ASTM A453 A453M-2015 Standard Specification for High-Temperature Bolting with Expansion Coefficients Comparable to Austenitic Stainless Steels《使用与奥氏体不锈钢可比的膨胀系数对高温螺栓连接的标准规格》.pdf

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ASTM A453 A453M-2015 Standard Specification for High-Temperature Bolting with Expansion Coefficients Comparable to Austenitic Stainless Steels《使用与奥氏体不锈钢可比的膨胀系数对高温螺栓连接的标准规格》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM A453 A453M-2015 Standard Specification for High-Temperature Bolting with Expansion Coefficients Comparable to Austenitic Stainless Steels《使用与奥氏体不锈钢可比的膨胀系数对高温螺栓连接的标准规格》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM A453 A453M-2015 Standard Specification for High-Temperature Bolting with Expansion Coefficients Comparable to Austenitic Stainless Steels《使用与奥氏体不锈钢可比的膨胀系数对高温螺栓连接的标准规格》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM A453 A453M-2015 Standard Specification for High-Temperature Bolting with Expansion Coefficients Comparable to Austenitic Stainless Steels《使用与奥氏体不锈钢可比的膨胀系数对高温螺栓连接的标准规格》.pdf_第4页
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ASTM A453 A453M-2015 Standard Specification for High-Temperature Bolting with Expansion Coefficients Comparable to Austenitic Stainless Steels《使用与奥氏体不锈钢可比的膨胀系数对高温螺栓连接的标准规格》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: A453/A453M 15Standard Specification forHigh-Temperature Bolting, with Expansion CoefficientsComparable to Austenitic Stainless Steels1This standard is issued under the fixed designation A453/A453M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the yearof original adoption o

2、r, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.1. S

3、cope*1.1 This specification2covers five grades of bolting mate-rials with twelve classes of yield strength ranging from 50 to120 ksi 345 to 827 MPa for use in high-temperature servicefor bolting components, such as bolts, screws, nuts, or studs,for pressure vessel and valve flanges. See Specificatio

4、n A962/A962M for the definition of bolting. The material requiresspecial processing and is not intended for general purposeapplications.1.2 The following referenced general requirements are in-dispensable for application of this specification: SpecificationA962/A962M.1.3 Supplementary Requirements a

5、re provided for use at theoption of the purchaser. The Supplementary Requirementsshall only apply when specified individually by the purchaserin the purchase order or contract.1.4 This specification is expressed in both inch-pound unitsand in SI units; however, unless the purchase order or contracts

6、pecifies the applicable “M” specification designation (SIunits), the inch-pound units shall apply.1.5 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound unitsare to be regarded separately as standard. Within the text, theSI units are shown in brackets. The values stated in eachsystem may not be exac

7、t equivalents; therefore, each systemshall be used independently of the other. Combining valuesfrom the two systems may result in non-conformance with thestandard.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:3A193/A193M Specification for Alloy-Steel and StainlessSteel Bolting for High Temperature or Hi

8、gh PressureService and Other Special Purpose ApplicationsA962/A962M Specification for Common Requirements forBolting Intended for Use at Any Temperature from Cryo-genic to the Creep RangeE139 Test Methods for Conducting Creep, Creep-Rupture,and Stress-Rupture Tests of Metallic MaterialsE292 Test Met

9、hods for Conducting Time-for-Rupture NotchTension Tests of Materials3. Terminology3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.1.1 heat-treatment chargeone heat of material heattreated in one batch. If a continuous operation is used, theweight processed as a heat-treatment charge shall not e

10、xceedthe weights in Table lota lot shall consist of the quantities shown in Table2.4. Ordering Information4.1 The inquiry and order shall indicate the following:4.1.1 Quantity (weight or number of pieces),4.1.2 Description of item (bars, bolts, nuts, etc.),4.1.3 Grade and class (see Table 3)

11、,4.1.4 Method of finishing (see 6.1),4.1.5 Type of thread desired (see 6.1.1),4.1.6 Alternative test method option (see,4.1.7 Bolt shape option, if any,4.1.8 Thread option, if any,1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01 on Steel,Stainless Steel and Related Alloys

12、 and is the direct responsibility of SubcommitteeA01.22 on Steel Forgings and Wrought Fittings for PipingApplications and BoltingMaterials for Piping and Special Purpose Applications.Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2015. Published November 2015. Originallyapproved in 1961. Last previous edition app

13、roved in 2012 as A453/A453M12.DOI: 10.1520/A0453_A0453M-15.2For ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Applications see related Specifi-cation SA-453 in Section II of that Code.3For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For

14、 Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standardCopyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States14.1.9 T

15、est method for surface quality, if any,4.1.10 Test location option, if any,4.1.11 Rejection option, if any, and4.1.12 If stress-rupture testing is not required, except forGrade 660 Class D and Grade 668 (see 8.2.1).5. Common Requirements5.1 Bolting materials and bolting components supplied tothis sp

16、ecification shall conform to the requirements of Speci-fication A962/A962M. These requirements include testmethods, finish, thread dimensions, marking, certification,optional supplementary requirements, and others. Failure tocomply with the requirements of Specification A962/A962Mconstitutes nonconf

17、ormance with this specification. In case ofconflict between the requirements of this specification andSpecification A962/A962M, this specification shall prevail.6. Materials and Manufacture6.1 Finishing Process:6.1.1 Threads may be formed by machining or rolling.Threads may be formed after precipita

18、tion heat treatment orafter solution anneal but prior to precipitation heat treatment.Type designations are as follows:Type M1threads formed by machining after precipitationheat treatment.Type M2threads formed by machining after solutionanneal but prior to precipitation heat treatment.Type R1threads

19、 formed by rolling after precipitation heattreatment.Type R2threads formed by rolling after solution annealbut prior to precipitation heat treatment.When not specified by the purchaser, the type supplied shallbe the option of the manufacturer.6.2 Heat TreatmentEach grade and class shall be heattreat

20、ed as prescribed in Table 4.7. Chemical Composition7.1 Each alloy shall conform to the chemical compositionrequirements prescribed in Table 3.8. Mechanical Properties8.1 Tension Test:8.1.1 RequirementsBolting material in each heat-treatment charge shall conform to the room-temperature tensilerequire

21、ments in Table Number of Specimens: Heat-Treated BarsWhen not more than two sizesof bars are heat treated in the same load, one tension test shallbe made from each size in each heat of material in theheat-treatment charge (see 3.1.1). When more than two sizes ofbars are treated in the

22、 same charge, one tension test shall bemade from one bar of each of the two largest diameters fromeach heat of material in the heat-treating charge. Finished Bolting ComponentsOne tension testshall be made if the lot consists of parts of the same nominaldiameter. If the lot consists of compon

23、ents of more than onenominal diameter, one tension test shall be made from eachnominal diameter of each heat involved in the lot (see Section3).8.2 Stress-Rupture Test:8.2.1 RequirementsBolting material shall conform to thestress-rupture requirements prescribed in Table 6 for designtemperatures abov

24、e 800 F 427 C. Bolting material notstress-rupture tested shall be permanently stamped NR. Grade660 Class D and Grade 668 do not require stress-rupture andshall be stamped NR.8.2.2 The number of specimens shall be the same as therequired number of tension test specimens.8.2.3 The test location and or

25、ientation shall be the same asthat required for the tension test specimens.8.2.4 Test Method: The rupture test shall be performed in accordancewith Practice E139.NOTE 1Fig. 1 is taken from Test Method E292. This is to facilitatedetection of notch sensitivity. The specimen found in Practice E1

26、39 doesnot include a notch. The specimen in Fig. 1 is to be used only to determineif the material is notch sensitive. Actual testing is to Practice E139, notTest Method E292, so the additional test data required by Test MethodE292 is not to be determined or reported. A combination smooth and

27、notched test specimen,machined to the dimensions prescribed in Fig. 1 and Table 7,shall be tested in accordance with the stress-rupture require-ments prescribed in Table 6. The test shall be continued torupture. The rupture shall occur in the smooth section of thebar. As an alternative proced

28、ure and, when specificallyapproved by the purchaser, separate smooth and notched testspecimens, machined from adjacent sections of the same piece,with gage sections conforming to the respective dimensions ofTable 7, may be tested under the above conditions. The notchedspecimen need not be tested to

29、rupture but shall not rupture inless time than the companion smooth specimen. When the minimum specified time to rupture inTable 6 has been achieved, incremental loading may be used toaccelerate the time to rupture. At intervals of 8 to 16 h,preferably 8 to 10 h, the stress shall be increased

30、 in incrementsof 5000 psi 34.5 MPa. Rupture location, and elongationrequirements shall be as prescribed in Table 6,, and8. Hardness Test:TABLE 1 Continuous Heat-Treatment Charge SizesDiameter, in. mm Weight, lb kgTo 134 44 3000 1400Over 134 44 to 212 63 6000 2700Over 212 63 12000 54

31、00TABLE 2 Lot SizesDiameter, in. mm Maximum Lot Size, lb kg112 38 and under 200 90Over 112 38 to 134 44, incl 300 140Over 134 44 to 212 63, incl 600 270Over 212 63 20 piecesA453/A453M 1528.3.1 RequirementsBolting material shall conform to theroom temperature hardness requirements prescribed in Table

32、 Number of Tests: Bars 2 in. 50 mm and OverOne test on eachmill-treated length. Bars under 2 in. 50 mmOne test on at least 10 %of the mill treated lengths. Bolting ComponentsSee Specification A962/A962M for the required number of tests.8.3.3 Test LocationsThe hardness te

33、st shall be made at thecenter of the cross section for bars up to 1 in. 25 mm indiameter, and at the midradius on bars 1 in. 25 mm and largerin diameter.9. Product Marking9.1 Bolts, Nuts, Screws, and StudsIn addition to therequirements of Specification A962/A962M, the grade symboland class shown in

34、Table 4 and the type designation (see 6.1.1)TABLE 3 Chemical RequirementsGrade 660 Grade 651UNS Number S66286 S63198Content, %Product Analysis Variation,Over or Under, % Content, %Product Analysis Variation,Over or Under, %Carbon 0.08 max 0.01 over 0.280.35 0.02Manganese 2.00 max 0.04 0.751.50 0.04P

35、hosphorus 0.040 max 0.005 over 0.040 max 0.005 overSulfur 0.030 max 0.005 over 0.030 max 0.005 overSilicon 1.00 max 0.05 0.300.80 0.05Nickel 24.027.0 0.20 8.011.0 0.15Chromium 13.516.0 0.20 18.021.0 0.25Molybdenum 1.001.50 0.05 1.001.75 0.05Tungsten . . 1.001.75 0.05Titanium 1.902.35 0.05 0.100.35 0

36、.05 overColumbiumA. . 0.250.60 0.05Aluminum 0.35 max 0.05 over . .Vanadium 0.100.50 0.03 . .Boron 0.0010.010 0.0004 under to . .0.001 overCopper . . 0.50 max 0.03 overGrade 662 Grade 665UNS Number S66220 S66545Content, %Product Analysis, VariationOver or Under, % Content, %Product Analysis Variation

37、,Over or Under, %Carbon 0.08 max 0.01 over 0.08 max 0.01 overManganese 0.401.00 0.03 1.252.00 0.04Phosphorus 0.040 max 0.005 over 0.040 max 0.005 overSulfur 0.030 max 0.005 over 0.030 max 0.005 overSilicon 0.401.00 0.05 0.100.80 0.05Nickel 24.028.0 0.20 24.028.0 0.20Chromium 12.015.0 0.15 12.015.0 0

38、.15Molybdenum 2.03.5 0.10 1.252.25 0.10Titanium 1.802.10 0.05 2.703.3 0.05Aluminum 0.35 max 0.05 over 0.25 max 0.05 overCopper 0.50 max 0.03 over 0.25 max 0.03 overBoron 0.0010.010 0.0004 under to 0.010.07 0.0050.001 overGrade 668UNS Number S66285Content, %Product Analysis, VariationOver or Under, %

39、Carbon 0.08 max 0.01 overManganese 2.00 max 0.04Phosphorus 0.040 max 0.005 overSulfur 0.030 max 0.005 overSilicon 1.00 max 0.05Nickel 17.5 21.5 0.20Chromium 13.516.0 0.20Molybdenum 1.50 max 0.05Tungsten . .Titanium 2.22.8 0.05ColumbiumA. .Aluminum 0.50 max 0.05 overVanadium 0.50 max 0.03Boron 0.0010

40、.010 0.0004 underto 0.001 overCopper . .AOr columbium plus tantalum.A453/A453M 153shall also appear on all bolting components so processed.Grade 660 Class D and Grade 668 shall be stamped NR inaddition to other required markings.TABLE 4 Heat Treatment RequirementsAGradeSymbol Class Solution Treatmen

41、t Hardening Treatment660 A 1650 25 F 900 14 C, hold 2 h, min, and liquid quench 1325 25 F 720 14 C, hold 16 h, air coolB 1800 25 F 980 14 C, hold 1 h, min, and liquid quench 1325 25 F 720 14 C, hold 16 h, air coolC 180025F98014C,hold1hmin,andoilquench 1425 25 F 775 14 C hold 16 h, air cool, followed

42、 by1200 25 F 650 14 C hold 16 h, air coolD 165025F90014C,hold2hmin,andliquidquench or180025F98014C,hold1hmin,andliquidquench1325 25 F 720 14 C, hold 16 h, air coolIf necessary to achieve properties, second age:1200 25 F 650 14 C hold 16 h, air cool651 A hot-cold worked at 1200 F 650 C min with 15 %

43、min reduction incross-sectional area, stress-relief anneal at 1200 F 650 C min or 4h, minB hot-cold worked at 1200 F 650 C min with 15 % min reduction ofcross-sectional area, stress-relief anneal at 1350 F 730 C min for 4h, min662 A 1800 25 F 980 14 C, hold 2 h, liquid quench 1350 to 1400 F 730 to 7

44、60 C, hold 20 h, furnace cool to 1200 25F 650 14 C, hold 20 h, air coolB 1950 25 F 1065 14 C, hold 2 h, liquid quench 1350 to 1400 F 730 to 760 C, hold 20 h, furnace cool to 1200 25F 650 14 C, hold 20 h, air cool665 A 1800 25 F 980 14 C, hold 3 h, liquid quench 1350 to 1400 F 730 to 760 C, hold 20 h

45、, furnace cool to 1200 25F 650 14 C, hold 20 h, air coolB 2000 25 F 1095 14 C, hold 3 h, liquid quench 1350 to 1400 F 730 to 760 C, hold 20 h, furnace cool to 1200 25F 650 14 C, hold 20 h, air cool668 A 1650 25 F 900 14 C, hold 2 h, min and liquid quench 1325 25 F 720 14 C, hold 16 h, air coolB 1800

46、 25 F 980 14 C, hold 1 h, min and liquid quench 1325 25 F 720 14 C, hold 16 h, air coolATimes refer to the minimum time material is required to be at temperature.TABLE 5 Mechanical Property RequirementsGrade ClassTensile Strength,minYield Strength(0.2 % Offset), minElongation in4 Diam,min, %Reductio

47、n ofArea, min, %Brinell HardnessNumberApproximate Rockwell Hardness,B and Cksi MPa ksi MPa min max660 A, B, and C 130 895 85 585 15 18 248341 24 HRC 37 HRCD 130 895 105 725 15 18 248321 24 HRC 35 HRC651 A 100 690 70A485 18 35 217277 95 HRB 29 HRC60B415B 95 655 60A415 18 35 212269 93 HRB 28 HRCC50B34

48、5662 A 130 895 85 585 15 18 248321 24 HRC 35 HRCCB 125 860 80 550 15 18 248321 24 HRC 35 HRC665 A 170 1170 120 830 12 15 311388 32 HRC 41 HRCB 155 1070 120 830 12 15 311388 32 HRC 41 HRC668 A and B 130 895 85 585 15 18 248341 24 HRC 37 HRCABolting material sizes 3 in. 76 mm and under in diameter.BBolting material sizes over 3 in. 76 mm in diameter.CConversion numbers taken from Specification A193/A193M, Table number 2 (austenitic steels); others by interpolation.TABLE 6 Stress Rupture RequirementsGrade ClassTestTemperature,F CStress, minTime


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