2、nications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-STD-188-21217 October 1992SUPERSEDINGMIL-STD-188-203-223 March 1984DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSEWashington, DC 20301Subsystem Design andEngineering St
3、andardsfor Tactical DigitalInformationLink (TADIL)BMIL-STD-188-2121. This Military Standard is approved and mandatory for use by allDepartment and Agencies of the Department of Defense, in accordance with DoDInstruction 5000.2, “DefenseAcquisition Management Policies and Procedures,“February 23, 199
4、1, Part 7, Section C, Paragraph 3a.2. Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and anypertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should beaddressed to:CommanderU.S. Army Communications-ElectronicsCommandATTN: AkfSEL-RD-C3-DDFc.rtMOnmouth, NJ 07703-5203by using t
5、he Standardization Document Imprc.vementProposal (DD Farm 1426)appearing at the end of this document or by letter.iiCopyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-sTD-188-212
6、FOREWORD1. Originally. Military Standard 188 (MIL-STD-188) covered technicalstandards for tactical and long haul communications, but later evolvedthrough revisions (MIL-STD-188A, MIL-STD-188B) into a document applicable totactical communicationsonly (MIL-STD-188C).2. The Defense Information Agency (
7、DISA), Formally known an the DefenseCommunications Agency (DCA), publiehed DCA Circulars (DCAC)Pr0mulgatin8standards and engineering criteria applicable to the long haul DefenseCommunlcationa System (DCS) and to the technical support of the NationalMilitary Commend Sy8tem (UfACS) .3. As a result of
8、a Joint Chiefs of Staff (JC5) action. standards fOr allml1itary communications are now being published in a MIL-STD-188 series ofdocuments. The MIL-STD-188 series is subdivided into a MIL-STD-188-1OOseries covering commen standards for tactical and long-haulcommunications,aMIL-STD-188-200 series cov
9、ering standards for tactical communicationsonly,and a MIL-STD-188-300 series covering standards for long-haulcommunicationsonly. Emphasis is being placed on developing common standarda for tacticaland long haul communicationspublished in the MIL-STD-I88-1OO series.4. This document is the result of a
10、nother JCS action requiring that thetachnical characteristicsof the TADIL A, B and C, previously contained inJoint Publication (PUB) 6-01.1, be updated and published in the MIL-STD-1B8series of standards. The MIL-STD-188 series will not contain TADIL massagestandards and related inforwtion. These re
11、quirementswi11 continue to becontained in revisions of Joint PUB 6-01.1.5. The technicalcharacteristics of the TADIL A, S and C are subdivided andpublished as follow:MIL-STD-188-203-Icontaining TADIL A,MIL-STD-1B8-212containing TADIL B, andMIL-STD-18S-203-3containing TADIL C.It is intended that the
12、technical characteristics of other TADILcurrently under development, such as the Joint Tactical InformationDistributionSystem (JTIDS), wi11 be included in tbe MIL-STD-188-212eeries.6. Thin ml1itary standard (MIL-STD) ie approved and wi11 be used by tbeOffice of the Secretary of Defen.ee,the Military
13、 Departments. the Chairusinofthe Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff, the Unified and SpacifiedCommends, the Defense Agenciae, and DoD Field Activitia8.7. This document supersedes MIL-STD-188-203-2.iiiCopyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for
14、 ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-STD-188-212IDENTIFICATIONOFINTERNATIONALSTANDARDIZATIONAGREEMSNTCertain provisions of this document (see 4.1) are the subject ofinternational standardization agreement STANAQ 5501 and S511. When a changenotice, revision,
15、 or cancellation of this document is proposed which willaffect or violate the international agreement concerned, the preparingactivity will take appropriate reconciliationaction through internationalstandardization channels, includingdepartmental standardizationoffices, ifrequired.ivCopyright Commun
16、ications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-STD-18B-212CONTENTSParaEraDh TitlePromulgation SheetForeword11.
17、 InternationalStandardizationAgreementSCOPEPurposeApplicationObjectivesSystem Standarda and design objectivesREFERENCED DOCUMENTSIssues of documentsFederal standardMilitary standardsDepartment of Defense (DoD) atandardnNorth Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)Standardizatio
18、nAgreement (STANAG)Mi1itary handbooksOther publicationsDoD publicationsDEFINITIONSDefinition of termsAbbreviation and acronymaGENERAL REQUIREMENTSNATO interoperabilItyCommunications security equipmentCompromieing emanations (TEMPEST)Electromagnetic interference (EMI) andelectromagneticcompatibility
19、(EMC)EquipmentSubayutemc and systemeElectronic warfare (EW) requiremanteGrounding, bonding and shieldingClock equipment, timing, control and alarmFaJgiiiiiiv111123333333445s57777777999vCopyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction
20、 or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-STD-188-212Parafrph55.
21、, REQUIREMENTSGeneralTerminal subsystem characteristicsTransmiaaion frame formatStart groupData groupCheck groupMeeaage fornntStandby signalData signaling rateaData signaling rate toleranceModem characteristicsBasic characteristics for 1200 b/sBasic character
22、istics for 2400 b/sReceiver synchronizationTerminal subsystem BERInterfacecharacteristicsDigital equipment interfacecharacteristicsElectrical characteristicsData Signal connectionVF channel interface characteristicsImpedanceQuasi-analog signal levelsData signal connectionDigital channel interface ch
23、aracteriaticeElectrical characteristicsData signal connectionTransmission subsystem characteristicsTypes of tactical aubaysten!sTactical subsystem type 1Tactical subsystem type IITactical subsystem type IIITactical subsystem type IVVF channel characteristicsInput/outputcharacteristicStandard test si
24、gnalStandard teet toneData #ignal connectionImpedance111111111414141414151515151515151616161616161617171717171719191919192020202121viCopyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-
25、,-MIL-STD-188-212Parafroh5. PaJQQuasi-analog signal levels 21Channel noi
26、ee power 21Signal-to-noise ratio (SliR) 22Signal tons interference 22Frequency displacement 22Transfer function characteristics 22Tranamiseion subsystem BER 22Character-count and bit-count integrity 22Insertion 10ss 22Net Iosa variation 23Insertion lees versus frequencycharacteristic 23Envelope dela
27、y distortion 24Total harmonic distortion 24Intermedulationdistortion (1)46) 24Signal discontinuitiea 26Impulse noise 26Signal level dropouts 26Signal level change 26Phase jitter 26Amplitude (or gain) hit.e 26Equalization and regeneration 26Special method for InterconnectingVFchannels of the tactical
28、 subsystemtype I or III with type 11 26Digital channel characteristics 27Transmission subsystem BEE 27Character-countand bit-count integrity 27Electrical characteristics 27Data signal connection 27Regeneration 27viiCopyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRA
29、INot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-STD-188-212FIGURESNumber 1 Block kiagram of TADIL B system2 TADIL B transmission frame3 VF channel parameters for data transmissionwith modulation rates of 1200 Bd or less4 Signal level and interfacediagram for c
30、on-necting VF channels of tactical subsystemstype I or type 111 with type 11ParagraphI11111IVvTABLESTADIL B transmission frame formatTADIL B check groupldata group relationshipSwitched multichannel communicationssubsystemsInsertion loss versus frequencycharacteristicof VF channels for data transmiss
31、ionwithmodulation rates of 1200 Bd or lessEnvelope delay distortion of VF channels fordata transmissionwith modulation rates of1200 Bd or lessAPPENDIXAppendix TMList of Abbreviations and Acronyms Used25281214182324viiiCopyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with
32、CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-STD-18B-2121. SCOPE1.1 Puruo.ee. The purpose of this document is to establish technicalstandards and design objectives that are necessary to ensure interoperabilityand to promote commonality for communications
33、equipment and eubaysteme usedin TADIL B. Also, this document established acceptable overall subsystemperforfaence and mexiinum flexibilityof eubeyatem layout in order to satisfydiverse user requirements without tbe reetrictione caueed by interfaceandincompatibilityproblems.1.2 Application. This docu
34、ment ie applicable to tbe design anddevelopment of new equipment, assemblages and subsyateme used in TADIL B.This document is applicable also to tha engineering and installationofexisting TADIL B facilities. It is not intended that existing TADIL Bfacilities be immediatelyconvartad to comply with th
35、e standards contained inthis documant. baw TADIL B facilities and tbosa undergoing majormodification or rehabilitation shal1 comply with the standards contained inthis document subject to tha applicable requirementsof current procurementregulation.1.3 Objectives. The main objectives of this document
36、 ara to enaurainteroperation of equipment and subsystem consistent with militaryraquiremants, to provide a degree of subsystem performanceacceptable to thamejority of TADIL B users, and to achiava tha nacaaaary dagraa of performanceand intaroperation in the mat economical way. This documnt providas
37、for:a. Standardizing usar-to-user perforuancacharacteristics.b. Standardizing tba type of signals at various intarfacepoints in aTADIL B subsystem.c. Specifying maximum permissible degradation of a signal in the processof tranamisslon, and allocating tha permissibledegradation ameng variouaparts of
38、a subsystem.d. Eatablisbing performanca parau.atera and operating features ofequipment, not of detail design, but of other factora which govarn theinterface charactaristica with subsyateme and eyatema in which the TAOIL Bequipment will ba usad.e. Defining parform.ence paramatera without specifying t
39、he technologythat should ba uaad to obtain tbe requirad performance.An additional oblectiva of this document is to prevent proliferation ofequipment serving the sama or similar function. The variety of equipmentaball be tbe minimum nacesaary to effectively support tbe missions of thetactical forces
40、in accordance with Dapartmant of Defenaa Directive (DoDD)4630.5.Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-STD-188-2121.4. System standards and design objectives. The par
41、ameters and otherrequirement specified in this document are mandatory system standards (seepage ii) if the word “shall” is used in connection with the parametervalueor requirement under consideration. Nonmandatory design objectives areindicated by parentheses after a standardized parameter value or
42、by the word“should” in connection with the parameter value or requirement underconsideration. For a definition of tbe terms “SystemStandard” and “DesignObjective” see Federal Standard (FED-STD) 1037.2Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for Resale
43、No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-sTD-18e-2122. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS2.1- Iasues of documents. The followingdocuments of the issue in effecton the date of invitation for bids or request for proposal, form a part ofthis standard to the extent specified herein.2.1
44、.1 Federal standard.FED-STD 1037 Glossary of TelecommunicationTernui2.1.2 Military standards. Deuartmcntof Defense (DoD) standarda.MIL-STD-188-110MIL-STD-188-114MIL-STD-188-124MIL-STD-188-200MIL-STD-461MIL-STD-462Equipment Technical Design Standards forCommon Long Haul/Tactical Data ModemsEle
45、ctrical Characteristics of Digital InterfaceCircuitsGrounding, Bonding and Shielding for Common LongHaul/TacticalCommunication SystemsSystem Design and Engineering Standarda forTactical CommunicationsElectromagnetic InterferenceCharacteristics.Requirements for EquipmentElectromagnetic InterferenceCh
46、aracteristics.Measurement of2.1.2.2 North Atiantic Treaty Organization (NATO) StandardizationA#reement (STAHAG).STANAO 5501 Point-to-Point Digital Data Link - Link 1 (U)STANAG 5511 Tactical Oata Exchange - Link 112.1.3 Military handbooka.MIL-SDBX-232 BSD/BLACK Engineering-InstallationGuidelines (II)
47、MIL-SDBK-237 ElectromagneticCompatibility/InterferenceProgram RequirementsMIL-SDBK-241 Design Guide for EMI Beduction in Power Supplies3Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
48、-,-,-MIL-STD-188-2122.2- Other publications. The following documents form a part of thisstandard to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, theissue in effect on the date of invitation for bids or requests for proposalshall apply.2.2.1 DoD publications,Joint Publication (PUB) 6-01.1
49、, Tactical Digital InformationLink(TADIL)Message Standards (U)DCAC 300-175-9, DCS Operating-MaintenanceElectrical PerformanceStandardsDoDD 4630.5, Compatibilityand Commonality of Equipment for TacticalCommand and Control, and CommunicationsNACSIM 5100, Compromising Emanations Laboratory Test Requirements,Electromagnetic (U)NACSEM 5201, TEMPEST Guidelines fo