accounting standards as a fuel assembly, in that the container has the following attributes: The container is specifically designed to contain rods/rod fragments; The container is stored in the fuel storage rack cells; and The use of special

35、ized handling tools and equipment is required to access the SNM stored in the container. 3.6 Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI). A complex designed and constructed for dry interim storage of spent nuclear fuel. 3.7 item. Fuel assembly, fuel component container, non-fuel SNM containe

36、r, sealed container, reassembled reactor vessel, dry storage canister, or a discrete piece of SNM (fuel or non-fuel) that is not stored in a container. 3.8 item control area (ICA). A defined area within the owner controlled area for which the SNM (fuel assemblies, fuel components, or non-fuel SNM) i

37、s maintained in such a way that, at any time, an item count and related SNM quantities can be obtained from the records for the SNM located within the area. ICAs have defined physical boundaries; these generally comprise fresh and irradiated fuel storage areas, including ISFSIs, reactor vessels, spe

38、nt fuel pools, and non-fuel SNM storage areas. 3.9 item count (piece count). Visual verification that an item is in the location documented in the material control records. Verification of an items identification number is not necessary for a piece count. 3.10 material control records. Records of SN

39、M receipt, internal transfer, reconstitution, acquisition, inventory, and shipment (including disposal). 3.11 non-fuel SNM. Items containing SNM that are not intended for use as fuel, e.g., fission detectors. 2 ANSI N15.8-2009 3.12 non-fuel SNM container. A container used to store non-fuel SNM items

40、, which has the following attributes: The container is specifically designed or evaluated for storage of SNM; The container is stored in an area with controlled access; and The use of specialized handling tools and equipment is required to access the SNM stored in the container. 3.13 physical invent

41、ory. Determination on a measured basis of the quantity of SNM on hand at a given time; a complete check of all material on hand. The methods of physical inventory and associated measurements will vary depending on the material to be inventoried and the process involved. The typical physical inventor

42、y at a power reactor plant consists of an item count (piece count) of SNM in each ICA. 3.14 sealed container. Container storing SNM that has been sealed with a tamper-safing device or other mechanical means, e.g., welding. 3.15 special nuclear material (SNM). Plutonium, uranium-233, uranium enriched

43、 in the isotope 233U or in the isotope 235U, and any other material which the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), pursuant to the provisions of Section 51 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, determines to be SNM. 3.16 tamper-safing. The use of a device on a container in a manner and at a

44、time that ensures a clear indication of any violation of the integrity of the contents of the container. 4 Organizational Requirements 4.1 Delegation of Responsibilities and Authority Material control functional and organizational relationships shall be set forth in writing in organizational directi

45、ves, instructions, procedures, manuals, or other documents. Documentation should include position qualification requirements and definitions of authority, responsibilities, and duties. The assignment of SNM control and accounting functions should be such that the activities of one person or unit ser

46、ve as a control over and a check of the activities of other persons or units. Activities involving handling, accounting, or control of SNM should be verified by a second person. Specific assignments of responsibilities should be prescribed for all facets of the SNM control system. Delegation of mate

47、rial control responsibilities and authority should be in writing. Material control functions should be assigned in accordance with 4.1.1 through 4.1.3. Titles assigned to the positions are intended to be descriptive only. Organizations, specific titles, and related functions may vary. 4.1.1 Plant Ma

48、nager The plant manager at each nuclear power plant should have overall physical control and physical inventory responsibilities for SNM at the plant site. 4.1.2 SNM Manager The SNM manager should have overall responsibility for implementation of the SNM control and accounting function. 4.1.3 SNM Cu

49、stodian The SNM custodian at each nuclear power plant should be responsible for the performance of the functions that relate to the control of SNM. 3 ANSI N15.8-2009 4.2 Experience or Training Personnel responsible for SNM control and accounting should have experience or training applicable to their functions. 4.3 Accounting Group The utility should establish an SNM accounting group. This group should maintain records for the SNM in the plants possession as required in 10 CFR 74.19(b). 4.4 Vendor/Contractor Oversight The utility should establish a program to ensure a

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