1、 MS5L330 REV A NOTICE L = 9977932 009OLLb 137 I NOTICE OF INACTIVATION I FOR NEW DESIGN NOTICE 1 27 February 1998 MILITARY STANDARD STOPLIGHT - TAILLIGHT, BLACKOUT; VEHICULAR, 24 VOLT This notice should be filed in fiont of MS513304 dated 16 February 1988. MS51330A is inactive for new design and is
2、no longer used, except for replacement purposes. custodians: Army - AT Navy - YDl Air Force - 99 Review Activities: Army-Ml DLA - GS Preparing Activity: Army - AT (Project 6220-1 124) AMSC NIA FSC 6220 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unliited. Licensed by Information Handling Services