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1、- MIL-S-45669A(MU) 19 February 1971 SUPERSEDING MIL - S -45 66 9 (OD) 5 May 1960 _ , _- 7 ! 1 MILfTARY SPECIFICATION I SIGHT, BORE, OPTICAL: M45 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification covers one type of instrument known as Sight, Bore, Optical: M45 used for boresighting mortars. Throughout this specificati

2、on, this instrument is referenced as “Bore Sight”. Elbow Tele- scope, 8579641-1 is an integral component of this bore sight. 2 APPLTCABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following docunents, of the issue in effect on date of in- vitation for bids or request for proposal, form a part of this specifi- cation to the

3、 extent specified herein. SPECIFICATIONS Mil it ary MIL-T- 1332 1 MIL-F- 13926 MIL-P- 14232 MIL-1-45607 STANDARDS Military 1 . MIL-STD- 105 MIL-STD- 109 Telescope, Elbow, M62 (Series) Fire Control Materiel, General Specifi- cation Governing the Manufacture and Inspection of Parts, Equipment and Tool

4、s for Army Materiel, Packaging and Packing of Inspection Equipment, Acquisition, Supply and Maintenance of Sampling Procedures and Tables for Quality Assurance Terms and Defini- Inspection by Attributes tions FSC I 1240 -. . _ Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted with

5、out license from IHS-,-,-DRALTINGS U.S. Army, Frankford Arsenal F8579 189 Sight, Bore, Optical: M45 PACKAGGING DATA SHEET 5800859 Packaging of Sight, Bore, Optical: M45 W/E (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings and packaging data sheets required by syppliers in.connection with specific proc

6、urement functions should be obtainei from the procuring activity or as directed by the con- -tracting officer. .- 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Materials.- The materials shall be in accordance with the c. drawings, material specifications and general specifications forming a part of this specification. 3.2 Fa

7、brica-.- The bore sight shall be manufactured in accordance with Drawing F8579189. 3.3 General specifications.- The contractor shall be responsible foi adherence to, and compl Lance with, the following requirements .of MIL-F-13926. 3 3.1 NIL-F- 13926. a. Order of precedence b. Dimensions and toleran

8、ces * C. Inorganic protective surface finishes d. Part identification and marking e. Workmanchip Telescope, Elbow, 8579641-1.- The Elbow Telescope, 8579641-1, 3.4 which is a part of the bore sight, shall have met the requirements of MIL-T-13321 prior to assembly as a bore sight. speciffcation after

9、being positioned as in (a) of Figure 1 and vibrated at a constant frequency of 30 cycles per second (cpc) with an amplitude of 1/16 inch (1/8 inch total excursion) for a period of 5 minutes plus or minus 15 seconds. 3.5 Vibration.- The bore sight shall meet all requirements of this 2 Provided by IHS

10、Not for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-45669A (MU) a i 3.6 Orientation.- The bore sight chai1 be clamped securely in each of the three mounting positions shown in Figure 1 with the respective V slide contacting the longitudinal portion of a smooth 4.

11、5 inch diameter tube or equivalent, whose axis is inclined precipely 45 degrees above the horizontal. The following conditions shall be met :st each of the above specified positions unless otherwise specified. 3,7 Accuracy. 3.7.1 Collimatio2.- The line of sight of the elbow telescope shall be parall

12、el to the vertical plane passing through the axis of the corr- espondhg V slide within 3 mils for positions (a) and (c) of Figure 1. 3.7.2 Plumb traJe1.- Using position (a) of Figure 1 in accordance with 3.6 and with the line of sight of the elbow telescope in a hori- zontal plane and in coincidence

13、 with a plumb line, the line of sight shall not deviate from the plumb line by more than 2.0 mils total dis- placement from maximum depression to maximum elevation. 3.7.3 Parallelism of reticle and image.- The vertical crossline on the reticle shall be parallel to the image of a plumb line within 1

14、degree. 3.7.4 Cross level vial.- Thc respective cross level bubble shall be centrai within 5 minutes. 3.7.5 -Elevation level vial,- The elevation level bubble shall be central within 5 minctes. 3.8 Telescope travel.- With position (a) of Figure 1 established in accordance with 3.6, the telescope sha

15、ll be capable of being rotated a minimum of 45 degrees in elevation and 30 degrees in depression. 3.9 Operating temperature.- The bore sight shall meet the torque requirements of 3-10 whenthermally stabilized at ambient temperatures of minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit and plus 150 degrees Fahrenheit and

16、the strap assembly shall be completely operable when securing and loosen- ing the bore sight to the tube. 3.91 Clamp screw.- The clamp screw, in a free state, shall be op- erable throughout its threaded portion without restriction or binding at all temperatures specified above. 3.10 Torque.- TILe to

17、rque required to elevate and depress the tele- scope through full trave1 ch.rll nct exceed 10 pound inches nor be less than 2 pound inches ;.t room zemperature (60 to 90 degrees). The torque required to elevate nd depress tbe telescope through full travel shall not exceed 28 pound Snches nx be less

18、than 2 pound inches at the extreme temperatures specific d in 3.9. 3.11 Strap asseRblx.- The bore sight o, strap assembly shall not become loosened as a result of applying 2 pounds direct force at the knurled portion of the clamping screw, once in each opposing direction Provided by IHSNot for Resal

19、eNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-45667A 12 m 9999906 O308377 3 MIL-S-45669A (MU) parallel to the tube axis, when the bore sight is positioned and secured as shown in (a) of Figure 1 with a maximum torque of 2 pound inches ap- plied to the clamp screw. 4. QU

20、ALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Responsibility for inspection.- Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the per- formance of all inspection requirements as specified herein. othewise specified, the supplier may utilize his own facilities or any ot

21、her facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection require- ments specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. ernment reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services

22、 conform to prescribed requirements. Except as The Gov- 4*1.1 General provisions.- The component and subassembly inspec- tion requirement of MIL-F-13926 form a part of the Quality Assurance Provisions of this specification. be as listed in MIL-STD-109. Definitions of inspectZion terms shall 4.2 Firs

23、t article (initial production) approval.- The requirement for first article approval and the responsibility (Government or con- tractor) for first article testing shall be as Specified in the contract. The sample for first article approval tests shall consist of 3 bore sights plus 3 each of all item

24、s covered by SCAP. The sample shall be manufactur- ed in the same manner, using the same materials, equipment, processes, and procedures as used in regular production. All parts and materials, including packaging and packing, shall be obtained from the same source of supply as used in regular produc

25、tion. 4.2,1 Government testing.- When the Government is responsible for conducting first article approval tests, the contractor, prior to sub- mitting the sample to the Government, shall inspect the sample to insure that it conforms to all the requirements of the contract and submit a record-of this

26、 inspection with the sample, including certificates of conformance for matei ials . 4.2.2 Contractor testing.- When the contractor is responsible for conducting first artjcle approval tests, the sample shall be inspected by the contractor for al1 the requirements of the contract. and a record o this

27、 inspection, including certificates of conformance for materials, shall be submitted to the Government for approval. The Government reserves the right to witness the contractors inspection. The sample 4.3 Inspec tion provisic ns . 4.3.1 Submis: ion of product.- Unless otherwise specified by the cont

28、racting officer, inspection lot size, lot formation and presentation of lots shall be Ln accordance with “Submission of Product. provisions 1.1 . . . .* t i Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-45669A (MU) of MIL-STR-105 . 4.3.2 Exam

29、ination arid tests. Components and subassemblies.- All components and subassem- blies shall be inspected in accordance with the inspection provisions contained in Supplementary Quality Assurance Provisions (SQAP) listed in ehe technical data package (TDP). In the absence of SQAPs, the applic

30、able Quality Assurance Provisions of MIL-F-13926 shall apply. Examination, and tests related to Section 3 herein shall be performed on a single defect (individual characteristic) basis in accordance with EL-STD-105 and the sampling plans specified in Tables I, II and III herein. be in accordance wit

31、h MIL-P-14232 and Section 5 herein. The tabulated classification of defects in Table I, II and III shall constitute the minimum inspection to be performed by the supplier after first article approval and prior to Government acceptance or rejection by item or lot. Examination and tests for packaging,

32、 packing, and marking shall TABLE I - CLASSIFICATION OF DEFECTS CLASS CRITICAL: NONE - - MAJOR* AQL 0.65% Defective 101. 102 . 103. 104 . 105 . 106 . 107 . 108 . 109. lid . Vibration Orientation Collimation Parallelism of reticle and image Cross level vial Elevation level vial Te le sc ope trave 1 T

33、orque . Strap assembly Plumb travei REQUIREMENT 3.5 3.6 3.7.1 3.7.3 3.7 04 3.7.5 3.8 3.10 3.11 3.7.2 TEST PROCEDURE 4.6.1 4.6.2 4.6.3 4.6.5 4.6.6 4.6.7 4.6.8 4.6.11 4.6.12 4.6.4 - MINOR: None Defined NOTE: The tests in Table I shall be conducted at a temperature be- - tween -60 and +90F. 4.3.3 Accep

34、tance and rejecticn.- Rejected lots shall be screened - for all defective characteristics. units and resubmittance of rejected lots shall be in accordance with I1Acceptance and Rejection“ as specified in MIL-STD-105. Removal or correction of defective -5 - I. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduc

35、tion or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-YSbb7A 12 7799706 0308377 7 9 MIL- S-45 669A( MU) 4.4 Special sampling. 4.4.1 Genera!.,- Three (3) bore sights shall be selected at random as a special sample from each 100 produced. requiremnts and tests in Table II. The sample shall m

36、eet the TABLE i1 CHARACTERISTIC 301. Materials 302. Fabrication 303. General specification REQUIREMENTS - TEST PROCEDmS 3.1 Applicable Dwgs - 3.2 Applicable Dwgs. - Visual Visual Visual 3.3 MIL-F-13926 - 4.4.2 Environmental.- Three (3) bore sights shall be selected at . random as a special sample fr

37、om each 50 produced or from each months production, whickever occurs first. requirements and tests in Table III and shall then meet the require- ments .and tests in Table I. The samples shall have met the TABLE III CHARACTERISTIC 304. Operating temperature 305, Clamp screw 306. Torque REQUIREMENTS T

38、EST PROCEDURES 3.9 3.9.1 3.10 4.6.9 4.6.10 4.6.11 hQTE: The tests in Table I11 shall be conducted at temperatures of minus 40 degrees lahrenheit (-40F) and plus 150 degrees Fahrenheit (+150“F). 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-

39、Ll5hb7A 12 777770b 0308380 3 = J - - 4.4.3 Failure of sample.- Should any one item af a special sampl- ing fail to meet.the specified test requirements, acceptance of the re- presented inspection lot will be suspended by the Government until nc- ceesary corrections llave been made by the contractor

40、and the resubmitted samples have been apj)roved (see 4.3.3). 4.5 Inspecticm equipment.- Except as otherwise provided for by the contract, the contractor shall supply equipment: in accordance with the applicable requirements of MIL-1-45607. 4.5.1 Government furnished inspection equipment.- Where the

41、con- tract provides for Government furnished test equipment, care and maint- enance of test equipment shall be in accordance with the applicable re- quirements specified in MIL-1-45607. 4.5.2 Contractor furnished inspection equipment. Government design.- Unless otherwise specified in the con

42、- tract, all inspection equipmsnt specified by drawing number in specifica- tions or SQAP forming a part of the ccntract shall be supplied by the contractor in accordance with technical data listed in the List of Inspec- tion Documents when provided with the technical data package (TDP). Con

43、tractor design.- The contractor shall design and supply inspection equipment compatible with the “Test Methods and Procedures“ specified in 4.6 of this specification and with the component inspection procedures specified in “Examination“ and “Test f aci litie requirements of MIL-F-13926. to be withi

44、n 10% of the product tolerance for which it is intended, this inherent error in the test equipment design must be considered as part of the prescribed product tolerance limit. Thus, concept, construction, materials, dimensions and tolerances used in the design of test equipment shall be so selected

45、and controlled as to insure that the test equipment will reliably indicate acceptability of a product which does not exceed 90% of the prescribed tolerance limit, and permit positive rejection when non-conforming. calibration of test equipment. Since tolerance of test equipment is normally considere

46、d Construction shall be such as to facilitate routine 4.6 Test methods and procedures. - 4-6.1 Vibration.- The bore sight chai1 be vibrated by means of a device capable of meeting the requirements of 3.5. suitable adapter, the Bore Sight, M45 shall be secured firmly to the de- vice and vibrated in t

47、he posetion (a) indicated on Figure l. With the aid of a 4.62 Orie itation.- Orientacion is accomplished by means of a special testing device to assure correct orientation in the three posi- tions indicated on Figure 1, tube, with a base capable of supporting the tube, at an angle of 45 de- grees pl

48、us or minus 20 seconds. The outside diameter of the tube shall The device shall consist of a simulated -7- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-45 6 69A (MU) measure 4.500 inches plus .O50 inch and parallelism shall be within .O03 in

49、ch per foot. The surface quality shall be between 32 and 63 micro inches RMS. 4.6,3 Collimation.- This test is accomplished by means of two plumb lines located approximately fifty feet apart, and the tube of the device positioned midway between the plumb lines so that the axis of the tube lies in the plane of the plumb lines. This can be checked by locating a vertical marker on the center line of the tube a


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