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1、MIL-1-58099 66 999990b OLq2555 3 I! . MIL-I -58099 (AV) 28 June 1974 F-03-07 MILITARY SPECIFICATION INDICATOR, PRESSURE, TYPE TB-1 This specification is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Departnient of Defense. . 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This specification covers one type of hermeti

2、cally sealed, remote indicating, vol tage ratio type, oil pressure indicator designated Type TB-1. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2:1 Government Furnished Documents. The fol lowing documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal , form a part of the specification to

3、the extent specified herei n. SPECIFICATION I Mi 1 i tary MIL-1-58098 Indicators, Pressure, Helicopter, Voltage Ratio Type, General Specification for MIL-B-27497 Bearing , Jewel , Sapphi re or Ruby, Synthetic MIL-T-58100 Transmi tter, Pressure, Oi 1 Vol tage Ratio Type STANDARDS Federal FED-STD-595

4、Col ors Mi 1 i tary MI L-STD-781 Reliability Tests Exponential Distribution MIL-STD-785 Requirements for Re1 iabi 1 i ty Programs (for MI L - STD-83 1 Systems and Equi pments) Test Reports , Preparation of ./THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS PAGES. f ESC 6620 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or net

5、working permitted without license from IHS-,-,-cationk conflict, this specfication shall govern. 3.2 Design and construction. Indicator shall be designed for use with a transmitter conforming to MIL-T-58100. 3.2.1 Reliability program. The contractor shall establish 3.2.1 ;1 Indicator reliability. Th

6、e indicator shall have a a re1 iabi 1 i ty program in accordance with MIL-STD-785. minimum acceptable MTBF (mean-time-between-fail ures) of 2,000 hours at a confidence level of 90 percent, and a discrimination ratio of 1.5. Indicator longevity. The indicator shall have an operating life span

7、 of 3,000 hours. 3.2.2 - Case, The case dimensions shall confom to MS33639 Case length shall be 2 5/8 2 3/8 inches. for 2 inch size. 3.2.3 Pointer. The pointer shall be in accordance with MS33585-8 exceDtme lenqth shall be so that the ti tend into the ;hortest graduasion a distance approximate the l

8、ength of that graduation. Pointer finish. Shaded portion of the be finished in white, color No. 37875 of FED-STD-595. 3.2.4 Dial. The dial shall conform to figure ation mark for 4-i shall be located on the horizontal the left side of the dial. A minimum diameter of 1 3/4 the outside of gradu

9、ation shall be maintained. will ex- y one third pointer shall . The gradu- center1 i ne of nches across Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-TRANS MI TTF“ I 26V 400- I POWER SUPPLY EXTERNAL WIR I NG Figure 2. Wiring Diagram 3 Provided by I

10、HSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-DESIGN OPTIONAL UNDER MASK 3/32 DIMENSIONS IN INCHES Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-1-58099 66 9999906 0342559 O -. MIL-I-58099(AV) . Ma

11、rking configuration. The following marking shall be finished in white, color No, 37875 of FED-STD-595. be as follows: Dimensions shall Height or Length Width of Line or Graduation Inch +O.OOO I Inch + 1/64 I _ Numerals O, 20, 40, 60 1 O-pound graduations 5-pound graduations Letteri ng-OIL PRESS Lett

12、eri ng-PSI Mask reference lines Pointer reference mark 80 and 100 5/32 3/7 6 3/32 1 /8 1 /8 1/16 - O ,025 O .O31 o .o20 O .O25 O .O25 o .o20 O ,O1 5 Identification markings. The markings US ARMY and TYPE TB-1 shall be permanently marked in letters 1/16 inch in height. Un1 ess otherwise speci

13、 fi ed, black col or No. 37038 of FED-STD-595 shall be used. 3.2.5 Electrical wiring. Internal and external wiring shall conform to figure 2 and shall be connected to receptable pins as shown thereon. Internal wiring shall be color coded. 3.2.6 - Weight. Weight of the indicator shall not exceed 0.50

14、 pounds. 3.2.7 Bearings. When synthetic ruby or sapphire bearings are used, they shall conform to MIL-B-27497. 3.3 Performance. 3.3.1 Tolerances. Indicators shall operate within the toler- ances specified in Tab1 es I and II. 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted wit

15、hout license from IHS-,-,-MIL-1-58097 66 9797906 0142560 7 m MI L- I -58099 (AV) *TABLE I. Temperature Scale Error i th Test Pressure PSI O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Room Temperature i- PSI 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 High and Low Temp Exposure High and Low Temperature +

16、PSI - 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.75 1.75 1 -. 75 1. 75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 *TABLE II. Position Friction and Vibration Error Test Position error at 50 Fri cti on psi Room temperature High temperature Low temperature Poi nter osci 11 ati on Pointer variation Vi brat i on Tolerance t PSI 1 .o 1 .o 1 .o ? .5 1 .o 4.

17、 Qual i ty Assurance Provisions. 4.1 Responsibility for Inspection. Unless otherwise specified performance of al 1 inspecti on requi rements as speci fi ed herein. as otherwise specified in the contract or order, the supplier may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of th

18、e inspection requi rements speci fi ed herein, un1 ess di sapproved by the Government, The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to as- sure suppl i ers and servi ces conform to prescribed requi reme

19、nts . contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the Except 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-1-58099 66 W 9999906 OLLl2561 9 W 4.2 General requirements. The inspection and testing of indicators shall be ln accord

20、ance with MIL-1-58098 and as specified herein. erances specified in para 3.3.1. The indicator shall operate at all times within the tol- 4.3 Preproduction testing. 4.3.1 Preproduction tests . The preproduction tests shall consist of all tests spectfied herein and in MIL-1-58098. 4.3.2 Test report. T

21、he contractor shall prepare .a test .- report in accordance wlth MIL-STD-831. 4.3.3 Test sam les. The preproduction test samples shall consist of ten in F-e- icators representative of the production equip- ment. Three of the samples shall 6e subjected to all the tests except reliability and the othe

22、r seven shall be subjected to the reliability tests only. Samples shall be identified with the man- ufacturers part number and all additional information required by the procurlng activity. 4.4 Test methods-. the of i nd fol 4.4.1 Test attitude. Un1 ess otherwise speci fi ed , the i ndi - cator shal

23、l 6e tested with the dial rotated as shown in figure 1 and plane of th-e dial at a 20“ angle from the vertical. he dial til tSng toward the rear of the instrument). (Top 4.4.2 Reliability. Unless otherwise specified, seven cators as specified in para 4.3.3 shall be subjected to the owing reliability

24、 test: - Procedure. The test equipment and fixtures shall include provisions for vibration and temperature cycling at periodic intervals specified herein, Throughtout this test, input signals from O to 85 percent of full scale and return shall be applied to the indicator at a rate of 2 to 3

25、cycles (minimum and maximum) per minute. tion of 4 hours operation wtth rated power on (at least 480 cycles of operation) , the power shall be turned off and remain off for a period of 10 mlnutes. The indicator shall be vibrated in accordance with MIL-STD-781 , test level J, for at least 10 minutes

26、of every hour of ON time. The temperature cycles shall be conducted in the following sequence: change to +50C at a minimum rate of 5“ per minute; 4 hours at +50“C, Test shall begin when rated power is applied. After comple- 4 hours at -2O“C, 14 minutes for temperature 7 Provided by IHSNot for Resale

27、No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-_ MIL-1-58097 66 M 9999906 0142562 O MIL- 1-58099 (AV) . . . ._ _. . . 14 minutes for temperature change to -20C; and 4 hours at -20C. All malfunctions shall be recorded and the test interrupted until repairs are made. At each 250

28、hour cycling interval, the indicator shall be checked for scale error. Scale error reading shall not exceed 150 percent of room temperature tolerance in table I. No recalibration of units may be performed during this test. The test may be interrupted for weekend shutdown. The contractor shall pre- p

29、are a report in accordance with MIL-STD-785 which will contain test Drocedures, details of malfunctions, and corrective actions taken. re1 i abi 7 i through a during re reject cr 4.4.3 Lon evit . Three indicators which have completed the period of 3000 hours for each indicator. Time accumulated iabi

30、lity test shall count toward this total time. Accept- teria shall not be applicable. y test * specifie in shall continue the testing 4.4.4- Vibration, The indicator shall be subjected to a vi- bration test in accordance with MIL-STD-810, method 514, equipment category (C) procedure 1, part 1

31、 (Table 514.1 -11 1) and curve M (Figure 514.1.3). A standard transmitter circuit shall be adjusted to provi de voltages corresponding to an i ndi cati on of approximately midscale on the indlcator. Pointer oscillation and variation shall be monitored throughout the test and shall not exceed

32、 the tolerances specified in Table II. The indicator shall then be subjected to a vibration search having peak-to-peak amp1 i tude of .3 inches through a frequency range of 5 to 25 cps, and then to a vibration which produces log through a frequency range of 25 to 50 cps. During these vibrati

33、on searches, the pointer shall not vibrate more than +2.5 psi, and the hairspring shall not cause an electrical short cirFuit. The searches will be made on the 3 mutally perpendicular axes. A constant 50 psi signal shall be applied during this test. Upon completion of this vibration test, the indica

34、tor shall be subjected to the scale error test at room temperature and scale errors shall not exceed the toler- ances specified in Table I. 5. Preparati on for del i very. 5.1 Preparation for delivery shall be in accordance with MIL-1-58098 and the instructions of the procuring activity. (See 6.2) 8 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-* U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1974 -603- 108/433 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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