1、Designation: C1670/C1670M 15C1670/C1670M 16Standard Specification forAdhered Manufactured Stone Masonry Veneer Units1This standard is issued under the fixed designation C1670/C1670M; the number immediately following the designation indicates theyear of original adoption or, in the case of revision,
2、the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of lastreapproval. A superscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.INTRODUCTIONThe purpose of this standard is to establish the minimum product specifications for adheredmanufactured st
3、one masonry veneer units. These units are manufactured using a wet cast concretemixture and finished to simulate stone, rocks found in nature, and other textures.1. Scope*1.1 This specification covers the minimum product requirements for adhered manufactured stone masonry veneer units appliedas an a
4、dhered veneer to exterior and interior walls and structures suitable to receive units.1.2 The property requirements of this specification apply at the time of delivery. This standard does not address the physicalevaluation of installed units removed from service.1.3 The units described by this speci
5、fication are manufactured from a mixture of cement, normal or lightweight aggregates (ora combination of both), water, admixtures, other cementitious materials and other components which are wet-cast into shapessimulating the appearance of natural stone and other textures.1.4 The values stated in ei
6、ther SI units or inch-pound units are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in eachsystem may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each system shall be used independently of the other. Combining values from thetwo systems may result in non-conformance with the standard.1.5 The tex
7、t of this specification references notes and footnotes which provide explanatory material. These notes and footnotesshall not be considered as requirements of the standard.1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibil
8、ityof the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatorylimitations prior to use of units.NOTE 1When particular features are desired such as surface textures or color these features should be specified separately. Suppliers sh
9、ould beconsulted as to the availability of units having the desired features.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:C31/C31M Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the FieldC33C33/C33M Specification for Concrete AggregatesC39/C39M Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindr
10、ical Concrete SpecimensC140C140/C140M Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Concrete Masonry Units and Related UnitsC150C150/C150M Specification for Portland CementC157/C157M Test Method for Length Change of Hardened Hydraulic-Cement Mortar and ConcreteC207 Specification for Hydrated Lime for Masonr
11、y PurposesC260C260/C260M Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures for ConcreteC330C330/C330M Specification for Lightweight Aggregates for Structural ConcreteC331C331/C331M Specification for Lightweight Aggregates for Concrete Masonry UnitsC426 Test Method for Linear Drying Shrinkage of Concrete M
12、asonry Units1 This test method is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee C15 on Manufactured Masonry Units and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C15.03 on ConcreteMasonry Units and Related Units.Current edition approved Sept. 1, 2015Aug. 1, 2016. Published September 2015August 2016. Orig
13、inally approved in 2013. Last previous edition approved in 20142015as C1670/C1670M 14.C1670/C1670M 15. DOI: 10.1520/C1670_C1670M15.10.1520/C1670_C1670M16.This document is not an ASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of an ASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to
14、 the previous version. Becauseit may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes accurately, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current versionof the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.*A Summa
15、ry of Changes section appears at the end of this standardCopyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States1C482 Test Method for Bond Strength of Ceramic Tile to Portland Cement PasteC494/C494M Specification for Chemical Admixtures for C
16、oncreteC511 Specification for Mixing Rooms, Moist Cabinets, Moist Rooms, and Water Storage Tanks Used in the Testing of HydraulicCements and ConcretesC595C595/C595M Specification for Blended Hydraulic CementsC618 Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use in Concrete
17、C666/C666M Test Method for Resistance of Concrete to Rapid Freezing and ThawingC979C979/C979M Specification for Pigments for Integrally Colored ConcreteC989C989/C989M Specification for Slag Cement for Use in Concrete and MortarsC1116/C1116M Specification for Fiber-Reinforced ConcreteC1157C1157/C1157
18、M Performance Specification for Hydraulic CementC1232 Terminology of MasonryC1240 Specification for Silica Fume Used in Cementitious Mixtures3. Terminology3.1 Terminology defined in Terminology C1232 shall apply for this specification.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 adhered
19、manufactured stone masonry veneer unit, na non-load bearing masonry unit that is produced by wet-castblending of cementitious material, lightweight and other aggregates, pigments and admixtures, designed to be applied with acementitious mortar to a backing surface.3.2.2 unit profile, nthe combinatio
20、n of units that represent the range of shapes and sizes provided in the specified veneer.3.2.3 average thickness, nthe mean of the depth measurement of the unit as measured from the back side to the face side.3.2.4 designated area, nthe area of a completed wall section that is used to verify complia
21、nce.3.2.5 saturated density, nthe water saturated weight of the cured specimen divided by the volume of the specimen.3.2.6 wet cast, adjmanufactured from a measurable slump concrete.4. Materials4.1 Cementitious materials shall conform to the following applicable specifications:4.1.1 Portland CementS
22、pecification C150C150/C150M.4.1.2 Blended Hydraulic CementsSpecification C595C595/C595M.4.1.3 PozzolansSpecification C618.4.1.4 Slag CementSpecification C989C989/C989M.4.1.5 Hydraulic CementSpecification C1157C1157/C1157M.4.1.6 Silica FumeSpecification C1240.4.1.7 Hydrated LimeSpecification C207.4.2
23、 AggregatesAggregates shall conform to the following specifications:specifications, except for grading requirements:4.2.1 Normal Weight AggregatesSpecification C33C33/C33M.4.2.2 Lightweight AggregatesSpecification C330C330/C330M or C331C331/C331M.4.3 Air-Entraining AdmixturesSpecification C260C260/C
24、260M.4.4 Concrete AdmixturesSpecification C494/C494M.4.5 Coloring PigmentsSpecification C979C979/C979M.4.6 Reinforcement FibersSpecification C1116/C1116M.4.7 Other Constituents:4.7.1 Other constituent materials shall be shown by test of experience or history of performance under equivalent condition
25、snot to be detrimental to the durability of the adhered manufactured stone masonry veneer unit, or adhered manufactured stonemasonry veneer construction, or both.5. Compressive Strength5.1 From each manufacturing location, obtain representative samples from standard production of each concrete mix u
26、sed forunits in accordance with Sample and test the concrete mixes used for units no more than twelve months prior to production of units. More frequenttesting shall be required if there is any change in the manufacturing process including changes in cementitious materials or theirsources,
27、 aggregates or their sources, water-cementitious materials ratio, mix design, manufacturing process or curing. This doesnot include producing units of varying shapes, configurations or sizes of units.C1670/C1670M 162NOTE 2It is common practice to use the same mix design to produce a wide variety of
28、adhered manufactured stone masonry veneer unit shapes, sizes,and configurations. This standard only requires the evaluation of the compressive strength of each mix design, not each unit configuration produced bya common mix design.5.2 Sample the concrete mix at the manufacturing facility from standa
29、rd production mix. Form compressive strength andabsorption specimens in accordance with Practice C31/C31M; except that the time requirements for transportation do not applywhen specimens are shipped to the testing laboratory.5.2.1 For compressive strength testing, prepare five 4-in. diameter by 8 in
30、. 100 mm by 200 mm cylinders and test inaccordance with 5.3. Do not disturb the curing cylinders for a minimum of 48 hours after casting. De-mold them at an age of sevendays.5.3 Test specimens at an age of 28 days in accordance with Test Method C39/C39M.5.4 The average compressive strength of five s
31、pecimens shall be a minimum of 2100 psi 15 MPa with no individual specimenhaving a measured compressive strength less than 1800 psi 12 MPa.6. Freeze-Thaw Durability6.1 From each manufacturing location, obtain representative samples from standard production of each concrete mix used forunits in accor
32、dance with Sample and test the concrete mixes used for units no more than twelve months prior to production of units. More frequenttesting shall be required if there is any change in the manufacturing process including changes in cementitious materials or theirsources, aggregates or their
33、sources, water-cementitious materials ratio, mix design, manufacturing process or curing. This doesnot include producing units of varying shapes, configurations or sizes of units.6.2 Sample the concrete mix at the manufacturing facility from standard production mix in accordance with Practice C31/C3
34、1Mexcept that the time requirements for transportation do not apply when specimens are shipped to the testing laboratory.6.2.1 For freeze/thaw durability testing, prepare five 3 in. by 3 in. by 11 in. 75beams complying with the dimensionalrequirements of Test Method C666/C666Mmm by 75 mm by 275 mm b
35、eams. . The molded beams shall be de-molded 243224-32hours after casting and shall be air cured for 28 days.6.3 Testing Requirements:6.3.1 No single specimen in a group of five specimens shall exhibit a mass loss greater than 1.5 % or show any fracturecompletely through the cross section when tested
36、 in accordance with Test Method C666/C666M, Procedure A, with the followingmodifications: The molded beams are subjected to 50 consecutive cycles of freezing and thawing.6.3.2 Determine mass loss in accordance with the following procedure: Following immersion in water for a period of 4
37、8 hours, the initial specimen mass shall be measured. Excess surfacewater shall be immediately removed by blotting with damp cloth or fabric towel prior to mass measurement; Following the completion of 50 freeze thaw cycles in accordance with Test Method C666/C666M, Procedure A, thespecimens
38、shall be removed from the containers and excess surface water shall be removed by blotting with damp cloth or fabrictowel; The Percent Mass Loss (PWL) for each specimen shall be determined at 50 cycles and be calculated as follows:PWL beam!, %5M0 2 M1!M0#3100where:PWL (beam) = percent mass lo
39、ss of beamM0 = initial mass of beam following 48-hour saturationM1 = final mass of beam following 50 freeze/thaw cycles6.3.2.4 Any test specimen which fractures completely through the cross section into two or more discrete sections shall berecorded as a failure.6.3.3 In the case of specimen failure
40、 under, the failure mode must be reported in detail.NOTE 3Freeze-thaw testing is conducted on prism samples cast from representative concrete mix designs. While each manufacturer takes precautionsto ensure that the surface color is durable, this freeze-thaw testing does not include a colored
41、 prism sample.7. Shear Bond7.1 From each manufacturing location, obtain a minimum of five (5) samples of units that are representative of the unit profilefrom which they are selected, using the same cementitious materials, aggregates, mix design, manufacturing process and curing.7.1.1 Sampling and t
42、esting should be performed at least annually to meet the requirements of this standard.7.2 Each unit tested shall develop a shear bond strength with the mortar substrate of not less than 50 psi 350 kPa when testedin accordance with Test Method C482 with the following modifications (listed in 7.2.1 t
43、hrough 7.2.5):7.2.1 Test a minimum of five (5) units at a minimum age of 28 days after manufacture.C1670/C1670M 163NOTE 4Test Method C482 requires curing for seven (7) days following fabrication of test specimens. It is acceptable to begin fabrication of shearbond specimens 21 days following manufac
44、ture of the units.7.2.2 Use the The mortar substrate used shall be that specified for non-vitreous tile (water absorption greater than 7 %).%) inTest Method C482.7.2.3 Use a unit that can be cut into a sample with minimum dimensions of 2 14 in. by 2 14 in. 60 mm by 60 mm and maximumdimensions of 4 i
45、n. by 4 in. 100 mm by 100 mm, with a thickness no greater than 2 58 in. 70 mm. This sample is to be cutcontaining the back pattern of the unit throughout the entire back face.7.2.4 Use a 12 in. 13 mm by 12 in. 13 mm steel bar (in place of the key) whose length shall be sufficient to reach the outere
46、dges of the sample unit across its length. The steel bar shall be placed adjacent and parallel to the sample mortar interface.7.2.5 Evaluate shear bond results of actual bonding surface of unit as manufactured. If the back surface of the unit used fortesting has a directional back pattern, this back
47、 pattern shall be parallel to the direction of loading.8. Water Absorption and Density8.1 From each manufacturing location, obtain a minimum of three (3) samples of units that are representative of the unit profilefrom which they are selected, using the same cementitious materials, aggregates, mix d
48、esign, manufacturing process and curing.8.1.1 Sampling and testing should be performed at least annually to meet the requirements of this standard.8.2 Absorption:8.2.1 At a minimum age of 28 days after manufacture, average absorption of three units shall be tested in accordance with TestMethods C140
49、C140/C140M. Units shall be permitted to be cut with a saw if the testing facility cannot accommodate a full-sizedunit.8.3 Density:8.3.1 The saturated density of the units shall be determined from the weights obtained during absorption testing (in accordancewith Test Methods C140C140/C140M and 8.2.1) using the following calculation:Saturated Density, lb/ft3,Ws!Ws 2 Wi! 362.4for inch-pound unitsSaturated Density, kg/m3,Ws!Ws 2 Wi! 31000for SI unitswhere:Ws = saturated weight of specimen, lb kgWI = immersed weigh