1、P-D-4LOC 79 W 7979374 00L85b7 4 m /I /s /hosphates (as P Os), percent minus Orthophosnhate ?as P205), percent. 4.4*4 Total silicates (as siop). - _- Determine silicates in accordance with sections 18-21 of ASTM D 800. 4.4.5 pH value. Apparatus. A pH meter havinq a sensitivity and readability
2、 of 0.05 pIl units shall be used. The ptl meter equipped with a glass electrode shall ha standardized with standard buffer solution of pH 10 and checked with a stanrhrd buffer solution of pE 7.0. Procedure. Prepare a 1.0 Dercent (by weipht) solution of the type I dishwashinq compound or a 10
3、.0 percent (by volume) colution of the tvnp II dishwashinq compound in freshly boiled distilled water or deionized water which has been cooled to room temperature. Peasure the PI! of the dishwashino comboun$ eoliition at 23 to 25C. Do not correct the results or so8iuir ion concentration. 4.4.6 Bulk
4、density. Weich 50.0 $_ 0.01 qrams of dishvjashina comoimc! into a 100 ml graduated cylinder from which the lip has been remasfee. and pass a closely fittin? glass or metal sleeve, about 3 inches lone, over it. Clamp the sleeve to a rinastand. Place a larqe rubber stonmr under the cylinder and adjust
5、 the sleeve so that the qraduate will be 10 centimeters ahove the rubber stopper when the base of the graduate touches the lower edqe of the sleeve, then release. Read the volume of the dishwashing compound to the nearest zillilitar and calculate the bulk density in grams per milliliter. Stonner the
6、 craduate -. . 4.4.7 Particle size. Apparatus. Test shall be made usina a single-eccentric tyne ?echanical shaker which imparts to the sieves a rotary motion and tapninn action of uniform speed of 300 + 15 gyrations and 150 10 taps of the striker Der minute. Sieves shall conform-to RR-S-366.
7、 Procedure. Place 100 5 0.01 araEs of dishwashina cor?nound on the coarser screen of the nest of appropriate sieves and screen in shakiny annaratus. Continue screening for 5 minute intervals until the weiuht retained on finer screen is reduced by not more than 0.1 g during successive interva
8、ls. Weiah naterial on finer screen and calculate percent of material fallin? within the appropriate ranae. A Brookfield Synchro-Lectric viscosimeter equipped with a No. 2 spindle and operated at 50 r.p.m. shall be used. with ASTM D 460, sections 86 to 87. water at room temperature and titrate the so
9、lution electrometrically against standard 1.0 N hydrochloric acid to pH 3.4. Calculate the percent alkalinity as sodium oxide (Naao). 4.4.8 Viscosity. The viscosity shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 2983. 4.4.9 Sugars. Sugars in dishwashina compound shall be determined in accordance 4.4.
10、10 Total alkalinity. Dissolve 10.0 t- 0.1 g of the material in distilled 4.4.11 Solubility in hard water. Type I, cla_ss 1 and type-,_. Dissolve 1.0 g of dishwashing compound in 100 ml of 20 grain hard water (see Warm to 45 1C to facilitate solution. After stirring the warm solut
11、ion for 5 minutes,.observe type I, class 1 for completeness of solution and observe type II solution after standina 1 hour for any separation-of liquid and solid components. 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-P-D-43OC 77 W 7777774 0038
12、574 3 P-D-41OC 4.4.11 2 Preparation of 2O_ga-i-n.-hrc ?ET. Twenty grain hard water shall be prepared by d%svl_nqoO-tions parrcitted tion are intended to be usecl in soft or hard water for hand dishwashina. herein, and include the followir.-r in forration in procurevert docuinents : (a) Title, nunibe
13、r, an! date of this snecification. (b) Type and class of Sishwachinc corri.pound. require6. (cl Packaging and packinn required (see 5.1 and 5.2). (d) Quantity required (see 5.1 and 5.2). CUSTODIANS : Army - GL (MCA) Navy - SH Air Force - 84 REVIEW ACTIVITLES: Army - bD Air Force - 03 USER ACTIVITIES
14、: Navy - SH E-IS U.S. GOVEXNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1977 - 241-233/1106 _._ -. _ . - . . - _ -. . .- _ -. - ._ Orders for this publication are tc? he placed with Ceneral Services Pxlpinistration , - acting as an agent for the Superintendent of Documents. See Section 2 of this cents each. specification to obFain extra copies and other docuinents reference6 herein. Price 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-