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ARMY MIL-P-48762-1975 PROJECTILE 155MM HE ROCKET ASSISTED M549 INERT SIMULATED PARTS AND LOADING《M549式155 mm火箭助推榴弹(惰性)用模拟零部件及其装药》.pdf_第1页
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ARMY MIL-P-48762-1975 PROJECTILE 155MM HE ROCKET ASSISTED M549 INERT SIMULATED PARTS AND LOADING《M549式155 mm火箭助推榴弹(惰性)用模拟零部件及其装药》.pdf_第2页
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ARMY MIL-P-48762-1975 PROJECTILE 155MM HE ROCKET ASSISTED M549 INERT SIMULATED PARTS AND LOADING《M549式155 mm火箭助推榴弹(惰性)用模拟零部件及其装药》.pdf_第3页
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ARMY MIL-P-48762-1975 PROJECTILE 155MM HE ROCKET ASSISTED M549 INERT SIMULATED PARTS AND LOADING《M549式155 mm火箭助推榴弹(惰性)用模拟零部件及其装药》.pdf_第4页
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ARMY MIL-P-48762-1975 PROJECTILE 155MM HE ROCKET ASSISTED M549 INERT SIMULATED PARTS AND LOADING《M549式155 mm火箭助推榴弹(惰性)用模拟零部件及其装药》.pdf_第5页
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1、MIL-P-4B762 13 9799906 0324280 2 - _ This specification is approved for use by all Departments and Eigezcies of tne Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification covers the fabrication of the inert parts a2d the complete inert round loading and assembly of Projecxile M549. 2. APPLICABLE DOC

2、UMENTS I 2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids, or request. for proposals, form Q part of this specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATIONS MILITARY MIL-1-45607 - Inspection Equipment, supply and MIL-A-48078 -. Ammunition, Standara Qualty A

3、ssurance maintenance of. Provisions, General Specifications for. STANDARD FEDERAL FED-STD-151 - MILITARY MIL-STD-il67 - MIL-STD-1169 - MIL-STD-453 - DRAW I1 J G S ARi4Y Metals, Test rneth.ods, Ammunition, Data Cards Packaging, Packing, and Marking for Shipment of Inert Ammunition Components Inspecti

4、on, Radiographic 8837839 - Pallet- for projcctilc 9236005 - 15514M, Inert, RAP assembly M549 g298010 - Grairi Forward inert 9298011 - Grain, Aft, inert 9298012 - Housing, Delay, Dummy- -. . Li._ ., -1 . . . THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS .licabcle speclflcationz ad szandards. 3.3 Lozding cf inert filler. 3.

5、3.1 Idatina surfaces. -The mating surfaces cf th:-eads shs17 be free of caked inert filler and all threads shall be free of fc!, material, If a chemical cleaner is required, acetone or rnethy1e:ie chloride shall be used. Care shall be taken to prevent the cI?e!G:a.L cleaner from coming into co

6、ntact with the fillei. and becoming en- trapped in the warhead. 3.4 hssemklv t prae (Motor Body-Warhead).-The motor body shall be assembled to the warhead while the adhesive is still wet to nieet $he tqrque requirement specified on dwg.3236005. The equipment used Cor applying torque to the motor bod

7、y-warhead assembly shall be cal- ibrated at the s%art of each production shift as well as each CiFe there is a change in equipment, settings or process that is likel: to affect uniformity of performance as determine-d by the Governmen%. The equipment shall be provided with a suitable i-ndicator to a

8、id in ob- servance of proper torque application (see 4.4.3. i). 3.4.1 Disassembly toraue (Lifting plug-Warhead)-If a lifting plug is assembled to the projectile in lieu of a fuze the assembly toique shall be sufficient to prevent loosening upon application of 100 iri-lb minimum disassembly torque, a

9、nd assure loosening upon appliczcio: of 200 in-lb maximum disassembly torque. 3.5. Workmanship.-All manufacturing, pi-ocessihg an6 assembling operations including loading of the warhead shazl be correctly per- formed in a thorough, workmanlike manner. Parts shall be free of burrs, chips, cracks, dir

10、t, grease, rust, corrosion products and other foreigfi material. Tne cleaning method shall not be injurious fr! 22: of the pets rlrzr shall the parts be contaminated by the crean- ing agent. Care shall be -exercised at all tines sc that the io;a$;Trrg band of each motor boy will not be damaged by be

11、ing nicked or G;?FiFJ d. 1-1. i. Kcsuonsibility for inspection arid standard ui, the provisions of MIL-A-48078 shall apply ar,d are hereby made a part of this detail specification. - :a-. .i . . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-P-

12、48762 13 W 7977706 0324282 6 W -71 . .-. -. +./.i - Szb2ssLon o_“ Frodxct.-At the time each ccmle;e2 Lez L? L:c:r itrar. Lp utdey :.!?e coz:_fpact is submittzd te the 3sp;l:L; - 0-.5 -li CL.,-:- r n r.0v-A; -.%ce, the coritracto? sha21 supply the Yollow5g L?-,?ors:cz, 2 r, dulra55 re b; 3 cer:.i?izz

13、:e which attests that the in5ornaticrL rvvd - i ,s csrrect zppliEzble to the product, being stibrnittec!: e. A statement that the lot complies with all of the qualit2 assL1?ince provisions specified in this specificat.ion. b, Di?awir,g and specification number and 62f-e, togetner with identification

14、 and date of chang,es thereto. c. A statement that all material purchased by the contretcr neet.s requirements, when such Kateriz? is contm7.ler3 by Gsve:?zs!-: - o? ments. And that certificates of conformance are or: file ano avai;ai;le fci? review. The certificate shall be signed by a responsible

15、agent of Che certifs- ing organization. stantiated by evidence of the agents authorlty to bind kls principal Substantiation of the agents authority will not- be reqE:red with subseqirent certificates unless, during the course of the contract;, this authority is vested in another agent of the cert5fy

16、ing organ- i zation, conmercial specifications referenced in any of the cortxac:xi: 2:“ - i- d. Number of items ir, the lot. e. Date submitted. The initial certificate submitted shall be sub- 7. q.3 4.3.1 Submission.-The - ccntractor shall submit a first artTcle rirst Article Inspectior, - See MIL-A

17、-48078 (PA) sample as designated by the contracting officer for evaluation in accordance witn provisions of 4.3.3. consist of f;he following items in saqle quantities as indicated. The first article sample shall Part Des cript,3_m -. .- Inert Grain Forward Inert Grain Aft Eousing, Delay, Dummy Drawi

18、ngs Quar! ti I_ ty 9298010 15 9298011 15 9298012 15 4.3.2 Inspections - to be pei-forrned.-See - MIL-A-48078 (PA) 4.4 Quality krioiwaict. isp?ct2i: b. 4. 1 Isspection Lot Formation. -Inspection lots shall comply - .- ttL;h :;he ec% foz-nation prcvis(ons of II?IL-A-C? (PA), Provided by IHSNot for Res

19、aleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-48762 13 m 7777906 0324283 8 = I- V) W I- a O 2 + U I x W 0 r - rl U O S L U . t!J arl 4. -t I *. a O (3 W U 2 w, . l-4 cdl csl ,. : - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license fr

20、om IHS-,-,-MIL-P-LI762 13 = 7777706 0324284 T W rt Lr O rl k- w w I In $. . 6 8“ t Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-flIL-P-q762 13 9999906 032Lt285 1 W I d L O rl I- w W 2 u) CI P C I- I- L O x I- Y 0 a r I C x W * O I- . a O w s U 1 I

21、 I rl nil ml . .- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-P-987b2 13 7777706 0329288 7 W rl 8 rl k- w w z J N c? O “i? mm M c d o A v I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-8 *

22、 . lu - MIL-P-48762 13 7777706 0324287 7 = i. w c- I O 2 I- 2 a E a 6 ? : n a 3 E - . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I ._ ! Z O U - 5 - U VI VI 4 md U Y f-i 8 I-l t B w r-i I B tl, P w- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or

23、 networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I MIL-P-48762 13 m 9779906 0324273 O M ASSSMBLY TORQCS (See 3.4 and dwgI 9236005). Thrs test shcsll be performed 10.2% on all proJect5les. A thin line s57sll te i Y. 5. Ir. ,- SCYZES the j0ir.i Lr qtiestion to ald In observing movement. If E

24、Y-: ;“c;jc-;:-;Lle rails t 03ply with the torque requl-Emerit 5% eh;aL; Le p -A.dse(i 7 r defective and rerfioved ?rom the lot. :“,otsr Body - W2rheac! (Relative Kovement pon reapslicEtiar: of minintin assembly torque Zn assembly directTon) k:cr A DISASS%MSLY TORQUE (See 3.4.1)-This test sha

25、ll be pen- fane2 i0UZ on z11 projectiles. A thin line shall be drawr: across tne j0ir.t in question to aid in observing movement. A Lorcue in accoxince with 3.4.1 shall be applied in the disassembly direccion a:id if any projectile fails to comply with the torque requiremenc it shall be classified d

26、efective and removed from the lot. Warhead - Lifting Plug (Relative movement upon applfcEsiG5 of minimum disassembly torque in disassem5ly Girection). Ma j or A X-ray examination for missing or Improperly shear ring seai. Major irA1l Defect.-Each motor body assembly shall be subject

27、ed. to a single x-ray examination in a plane that will clearly define the ring seal between the motor body and delay. The shear ring seal shall be fully expanded in the delay and motor body grooves .and the groove ir, the motor body shall be completely filled with lead. There snall be no gap between

28、 the shear ring seal and the shoulder of the expansion cone. If any assembly shows evidence of a gap it shall be Classified defective and removed from the lot. 4.4.4 Inspection Equipment.-The contractor shall desigr, inspec- tion equipment required to perform the examinations and tests prescribed -

29、in this section in accordance with 6.2. Government rights to documentation.-Inspection equipment drawings and lists grovided and revised in accordafice with the require- ments Stated herein-may be used by DD activities for design, proCuTement, - manufacture, testing evaluation, production an

30、d receiving inspection, overhaul, shipping, storage, identification of stock, ordering aw2 stor- age of replacement parts, inspection of items at overhaul, gsneral main- tenance of eqL?G.ance with Speci2Lczticx .- - Government use of contractor s inspection equlpxsui; .- coritractor sliall m

31、ake available to the Governinent all inspec tTTcii equipment necessary for determining conformance with contracc ?.T. quirements. Personnel for operating the equipment and verificat$oS ;. . ; :-. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-_. MIL

32、-P-4762 13 9779706 0324274 2 I 9.5.1 DEfemination for missing or imgropeply exande,FE . ,. with the 1ong:tudinal axis of the pro2 ectile. Exanination shall -7 be rnr,C;e to determirie cornplince with the apF.iica5le reqirewzt. Iri ali exposures the x-ray bearn shall. forn ai-rLi-iti.l qua;

33、ifiction.-Knen cornpiance wich ce applicable requirement is in doubt as a result of visuai examination . - - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-48762 13 7777906 0324275 Gust odian : mm - PA Project Number: 1320-A-276 Preparing Activity: ARIfIl - PA 16 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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