1、.AECMA PREN2209 77 W 1Ol123Ll 0002486 7 Mi - DRAFT prE N2209 Edition 1 October 1977 A.E.C.M.A. STANDARD NORME A.E.C.M.A. A.E.C.M.A. NORM ENGLISH VERSION STEEL FE-PL43 S 400 MPa 50 OB90 0,15 - OJ35 0,80 0,020 0,015 1,so OB25 0830 - - -I_- . 2 3 45 I 6 78 9 10 -I- I I DRAFT EUROPEAN STANDARD - AEROSPA
2、CL SERIES prEN2209 Page 3 STEEL FE-PL43 S 900 tiPa 548% ! I Delivery condition oc e 80C rest piece leot treatment iampling Hard ned and gempered Annealed la limensions :oncerned mm rhickncss of :ladding on each face lirection of sample LT LT L O oc Room temperature I - - 700 750 - - 90%Rml100 900 R,
3、 G 1100 Temperature Proof Stress Strength w -1 E longat ion A % % _ Reduct ion of area z I - I I Hardness r RC - k - KCU Shear Strength Bending r=kxn) Impact _ J/cm I - I I o - t OC h _ I Temperature Time MPOl a % Rupturo Istress MPa; A - flongation at rupture Notes *) 1MPa = 1N/mm2 , prEN2209 Page 4 - ._I. . . . . . ,-.1 _. .= - - AECMA PREN2209 73 .gl LOL23LL 0002Li88 O m 1 Condit ion and He?ge!erence reatmept o- ., Iesignation dotes ypical use _u If - -1 *. 1 2 Hardened and tempered 870 OC f 10 OC/ OQ, . Zhcr? Temper 545 OC f 5 OC u . o- . i. -. . , General purPo* sbeel, We7dqble. E r. I