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ARMY MIL-C-64030-1986 CONTROL INDICATOR FOR DISPENSER AND MINES GROUND M131《M131型配药和地雷 地面配件控制指标》.pdf_第1页
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ARMY MIL-C-64030-1986 CONTROL INDICATOR FOR DISPENSER AND MINES GROUND M131《M131型配药和地雷 地面配件控制指标》.pdf_第2页
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ARMY MIL-C-64030-1986 CONTROL INDICATOR FOR DISPENSER AND MINES GROUND M131《M131型配药和地雷 地面配件控制指标》.pdf_第3页
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ARMY MIL-C-64030-1986 CONTROL INDICATOR FOR DISPENSER AND MINES GROUND M131《M131型配药和地雷 地面配件控制指标》.pdf_第4页
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ARMY MIL-C-64030-1986 CONTROL INDICATOR FOR DISPENSER AND MINES GROUND M131《M131型配药和地雷 地面配件控制指标》.pdf_第5页
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1、MIL-C-6403O(AR) 20 OCTOBER 1986 MILITARY SPECIFICATION CONTROL, INDICATOR, FOR DISPENSER AND MINES: GROUND M131 This specification is approved for use within U.S. Army Armament, Munitions and Chemical Command, and is available for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1.

2、SCOPE . 1.1 Scope. This specification contains requirements not normally covered by drawings and provides Quality Assurance provisions for the fabrication of parts, assembly and packing of the Control Indicator for Dispenser and Mines, M131. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Government documents. 2.1.1 Sp

3、ecificationsand standards. Unless otherwise specified, the following specifications and standards of the issue listed in that issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specificatios and Standards (DoDISS) specified in the solicitation, form a part of this specification to the extent specif iced he

4、rein. SPECIFICATIONS FEDERAL PPP-B-621 - Box, Wood, Nailed and Lock-Corner. MILITARY MIL-B-117 - Bags, Sleeves and Tubing-Interior Packaging MIL-C-3098- Crystal Units, Quartz, General Specification For MIL-L-7961 - Light. Indicator, Press to Test MIL-P-14232 - Parts, Equipment and Tools for Army Mat

5、eriel, Packaging of MIL-C-14409 - Capacitors, Variable, General Specification For Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may beof use in improv- ing this document should be addressed to: Commander, U.S. Army Armament, Munitions and Chemical Command,

6、Attn: AMSMC-QA, Dover, New Jersey 07801-5001 by using the self-addressed Standardization Document Improve- ment Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter. AMSC N/A FSC 1345 rlISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. THIS DOCUME

7、NT CONTAINS 10 3 PAGES. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-64030 13 7797706 0353424 2 MIL-C-64030 (AR) MIL-E-17555 - Electronic and Electrical Equipment, Accessories, and Provisioned Items (Repair Parts) : Packaging of MIL-F-18327

8、- Filters, High Pass, Low Pass, Band Pass, Band Suppression and Dual MIL-S-19500 - Semiconductor Device, General MIL-S-19500/108- Semiconductor Device, Thyristors Specification For (Controlled Rectifiers), Silicon Types 2N682, 2N683, 2N685, through 2N692, 2N5206, TX2N682, TX2N683, TX2N685 through TX

9、2N692 and TX2N5206. Voltage Regulator Types 1N962B through 1N992B, lB962B-1 through lN992B-1, Jan, Jantx, Jantxv and Jans. Silicon, Switching Types 2N2221, 2N2221A, 2N2222, and 2N2222A, Jan, Jantx, Jantxv and Jans. Silicpn, Switching Types 2N69Aa and 24453 Jan, Jantx, Jantxv. Voltage Regulatro Types

10、 1N4954 through 1N4996, 1N5968 and 1N5969 Jan, Jantx Jantxv, and Jans. MIL-S-19500/420- Semiconductor Device, Diode, Silicon, Power Rectifier, General Purpose TX and NonTX Types 1N5550 through 1N5554. MIL-S-19500/427- Serniconductor Device, Diode, Silicon, Power Rectifier Types 1N5614, 1N5616, 1N561

11、8, 1N5620, 1N5622, Jan, - Jantx, Jantxv and Jans. MIL-S-19500/445- Semiconductor Device, Diode, Silicon, Switching Types 1N5712, TX 1N5712. MIL-S-19500/477- Semiconductor Device, Diode, Silicon, Fast Recovery, Power Rectifier TX and Non-TX, Types 1N5802, 1N5804, 1N5806, 1N5807, 1N5809, and 1N5811. E

12、stablished Reliability Styles CMR04 to 08. Electrolyte) , Tantalum, (Polarized, Sintered Slug), Established Reliability, Style CSR 13. MIL-R-39008/1 - Resistor, Fixed, Composition (Insulated), Established Reliability, Style RCR07. MIL-S-19500/117- Semiconductor Devices, Diode, Silicon MIL-S-19500/25

13、5- Semiconductor Device, Transistor NPN, MIL-S-19500/283- Semiconductor Device, Transistor, PNP, MIL-S-19500/356- Semiconductor Device, Diode, Silicon, MIL-C-39001/5 - Capacitor, Fixed, Mica Dielectric, MIL-C-39003/1 - Capacitor, Fixed, Electrolytic (Solid 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduct

14、ion or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-C-64030 13 I 7777906 0353425 4 W MIL-R-39008/2 - Resistor, Fixed, Composition (Insulated) , Established Reliability, Style RCR2O. MIL-C-39014/2 - Capacitor, Fixed, Ceramic Dielectric (General Purpose) Established Reliability, Style CKRO6.

15、 MIL-C-39014/5 - Capacitor, Fixed, Ceramic Dielectric (General Purpose) Established Reliability, Style CKR11, 12, 14 to 16. MIL-C-39014/22 - Capacitor, Fixed, Ceramic Dielectric (General Purpose) Established Reliability, Style CKR22, CKR23, and CKR2 4. MIL-R-39017/1 - Resistor, Fixed, Film (Insulate

16、d) MIL-S-45743 MIL-S-46844 MIL-A-48078 MIL-M-48646 MIL-M-48647 MIL-M-64020 STANDARDS MILITARY MIL-STD-105 MIL-STD-129 MIL-STD-2 O 2 MIL-STD-331 MIL-STD-454 MIL-STD-750 MIL-STD-810 MIL-STD-883 Established Reliability, Style RLR07. - Soldering, Manual Type, High Reliability Electrical and Electronic E

17、quipment. - Solder Both Soldering of Printed Wiring Assemblies - Ammunition, Standard Quality Assurance Provisions, General Specifications For. - Microcircuit, Digital, SCO/DLA Multichip CMOS - Microcircuit, Digital, Decoder, Logic Array - Microcircuit, Amplifier, Bipolar, high frequency, Front End

18、- Sampling Procedures and Tables for - Marking for shipment and storage. - Test Methods for Electronic and Electrical - Fuze and Fuze Components, Environmental - Standard General requirements for - Test Methods for Semiconductor Devices, - Environmental Test Method. - Test Methods and Procedures for

19、 Inspection by Attributes. Component Parts. , and Performance Test for. Electronic Equipment. Microelectronics. DOD-STD-1686 - Electrostatic discharge Control Program for Protection of Electrical and Electronic Parts, Assemblies and Equipment. 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networ

20、king permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-64030 13 77777Ob 0353q2b 6 W MIL-C-64030(AR) HANDBOOKS DOD-HDBK-263 - EDC Handbook for Protection of Electrical. and Electronics Parts, Assemblies and Equipment. 2.1.2 Other qovernment documents, drawinqs, and publications. The following other govern

21、ment documents form a part of this specification to the extent herein. DRAWINGS U.S. ARMY ARMAMENT RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND ENGINEERING CENTER ( ARDEC) PRODUCT DRAWINGS a i 9333026 - Specification of MOPMS Classified 9333036 - Control Indicator Electrical characteristics. PACKAGING PUBLICATIONS .PP

22、P-B - 6 2 1 Boxes, Wood, Nailed and Lock-Corner publications required by the suppliers in connection with specific procurement of functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer). the text of this specification and the references.cited herein, the t

23、ext of this specification shall take precedence. (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and 0 2.2 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Materials. Materials shall be in accordance with applicable drawings and specifications. shall comply with all requir

24、ements specified on drawing 9333036 and associated drawing and with al1:requirements specified in applicable specifications and standars. 3.2 Components and assemblies. The components and assemblies 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-M

25、IL-C-64030 13 7779706 0353427 3.3 Physical requirements . 3.3.1 Envelope and dimensions. The envelope and dimensions of the Control Indicator shall conform to the resuhements of .- Drawing 9333036. 3.4 Environmental conditions. 3.4.1 Operating temperature. When power-up, the Control Indicator Assemb

26、ly shall activate and perform as specified in Dwg. 9333026 over a temperature range given- therein and-when tested as specified in 3-5. 3.4.2 Transportation vibration. The Control Indicator shall show no evidence of internal or external damage that will affect the intended functions foliowing Transp

27、ortation Vibration Test No. 119, Procedure 2 of MIL-STD-331. 3.4.3 Shock. The Control Indicator shall be subject to mechanical shock per MfL-STD-202, Method 23B, Condition E with a 5000 g peak and a duration of .O5 ms minimum/ 2 ms maximum . 3.5 Electronic assemblies performance characteristics. 3.5

28、.1 Radio frequency (RF) receiver. This section describes the performance characteristics of the Radio Frequency (RF) Receiver, assembly no. 933304Q, a subassembly of the Control Indicator. Fast clock output. The signal at E7 (DLACK) shall be it 119.5 -C 1 % kHz square wave with a duty cycle

29、of 50 + 10 %, a logic zeFo levei of 0.2 + 0.2 volt an a logic one evl of 5 - + O. 2 volts when tested asspecif ied in Crystal clock. The signal at E5 (CLK) shall have a frequency of 478 kHz 2 18, a duty cycle of 67 + lo%, a logic zero level of 0.2 +0.2 volt and a logic one level O

30、F 5 5 0.2 volts when tested as specified in MCD coil. a. With 5 + .1 volts applied to E15 (MCDI) and 4 + 0.2 volts to E16 (MCDZ) , the outputs at El? (Ll) and E18 (L2) shall be 5 2 volt and a high level of 5 - + 0.5 volts when tested as specified in Fast clock o

31、utput (deploy mode).The signal on the fast clock output, E50 (-FCL), in the deploy mode of operation shall be a 14.9 KHZ + 10% square wave with a low level of 0.2 - + 0,2 volt and a high Teve1 of 5 5 0.5 volts when tested as specified in Electric battery initiation (EBI) waveforms

32、. In response to a deploy command, the tube drivers, when loaded as showri in figure 6 (EBI configuration), shall each generate the series of pulses shown in figure 1. The EBI waveforms shall occur in consecutive order as specified in figure 2. The energy transferred from the tube drivers to each 3.

33、3 ohm EBI load resistor shall be 2500 ergs minimum when tested as specfie6 in High voltaqe supply. With the voltage on E9 (VBT) set to 13 + 0.5 volts, the high voltage supply output voltage at E10 (VHV),when enabled, shall be 18.6 volts minimum and 19.5 volts maximum when tested

34、 as specified in Field set data (FSD) sequence. In response to a deploy command, the tube drivers, when loaded as shown -in figure 6 (FSD configuration), shall each generate the FSD sequence shown in figure 3. The FSD sequences shall occur in consecutive order as specified infig

35、ure 4 when tested as specified in 7 . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-b4030 13 M 0b 0353430 B M Detonator driver pulses. In response to a deploy command, the detonator driver outputs 51-12 (DET1) with respe

36、ct to 51-24 (DETl(R) and 51-13 (DET2) with respect to 51-25 (DET2(R) shall each generate exponentially decaying pulses which meet the requirements of figure 5 when tested as specified in Accelerated arm sequence. The DLC arming sequence can be accelerated when tested as specifi

37、ed in Hardwire input circuit reversed polarity. Voltage at E47 (HWD) shall be 5 + 0.3 volts and the voltage at E46 (-HWD) is 0.2 3 t 0.2 volts whentested as specified in section describes the performance characteristics of the Control Indicator assembly no. 9333036. 3

38、.5.3 Control indicator performance characteristics. This Safe/arm switch resistance. The DC resistance of the Safe/Arm Switch circuits shall be as ssecified below when measured between the points listed in the table-for each of the four switch positions: SAFE, TEST, LOAD, and ARM when tested

39、 as specified in Siqnal From TO SAFE TEST LOAD ARM DET1 J1-12 51-24 41. 1K iK DET2 51-13 51-25 1K (1 1K 51-23 AlA2E10 51 i 5 41 41 * L1 51-23 AlA2E25- * N ri mmmmm m .o. ri dPdPdPI O000 wewl .O ooorl dP m W .O . O rl . a al C .Pl w al a E U u al u u O u c .d al u C cd U .d u m u 3 r, C a)

40、 u u 7 u al 0 m Y m al 4 8 U u m w C O U m pc .d rn rn .d .d n k U .d rl .d a m i r 2I n Y) Z O H B u w d pi m H I3 v h O .LJ Io -rl v1 d a u B rji -I N * * . . e 7 a E ut zl! Y Y IL W U a n rl . w e*.* . b e cvcvcvu) (v cv rl mmmm. m m n 44 4 a, a, aa o a, n m W O +Ju w m O0 22 o cv d a, O e 2 al .

41、LJ* (v(v O mm z- h . : n al u H ala Cnc au rl c O .Pl c, .rl VI O O u CI a, x Fr I9 . -rl . 8 2 CI VI .FI VI UI rl cv -J d( . . e - - E a a E ZE a t! e W Y U I u PL h. - rl -r CVW CVrl mm mm a, I rl $ c, & Id pi & a, a 2 ci & Id pi 5 00000000000 ffiffiffiffiffiGffiffiffiffiffi uuuuuuuuuuu ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 30 zr=, id u .rl c, .rl & u Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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