ARMY MIL-P-48655-1987 PISTOL SEMIAUTOMATIC 9MM M9《M9式9 mm半自动手枪》.pdf

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1、MIL-P-48655 LO 9399906 0322943 3 s-37- 03 , M1L-P- 48 6 5 5 (AR) 16 December 1987 MILITARY SPXCIFICATIOB PISTOL, SEMIAUTMATIC, 9MM: M9 This Specification is apsrove for use within the U.S. Army Armament Munitions and Chemical Command, and is availabe for use b? ali Desartments and Ayeicies of the De

2、partment of Defense. 1. SCOPE c 1.1 Scope. This specif icatioii establishes the design GerCormance, quality assurance, and packaging reqUiremeets for the ”* 3 Pistol, Semiautomatic, 914: M9. +.l 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Government documents. I 2.1.1 Specifications, stanards and handbooks. The fol

3、lowing - -_.1_1.- s2ecifications, standards and hanilbooks form a part o this cpecif ication to the extent spcifie herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issue of these documents shall be those listed in the issue of the Department of Defense Ilidex of Specifications and Standards (DoDSS) and sussL

4、ement thereto, cited in the solicitation. SPECIFICATIONS MIL I TARY MIL-P-116 - Preservation-packaging , Methods of MIL-6866 - Ins?ection, Penetrant, Method of MIL-W-13855- Weapon, Small Arms and Aircraft Armaments MIL-L-4107- Lubricating Oil, Weapons, Low Temserature MIL-L-45607- Inspection Equipme

5、nt Acquisitions ML-W-63150- Weapons and Support Material Standard Quality Assurance Provisions for MIL-L-63460- Lubricant, Cleaner and Preservation for Weapons and Wea2on Systems Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in Improving this

6、document should be addressed to: Commander, US. Army Armament,Munitions and Chemical Commend. Ath. AMSMC-QA. Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey 07806-5000 by using the self-addressed Standardiza- tion Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by. letter. FSC 10

7、05 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. -7 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS 2% PAGES. _ -= - - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-4b55 10 W 7799706 0322744 5 W MIL-P-48655 (AR) STANDARDS MIL I TAR

8、Y MIL-STD-105 - Sampling Procedures and Table for Inspection by Attributes MIL-STD-109 - Quality Assurance Terms and Definitions MIL-STD-1949 - Inspection, Magnetic Particle MIL-STD-45662- Calibration System Requirements ri 2.1.2 Ocher Government documenCgL,drawings and2ublications. - The following

9、other Government documents, drawings and publications form a part of this specification to the extend specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues shall be those in effect on the date of solicitation. DRAWINGS U.S. ARMAMENT RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND ENGINEERING CENTER ( ARDEC) F9346412 P

10、DS9346412 F9346485 F9346500 F934650i C9346502 F9346503 D9346504 C9346585 F9346586 F9346587 Pistol, Semiautomatic, 9MM: M9 Packag iny Data Sheet for Pistol, Semi-automatic, 9mm: M9 Slide Assembly Gage, Indicator Gage, Indicator: Gages, Headspace, 9mm Gage, Fixture Gage , Receiver Gage, Plug, Flat Gag

11、e, Fixture Gage, Fixture (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings and publications recjuired by manufacturers in connection with specific acquisition functions should be obtained from the contracting activity or as directed by the contracting act i v i ty . ) 2.2 - Order _of Erecedence. In the

12、 event of a conflict between the text of this specification and the references cited herein, (except for associated detail specifications, specification sheets or MS standards) the text of this specification shall take precedence. Nothing in this specif ication, however, shall supersede apslicabie l

13、aws ana regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained. 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-4b55 LO 9747906 0322945 7 W 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 First article. When specified in the contract or purchase order, a sample shall

14、 be subjected to first article inspection in accordance with the technical provisions herein (see 4.4 and 6.2). Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2) the first article shall include the pilot pack. 3.2 Materials and construction. Pistol-s and parts shall conform to the materials, dimensions, conditio

15、ns and construction - requirements specified herein, and on Drawing 9346412 and drawings applicable thereto, and shall be in accordance with the applicable material and construction provisions of MIL-W-13855. 3.3 Design. Pistols and parts shall conform to the design specified by drawing 9346412 and

16、drawings applicable thereto and be in accordance with the applicable design provisions of - . MIL-W-13855. 3.3.1 Maqazine and magazine catch. The magazine shall be free of dents, cracks, sharp edges and other defects which may affect functioning of either the magazine or the pistol. The magazine fol

17、lower and the magazine catch shall function without binding throughout their full range of travel under spring action. The magazine shall fit in the receiver and shall be positively retained in place by the magazine catch. When the last round is fired, the magazine follower shall automatically posit

18、ion the slide stop to engage in the slide. When the magazine catch is depressed, it shall disengage the magazine and the magazine shall drop out of the receiver of its own weight. 0 3.3.2 Disassembly lever, The disassembly button shall be spring loaded to retain the disassembly lever in its horizont

19、al (locked) position. Manually depressing the disassembly button shall allow the disassembly lever to be rotated to the vertical (unlocked) position. Both the button and the lever shall move throughout their full ranges of travel without binding. When the lever is in the horizontal position, the sli

20、de shall be securely retained on the receiver. Rotating the lever to the vertical position shall allow the slide to be removed from the receiver. 3.3.3 Slide. The slide shall function without binding through its full range of travel on the receiver guide ways. 3.3.4 Barrel. The barrel shall be free

21、of cracks and seams. The chromium plating shall be free of nodules, flaking, pits, stripping, anode burns and evidence of etched base steel. There shall be no machining, such as honing or grinding, after application of the chromium plating. Burrs and sharp edges shall be removed from chamber edges a

22、nd scratches or marks, occurring in a chamber which otherwise meets the surface roughness (I 3 -_*il Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-P-Yb55 10 9979906 0322946 7 reyuirements, shail be geriiiiti;eG 2rovide they do not cause marks

23、on the case OE a high-pressure test cartridge fired in the cliamuer, The barrel shall be so fabricated that when the pistol is completely assemble, the requirements for targeting an6 accuracy as specified herein shall be met. 3.3-5 -“. Barrel -.- Assembll. The locking block shall move into the ioclc

24、e anci uniocked positions when the ?isto1 is function fired or manually operated. The locking block and locking block plunger shall move throughout their full. ranges of travel without binding. The locking block plunger spring pin shall not protrue through either side of the barrel. 3.3.6 Sists. The

25、 rear sight shall be fastened securely to the slide so that there shall be no relative movement. The front sight shall contain an appropriately centered white dot and the rear sight a centered white bar. Both sights shall be free of mutilation or deformation. 3.3.7 Safetx. The safety and trigger bar

26、 detents shall function without bining throughout their full ranges of travel. The safety shall be retained in both extreme positions by its sgrincj loade etent. When the safety is in the downward (safe) 2osition, the striker shall be rotated out of alignment with the hammer and firing ;?in. When th

27、e saEety is in the horizontal (fire) position, dots of red paint in recesses on each side of the slie shall be ex2ose. The right safety lever shall be securely retained by two spring pins. 3.3.8 - Firing pin Y- block. The firing pin block shall mechanically block the firing: ;?in from protruding thr

28、ough the breech face of the slide. The firing pin block shall return to its lower (safe) i?osition under S;.King pressure even when the slide is held upside down. The firing pin block shall be disengage from the firing pin OiiLy by deliberate movement of the trigger towards its most rearward positio

29、n. The firing pin block sgring 2in shall not protrude from either side of the slide. 3.3.9 -. Firinq pin and firLC9 pin sprinq. The firing pin and the firing 2in s,?ring shall be retained in the slide. 2in s2ring shall hold the firing pin to the rear of the face of the firing 2in hole in the slide b

30、efore the hammer is released for firing and shall retract the firing pin into the slide after firing. until the trigger is pulle rearward of its normal single action rest: position. The firing The firing pin shall be blocked from forward movement 3.3.10 ExtractoL. The extractor shall move throughout

31、 its full range of travel without binding. It shall be held in the 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-qb55 LO 7799906 0322747 O m MIL-P-48 6 5 5 (AR) closed position by spring pressure. It shall contain a dot of red paint which i

32、s visible when a cartridge is being held against the breech face by the extractor. The extractor pin shall not protrude from either the top or bottom of the slide. The extractor pin shall be securely staked in place, e 3.3.11 Slie stop. The slide stop shall move readily throughout its full range of

33、travel aiid shaii be held spring loaded toward the lower position. 3.3.12 Trigger. With the magazine assembled to the pisto, the trigger shall move through its full range of travel under spring action without binding. normal forward position under spring action immediately uson release. kftec partia

34、l or complete trigger - * pull (single and double action) the trigger shall return to its 3.3.13 Hammer. The hammer shall move without binding throughout its full range of travel under spring action in both single and double action, and shall be securely engaged by the sear in the full cock position

35、 when the pistol is function fired or manually operated. 3.3.14 Sear sgrinq. The sear spring shall rotate the sear to engage the hammer. 3.3.15 Triqqer bar. The trigger bar shall disengage the sear from the hammer when the trigger is pulled, and shall be disengaged from the sear by recoil of the sli

36、de when the pistol is function fired or manually operated. 3.3.16 Grips. Grips shall be fastened securely on the receiver. There shall be no relative movement of these parts. The grips shall be free of splits, cracks or other defects which may affect appearance or serviceability. 3.3.17 Lanyard loop

37、. The lanyard loop shall be fastened securely to the receiver. 3.3.18 Receiver. The trigger pin shall be retained by the leg of the slie stop spring. The hammer release lever sin shall be staked securely. The hammer release lever pin and the ejector spring pin shal not protrude from either side of t

38、he receiver. The hammer release lever and the firing pin block lever shall rotate freely on the hammer release lever pin. 3.3.19 Pistol assembly. . .e- - I L I Slide stoe -I function. - .- The slide stop shall be capable of being positioned to hold the slide in the rearward position manuall

39、y and automatically by the action of the magazine follower after the last round has been fired. The slide stop shall hold the slide in the rearward position until it is manually released. ;e I I 5 :- I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

40、MIL-P-48b55 LO W 999990b 0322948 2 MIL-P-48655 (AR) Safe hammer release. Rotating the safety to the downward (safe) position shall cause a fully cocked or half cocked hammer to fall to the fired 2osition. Hammer release and trigqer function (sin?osition, the slide -retracted ai?fE;

41、roximately one (1) centimeter (one-third inch) , and the trigger depressed, the hammer shall not release when the slide is released and allowed to move forward into battery posit ion. - Safety function. y_ The hammer shall not move rearward from the fired position and release when the trigg

42、er is depressed with hhe safety in the “safe“ position. 3.3.19. G Hammer release -and tr iqqer function (double action). The hammer-shall cock from the full down position and reiease when the safety is in the “fire“ position and the trigger is depressed. cartridge cases and loaded cartridges from th

43、e barrel chamber when the pistol is function fired or manually operated. Extraction. The extractor shall extract both empty E5ectio.n. The ejector shall eject both empty cartridge cases and loaded cartridges completely out of the pistol when the pistol is function fired or manually

44、 operated. 3.4 Performance characteristics. 3.4.1 Headspace. The headspace shall be 1.915 cm (.754 inches) to 1.930 cm (.760 inches) when tested as specified in and 4.6.1. 3.4.2 Triyger pull. The trigger pull shall be within 1.80 KG (4 lbs.) to 2.90 KG (6.4 lbs.) single action and 4.50 KG (9

45、.9 lbs.) to 7.30 KG (16.1 lbs.) for double action when tested as specified in and 4.6.2. In the single action mode, the trigger pull shall be free of creep. Creep shall be interpreted to mean any perceptible movement between the time positive resistance is met and the hammer is released. 3.4

46、.3 Sirinq pin. indent. The firing ?in indent shall be within .O30 cm (.O118 inches) to .O43 cm (.O169 inches), and it shall not be off center more than .O70 cm (.O275 inches) when tested as s2ecified in and 4.6.3. 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without

47、 license from IHS-,-,-I i I I I I I t I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I l I I l I l l 1 MIL-P-4bSS 10 797770b 0322749 4 MIL-P- 48 6 55 (AR) 3.4.4 Hiqh-pressure resistance. The slide, barrel and locking block of each pistol shall withstand one high-pressure resistance test as specified in and 4.6

48、.4. Parts shall be free of cracks, seams and other injurious defects after proof firing as evidenced by visual and magnetic particle inspection. malfunctions or unserviceable parts when tested as specified in and 4.6.5. 3.4.5 Functioning. Pistols shall operate without 3.4.6 Tarqeting and acc

49、uracy. Targetinq. At a range of 50 meters (54.7 yards) all - rounds of a 10-round shot group shall fall within, or touch the outline of, a figure whose width is 47 cm (18.5 in.) and whose maximum height is 56 cm (22.0 in.). The sides of the figure shall be straight, parallel and vertical. The top and bottom ends of the figure shall be full convex radii. The point of aim shall be at the


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