ASME PTC 50-2002 Fuel Cell Power Systems Performance《燃料电池电源系统性能》.pdf

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1、 Intentionally left blank AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDFUEL CELLPOWER SYSTEMSPERFORMANCEPERFORMANCE TEST CODESASME PTC 50-2002DateofIssuance:November29,2002This Standard will be revised when the Society approves the issuance of a newedition.Therewillbenoaddendaissuedtothisedition.ASMEissueswrittenre


3、reditedasmeetingthecriteriaforAmericanNationalStandards.TheStandardsCommitteethatapprovedthecodeorstandardwasbalancedtoassurethat individuals from competent and concerned interests have had an opportunity to participate. Theproposedcodeorstandardwasmadeavailableforpublicreviewandcommentthatprovidesa



6、onsibility.Participationbyfederalagencyrepresentative(s)orperson(s)affiliatedwithindustryisnottobeinterpretedasgovernmentorindustryendorsementofthiscodeorstandard.ASME accepts responsibility for only those interpretations of this document issued in accordancewiththeestablishedASMEproceduresandpolici


8、OFMECHANICALENGINEERSAllrightsreservedPrintedinU.S.A.CONTENTSForeword . vCommitteeRoster viiBoardRoster viiiINTRODUCTION 11 ObjectandScope 21.1 2Object .1.2 2Scope 1.3 2Test Uncertainty 2 Definition and Description of Terms 32.1 3Introduction .2.2 3Fuel Cell Types .2.3 4Fuel Cell Power Systems 2.4 5

9、General Fuel Cell Nomenclature .2.5 5General Definition 3 Guiding Principles 83.1 8Introduction .3.2 8Agreements .3.3 8Test Boundary 3.4 8Test Plan .3.5 10Preparation for Test .3.6 11Parameters to be Measured or Determined During the Test Period .3.7 14Operation of the Test .3.8 14Calculation and Re

10、porting of Results .3.9 15Records 4 Instruments and Methods of Measurement . 164.1 16General Requirements .4.2 18Checklist of Instruments and Apparatus .4.3 19Determination of Outputs 4.4 20Determination of Fuel Input .4.5 22Data Collection and Handling .5 Computation of Results 235.1 23Introduction

11、 .5.2 23Computation of Inputs .5.3 27Computation of Electric Power Output .iii5.4 27Computation of Thermal and Mechanical Outputs .5.5 28Computation of Average Net Power 5.6 28Computation of Effciencies 5.7 29Correction of Test Results to Reference Conditions 6 Test Report Requirements . 316.1 31Gen

12、eral Requirements .6.2 31Executive Summary 6.3 31Introduction .6.4 31Instrumentation 6.5 31Results .6.6 32Conclusions .6.7 32Appendices .Figures2.1 Generic Fuel Cell Power System Diagram 43.1 Generic Fuel Cell System Test Boundary 93.2 Fuel Cell System Test Boundary Illustrating Internal Subsystems

13、9Tables3.1 Maximum Permissible Variations in Test Operating Conditions . 144.1 Potential Bias Limit for Heating Values . 21Mandatory AppendixI Uncertainty Analysis and Sample Calculation . 33ivFOREWORDDuringthemid1990stheimportanceofdevelopingfuelcellstandardswasrecognized.Fuel Cell power plants wer

14、e in the early stages of commercialization. Potentialapplications included vehicular power, on-site power generation, and larger scaledispersalpowergenerators.Therewasagrowingdemandtoproduceindustrystandardsthat would keep pace with the commercialization of this new technology.ASME had a very active

15、 Fuel Cell Power Systems technical committee within theAdvancedEnergySystemsDivision.Throughitsvolunteermembership,itrecommendedthe formation of a standards committee to work on developing a fuel cell standard.ASME Codes and Standard Directorate undertook this task. On October 14, 1996 theBoard on P

16、erformance Test Codes voted to approve the formation of a performancetest code committee, PTC 50.This Committee had its frst meeting on January 23-24, 1997. The membershipconsisted of some 18 fuel cell experts from Government, academia, manufacturers,andusersoffuelcells.RonaldL.Bannister;Westinghous

17、eElectricCorporation;retired,chaired the frst meeting. He had been appointed by the Board on PTC as the BoardLiaisonmembertothecommittee.Hechairedandsupervisedthecommitteesactivitiesuntil permanent offcers were elected from the membership.In the Fall 2001, the Committee issued a draft of the propose

18、d Code to Industryfor review and comment. The comments were addressed in February 2002 and theCommittee by a letter ballot voted to approve the document on March 29, 2002. Itwas then approved and adopted by the Council as a standard practice of the Societyby action of the Board on Performance Test C

19、odes voted on May 6, 2002. It wasalso approved as an American National Standard by the ANSI Board of StandardsReview on July 3, 2002.vNOTICEAll Performance Test Codes MUST adhere to the requirements of PTC 1, GENERALINSTRUCTIONS.Thefollowinginformationisbasedonthatdocumentandisincludedhereforemphasi

20、sandfortheconvenienceoftheuserofthisSupplement.Itisexpectedthat the Code user if fully cognizant of Parts I and III of PTC 1 and has read themprior to applying this Supplement.ASME Performance Test Codes provide test procedures which yield results of thehighest level ofaccuracy consistent with the b

21、estengineering knowledge and practicecurrently available. They were developed by balanced committees representing allconcerned interests. They specify procedures, instrumentation, equipment operatingrequirements, calculation methods, and uncertainty analysis.When tests are in accordance with a Code,

22、 the test results themselves, withoutadjustmentforuncertainty,yieldthebestavailableindicationoftheactualperformanceof the tested equipement. ASME Performance Test Codes do not specify means tocomparethoseresultstocontractualguarantees.Therefore,itisrecommendedthatthepartiestoacommercialtestagreebefo

23、restartingthetestandpreferablybeforesigningthecontractonthemethodtobeusedforcomparingthetestresultstothecontractualguarantees. It is beyond the scope of any Code to determine or interpret how suchcomparisons shall be made.viPERSONNELOFPERFORMANCETESTCODECOMMITTEE50FUELCELLPOWERSYSTEMSPERFORMANCE(The


25、myCorpsofEngineersJ.H.Karian,TheAmericanSocietyofMechanicalEngineersB.Knaggs,BallardGenerationSystemsM.Krumpelt,ArgonneNationalLaboratoryA.J.Leo,FuelCellEnergyA.Skok,Alternate,FuelCellEnergyR.M.Privette,OMGCorp.L.A.Shockling,Siemens-WestinghousePowerCorp.R.P.Wichert, U.S.FuelCellCouncilM.C.Williams,

26、 U.S.DOE,NETLviiBOARDONPERFORMANCETESTCODESOFFICERSS.J.Korellis,ChairJ.R.Friedman,ViceChairW.O.Hays, SecretaryCOMMITTEEPERSONNELP.G.Albert G.J.Gerber S.P.NusplR.P.Allen Y.Goland A.L.PlumleyR.L.Bannister T.C.Heil R.R.PriestleyJ.M.Burns T.S.Jonas J.W.SiegmundW.C.Campbell D.R.Keyser J.A.Silvaggio,Jr.M.

27、J.Dooley S.J.Korellis W.G.Steele,Jr.A.J.Egli P.M.McHale J.C.WestcottJ.R.Friedman J.W.Milton J.G.YostP.M.Gerhart G.H.Mittendorf,Jr.viiiASMEPTC50-2002FUELCELLPOWERSYSTEMSPERFORMANCEINTRODUCTIONFuel cells convert the energy of a fuel directlyinto electricity, eliminating the combustion stagethatischara

28、cteristicofheatengines,andnotrequir-ing any moving parts. Instead, the fuel molecules(usually hydrogen often derived from hydrocarbonfuels)interactwiththesurfaceofananodematerialto form reaction products, liberating electrons. Theelectronsflo throughtheelectricloadtothecath-ode where they react with

29、 an oxidant, typicallyoxygenfromair.Ionsmigratebetweentheelectrodesthroughtheionicallyconductingelectrolytetocom-pletethecircuit.Theproductofthiselectrochemicalenergyconversionprocessiswater,butunlikeheatengines, the process can take place at close toambient temperature, or can also be conducted ath

30、igher temperatures, depending on the types ofanode, electrolyte, and cathode materials.Sincefuelcellsarenotheatengines,theefficiencof a fuel cell system is not limited by the Carnotprinciple. It can, in fact, vary over a fairly widerange. When the current density of the fuel cell isvery low, the ene

31、rgy conversion effciency ap-proachestheratiooftheFreeEnergyofCombustionof the fuel divided by the Enthalpy of Combustion.For methane this limit is 94%. However, such anoperatingmodewouldrequireaverylargefuelcelland would be too expensive in most applications.In practice, fuel cell systems are design

32、ed tooperateat apower densityreflectin themost eco-nomical trade-off of fuel and capital costs. At thedesign point of the system the power output of thesystem is specifie by the manufacturer for certainstandardconditionsoffuelandair.Itisthepurposeof this Code to defin in a commonly acceptablemannerh

33、owthepoweroutputandtheenergyinputshouldbemeasuredandhowtheefficienc shouldbe calculated.1Section 1 define the objective and scope of thisCode.Section2 isdedicatedtodefinin a fuelcellsystem and to definition of terms. It also containsa brief discussion of the major types of fuel cells.InSection3,meth

34、odologyofestablishingtestproto-col is outlined. Instrumentation for measuring theenergy of the feed stream as well as of the exitinggases and liquids is given in Section 4, as is theinstrumentation for measuring electric power. Sec-tion 5 describes how the efficienc of the systemsshall be calculated

35、 from the measurements, andhowcorrectionsfornonstandardconditionsshallbemade.Typically, this performance test code would beusedforanindependentverificatio oftheperform-ance of a particular fuel cell system by a customeror test agency. In the view of the members of theCommittee, the described procedu

36、res are rigorous,and the test will require committing significan re-sources. For the casual user of fuel cells, it willsuffic todeterminetheelectricoutputofthesystemunder steady state conditions, and to measure thefuel feed rate. As mentioned above, the efficiencofafuelcellsystemvariessignificantl w

37、ithpowerdensity.Atpowerdensitiesbelowthedesignpoint,the efficienc will usually increase, and it will de-crease when the power output exceeds the designpoint. One of the characteristics of fuel cells is theability to operate them over a wide power range,even exceeding the design point by 50% for a fe

38、wminutes. Under dynamic operating conditions theefficienc of a fuel cell would be different than atthe design point, and would probably be higher,since most loads contain significan segments oflow-power operation and normal system control(e.g., for fuel flow responds fairly quickly to theseloadcondi

39、tions.Measuringtheefficienc underdy-namic conditions goes beyond the scope of thedocument.FUELCELLPOWERSYSTEMSPERFORMANCEASMEPTC50-2002SECTION1OBJECTANDSCOPE1.1 OBJECTThisCodeprovidestestprocedures,methods,anddefnitions for the performance characterization offuel cell power systems. Fuel cell power

40、systemsinclude all components required in the conversionofinputfuelandoxidizerintooutputelectricalandthermalenergy.Performancecharacterizationoffuelsystems includes evaluating system energy inputsandelectricalandthermaloutputstodeterminefuel-to-electricalenergyconversioneffciencyandwhereapplicable,

41、the overall thermal effectiveness. Theseeffciencieswillbedeterminedtoanabsoluteuncer-tainty of less than 2% at a 95% confdence level.(For example, for a calculated effciency of 40%,the true value lies between 38% and 42%.)1.2 SCOPEThis Code applies to all fuel cell power systemsregardless of the ele

42、ctrical power output, thermaloutput,fuelcelltype,fueltype,orsystemapplication.Fuel cell power systems contain an assembly ofelectrochemicalcells,whichoxidizeafueltogener-atedirectcurrentelectricity.Balance-of-plantsubsys-temsmay includecontrols, thermalmanagement, afuel processor and a power conditi

43、oner. Some fuelcell power systems may contain additional powergeneratingequipmentsuchassteamgenerators,gasturbinegenerators,ormicro-turbinegenerators.Thenetpoweroutputandallthefuelinputtothesystemshallbe takeninto accountin theperformance testcalculations.This Code applies to the performance of over

44、allfuel cell power systems. The Code addresses com-binedheatandpowersystems,thatis,thegenerationof electricity and usable heat at specifc thermalconditions. It does not address the performance ofspecifc subsystems nor does it apply to energystorage systems, such as regenerative fuel cells orbatterie

45、s.Italsodoesnotaddressemissions,reliabil-ity, safety issues, or endurance.This Code contains methods and procedures forconducting and reporting fuel cell system testing,2including instrumentation to be used, testing tech-niques, and methods for calculating and reportingresults.The Code defnes the te

46、st boundary for fuel andoxidantinput,secondaryenergyinputandnetelectri-calandthermalenergyoutput.Attheseboundaries,thisCodeprovidesproceduresformeasuringtemper-ature, pressure, input fuel fow and composition,electrical power, and thermal output.TheCodeprovidesproceduresfordeterminationofelectricalef

47、fciencyorheatrateandoverallthermaleffectivenessatratedoranyothersteady-statecondi-tion.TheCodealsoprovidesthemethodtocorrectresults from the test to reference conditions.1.3 TEST UNCERTAINTYIn accordance with ASME PTC 19.1, proceduresareprovidedfordeterminingtheuncertaintyassoci-atedwiththecalculate

48、dperformanceparametersofthisCode(energyinput,electricalenergyandthermaloutputs, and electrical effciency or heat rate). Inthe measurements made to determine performanceparameters,therearesystematicerrorsproducedbythe procedures and instrumentation recommendedinthisCode.Atableofthesesystematicerrorsm

49、aybe found in Section 4 of this Code.Samplecalculationsoftheuncertaintiesassociatedwiththesystemperformanceparameters,whichillus-trate the effects of systematic errors and data, arepresented in Mandatory Appendix I of this Code.A pretest uncertainty analysis is recommended.The pretest analysis allows corrective action to betaken prior to the test, which will either decreasethe uncertainty to an appropriate level consistentwiththe overallobjectiveof thetestor willreducethe cost of the test while still attaining t


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