1、FED. SUP CLASS 6640 I I C D I 3 450 00 55Q 80 :36265-i - 24/40 24/40 300 1!536265-2 24/40 24/40 400 i,AlZUL: Borosilicate glass, Fedem1 Specification DD-0-541, lW2 I, Cleis A. DZSICI: Condensers GhalL hwe plain imer tube and conforn to Federal SpecificatiOnDD-C-575, Ffle I. IOJJIWCE: Fenale joint to
2、lerance shall be _I 0.15 mm and male joint tolercnce shell be %.i5 m at gaging ioint. tDiZS: 1. For gene& purpose use. 2. For design feature p“poses, this standard takes precedence over rocure%ent docunents referenced herein. Referenced doclments shall be of the issue ia effect on &te of invitations for Sid. 3. I ! x _ .A. Cd.C TITLE M IL IT ARY ST AN DA RD commSEFs, JABORATORY INS36265 West type Ither tust iiu?kd DAY Licensed by Information Handling Services