ASD-STAN PREN 2289-1990 Aerospace Series Rod Bodies Flight Controls in Aluminium Alloys Technical Specification (Issue P 1)《航空航天系列 铝合金制飞行控制杆结构 技术规范 第P1版》.pdf

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ASD-STAN PREN 2289-1990 Aerospace Series Rod Bodies Flight Controls in Aluminium Alloys Technical Specification (Issue P 1)《航空航天系列 铝合金制飞行控制杆结构 技术规范 第P1版》.pdf_第1页
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ASD-STAN PREN 2289-1990 Aerospace Series Rod Bodies Flight Controls in Aluminium Alloys Technical Specification (Issue P 1)《航空航天系列 铝合金制飞行控制杆结构 技术规范 第P1版》.pdf_第2页
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ASD-STAN PREN 2289-1990 Aerospace Series Rod Bodies Flight Controls in Aluminium Alloys Technical Specification (Issue P 1)《航空航天系列 铝合金制飞行控制杆结构 技术规范 第P1版》.pdf_第3页
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ASD-STAN PREN 2289-1990 Aerospace Series Rod Bodies Flight Controls in Aluminium Alloys Technical Specification (Issue P 1)《航空航天系列 铝合金制飞行控制杆结构 技术规范 第P1版》.pdf_第4页
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ASD-STAN PREN 2289-1990 Aerospace Series Rod Bodies Flight Controls in Aluminium Alloys Technical Specification (Issue P 1)《航空航天系列 铝合金制飞行控制杆结构 技术规范 第P1版》.pdf_第5页
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1、AECMA PREN2287 70 W LOL2311 0002785 b W Edition approved for publication 28th February 1990 A. E. C. M .A. STAN DAR D NORME A.E,C.M.A. A.E.C.M.A. NORM Comments should be sent within six months C 1 Chairman . Mr. MOUTARDE after the date of publication decision A.E.C.M.A. 88, Bd. Malesherbes 75008 PAR

2、IS - FRANCE prEN 2289 Issue P 1 February I990 EDITE PAR LASSOCIATION EUFIOPEENNE DES CONSTRUCTEURS DE MATERIEL AEROSPATIAL 88, boulevard Malesherbes, 75008 PARIS - TEL. 45-63-82-85 UDC : 629.7.05 : 621.827.1 : 669.71 : 658.56 Key words : Aeronautical industry, aircraft controls, rod bodies, specific

3、ation ENGLISH VERSION Aerospace series Rod bodies, flight controls in aluminium altoys Technical specification Srie arospatiate Luft- und Raumfahrt Rohrkrper aus Aluminiumlegierungen fr Flugsteuerungen Corps de bielles en alliages daluminium pour commandes de vok Spcification technique Technische ti

4、eferbedingungen This .Aerospace Series. pre-standard has been drawn up under the responsibility of AECMA Association Europenne des Constructeurs de Matriel A6rospatial). It is published on green paper for the needs ofAECMA-Members. It has been technically approved by the experts of the concerned AEC

5、MA Commission following comment by the Member countries. Subsequent to the publication of this pre-standard, the technical content shall not be changed to an extent that interchangeability is affected, physically or functionally, without re-identification of the standard. After examination and signa

6、ture of the AECMA Standard Checking Centre (NPS) and formal agreement of the Official Services of the Member countries it will be submittedas a draft European Standard to CEN (European Committee for Standardization) for final vote. aecrna 1990 I AECMA PREN2287 SO W LOL23LL 000278b 8 W _ prEN 2289 Pa

7、ge 2 :-. . , . %. . _I .- . I Contents *I ,- 1 Scope an field of application 2 Refetences 3 Definitions .-% t . i. i. _ , :. 1,2 612 2,5 _ .1.2 Material grain - 5 According t ASTM-E112 X size ) Acceptance 3.2 Thread surface discontinitities See figure 2. 3.3 Batch or tests (Product

8、ion) A batch (Production) consists of rod bodies bearing the same identity biock manufactured in the same sanufacturing cycle rom- the same batch of semi-finished products. 3.4 Ratch for destructive tests (Artificial) A batch (Artificial, hecause it mhybe made up f several product-lon batches) is a

9、batch of 3 20- ma.xirnum rod bodies whj-ch shall- satisfy th-e followlna condstions : - the same diame-ter “D“;, .- - the same wall. thickness “a“; - the same thread ( x pitch); - manufactured- from the same batch of * semi-flnished prodpcts. . - ., 4. Require4 mm or 10 X of the thick- ness of the s

10、ection . whichever is the . smallest. - For threads see figure 2 section C, NO discontinuities are permitted. Na rotation when torque values from . table 2 are applied, Shall withstand the loads to table 3 without permaneti t elongation, . I_ .- Shall withstand the u3 timate loads to table 3 without

11、 failure. Inspection and test method - .- .-. Visual Inspection with magnification x 100 The testing device to hold the rod body stationary j:s left to the manufacturers op t ion-. Visual inspection. Fit the rod body wxi-h special end fittings in heat treated steel which can be clamped in the jaws.

12、of a tensile testing. machine. The end iittings shall-be engaged not more than 1,5 the threaded shank diameter into the rod b.ody, The load shall be applfed continuously and gradually up to the proof load without jolt and maintained .for at least . 3 seconds. . Check for any elongation. Equipment an

13、d f It t gg see 4.9. Visual inspection, -_. AECMA PREN2289 90 W _ IOIi331iL 9002793 I :lause Characteristic . . 1 1 Ruckllng strength 1.12 Fatigue strength under stress 1.12.1 High load fatigue test 1.12.2. TAow load fatigue test prEN 2289 Page 7 Tah1.e 1 (continued) Leqii irement :hall conform with

14、 :he values taken from :he curves Cn EN 311 i. ;ee. 4. l?, 1 and 1.17.7 ;tressT= 210 MPa ?o failure shall he )ermi tted over the irst 60 nfo cvcles. rhe test shall he :ontinued up to ailiire or 100 O00 syc1.e.s. Three rods :hall be tested and :he average number of :vcles achieved shall. )e 80 000. i

15、tressT= 100 MPa 30 faJlure shall he )ermtted over a Ieriod of 10 cycles. ln completjon the rods :ha.- be subrnj tted to i buckl.i.nE test 01-lowed by an iltirnate load test. %ese strength values ;hall. not be less :han 75 % of the ral iies speci f ied in 3N 3111 tahle 4. - nspection and test method

16、tod bodies used shall. be IS close as possible to :he maximum to1 erance of radfal. runout. Fit the rod ,odies with hall joint: mds. The ptns attaching :hese-ends to the testing. nach-ine shall be parallel. rhe end fittings shall be Fitted in accordance wCth .IO. The load shall he ipplied continu.oi

17、is7.v and ?radilal 1 y up to the va3 tie ifven in EN 3111 multi- Sied bv 1,?5 wlthout iolt. Th3.s load shall be main- tained for a period of 3 Tecondc and then released, feasure radial riinout. Ipply a fluctuating tensi-le force F at a fre- luency of 30 Hz varying From 0,I F to F, such that F (newto

18、ns) =Tx S where T = test stress (in MPa! = cross sectional area of . the central cvlindrical- portion of the rod body (S =Ta (Iba) 1 = tilhe diameter (mm) 4 = tube wall. thickness (nun Cn accordance id th 4.1.2 In accordance with 4.12 .n accordance wlth 4.10 ind 4.11. Rod. hocifes with Inserts shall

19、 he checked For loosening or frettfnp, it the tnterface. ! AECMA PREN2289 90 U LOL23LL 0002792 3 W prEN 2289 Page 8 A E A I J i-$- - 7 / / / Figure 1 : Longitudinal section and position of transverse cut section S one in which surface discontinuities are permitted one in which depressions of a maxim

20、um depth of 50pm only permitted, except in the thread root radii. A = 0,75 B 1ocall.y admitted height B = Nomina1,thread height 1) = 0,56258 H = Height of basic triangle 1) 1) See ISQ 58.55-1 Figure 2 : Defects permitted in a cut section in threaded area Table 2 Rotatiorial torques Threads Torque N

21、m MJ 8x1 15 MJ 10 x 1,25 35 MJ 12 x 1,25 40 MJ 14 x 1,50 L 50 e AECMA PREN2289 90 a 1012311 0002793 5 W prEN 2289 Page 9 Tahle 3 - Tensile strength Dimensions in millimeters . .I 5.1 Approval of manufacturer See EN 2000. 5.2 Product qualification- . According to table 4 and 5. . The inspections and

22、tests shall be performed on seven rod bodies selected as follows : - with an outs!.de diameter P = 16 - 25 or 36 mm : - and tube wall thickness a = 1 or 1,6 mm ; - length of rod bodv, determ-tned from the curves gtven in EN 3111. Centre to centre length located in the EULER region of the curve sha13

23、. he selected For example length between centres to be chosen lie : - between 1000 and 1100 mm for - between 700 and 800 mm for T! = 35 and a = 1,6 . = 36 and a.= 1,6 ; “he order of the inspections and tests is left to the initiative o the qualification authority. I 1 AECMA PREN2289 90 LOL23LL 00027

24、74 7 ! prEN 2289 Page 10 Table 4 - Non-destructive tests Nature of inspection or test iat erial hrking latch unfformity of material ifter heat treatment kimensions, tolerances and mass iurface roughness i) lesistance of threaded inserts :o rotation Zxternal surface appearance i) lurface treatment ro

25、of load nef ined. in 4.1 4.5 4.1.1 4.3 4.4 4.8. 4.6 4.2. 4.9. 1 X X X x X X X X X - Each item OF control batch numbered in series 2 X X X X x X X x X I_ - 3 X Y X X X X X x X - - 4 X X X X X X X X X - 5 X X X X X X X X x - - 6 X x X X X X x x X - 7 X X X x X X Y X X - - .) Prior to surface treatment

26、 Table 5 - Destructive tests Tief ined in ature of inspection or test t uckl.ine; strength 3. t imat e strength atlgue strength under stress : - with * 21.0 MPa - with = 100 MPa surface appearance aterial grain size rimer quality orrosion resistance 4.11 4.10 4.12.1 4.12.2 4.7 4.1.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 Rach

27、 item of control batch numbered in series 6 - X 7 - X - In case of rod body with Smserts, the methods of retention of the insert shall be approved by the qualifying authority. 6 Acceptance conditions 6.1 Manufacturers responsibility See EN 2000. u 6.2 Procedure See tables 6 and 7. The order of the i

28、nspections and teats is left to the i.n-LtiatSve of the qual ificatjmn authoritv. AECMA PREE289 90 prEN 2289 Paee 11 Defined Number of inspections or tests in per artificial batch Rature of inspection or test Dimensions, tolerances and mass 4.3 Marking 4.5 Surface roughness i) 4.4 External surface a

29、ppearance i) 4.6 Resistance of threaded jnsert 4.8. to rotation Surface treatment 4.2. Ratch uniformity of material after heat treatment Proof load 4.9 1) Prior to surface treatment 3) This may be varied wjth the approval of the purchaser or approving authorit 4.1.1. TahSe 6 - Non destructive test N

30、umber of inspections or tests . per artjficial batch Defined in Wature of inspection or test Ultimate strength Patjgue strength under stress Primer quality Internal surface appearance 100 z inspection 4.11 I sample 21 4.12.2 Upon request from the purchaser I. sample 2) 4.7 4.2.1 2) 3) Table 7 - Test

31、 tests 1) i) If a rod hodv faJls to pass ali these tests, the production batch shall be rejected. These tests shall be repeated on each subsequent production batch of the artificial hatch. 3 Of the first production batch of the artificial batch. I 6.3 Customers quality control The customer m

32、av, upon receivfng a consignment of rod bodies carry out any imspections or tests from table 6 and 7 to ensure that the articles manufactured are of the required standard of quality and to determine wether the consignment is acceptable. 7 Packapjng The rod bodies shall be packed so as not to be dama

33、ged during transport. A label- attached to each rod bodv shall specify the following : - name and address of manufacturer - description hlock - identity block - order number and delivery date - production batch number 8 Certificate of conformity All deliveries of rod bodlea referring to this standard shall he accompanjed by a certificate of conformity Issued by the manufacturer.

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