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1、 .i c MIL-L-43693A 3b m 999990b 0484533 O m MIGLr43693A(GL) 28 June 1991 SxJFmsmm MIGLr43693 (GL) 20 March 1970 This specification is appruved for use by the Natick Resear distribution is unlimited. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-SPE

2、CIFICATIONS mEmLJ , MIL-L-43693A 16 m 999990b 0484532 2 m . MIGG43 693A (GL) 5L:. PPP-B-26 - Bag, Plastic (General Purpase) -60 - Tape: i+rsonnel/cargo mering Device (Copies of drawings are available fm the U.S. Amiy Natick Reseamh, Developmt, and Ehgineerhg Center, ATIN: STRNC-UX, Natick, MA 01760-

3、5017.) 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-1 MIL-L-43693A Lb = 999990b 0484533 4 MIGG43 693A (a) 2.2 Non-Gavenrment rxlblications. nie following document form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. uiiless otherwise spe

4、cified, the issues of the documerrts which are DOD adopted are those listed in the issue of the DODISS cited in the solicitation. mess othemise specified, the issues of documente not listed in the DDISS are the issues of the doc=uments cited in the solicitation (see 6.2). 0 D 3951 - standard Practic

5、e for Ccmerciai Packaging (Application for copies should be addrecsed to the American Society for !k locatian, size or color not as specified Grease, oil, ink snears, irt or ather foreign matter; tbead ends nottrilunedthrrrurp#rut 205 206 207 C3lTYh case. enditesasshallbeexamined fortheefect

6、s listed in table III. aie lat size shall be expresse in temr; of carryixJ cases. be III and the AQL, expresse in tenas of defects per hundred units, chal1 be 2.5 for major defects and 10 for total (major and minor dined) defectc. % sanpie unit shall be one carrying case. W inspectian level chal1 TA

7、BI% 111. Etxi itan visual defects for carry inacase ciassification Defect mior Minor Tape Nat specified type or class Cut, tear, hole, abrasion, or color not as specified 201 101 Wakarea 102 Nat type, class or size specified 103 Golor nut as specified 202 ait, tear, hole, abrasion, or Nat specified

8、type or class 104 105 weakarea Freeendnotseared 203 Color not as specified 204 Cut, tear, or hole 106 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-mb43693A (a) III. End item visual defects for oary irra case (ma) ass si fi cati an Defect mior Mi

9、rior Metal -P=nt- Hooks flattened, braken, or *-, mior not as specified 205 impairig function of tape 107 Fractured, lnalfonta, bent Finich nat as specified or oorrodedarea 108 206 stitches an stitchirrg pattern nat as specified 109 stitchirrg ny rm of stitaring miss- 110 ne stitch per inch fewer th

10、an mininmormorethanmaxirrium specif ied or mre stitdies per inal fewer than minimum or more than Needle chews or ixnrhed stitching Terision ooce, resulting in loose top or bobbin thread, or tight tension, causing puckring of material at stitch line Ihread breakc, babbin nmcnts, or ixm or more oc#ice

11、cutive skim stitches not overstitched as specified; or mffs nat re- stitched aacordirrg to stitch pattern; or ends of stitchhy not backctitched as specified mxhm specified 111 112 conctruCtian and Any ccai.axrnent *ins, -1Y assenbled or joined as specified Marking mitted, imo-, illegible; location,

12、size, or color nat as specified rea ace, oil, ink cmearc, dirt or other foreign matter; thread endc nattr-thraughout 113 207 208 209 210 211 Governor accembly and aovernor wear uaae . nieenditemsshallbe examined for the defects listed in table IV. lhe lot size shall be expmssed in temus of g

13、overnor assakliec an governor wear gages. me gavemor assenbly and governor wear gage. nie inspection level shall be III Ihe simple unit shall be Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-c MIL-L-43693A Lb m 7999906 0484539 5 m MIGG43693A(L) and

14、 the AQL, expm in terins of defects per hi;indredunitS, shall be 0.25 for major defects and 10 for total (major and minor dined) defects. 1 TABLE IV. End item visual defects for cmvernor mlv and uwernor bear Uaqe Classification Defect Maior Minor appiicabie) a Stitches and stitching Cut, tear, hole,

15、 abrasion, or Not specified type or class -natseared Color mt as specified weakarea Type, class, or size notas specified -lor not as specified Not type specified are not remaved, lniotc, imecure, freeendcmtceared Frackure, malformd, bent, or Snap hook attached with apen side facing in wrong directio

16、n in re- lation to the gavemor rope clip Burrs, slivers, or sharp edges Finich not as specified or Dip brazing not as specified, Le., otherwise damaged corroded area incmpiete penetration of filler metal into joints; porosity or flux inclusions Any functional surface with surface in excess of llmxim

17、m specified on drawiq Roqh surface on or araund brazing fillets caused by dripping of dip brazing metal Any filler metal on exterior or UIICJ in excess of required fillet Excessive flaw of filler metal into frame of gavemor Stitching pattern not as specified Any row of stitching missing 101 102 201

18、202 103 203 204 205 104 206 105 106 107 108 109 110 207 111 112 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIGG43693A (a) TABU3 IV. itan vicual defects for qovexnor assenblv and qovermr wearaaae (ma) Classification Defect Maior Minor stitches

19、ami m stitch per inch fewer than specif ied ltm or mm stitches per inch fewer than minirmmi or mm than maximum specified Needle chews or bunched stitzhing md breaks, min -, skim stitches, and runoffs Erde of stitching not backctitched or secured as specified Tension laxe, resulting in loose tap or b

20、obbin thread, or tight tension causing puckering of material at stitch line stitdiing (amtd) mininamiormmthanmaximmi -io31 and Any ccmpnent Inissing, not assenbled -1Y or joinea as specified Marking Wormmsu P Quitted, inaxre serial number mt applied as location, size, or color not as specif id speci

21、f id i re ace, oil, ink smears, dirt or other foreign matter; thread endc not tr- throucpiaut 208 113 114 115 209 116 117 210 211 212 illegible; of improper size, Any ocpnparient micsiq, damqed, or not as specified and interior) locatiari, -, or method of aication wol3mmshl P inadqua- applic

22、ation of axpmmks, swh as: incrcprQ?lete sealing or closure of flap, inPraper w-8 loose Or inadequate contents -per container is more or less than rqwkd 4.4.7 palletizatim examination. Ihe fully packaged and palletized erid items Itae lut size shall be expresseci Ihe sample unit shall be one palletiz

23、ed unit shallbeexamuied for the defects listed belm. in units of paletized unit loads. in terrrrs of defects per hinidred units, shall be 6.5. load, fully packaged. Ihe -a 1-d shall be s-1 and the incorrect; illegible: of iirpraper size, location, sequace, or methcd of application 5.1 Presewatian. P

24、resewatim shall be level A or C!camemiai, as specified (see 6.2). 5.1.1 mel A D-tim. mmdncf dfwi. ccm lete. The carrying case assad3ly, hamess asseabiy, and guvernor assesJably of each 1me.ri.x device shall be aapactly foldeci or arranged as appicabe. ahe governor shall be pmmted fm having m

25、etal-to-metal contact with the attam snap hook and locking pin cmpmnts by meam of cushioning material. prior to folding the carzying case, the remmi card and operators manua chal1 be piacea in the log ECO and maraial pocket hide the carrying case. The rape shall be lap or aacordian folded in a manne

26、r l2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-e MIL-L-43693A Lb m 999990b 0484543 7 m MIGG43693A(GL) f to pmmt twists and then ti& at each end with twine. % aqete mering device shall be packaged in a fibxbazd box amfomling to FSC, class danest

27、i Cf type a?, mininami grade 200 of ppp-B-636. approximately 12 inches in lengui, i1 inches in width, and 4-1/2 inches in aepth. the appxxlh of PPP-B-636. Inside dimnsiaric of the box shall be mch box shall be closed in accordance with method i, as specified in mts. Each cmponent when proaur

28、ed separately (see 6.2), shall be unit packed in a plastic bag, 0.003 ind.i thick, confonn.h to type I or type II, style 1, of PPp-B-26. 5.1.2 cicamnerr=ial mesemation. Each ccpiiiplete lawering device or capment shall be p-ed in aclxrdam=e with ASIM D 3951. 5.2 Packinq. ParAchg shall be levei A, B,

29、 or Ooamaercial, as specified (see 6.2). 5.2.1 We1 Am- . Each item in quantities cited in table mi, preserved as specified in 5.1, shall be packed in a shippilq container confoxmhg to merseas type, style A or J, type 2 load of PPP-B-601. Approximate hide dimensions of each box shall be as specified

30、in table mi. closed and reinforced in accordance withthe appendix of FTP-B-601. Each box shall be 5.2.2 Wel B mm . Each item in the quantities cited in table mi, preserved as specified in 5.1, shall be pa& in a shieirg container confom hg to style FSC-L, type CF (variety SW) or SF, class dcaaestic,

31、grade 275 of PPFB-636. Approximate hide dimensions of the box shall be as cpecified in table Vif, Each box shall be closed in accordance with method II as cpecified in 0 W of ppF-B-636. TABLE mi. Item dimensions an -let mtterns Numberin mlet Item each box Boxdimensions (inches) mttern -Flete system

32、5 23-1/2 by l2-1/2 by 11-1/2 91 Harnecc 10 15 by 13 by 9 37 carrying- 50 20 by 12 by 11 102 Gavernor 10 14 by 10 by 5 28 Snap hook 50 2Qby8by4 112 Gage, governor wear 100 12 by 10 by 3-1/2 104 Rope 10 24 by 12 by 15 35 13 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without l

33、icense from IHS-,-,-MIGG43693A(GL) WeathePresiCtant shimhcf container. When specified (see 6.2), the shipping cuntak shall be a grade VC, VS, or V4s fibrbard box fabricated in accordance with PFPEl-636 and clc6ed in accordance with the appendix of PFPB-636. 5.2.3 Ooaranercial m . Each item p

34、reserved as specified in 5.1, shall be packed in ammlance w“AmM D 3951. 5.3 Palletization. When specified (see 6.2), items packed as specified in 5.2.2 and 5.2.3, shall be palletized an a 4-y entry pallet in accOraam=e with load Spe Ia of MiG-147. IV or type V in accozdance with MIGSTD-147. with str

35、aps in accordance with bonding means C and D or film bonding meant F or G. MIIrSID-147. Pallet types shall be type I (4-way enfxy), type Each prepared load shall be bonded Pallet pattenic shall be in accordance with table VI1 and the appendix of 5.4 mkinq. in addition to any special marking required

36、 by the contract or pumhase order, unit packs, shipping containerc, and palletized unit loads shall be marW in accoxdance with MIGSTD-129 or As?M D 3951, as applicable. (aiic section contains information of a general or explanatory nature that 6.1 Intended use. may be helpful, but is not manaatory.)

37、 or cargo fm elevations of 150 feet or less at a controllable rate of descent. Typical use hlude laWering of personml or cargo from hovering helicoptess and The lcrering device is used to lmer either personnel lawering parachutists from trees. 6.1.1 Limitations of use. Infomiation for load capacitie

38、s and use of the lwering device may be cbtained fram ?M 10-1670-251-12. 6.2 Acaui sition recm rementC. Acquisition docxmientS must specify the f ollming : a. b. C. d. e. f. g* h. i. Title, nunher, and date of this specification. Issue of DODISS to be cited in the solicitation, and if required, the s

39、pecific issue of individual documentS referenced (see 2.1.1 When a first article is required (see 3.1, 4.3, and 6.3). serial nimibeSS for govermrs (see 3.4). Lievels of preservation and packhg (see 5.1 and 5.2). Phen canprxmts are procxired separately (see When weatheresistant grade f- shi

40、pping conta- are when palletization is required (see 5.3). When government fumished praperS is requked (see 6.4). and 2.2). required for level B packing (see 14 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-L-43693A Lb M 9997906 048

41、4545 O M KtIrIr43693A(GL) t * 6.3 First article . Wmn a first article is riequired, it shall be irispected and aFprwed Untier the appropriate pruvisiarrs of Federai. Acquisition Fteguatian (FAR) 52.209. Ihe fe article should be a on sanple. !the amtractinir officer shaild specify the appropeof first

42、 article and the muher of units to be furnbkd. aie cuntratUrg officer shauld also hlude specific iristnict ion in aapisition doammts regarduig arrangementc for selection, inspection, and appmva of the first article. the cmtractiqactivity, cmtracto will be fumkhed the requind quantities of operator%

43、maraials and log recm3 carde (see 3.2.3). 6.4 Gcnrenmient eumished rcmerty . Emeptasniaybeatherwiseprescribedby 6.5 Subiectte.nn 0- mm listing. 6.6 Chmes fmn xImiow issue. Mairginal notations are mt use in this revision to identify changes with respect to the previous issue due to the extensiveness of the changes. aistodian: preparing activity: Army-m Army-m Review activity: (Project 167CbA782) - AV 15 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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