ASTM B902-2004a Standard Specification for Compressed Round Stranded Copper Conductors Hard Medium-Hard or Soft Using Single Input Wire Construction《用单输入金属线结构的硬的、半硬的或软的压缩圆铜绞线的标准规范》.pdf

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ASTM B902-2004a Standard Specification for Compressed Round Stranded Copper Conductors Hard Medium-Hard or Soft Using Single Input Wire Construction《用单输入金属线结构的硬的、半硬的或软的压缩圆铜绞线的标准规范》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM B902-2004a Standard Specification for Compressed Round Stranded Copper Conductors Hard Medium-Hard or Soft Using Single Input Wire Construction《用单输入金属线结构的硬的、半硬的或软的压缩圆铜绞线的标准规范》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM B902-2004a Standard Specification for Compressed Round Stranded Copper Conductors Hard Medium-Hard or Soft Using Single Input Wire Construction《用单输入金属线结构的硬的、半硬的或软的压缩圆铜绞线的标准规范》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM B902-2004a Standard Specification for Compressed Round Stranded Copper Conductors Hard Medium-Hard or Soft Using Single Input Wire Construction《用单输入金属线结构的硬的、半硬的或软的压缩圆铜绞线的标准规范》.pdf_第4页
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ASTM B902-2004a Standard Specification for Compressed Round Stranded Copper Conductors Hard Medium-Hard or Soft Using Single Input Wire Construction《用单输入金属线结构的硬的、半硬的或软的压缩圆铜绞线的标准规范》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: B 902 04aStandard Specification forCompressed Round Stranded Copper Conductors, Hard,Medium-Hard, or Soft Using Single Input Wire Construction1This standard is issued under the fixed designation B 902; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adopti

2、on or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This specification covers stranded conductors madefrom round copper wires

3、, either uncoated or coated with tin,lead, or lead alloy for general use in insulated conductorassemblies for electrical purposes. These conductors shall becomposed of one or more roller shaped or die closed layers ofhelically laid wires using the single input wire (SIW) method-ology. (see Note 1 an

4、d Explanatory Note 1)NOTE 1Sealed conductors which are intended to prevent longitudinalwater propagation and are further covered/insulated, are also permittedwithin the guidelines of this specification.1.2 The values stated in inch-pound or SI units are to beregarded separately as standard. The valu

5、es in each system arenot exact equivalents; therefore, each system shall be usedindependently of the other. Combining values from the twosystems may result in nonconformance with the specification.1.2.1 For density, resistivity, and temperature, the valuesstated in SI units are to be regarded as sta

6、ndard.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2B 1 Specification of Hard-Drawn Copper WireB 2 Specification for Medium-Hard-Drawn Copper WireB 3 Specification for Soft or Annealed Copper WireB 33 Specification for Tinned Soft or Annealed CopperWire for Electrical PurposesB 189 Specification for Le

7、ad-Coated and Lead-Alloy-Coated Soft Copper Wire for Electrical Purposes3B 193 Test Method for Resistivity of Electrical ConductorMaterialsB 246 Specification for Tinned Hard-Drawn and Medium-Hard-Drawn Copper Wire for Electrical PurposesB 263 Test Method for Determination of Cross-SectionalArea of

8、Stranded ConductorsB 354 Terminology Relating to Uninsulated Metallic Elec-trical Conductors2.2 Other Standard:4NBS Handbook 100: Copper Wire Tables3. Classification3.1 The conductors described in this specification are in-tended for subsequent insulation or covering. The classificationof these cond

9、uctors is SIW compressed.4. Ordering Information4.1 Orders for material under this specification shall includethe following information:4.1.1 Quantity of each size,4.1.2 Conductor size: circular-mil area or AWG (see Section7),4.1.3 Class: SIW compressed (see 1.2 and Table 1),4.1.4 Temper (see 5.3),4

10、.1.5 Whether coated or uncoated; if coated (see 5.1 and5.2).4.1.6 Details of special-purpose lays, if required (see 7.3).4.1.7 When physical tests shall be made (see 10.2 and 10.3).4.1.8 Package size (see 16.1).4.1.9 Lagging, if required (see 16.2).4.1.10 Special package marking, if required (see Se

11、ction16.3), and4.1.11 Place of inspection (see Section 15).5. Requirements for Wires5.1 The purchaser shall designate the type of wire and thekind of coating, if any, to be used in the conductor.5.2 Before stranding, the copper wire used shall meet all ofthe requirements of the following specificati

12、ons of ASTM thatare applicable to its type:5.2.1 Specification B 3,5.2.2 Specification B 33,5.2.3 Specification B 2,5.2.4 Specification B 1,5.2.5 Specification B 189, and1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B01 ofElectrical Conductors and is the direct responsibility of Su

13、bcommittee B01.04 onConductors of Copper and Copper Alloys.Current edition approved Sept. 1, 2004. Published September 2004. Orignallyapproved in 2000. Last previous edition approved in 2004 as B 902 04.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Ser

14、vice at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Withdrawn.4Available from National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road,Springfield, VA 22161.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor D

15、rive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.5.2.6 Specification B 246.5.3 In SIW compressed conductors, the central core shall bemade of wire of the same type and temper as the concentriclayers, unless otherwise specified.6. Joints6.1 Welds and brazes may be made in rods or in

16、 wires priorto final drawing. Welds and brazes may be made in the finishedindividual wires composing the conductor, but shall not becloser together than prescribed in Table 2.TABLE 1 Construction Requirements of Compressed Round SIW Standard Copper ConductorsCompressed Strand DimensionsConductor Siz

17、eMinimumNumber ofNominalDiameterof SIWCompressedConductor,NominalDiameterof SIWCompressedConductor, Mass DC Resistance at 20Ccmils AWG mm2Wires in. mm. lb/1000ft kg/km V/1000ft V/km5 000 000 2534 217 2.424 61.57 15890 23649 0.00218 0.007154 500 000 2280 217 2.300 58.41 14300 21283 0.00242 0.007944 0

18、00 000 2027 217 2.168 55.07 12590 18738 0.00270 0.008863 500 000 1773 169 2.028 51.51 11020 16401 0.00308 0.010103 000 000 1520 169 1.878 47.69 9353 13920 0.00365 0.011972 500 000 1267 127 1.714 43.54 7794 11600 0.00428 0.014042 000 000 1013 127 1.533 38.94 6175 9190 0.00529 0.017351 900 000 962.7 1

19、27 1.494 37.95 5866 8730 0.00557 0.018271 800 000 912.1 127 1.454 36.93 5558 8272 0.00588 0.019291 750 000 886.7 127 1.434 36.42 5403 8041 0.00604 0.019811 700 000 861.4 127 1.413 35.89 5249 7812 0.00622 0.020401 600 000 810.7 127 1.371 34.82 4940 7352 0.00661 0.021681 500 000 760.1 90 1.327 33.71 4

20、631 6892 0.00705 0.023121 400 000 709.4 90 1.282 32.56 4323 6434 0.00756 0.024801 300 000 658.7 90 1.236 31.39 4014 5974 0.00814 0.026701 250 000 633.4 90 1.212 30.78 3859 5743 0.00847 0.027781 200 000 608.0 90 1.187 30.15 3705 5514 0.00882 0.028931 100 000 557.4 90 1.137 28.88 3396 5054 0.00962 0.0

21、31551 000 000 506.7 53 1.084 27.53 3088 4596 0.0106 0.0348900 000 456.0 53 1.028 26.11 2779 4136 0.0118 0.3087800 000 405.4 53 0.969 24.61 2470 3676 0.0132 0.0433750 000 380.0 53 0.939 23.85 2316 3447 0.0141 0.0462700 000 354.7 34 0.907 23.04 2161 3216 0.0151 0.0495650 000 329.4 34 0.874 22.20 2007

22、2987 0.0163 0.0535600 000 304.0 34 0.840 21.34 1883 2802 0.0177 0.0581550 000 278.7 34 0.804 20.42 1698 2527 0.0192 0.0630500 000 253.4 30 0.766 19.46 1544 2298 0.0212 0.0695450 000 228.0 30 0.727 18.47 1389 2067 0.0235 0.0771400 000 202.7 24 0.685 17.40 1235 1838 0.0264 0.0866350 000 177.3 24 0.641

23、 16.28 1081 16.09 0.3002 0.0991300 000 152.0 18 0.594 15.09 926.3 1379 0.0353 0.1158250 000 126.7 18 0.542 13.77 771.9 1149 0.0423 0.1387211 600 0000 107.2 17 0.498 12.65 653.1 972.0 0.0500 0.1640167 800 000 85.03 15 0.443 11.25 518.1 771.1 0.0630 0.2066133 100 00 67.44 12 0.395 10.03 410.9 611.5 0.

24、0795 0.2607105 600 0 53.51 7 0.352 8.94 325.8 484.9 0.100 0.32883 690 1 42.41 7 0.313 7.95 258.4 384.6 0.127 0.41766 360 2 33.63 6 0.283 7.19 204.9 305.0 0.159 0.52152 620 3 26.66 6 0.252 6.40 162.5 241.8 0.201 0.65941 740 4 21.15 6 0.225 5.72 128.9 191.8 0.253 0.83033 090 5 16.77 6 0.200 5.08 102.2

25、 152.1 0.319 1.04626 240 6 13.30 6 0.178 4.52 81.05 120.6 0.403 1.32220 820 7 10.55 6 0.159 4.04 64.28 95.67 0.509 1.66916 510 8 8.366 6 0.142 3.61 50.97 75.86 0.640 2.09913 090 9 6.633 6 0.126 3.20 40.42 60.16 0.809 2.65310 380 10 5.260 6 0.113 2.87 32.06 47.71 1.02 3.356 530 12 3.309 6 0.089 2.26

26、20.16 30.00 1.63 5.354 110 14 2.083 6 0.071 1.80 12.68 18.87 2.58 8.462 580 16 1.307 6 0.054 1.37 7.974 11.87 4.10 13.451 620 18 0.8209 6 0.043 1.09 5.015 7.464 6.54 21.451 020 20 0.5168 6 0.034 0.86 3.154 4.694 10.3 33.8640 22 0.3243 6 0.027 0.69 1.992 2.965 16.4 53.8404 24 0.2047 6 0.022 0.56 1.24

27、9 1.859 26.1 85.6TABLE 2 Minimum Distance Between Joints in CompletedConductorNumber ofWires inConductorHard orMedium-HardTemperSoft Temper3to19 50ft 1ft20 to 36 50 ft 1 ft in a layerA37 to 60 25 ft 1 ft in a layerA61 and over 5 ft 1 ft in a layerAAExcept as indicated, the limitations apply to close

28、ness of joints throughout thecompleted conductor.B 902 04a27. Lay7.1 For stranded conductors, the lay length of a layer ofwires shall be not less than 8 nor more than 16 times the outerdiameter of the finished conductor. For conductors of 37 wiresor more, this requirement shall apply to the wires in

29、 the outertwo layers only.7.2 For stranded conductors, the direction of lay of the outerlayer shall be left hand and may be reversed or unidirectional/unilay in successive layers, unless otherwise specified by thepurchaser.7.3 Other lays for special purposes shall be furnished byspecial agreement be

30、tween the manufacturer and the purchaser(Explanatory Note 3).8. Construction8.1 The areas of cross section, minimum number of wires,and diameters of strands for SIW compressed stranded con-ductors shall conform to the requirements prescribed in Table1 (Explanatory Note 2).9. Physical and Electrical

31、Tests of Conductors Strandedof Soft Wires9.1 Tests for the electrical properties of wires composingconductors made from soft or annealed copper wire, bare orcoated, shall be made before stranding.9.2 Tests for the physical properties of soft or annealedcopper wire, bare or coated, may be made upon t

32、he wiresbefore stranding or upon wires removed from the completestranded conductor, but need not be made upon both. Care shallbe taken to avoid mechanical injury to wire removed from theconductor for the purpose of testing.9.3 The physical properties of wire when tested beforestranding shall conform

33、 to the applicable requirements of The physical properties of wires removed from thecompleted stranded conductor shall be permitted to vary fromthe applicable requirements of 5.2 by the following amounts(Explanatory Note 5):9.4.1 Average of Results Obtained on All Wires TestedTheminimum elon

34、gation required shall be reduced in numericalvalue 5 (for example, from 30 to 25 %) from the numericalrequirements for the wire before stranding.9.4.2 Results Obtained on Individual WiresThe elonga-tion of individual wires shall be reduced in numerical value 15from the minimum requirements before st

35、randing (that is, 10 inaddition to the 5 allowed in 9.4.1), but in no case shall theelongation of any individual wire be less than 5 %.9.5 In the event that the requirements prescribed in 9.4.2 aremet but those prescribed in 9.4.1 are not met, a retest shall bepermitted wherein all wires of the cond

36、uctor shall be tested forthe purpose of final determination of conformance to Elongation tests to determine compliance shall not bemade on the conductor as a unit.9.7 If a tinning, lead-coating, or lead-alloy-coating test isrequired, it shall be made on the wires prior to stranding.10. Physi

37、cal and Electrical Tests of Conductors Strandedof Hard-Drawn or Medium-Hard-Drawn Wires10.1 Tests for the physical and electrical properties of wirescomposing conductors made from hard-drawn or medium-hard-drawn wires, uncoated or coated, shall be made before butnot after stranding.10.2 At the optio

38、n of the purchaser, tension and elongationtests on hard-drawn and medium-hard-drawn wires, uncoatedor coated, before stranding may be waived, and the completedhard-drawn and medium-hard-drawn conductors may be testedas a unit. The breaking strength of the bare conductors so testedshall be at least 9

39、0 % of the total of the specified minimumbreaking strengths of the component wires. The maximumbreaking strength of conductors made from medium-hard-drawn wires, uncoated or coated, shall be not greater than thesum of the specified maximum breaking strengths of thecomponent wires. The minimum breaki

40、ng strength of wiresshall be calculated using specified nominal diameters andspecified minimum tensile strengths. The maximum breakingstrengths of wires shall be calculated using nominal diametersand specified maximum tensile strengths. The free lengthbetween grips of the test specimen shall be not

41、less than 24 in.(600 mm), and care shall be taken to ensure that the wires inthe conductor are evenly gripped during the test (ExplanatoryNote 4).10.3 When requested by the purchaser at the time of placingthe order, tension tests on hard-drawn and medium-hard-drawnwires, uncoated or coated, before s

42、tranding or as a unit may bewaived and tests made on wires removed from the completedconductor. The test limits, based on a 10-in. (250-mm) gagelength, for such tests shall be specified by the purchaser in theplacing of individual orders (Explanatory Note 5).10.4 If a tinning test is required, it sh

43、all be made on thewires prior to stranding.11. Density11.1 For the purpose of calculating mass, cross sections, andso forth, the density of the copper shall be taken as 8.89 g/cm3(0.32117 lb/in.3) at 20C (Explanatory Note 6).12. Mass and Resistance12.1 The mass and electrical resistance of a unit le

44、ngth ofstranded unsealed conductor are a function of the length of lay.The approximate weight and electrical resistance may bedetermined using the standard increments shown in Table 3.When greater accuracy is desired, the increment based on thespecific lay of the conductor may be calculated (Explana

45、toryNote 7).12.2 The maximum electrical resistance of a unit length ofbare stranded conductor shall not exceed 102 % of the nominalTABLE 3 Standard Increments Due to StrandingSIW Compressed Conductor Increment of Resistance and Mass %Classes AAA, B, C, and D, 2000cmil and under2Over 2000 to 3000 cmi

46、l 3Over 3000 to 4000 cmil 4Over 4000 to 5000 cmil 5ANo. 0 AWG and larger.B 902 04a3dc resistance shown in Table 1 (Explanatory Note 8). When dcresistance is measured at other than 20C, it is to be correctedby using the multiplying factor given in Table 4.12.3 For conductors to be used in covered or

47、insulated wiresor cables, dc resistance measurement may be used in lieu of themethod outlined in Section 13 to determine compliance withthis specification.13. Variation in Area13.1 The area of cross section of the completed conductorshall be not less than 98 % of the area indicated in Column 1of Tab

48、le 1. Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser, themanufacturer may have the option of determining the cross-sectional area by either of the following methods, except that incase of a question regarding area compliance, the method of13.1.2 shall be used.13.1.1 The area of cross section of a condu

49、ctor may bedetermined by calculations from diameter measurements, ex-pressed to four decimal places, of its component wires at anypoint when measured perpendicularly to their axes.13.1.2 The area of cross section of a conductor may bedetermined by Test Method B 263. In applying that testmethod, the increment in mass resulting from stranding may bethe applicable value specified in 12.1 or may be calculatedfrom the measured component dimensions of the sample undertest. In case of questions regarding area compliance, the actualmass increment due to stranding shall be calculated.

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