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1、pos-o3 “. MIL-U-52311 3Li W 7777706 0251Li57 O W ,r . MIL-W-52311 (MO) 16 AUGUST 1963 e MILITARY SPECIFICATION WELDING MACHINE, -ARC: DIRECT-CURRENT, VARIABLE-VOLTAGE, ELECTRIC-MOTOR-DRIVEN, 300-AMPERE-CAPACITY 1, SCOPE QQ-S-777 - Steel, Carbon, Strip, Cold-Rolled, Untem-. 1.1 Thia specidcation covc

2、rs R dircct- pored Spring, . . current; variable-voltage, electric-motor- . PPP-B-636 - Box, Fiberboard. I driven welding machine of 300-ampere capacity. MILITARY MIL-P-78 -. Plastic-Material, hm- 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS inuted, Thermoaot- ting (for DeBima- 2.1 The following documents of the issue o

3、 tion Plates). in effect on date of invitation for bids or re- quest for proposal form a part of this speci- fication to the extent specified herein : SPECIFICATIONS MILV-173 -Varnish,- Moisture- an d-Fungus-Resist- ant (for the Treat- ment of Communi- cations, Electronic, and 4 ssociated -. FEDERAL

4、 Electrical . Equip- QQ-A327 -Aluminum Alloy mcnt). . MiLPG14 - Plates; Identification, Transpor ta t i on- Plate and Sheet 6061. QQ-S-688 - Steel Bars, Carbon, Data, und Blank. MILT404 * -Treatment and Paint- Cold Finished and Hot Roiled, (Gen- eral Purpose). ins of Materiel. JAN-C-741 -Cables, Ele

5、ctroclo, with Lug (for Arc- MIGG-3432 -Cable and Wire, Elec- trical (Power and QCZ-53-608 .- $bol, Sheet and Strlp, Low-Curbon. QQ-S-700 . - Steel, Sheet and Strip, Medium-Carbon. . Welding). QQ4-741 -Steel Platcs, Shapes - . , Control; Flexible and Bars, Carboii, . , I. rind Extra Flexible, I * Gen

6、eral Specification for. STANDARDS FEDERAL FED, STD, NO, 656 -Colorri, . MILITARY MIIrSTD-16 ,.- Electrical and Ela- .I . - tronic Symbole, _ _ ,- _. Zb MIL-STD-129 - Marking for Ship- ment anicccssililc for niiiintcnirnce, repair, and re- placmctiit wlthoiit removal of other major assemblies and ins

7、talled nttnchments. Cov- ers OF plates RUC :IR thoc on shrouds or hoiisiiign which niiist ba removed for adjust- riieiit or mnititcii;itisct liall be equipped with yiiick-dir;coiinect fastenings. 3.7.1 Cwwiit cirljtMwriit. Controla shall hc providcd RO that the current at the appli- c;ibIc vo1tnge.s

8、 cnn bo ndjiistcd th the valiies HIPCIQ iii table I, Two controls, ow for Rtq Rcttiiig rind otic for Iltic Hatting, shrill be providad to adjust tlie current between tho minimurti and maximum values specified in tiiblo I, Step Ratting shnll be iii increments OP not niorc thtin 100 nmperes, Fine sett

9、ing Rhnll bc in incrcmenh of not more than 6 amperce within ench step setting. Voltage and current adjustment from minimum to maximum vnlues, aa specified in tab10 I, may bu of tho continuous, variablo type employing 4 -_ -_ 3.7.2 Czcrrent variation. The output cur- rent during a 10-minute period sh

10、all vary :-.IC, more than plus or minusl0 percent at attings from 60 to 300 amperes, 3.7.3 Aaxiinuiit opcn-circuit voltage, The maximum open-circuit welding voltage shall not exceed 110 volts under any operating condition specified herein, 3.7.4 Short-circuit and recovery cliarac- teristics. Tho wel

11、ding machine shall con- form to the following short-circuit and re- covery characteristics. The data ahall be determined by an oscillograph. Slrrt-circtiit airrent. .I Olim-circuit paak czcrrent. When Btarting with open-circuit and then shorting the welding terminals, the peak or mom

12、en- tary short-circuit cur:*cnt or any Betting shall not cBxccetl BOO pcrcclnt of the normal current for that setting. NormaLopcration peak current. When starting with normal current and then shorting the welding terminals, the pe?k or momentary short-circuit current for any set- ting shal

13、l not exceed 400 percent of the nor mai current for that setting. Stcl1/-tnt CtUW.?t. Tho ddy- state, short-circuit current for ar.y setting Bhall be not greater than 200 percent nor less than 110 percent of the normal current for that setting. RccoverU voltage. On ar.y setting, th

14、e minimum recovery voltage, when a shorb circuit is opened though a resistance giving normnl load for that Retting, fihall be not lesa than 70 percent of the final load voltage on that setting. Rccovcw current. The current Bhull not drop below 60 percent of the nora Provided by IHSNot for Re

15、saleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-W-52311 34 W 7797706 025146L 2 W mal current for any setting when a short- . circuit is opened through a normal load for that setting. when operated in parallel with other ma- chines of the same type, Equalizer connec- tion

16、s shall be provided if necessary. Time of recoverv, The permissi- ble time of recovery from short-circuit cur- rent toewithin 6 Percent of normal amrent for nny setting shall not exceed O.itctl on toli of the welding miichitie, Etich iiistiuiiictit, meter, ntirl control Hhall he iden- tified

17、 by plates except that meters may be i(lciitifict1 by legible printing on the face of tlic! tileter. All nwtoiw Hhnll lie flurrh niourite(, citliw iiitlivlt1u:illy or by cushion mounting tlic coiitrol pi11icl. fi1i1!t*k! 9li:ill b0 CilHhfOilWl t IlHUrC kiiig lifC Wcldizig cozttiola: The wel

18、ding controls shall include necessary rheostats, cciiif;ct=-*ikiiig dcviccu, switches, meters, ohiity iiidiCiitorH, rttid HIIC other equip- niciit its iiaccmry to provide adjustments for thc welding range specified in table I. :P . 1 0.4.1 1 Ciraiwi t-,sr t t in ii ri ictt t oi*,q, All c!irrciit-:it

19、l justiug (luviceri Rhidl bu pcrrn;i- iiciitly nnd legibly nunibcrcd or marked to indiartc thc current settingn. 3,O,Af.2 I*olai.itli.,.(!i(.r,Yiiiy nttcli. The whliiig coqtrol Hhnll iiiclude IL witch for rcvcritig the polirritSr of the welding termi- nids, The switch shall be niarkeci to indicate t

20、iiu positions or positivo. or negativo po- hri ty. Gc ri ciut or t c r tir in al conzicction,e. iiclding terminale shall be of the stud and winknut type. Stutle ahn11 be nominal 32- inch Him, Waldlng terminals shnll Lo pro- tuctcd from accidental contact or tlhort circuit. 3,18,B, 1.4 Ilcm

21、ot c, cur rcri t nrl just big de- ziicci A ienwte, current-ncljueting device shdl be provided, The device shall pcrmit tho operator, without leaving the welding position, to adjust the welding current throughout the range of the generator to the same values as those obtained by the fine- scttirq con

22、trol (see 3.7.1) on the generutor con+* wncl. The device ahall be provided wibi. u 60-foot cable with plug. The cable shall conform to Specification MIEC-3432, type and size as applicable. Controls on the generator piitid at the welding machine shall bc c:ipablc of overriding thc rcmote current- adj

23、usting device. The device shall be se- cure to the top of the welder with latches which require manual, not Rpring, action for CIOHing, 1iistrii)rimts. A combination volt- metcr-ammeter shtill be provided, The meter shall be in ;i (lustproof case und hnll bo m;irketi to iiitiiciite positive

24、 ml ncgtiitive puliirity. 3.11 Rni(iiiiterference recluetion. The welding machitie fihall be r-quipped for the reductioii of ittfio interference in accordance with Specification MILL11748 and shall meet the requirements of Specification MIL 1-11748 when tested without arc operation. When the n.r!ltl

25、ing machine is teatcti iintlcr tire opcrntioii, tlic test cquipmeiit niitenna may be locntctl 75 feet from the machine. 3.12 Fungiin aiicl mciiriture rcraintiincc, The e1cctrie;d circuitry, including dl componentii and cuniiectioiis, shall be protected from the effects of moisture and fungus growth

26、by an overall trentment with a varnish conform- ing to Specitcution MIL-V-173 with the fol- lowing exceptions: (a) Components or circuit elements which are inherently fungils and moisture resistant or which are hernictically sealed need not be treated, (b) .Components or circuit elements whose funct

27、ions will be adversely affected by the varnish coating sIiaii not bo treutcd. When used, the varnish shall be applied by spray, brush, or a combination of both to Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reprodu

28、ction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-W-52311 (MO) plate tvelds, rust, cracks, and other defectu that could impair the operation or service- ability of the welding mnchine. 0 3.20.1 Fatricntiooiz. Metal used in the fabrication of the welding machine shall be free from kinks

29、and sharp bends, The straightening of mnteriul shull ho done by nic!thods that will not causc injury to the mtd. Siearing and chipping shall be done iicatly and accurately. Corners shall be square rind true. Flame cutting of steel may IJC arnployctl iiistcnd of Hhauriiig or sawing. groiiiid or niach

30、inecl to remove ash and cool- ing chsekg, All burrs and rough edges shall IJC reniovcd. Prccautions shall lie takcn to :ivoid overheating, and hcnted nictals shall !I nllotvcd to cool dowly. All bends of a major c1i:rrncter shall be made with metal dies or fixtiircs in order to inaure uniformity of

31、sim niitl hirpo, IIIIuI u.Icc.J of flUnie=eiit etael shall IN 3.%2 Bolt ciilcl RCCIU conntctiom. All Iiolt, mit, and scrcw threads sh;ril bo in con- f(irniitncc to Ifniiclhook 1128. All bolts, nuts, ;itid scrcwa shill1 bc tight. All nuta ehall be ii11 thivntlad, niiti bolts 8h;ill not extend 11iorc

32、than throe full tl:rea(ls beyond the nut, SCPCWS hall not extend more than three full tiii*cads bcyoiid the ham metal hing secured. 3,203 Itht cotitzcctio?i8. Rivets shall fill the fiolcs coniplotdy, The rivet heads ahall Lo fiill, ncatly macle, concentric with the rivet IcH, in full coiitiict with

33、the aurface of the “ ienhw, niid shnll Le in nccordniicc with tho SAE Standards on Rivets and tiveting. 3,20,4 ZZoltltolc!s i11 trananiit streds without perma- nent dcforniation or failure when the parta connected by the welds are subjected to proof and service loading. 4, QUALITY ASSUIUNCE PROVIS1O

34、NS 4.1 RcnapanHil)ility for inepcclion. UnbS otherwise specified in the contract or pur- ch;ise order, the supplier is responaiblc for the pcrformanco of all inspection require- nicnts :IS specified hertin. Except as other- wise spwified, the supplier may utilize his own fiicili tim or nny commercir

35、il Irrboratory rrcccpt:illc to the Government. The Govern- ment res1ves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification where siich inspections are deemed necessary ta iissurc Hupplics and services conform to prescrilcd raquirements. 4.1.1 Componcnt and ntaterat inspection

36、. In accortlance with 4.1, the supplier is re- r;ponsiblr? for insuring that componentu and niatcrids iisctl are manufactured, tested, and nspcctcd in accordance with the require- ments of referenced specifications and atand- arcis to the extent 8pecified herein, 4,2 Clssaificniion of inepcction. In

37、spec- (a) Preproduction inspection of the (b) Quality conformance inspection of (c) Inspection of preparation for de- tion shall be classified as follows: tvclding machine, the welding machine. l i1 wry. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-

38、,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-VIL-W-5E!311 34 W 7939906 0253466 L W MLW42311 (MO) Rod in bble I until temperaturea are stabi- lized, The overload-protective device may be bypassed during thie test. All temperatures shall be measur

39、ed at the end of the last load period at which constant temperatures are attained. .i Method of temperatur measure- ment shall be as specified in table II. Tem- perature rises in excess of those specifled in table II shnll constitute failure of this test, 9.52.6 Short-circtrit and recoverp tests, Cu

40、rrent-time relationehip for these testa PMI bc cletermined by means of oscilIo- grams. Starting with open-circuit, short- circuit the welding terminals by means of a conttictor with blowout coil, After the short circuit hari become ataiidy, open the Dhort circuit through a resistive load to give rat

41、ed current for that setting, Also determine the peak short-circuit current when starting froni normiil-lond conditions, The time of recovery shnll lx the time elapsed from the opening of the short circuit until the current is within 5 percent of the normal for that setting. Take simultaneous machine

42、 voltage tind nmpertige oscillograms when a steady stntc, ehort-circuit current is opened through a resistive load to give normal load at that setting, Determine short circuit and time of recovery chrrricteristics, as specified in 3.7.4 for at Ienst the following wttingd: (a) The getting correspondi

43、ng to rated output of the generator. - (b) The setting currespoi:ding to minf- mum qmiflcd output current at 20 volte, (c) At lenst one other setting within the specified range. During these tests, the oscillograph film Bhall travel at euficiont apecd to dia- tiiictly show the mnximum and . minimum

44、voltages and currents, All measurements taken shall be recordcd in the telit report, Noncoiiformnnce to 3.7.4 shall constitute failure of this test, . 4.5.27 Coni?mctatioti. The observation ot commutation shall be made in conjunction 10 with and during the progress of other teata and at varying load

45、s throughout the ilervice range, including the 26 percent overload poirit. Also, at shutdown, rotate the arma- ture slowly by hand rind examine for any irregular markings or lack of uniforhi color- ation of polish on the surface of the com- mutator covered by the brushes. Sparking patterns greater t

46、han as shown in figure 1 or visual widewe of malfunc- tions shall constitute failure of this test, Eflciency. Measure the input at th+ motor terminals at rated voltage, speed, and rated frequency. The power input shall include all power taken from nn external source for cxcihtion a

47、nd motor drive, ieas- Ure the output nt the welding terminais when the machine is delivering the loads specified in 3.7.6. The efficiency measurements shall h made immediately after the temperature run at rated output while the machine is at normal operating temperature. The percent efficiency is 10

48、0 times the measured output divided by the measured input. All meas- uremenb shall be recorded in the test report, Nonconformance to 3.7.6 shall constitute failure of this test. 43.2.9 ParaIlcl operation, Connect the welding machine in parallel with another machine of the 8ame general type. The op-

49、erator shall deposit 3 !inear feet of weld using a ? C as specified (see 6.2). 6. JOTES 6.1 Intended u601 The welding machine i8 intended for use in general welding opero ationa. 5Al Icvcl A, Each welding mhhe Pre mvx anti packaged as epecitled in &Al shall not require additional packing. pblimtom. When specified (see 6,2), the maintonrinco too1H and technical publications for eac

  • ANSI AWS B2.1-1-002-1990 Standard Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) for Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Carbon Steel (M-1 P-1 Group 1 or 2) 3 16 through 7 8 inch in the As-Welded.pdf ANSI AWS B2.1-1-002-1990 Standard Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) for Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Carbon Steel (M-1 P-1 Group 1 or 2) 3 16 through 7 8 inch in the As-Welded.pdf
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  • ANSI AWS B2.1-1-007-2002 Standard Welding Procedure Specification (SWPS) for Gas Tungsten Arc Welding of Galvanized Steel (M-1) 18 through 10 Gauge in the As-Welded Condition with .pdf ANSI AWS B2.1-1-007-2002 Standard Welding Procedure Specification (SWPS) for Gas Tungsten Arc Welding of Galvanized Steel (M-1) 18 through 10 Gauge in the As-Welded Condition with .pdf
  • ANSI AWS B2.1-1-008-2002 Standard Welding Procedure Specification (SWPS) for Gas Tungsten Arc Welding of Carbon Steel (M-1 P-1 or S-1) 18 through 10 Gauge in the As-Welded Conditio.pdf ANSI AWS B2.1-1-008-2002 Standard Welding Procedure Specification (SWPS) for Gas Tungsten Arc Welding of Carbon Steel (M-1 P-1 or S-1) 18 through 10 Gauge in the As-Welded Conditio.pdf
  • ANSI AWS B2.1-1-011-2002 Standard Welding Procedure Specification (SWPS) for Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Galvanized Steel (M-1) 10 through 18 Gauge in the As-Welded Condition wit.pdf ANSI AWS B2.1-1-011-2002 Standard Welding Procedure Specification (SWPS) for Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Galvanized Steel (M-1) 10 through 18 Gauge in the As-Welded Condition wit.pdf
  • ANSI AWS B2.1-1-012-2002 Standard Welding Procedure Specification (SWPS) for Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Carbon Steel (M-1 P-1 or S-1 to M-1 P-1 or S-1) 10 through 18 Gauge in th.pdf ANSI AWS B2.1-1-012-2002 Standard Welding Procedure Specification (SWPS) for Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Carbon Steel (M-1 P-1 or S-1 to M-1 P-1 or S-1) 10 through 18 Gauge in th.pdf
  • ANSI AWS B2.1-1-016-1994 Standard Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) for Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Carbon Steel (M-1 P-1 S-1 Group 1 or 2) 1 8 Through 1-1 2 Inch Thick E7018.pdf ANSI AWS B2.1-1-016-1994 Standard Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) for Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Carbon Steel (M-1 P-1 S-1 Group 1 or 2) 1 8 Through 1-1 2 Inch Thick E7018.pdf
  • ANSI AWS B2.1-1-017-1994 Standard Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) for Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Carbon Steel (M-1 P-1 S-1 Group 1 or 2) 1 8 Through 1-1 2 Inch Thick E6010.pdf ANSI AWS B2.1-1-017-1994 Standard Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) for Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Carbon Steel (M-1 P-1 S-1 Group 1 or 2) 1 8 Through 1-1 2 Inch Thick E6010.pdf
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