ARMY MIL-C-14887-1974 CASE CARTRIDGE 106MM M94B1 ASSEMBLY《M94B1装配106MM子弹壳》.pdf

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ARMY MIL-C-14887-1974 CASE CARTRIDGE 106MM M94B1 ASSEMBLY《M94B1装配106MM子弹壳》.pdf_第1页
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1、CL3 L m PIIL-C-14887 (HU) . 24 May 1974 SUPERSEDING FA-PD-M1-2646 30 April 1965 MILITARY SPXIFICATION CASI, CAItiRIJ)CE, 106MM, M94B1 ASSUlDLY This specification is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the llepartment of. Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification covers Case, Cartridge

2、 106Mt, i494B1 Assembly. 2. APPLICABLE WCWlENTS 2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bid or request for proposalfonn a part of this specification to the extent specified herein, SPI?CIFICAlIONS . Military . MIL-A-O 5 5 O STANDARDS Military MIL-STD-105 . MIL-ST

3、D-109 MIL-STD-1167 MIL-STD-116 8 HIL-STD-1169 MIL-STD-1235 - Ammunition and Special Weapons, General Specification for . i -: - Sampling Procedures and Tables for -.Quality Assurance Terms and Definitions - Aimnunition Data Card. - Lot Numbering of Armnunition - Packaging, Packing and Marking for Sh

4、ipment of Inert Ammunition Components - Single and Multilevel Continuous Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes Inspection by Attributes FSC 1315 ! .I ., i P Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-1 IL-C- 14887 (NU) 2.1

5、(Gontd) DRAWING Armament Command F8596150 F7548235 IEL-8596150 - Case Cartridge 106bM, PI94B1 - Carton, Ammunition for Interplant Shipment of - Index of InspectionSEquipment List Steel Cartridge. Cases, Empty 2.2 Other publications.-The following documente form a part of this secification to the ext

6、ent specified herein. the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal Unless otherwise indicated!, . shall apply. ANSI-1246.1. - Surface Texture (Application for copies should be addressed to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 1430 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 1

7、0018.) ASTM Method E-8 . - Tension Testing of Metallic Materials ASTM Method E-18 Asm Method 3117 - Rockwell Hardness of Metallic Materials - Salt Spray (Fog) Testing (Application for copies should be addressed to the American Society for Testing and Naterials, 1916 Race Ctyeet, Philadelphia, Pa. 19

8、103.) I Av542 O 58 - Weldins Symbols, 345 Bast 47th Street, New York, 17, N.Y. 3.1 General.-lfatarials, parts and assemblies shall comply-with the - requirements specified on the applicable drawings, referenced specifications and the foIlowing: 3.2 Cartridge Case. 3.2.1 leat treatment and stress rel

9、ief.-Each cartridge case body ( inside diameter (major defect).-After maximum profile gaging, The gage shall enter and be withdrawn. freely without Failure of the cartridge case to comply with the require- Mechanical properties, 8 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking pe

10、rmitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-14887 (MU) c 1iardness.-Ten cartridge caaee from the initial production sample and 4 cartridge cases from each production lot ehall be subjected to a.liotdnees test, with a Rockwell liardnese Tester or any other method approved by the pro- curing

11、activity, The test shall be performed in locations as specified on the applicable drawing. Failure of one or more cartridge cases to comply with the requirements of -the applicable drawing, shall be cause for rejection of the lot represented by the sample. . 1 Heat treatment and stress I_

12、relief (Major defect).-Each cartridge case shall be subjected to a non-destructive hardness comparator test. cartridge case to comply with the requirements of 3.2.1 or indications that tlre cartridge case failed to harden shall be cause for rejection of the cartridge case, Failure of the Str

13、enpth of brazed joint (head to tube) (Major defect).-Ten cartridge cases from the initial production sample and 4 cartridges per 8 hr. shift from each brazing machine in operation shall be subjected to this test. cases selected shall be mounted on an approved test fixture. be applied gradually until

14、 the required load has been attained. the test fixture, the joint will be visually examined for crack(s) in the brazed area or deformation of the cartridge case in the heat affected zone. Failure of one or more cartridge cases to complpwith 3.4 shall be cause for rejection of the production on the b

15、razing machine represented by the failure. The cartridge The pressure shall Upon removal from Soundness of weld _(Critical - defect).-Each cartridge case, after final expansion but prior to application of the varnish, shall have both surfaces of the weld examined visually to determine compli

16、ance with 3.5.1. The weld seam on the outside surface shall be visually examined for crack(s) or other discontinuities. The inside surface of the weld seam shall be examined for crack(s) or other discontinuities, utilizing a probe light (100 ft, Candles In addition a four power borescope shall be us

17、ed to inspect five cases per hour per welding machine in operation. found, all cases processed since the last acceptable hours exainination will be screened using the borescope. screening of the last acceptable hours production, continued back screening using the borscope will be in effect until an

18、acceptable hours production is reached, i.e, no defects discovered in the screening operation. In addition, the first hours production since the first defect was found shall be subjected to inspection by use of the borescope. If no defects are found duringkhis hours production, the contractor may re

19、turn to sample of five (5) per hour. Failure to comply with the requirements shall be cause for rejection of the cartridge case. , be as specified in the applicable specification. requirements shall be cause for taking action prescribed therein. - . _- . min.), In the event a defective weld is If on

20、e or more defects are discovered in the back 4.3.3+6 Protective coating,.-The sample size and acceptance criter5a shall Failure to comply with the i r Y I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.I MIL-C-14887 (MU) Proving ground func

21、tional tests.-The following proving ground functional tests will be performed by the Government: - First Article Sample. Initial production sample.-The quantities listed in Table I will be ballistically tested in the phases indicated and the results of the test will be evaluate

22、d in accordance with the criteria set forth in Table III, except that no re-test will be permitted. Test Phase - . Quant it y Excess Pressure Phase 100 Cold Temperature Phase 50 Recoil Momentum (information nly) 5 Excess, Excess Pressure I Phase (Infoknation Only) 50 Production lot.-The qu

23、antities listed in Table II will be ballistic- ally tested in the phases indicated and the results of the test will be evaluated in accordance with the criteria set forth in Table III. eligible for re-test, using double the number of samples, provided that after firing, the rejection criteria has no

24、t been attained. The lot will be considered TABLE II - Quantity Excess Pressure Phase 40 Recoil llomentum (Information nly) 5 TABLE III Defect characteristic - First Sample Cumulative Sample Accept Reject. Accept Reject 1. Splits or Cracks O 1 2. Extraction O 1 3. Primer retention O 2 Not permitted

25、Not permitted 1 2 - Excessjressure phase.-The cartridge case will be assembled into a complete round in the same manner as required for service firing. charge will be adjusted to obtain 109 to 117 percent of the upper pressure limit of the propellant used with the applicable cartridge case

26、, be temperature conditioned at plus 65 degrees Fahrenheit (F) to plus 75 dearees F, and fired in a gun for which the round is standard. The propellant The complete round will I- I ! 10 b . . .I - . . . . - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

27、-,-,-HIL-C-Lq887 13 W 7777706 0278023 i m NIL-C-14887 (XU) Cold temperature phase.-The cartridge case will be assembled. into a complete round in the same manner as required for service firing. charge will be such as to produce a chamber pressure as required by the applicable drawing piezo

28、 equivalent pressure, as measured by a copper crushed gage,-when temperature conditioned at 70 degrees F. Conditioned at minus 40 degrees + 5 degree6 F. and fired in a gun for which the round is standard- The propellant The complete round will be temperature The weapon will be operated in the servic

29、e manner. Excess, ex-cxsEs pressure phase,-The cartridge case will be assembled. into a complete round in the same manner as requireil for service firing. lant charge will be such as to produce the maximum chamber pressure permitted by the Proving Ground, 65 degrees F. to plus75 degrees F.

30、 and fired in a gun for which the round is standard. The propel- The complete round will be temperature conditioned at plus -The weapon will be operated in the service manner. Recoil momentum phase.-The cartridge case will be assembled into R complete round in the samemanner as required fo

31、r service firing, charge will be such as to produce the service velocity and pressure for the complete round. The recoil momentum will be recorded. The propellant 5. PREPARATION FOR IIELIVERY 5.1 Packing. 5.1.1 L Level A - Not aEplicablc. 5.1.2 Level E - Notalicable. - .- 5.1.3 -_I Level C.- The car

32、tridge case shall be packed in accordance with the requirements of Drawing F7548235. 5.2 Labeling and marking.-Labeling and marking for shipment shall be in accord- ance with MIL-STD-1169. 5.3 Data cards.-Data card information shall be as specified in MIL-STD-1167 Preparation of Ammunition Data Card

33、s. 6. NOTES 6.1 Prior to fabrication of an initial production sample, the contractor upon I 1 approval of the contracting officer, may make and submit for evaluation up to 5 process control lots. nor more than 25 cartridge cases each. pertaining to the manufacture of the lots to the contracting offi

34、cer. testing these process control lots will be borne by the Government. i These process control lots shall consist of not less than 10 The contractor shall furnish all inforniation All costs for 11 I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-6

35、.2 Visual examina-tion. qualificatioc.-When compliance with the npplicuble requirements is in doubt as a result of visual examination, this ni:iy be measured or gaged to determine acceptability . 6.3 gxtraction,-The term “extraction” shall mean that the fired cartridge case Is loosen

36、ed and pulled to the rear of the weapon sufficiently to permit rciiiovtil by hand, 6.4 Visual standards.-Visual I_- standards to be established at contractors plant: in accordance with 3.10.1 or whenever directed by the procuring contracting office. 6.5 Alternative . - testins procedures.-Alternativ

37、e testing procedures niay be used by the contractor when such testing and procedures provide as a niinimun) the quality assurance provisions specified herein. the contractor shall describe them in a written proposal and shall demonstrate for approval of the responsible technical agency that their ef

38、fectiveness is equal to or better than the quality provisions specified herein. Prior to applying alternative procedures, 6.6 When a product ia being inspected in accordance with MIL-STD-1235 and u defective found, the product produced prior to the discovered defect will be screene

39、d until the frequency (f) number is found to be free of that defect. 6.7 I- Orderiedata,-Procurement documents should specify the title, number, . and date of this specification. Custodian: Anny - 1m Preparing activity: Amy - MU Project No. 1315-A250 12 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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