ASTM C1199-2009 Standard Test Method for Measuring the Steady-State Thermal Transmittance of Fenestration Systems Using Hot Box Methods.pdf

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1、Designation: C 1199 09Standard Test Method forMeasuring the Steady-State Thermal Transmittance ofFenestration Systems Using Hot Box Methods1This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 1199; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the c

2、ase of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This test method covers requirements and guidelinesand specifies calibration procedures r

3、equired for the measure-ment of the steady-state thermal transmittance of fenestrationsystems installed vertically in the test chamber. This testmethod specifies the necessary measurements to be made usingmeasurement systems conforming to Test Method C 1363 fordetermination of fenestration system th

4、ermal transmittance.NOTE 1This test method allows the testing of projecting fenestrationproducts (that is, garden windows, skylights, and roof windows) installedvertically in a surround panel. Current research on skylights, roofwindows, and projecting products hopefully will provide additionalinform

5、ation that can be added to the next version of this test method sothat skylight and roof windows can be tested horizontally or at some angletypical of a sloping roof.1.2 This test method refers to the thermal transmittance, Uof a fenestration system installed vertically in the absence ofsolar radiat

6、ion and air leakage effects.NOTE 2The methods described in this document may also be adaptedfor use in determining the thermal transmittance of sections of buildingwall, and roof and floor assemblies containing thermal anomalies, whichare smaller than the hot box metering area.1.3 This test method d

7、escribes how to determine the thermaltransmittance, USof a fenestration product (also called testspecimen) at well-defined environmental conditions. The ther-mal transmittance is also a reported test result from TestMethod C 1363. If only the thermal transmittance is reportedusing this test method,

8、the test report must also include adetailed description of the environmental conditions in thethermal chamber during the test as outlined in For rating purposes, this test method also describes howto calculate a standardized thermal transmittance, UST, whichcan be used to compare test re

9、sults from laboratories withvastly different thermal chamber configurations, and facilitatesthe comparison to results from computer programs that usestandard heat transfer coefficients to determine the thermaltransmittance of fenestration products. Although this testmethod specifies two methods of c

10、alculating the standardizedthermal transmittance, only the standardized thermal transmit-tance result from one method is reported for each test. Onestandardized thermal transmittance calculation procedure is theCalibration Transfer Standard (CTS) Method and another is theArea Weighting (AW) Method (

11、see Section 9 for furtherdescriptions of these two methods). The Area Weightingmethod requires that the surface temperatures on both sides ofthe test specimen be directly measured as specified in PracticeE 1423 in order to determine the surface heat transfer coeffi-cients on the fenestration product

12、 during the test. The CTSMethod does not use the measured surface temperatures on thetest specimen and instead utilizes the calculation of equivalentsurface temperatures from calibration data to determine the testspecimen surface heat transfer coefficients. The AW shall beused whenever the thermal t

13、ransmittance, US, is greater than3.4 W/(m2K) 0.6 Btu/(hrft2F), or when the ratio of testspecimen projected surface area to wetted (that is, total heattransfer or developed) surface area on either side of the testspecimen is less than 0.80. Otherwise the CTS Method shall beused to standardize the the

14、rmal transmittance results.1.5 Adiscussion of the terminology and underlying assump-tions for measuring the thermal transmittance are included.1.6 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as thestandard. The values given in parentheses are provided forinformation purposes only.1.7 This stand

15、ard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 AS

16、TM Standards:C 168 Terminology Relating to Thermal InsulationC 177 Test Method for Steady-State Heat Flux Measure-ments and Thermal Transmission Properties by Means ofthe Guarded-Hot-Plate ApparatusC 518 Test Method for Steady-State Thermal TransmissionProperties by Means of the Heat Flow Meter Appa

17、ratus1This test method is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee C16 on ThermalInsulation and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C16.30 on ThermalMeasurement.Current edition approved June 1, 2009. Published July 2009. Originally approvedin 1991. Last previous edition approved in 2008 as C

18、 1199 00 (2008).1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.C 1045 Practice for Calculating Thermal TransmissionProperties Under Steady-State ConditionsC 1114 Test Method for Steady-State Thermal TransmissionProperties by Means o

19、f the Thin-Heater ApparatusC 1363 Test Method for Thermal Performance of BuildingMaterials and Envelope Assemblies by Means of a HotBox ApparatusE 283 Test Method for Determining Rate of Air LeakageThrough Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and DoorsUnder Specified Pressure Differences Across the Spec

20、imenE 631 Terminology of Building ConstructionsE 783 Test Method for Field Measurement of Air LeakageThrough Installed Exterior Windows and DoorsE 1423 Practice for Determining Steady State ThermalTransmittance of Fenestration Systems2.2 ISO Standards:ISO 8990 Thermal Insulation-Determination of Ste

21、ady-State Thermal Transmission PropertiesCalibrated andGuarded Hot Box2ISO125671:2000 Thermal InsulationDetermination ofThermal Resistance of ComponentsHot Box Methodfor Windows and Doors22.3 Other Standards:NFRC 100 2004Procedure for Determining FenestrationProduct Thermal U-factors3NFRC 10 2004Pro

22、cedure for Measuring the Steasy-StateThermal Transmittance of Fenestration Systems3BS874 Part 3, Section 3.1, 1987, British Standard Methodsfor Determining Thermal Insulation Properties, (Part 3,Tests for Thermal Transmittance and Conductance, Sec-tion 3.1) Guarded Hot Box Method4BS874 Part 3, Secti

23、on 3.2, 1990, British Standard Methodsfor Determining Thermal Insulation Properties, Part 3,Tests for Thermal Transmittance and Conductance, Sec-tion 3.2 Calibrated Hot Box Method4ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook, 200553. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsDefinitions and terms are in accordancewith definitions

24、in Terminologies E 631 and C 168, from whichthe following have been selected and modified to apply tofenestration systems. See Fig. 1 for temperature locations.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 apparent thermal conductanceA thermal conduc-tance assigned to a material that exhi

25、bits thermal transmissionby several modes of heat transfer resulting in property variationwith specimen thickness, or surface emittance.3.2.2 calibration transfer standard, nan insulation boardthat is faced with glazing, and instrumented with temperature2Available from American National Standards In

26、stitute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, http:/ from National Fenestration Rating Council, 6305 Ivy Lane, Suite140, Greenbelt, MD 20770.4Available from British Standards Institute (BSI), 389 Chiswick High Rd.,London W4 4AL, U.K., http:/www.bsi-.5Available

27、from American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE), 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA30329, http:/ 1 Schematic Representation of Various Temperatures for Fenestration SystemsC1199092sensors either between the glazing and the insulation

28、 boardcore or on the exterior surface of the glazing, which is used tocalibrate the surface resistances and the surround panel (seeAnnex A1 for design guidelines for Calibration TransferStandards).3.2.3 projecting products, na non-planar product wherethe glazing projects outward past the cold side s

29、urround panelsurface plane (that is, skylights, garden windows).3.2.4 standardized thermal transmittance, n UST, the heattransmission in unit time through unit area of a test specimenand standardized boundary air films, induced by unit tempera-ture difference between the environments on each side.3.

30、2.5 surface heat transfer coeffcient, nh, (sometimescalled surface conductance or film coeffcient.) the time rate ofheat flow from a unit area of a surface to its surroundings,induced by a unit temperature difference between the surfaceand the environment.3.2.6 surround panel (sometimes called the m

31、ask, maskwall, or homogeneous wall), na homogeneous panel with anopening where the Calibration Transfer Standard or the testspecimen is installed. When there is no test specimen aperture,or the opening is filled with the same thickness of surroundpanel assembly, it is called a characterization panel

32、. (see5.1.1.1, and Annex A11 of Test Method C 1363 for a descrip-tion of surround panels and characterization panels.)3.2.7 test specimen, nthe fenestration system or productbeing tested.3.2.8 thermal transmittance, nUS(sometimes called theoverall coefficient of heat transfer) the heat transfer in u

33、nit timethrough unit area of a test specimen and its boundary air films,induced by unit temperature difference between the environ-ments on each side.3.3 SymbolsThe symbols, terms, and units used in thistest method are as follows:Ah= total heat transfer (or developed) surfacearea of test specimen on

34、 room side, m2,Ac= total heat transfer (or developed) surfacearea of test specimen on weather side, m2,Ab1= area of room side baffle and all othersurfaces in view of the test specimen, m2,Ab2= area of weather side baffle and all othersurfaces in view of the test specimen, m2,AS= projected area of te

35、st specimen (same astest specimen aperture in surround panel),m2,Asp= projected area of surround panel (does notinclude test specimen aperture in surroundpanel), m2,a = absorbance of surface,Cg= apparent thermal conductance of glass oracceptable transparent plastic facing oncalibration transfer stan

36、dard, W/(m2 K),Csp= apparent thermal conductance of surroundpanel (surface to surface), W/(m2 K),determined by means of Practice C 1045used with either Test Method C 177, TestMethod C 518 or Test Method C 1114Ctscore= apparent thermal conductance of calibra-tion transfer standard core, W/(m2K), de-t

37、ermined by means of and Practice C 1045used with either Test Method C 177, TestMethod C 518 or Test Method C 1114Ctsassembly= apparent thermal conductance of calibra-tion transfer standard assembly,W/(m2K), determined by means of Prac-tice C 1045 used with either Test MethodC 177 and Test Method C 5

38、18 or TestMethod C 1114.e = total hemispherical emittance of surface,hSTh= standardized surface heat transfer coeffi-cient, room side, (W/m2K),hSTc= standardized surface heat transfer coeffi-cient, weather side, (W/m2K),hh= surface heat transfer coefficient, roomside, W/(m2K),hc= surface heat transf

39、er coefficient, weatherside, W/(m2K),Kc= convection coefficient, W/(m2K1.25),L = length of heat flow path, m,Q = time rate of heat flow through the totalsurround panel/test specimen system, W,Qc= time rate of convective heat flow from testspecimen surface, W,Qfl= time rate of flanking loss heat flow

40、 aroundsurround panel, W,Qr= time rate of net radiative heat flow fromtest specimen surface to the surroundings,W,QS= time rate of heat flow through the testspecimen, W,Qsp= rime rate of heat flow through the sur-round panel as determined from measuredconductance Ctsand area weighted sur-round panel

41、 surface temperatures, W,q = heat flux (time rate of heat flow throughunit area), W/m2,qS= heat flux through the test specimen, W/m2,qr1= net radiative heat flux to the room side ofthe test specimen, W/m2,qr2= net radiative heat flux from the weatherside of the test specimen, W/m2,qc1= convective he

42、at flux to the room side ofthe test specimen, W/m2,qc2= convective heat flux from the weather sideof the test specimen, W/m2,r = reflectance of surface,rh= surface resistance, room side, m2K/W,rc= surface resistance, weather side, m2K/W,RS= overall thermal resistance of test specimen(air to air unde

43、r test conditions), m2K/W,tb1= equivalent radiative baffle surface tem-perature, room side, K or C,tb2= equivalent radiative baffle surface tem-perature, weather side, K or C,th= average temperature of room side air, C,C1199093tc= average temperature of weather side air,C,t1= average area weighted t

44、emperature of testspecimen room side surface, K or C,t2= average area weighted temperature of testspecimen weather side surface, K or C,tsp1= area-weighted room side surround panelsurface temperature, K or Ctsp2= area-weighted weather side surroundpanel surface temperature, K or Ct18= average area w

45、eighted temperature ofroom side glass/core interface of calibra-tion transfer standard, K or C,t28= average area weighted temperature ofweather side glass/core interface of cali-bration transfer standard, K or C,US= thermal transmittance of test specimen (airto air under test conditions), W/(m2K),US

46、T= standardized thermal transmittance of testspecimen, W/(m2K),UST AW= standardized thermal transmittance of testspecimen determined using measuredArea Weighted AW surface temperatures(air to air), W/(m2K), andUSTCTS= standardized thermal transmittance of testspecimen determined using CalibrationTra

47、nsfer Standard CTS surface heattransfer coefficients (air-to-air), W/(m2K).4. Significance and Use4.1 This test method details the calibration and testingprocedures and necessary additional temperature instrumenta-tion required in applying Test Method C 1363 to measure thethermal transmittance of fe

48、nestration systems mounted verti-cally in the thermal chamber.4.2 The thermal transmittance of a test specimen is affectedby its size and three-dimensional geometry. Care must beexercised when extrapolating to product sizes smaller or largerthan the test specimen. Therefore, it is recommended thatfe

49、nestration systems be tested at the recommended sizesspecified in Practice E 1423 or NFRC 100.4.3 Since both temperature and surface heat transfer coef-ficient conditions affect results, use of recommended condi-tions will assist in reducing confusion caused by comparingresults of tests performed under dissimilar conditions. Stan-dardized test conditions for determining the thermal transmit-tance of fenestration systems are specified in Practice E 1423and Section 6.2. The performance of a test specimen measur

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