ANSI NISO 12083-1995 Electronic Manuscript Preparation and Markup.pdf

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1、 STD-NISO 12083-ENGL is75 b478908 O27r8 141 About the National Information Standards Series NISO Standards are developed by the Standards Committees of the National Information Standards Organization. The development process is a strenuous one that includes a rigorous peer review of proposed standar

2、ds open to each NISO Voting Member and any other interested party. Final approval of the standard involves verification by the American National Standards Institute that its requirements for due process, consensus, and other approval criteria have been met by NISO. Once verified and approved, NISO S

3、tandards also become American National Standards. The use of an ANSI/NISO Standard is voluntary. That is, the existence of this NISO Standard does not preclude anyone, whether or not that person has adopted the NISO Standard, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, o

4、r procedures that do not conform to the NISO Standard. However, the use of standards (those developed by NISO as well as other standards-developing organizations) has proven to be in the best interests of any industry wishing to increase its effectiveness and efficiency in the areas of product devel

5、opment, manufacturing, and marketing and, therefore, such use is encouraged by ANSI, NISO, and all other standards-developing organizations. Each NISO Standard is reviewed at least once every five years to confirm that it remains viable and useful in its current environment. Comments for revision ar

6、e welcome at any time from any interested party. Proposed changes to this NISO Standard or suggestions for new NISO Standards should be sent to the NISO office at 4733 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 300, Bethesda, MD 20814. Occasionally, questions may arise concerning the meaning or intent of specific secti

7、ons of a NISO Standard. Interpretations may be obtained by writing to the NISO office. This NISO Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. Purchasers may receive the most recent information on all NISO Standards by calling or writing: NISO Press Fulfillment Center P.O. Box 338 Oxon Hill, MD

8、20750-0338 U.S.A. U.S. and Canada 1-800-282-NISO (6476) Washington, DC area and outside the U.S.: 301-567-9522 Fax: 301-567-9553 STD-NISO 12083-ENGL 1775 m b478908 0002949 088 m ANSI/NISO/ISO 12083-1995 ISSN: 1041-5653 (Revision and redesignation of ANSI 239.59-1988) Electronic Manuscript Preparatio

9、n and Markup Abstract: To assist in the transfer of electronic text, four document type definitions (DTDs) are presented. Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) declarations are specified for the following DTDs: (1) Books, (2) Articles, (3) Serials, and (4) Mathematics. Annex A describes the st

10、ructure and additional facilities of the DTDs. Annex B is a description of SGML elements. Annex C includes examples of marked-up text. Developed by the National Information Standards Organization Approved April 17,1995 by the American National Standards Institute Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A. STDmNISO

11、12083 c!- Copyright: C) International Organization for Standardization 1994. Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in IS0 6879:1986, provided this notice is included in all copies. Publishing/EN“ General Technical/?“ Diacritical Ma

12、rks/ /EN“ Added Latin l/EN“ Added Math Symbols: Ordinary/EN“ Greek Letters / /EN“ Greek Symbols/EN“ ENTITY % ISOarnso PUBLIC “IS0 8879:1986/ENTITIES ENTITY % Isogrkl PUBLIC “IS0 8879:1986/ENTITIEs ENTITY % IsOgrk3 PUBLIC “IS0 8879:1986/ENTITIES %ISOnum; % I SOpub ; BISOtech; %ISOdia; %ISOiati ; %Iso

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17、ex NUTOKEN #IMPLIED sizey NUTOKEN #IMPLIED unit CDATA #IMPLIED - unit must be specified if sizex or sizey are. - Indicates which alphabet is used in the element (title, p, ql. This may be changed to a notation attribute, where the notation could describe a keyboard ilatinlgreekicyrilliclhebrewlkanji

18、) latin mapping. Modify the set as necessary. (1121314151 #IMPLIED - Suggestions for date types: 5=month day year; if more needed e.g. day month year) l=ISO 8601:1988, 2=nn-dd-, 3=m/dd/, Q=dd-m-yy, modify or extend this list as necessary. (1 I2 I3 I4 I5 16) #IMPLIED - Suggestions for emphasis types:

19、 l=bold, 2=italic, 3=bold italic, 4=underline, %non proportional, 6=smallcaps; if more needed modify or extend this list as necessary. . ( 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 ) - Suggestions for list types: l=arabic, 2=uppercase alpha, 3=roman, I=bullet, 5=dash, 6=unlabelled; if more needed ie.g. lower alpha) #IM

20、PLIED modify or extend this list as necessary 6 STD-NISO L2083-ENGL 1775 b1178908 0002967 UT3 ANSI/NISO/ISO 12083-1 995 i!- +t+t+tt+t+tttt+ttttttttttt+ttt+ttt+ttttt+ttttttttt+tttttttttttt 7 ANSUNISO/ISO 12083-1 995 i!- Publishers Front Matter i! ELEMENT cpyrt 8 STD*NISO L2083-ENGL 1975 b478708 00027

21、b7 77b ANSVNISO/ISO 12083-1995 ! - Section Subelements i!- - O; - individual address - O; - organization address - o EMPTY (head?, item) * 9 ANSUNISO/ISO 12083-1 995 i!- ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt+ttttttt+ttt+ttttttttttt+ttttttt+t names -(%i.float;) - O (head*, tsubhead*, row

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23、ni/hl De f ini tions 12 ANSI/NISO/ISO 12083-1 995 Figure: . title para fn Foreword * Index #IMPLIED #IMPLIED AIMPLI ED #IMPLIED Introduction litem .note. Narneloc: 13 STD-NISO 22083-ENGL 1795 D b1178708 00029711 233 ANSVNISO/ISO 12083-1 995 Namel is t : “ %a. types ; “para I “chapter #use SDAPART“ “

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