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1、2006年大学生英语竞赛( NECCS) A类(研究生)决赛真题试卷及答案与解析 Section A ( A) Repair the car. ( B) Help his mum do her garden. ( C) Go sailing. ( D) Paint the flat. ( A) 10:15. ( B) 11:15. ( C) 0.0798611 ( D) 0.0868056 ( A) By plane. ( B) By coach. ( C) By train. ( D) By ear. ( A) $ 16.50. ( B) $ 15.00. ( C) $ 12.50. ( D

2、) $ 10.00. ( A) Because of the lorry accident. ( B) Because of the train strike. ( C) Because of the bus strike. ( D) Because of the car accident. ( A) In the sports center. ( B) In the library. ( C) In the lecture room. ( D) In the cinema. Section B ( A) 1:15. ( B) 2:00. ( C) 0.0625 ( D) 0.145833 (

3、 A) 25 pence. ( B) 50 pence. ( C) 75 pence. ( D) 95 pence. ( A) 4 weeks. ( B) 6 weeks. ( C) 8 weeks. ( D) 10 weeks. ( A) A pen. ( B) A school bag. ( C) A book. ( D) A pencil. Section C ( A) 148 billion. ( B) 140 million. ( C) 1480 million. ( A) Five. ( B) Four. ( C) Three. ( A) Romania. ( B) Slovaki

4、a. ( C) Czech Republic. ( A) Whale. ( B) Dolphin. ( C) Shark. ( A) Ang Lee. ( B) Steven Spielberg. ( C) Both of them. ( A) Russia and the UK. ( B) Russia and other former Soviet Republics. ( C) Russia and Ukraine. ( A) Ban smoking in indoor public places. ( B) Ban smoking in all public places. ( C)

5、Improve the health care system. ( A) More than 35,000. ( B) More than 2,600. ( C) More than 4,700. ( A) Mobile phone gambling is on the rise in Europe. ( B) Mobile phone gambling is on the rise in Australia. ( C) Mobile phone gambling is on the rise in Asia. ( A) The north-eastern part. ( B) The sou

6、th-eastern part. ( C) The north-western part. Section D ( A) The children were very naughty. ( B) They lived in the countryside far away from other people. ( C) They had moved to a new town and didnt know many people yet. ( D) Everyone was busy and couldnt baby-sit. ( A) She was sick. ( B) She wasnt

7、 home. ( C) She was busy. ( D) She was going out soon. ( A) She felt happy. ( B) She felt lonely. ( C) She felt relaxed. ( D) She felt angry. ( A) The people thought she was a bank robber. ( B) Everyone else started shouting, too. ( C) Many people ran out of the bank. ( D) Everyone stood against the

8、 wall with their hands up. ( A) 9:00 to 10:00. ( B) 9:00 to 10:30. ( C) 9:30 to 11:00. ( D) 9:30 to 11:30. ( A) Early in the morning. ( B) Before lunch. ( C) At lunchtime. ( D) After lunch. ( A) Ireland and Spain. ( B) Brazil and Ireland. ( C) Spain and Italy. ( D) Brazil and Italy. ( A) Cycling. (

9、B) Skiing. ( C) Football. ( D) Tennis. ( A) The year. ( B) The person. ( C) The story. ( D) The place. ( A) A comedy. ( B) A documentary. ( C) A musical. ( D) A thriller. 一、 Part Vocabulary and Structure 31 An animator has to build up his or her work frame by frame. Each film takes a very long time

10、to make, and so _ are essential to see the project through to the end. ( A) research and development ( B) continuity and relaxation ( C) diversions and rewards ( D) dedication and commitment 32 How come you left the party without saying “good-bye“? I was angry with John. He shouted at me and my pati

11、ence _. ( A) ran over ( B) ran away ( C) ran through ( D) ran out 33 Im a nervous wreck. We applied for a mortgage loan last week, and they _ let us know this morning if it had been approved. ( A) were supposed to ( B) might have ( C) would have ( D) must go to 34 We cant do any more now. Lets call

12、it a _. ( A) day ( B) halt ( C) stop ( D) night 35 Although we tend to think that they are basically the same animal, dolphins, porpoises, and fish are not alike. Despite how similar they might seem, these three animals _ dolphins and porpoises are mammals while fish are not. ( A) different in that

13、( B) different so that ( C) differ in that ( D) differ so that 36 When Steve Fossett first attempted his solo balloon flight around the world, he _ that he would encounter 10 days of thunderstorms over Argentina. Consequently, his balloon was damaged and he was forced to end his trip. ( A) wasnt ant

14、icipating ( B) wouldnt anticipate ( C) had anticipated not ( D) had not anticipated 37 Leslies upset. She invited about 20 people to her house for a party and then no one showed up. The least they _ have done was to call to say they _ to go. ( A) might; were going ( B) could; werent going ( C) might

15、; werent supposed ( D) should; were going 38 I wish I _ myself better in English, but I _. ( A) will express; wont ( B) could express; cant ( C) would express; wont ( D) can express; cant 39 _ the interview in Boston lasted so long, I missed my connecting flight to New York. ( A) Due to ( B) When (

16、C) As ( D) Despite 40 John F. Kennedy was _ youngest President of the United States and _ to be murdered. Can you remember how long he _ the country before his death? ( A) the; the fourth; had been ruling ( B) /; fourth; have been ruling ( C) the; fourth; was ruling ( D) a; the four; ruled 二、 Part S

17、ituational Dialogues 41 Mike: Why havent more women chosen careers in science? Alice: Well, first of all, most children grow up with the idea that boys understand science more easily than girls do. This continues in the high school and college years. Later, its hard for a woman to get a job in scien

18、ce. Mike: _. Alice: Well, no, I didnt. A career doesnt get in the way. My husband and children try to understand my work and they are willing to help me. I know many women scientists who have happily arrived and have families. ( A) Did you sacrifice a family for your work? ( B) Did you feel happy wi

19、th your life? ( C) Did you have something interesting to share with us? ( D) Did you get a higher salary? 42 Dave: What causes people to have stress? Tim: As I said, all humans have stress. The problem is too much stress for a long period of time. When this happens, a person is in trouble. Various s

20、ituations give rise to stress, such as losing your job, experiencing a divorce or death of a family member, a serious illness, or getting hurt in a bad accident and so on. Dave: _. Tim: First, make sure your diet is healthy by eating lots of fruit and vegetables. Next, exercise regularly. You should

21、 also talk to a good friend or relative-someone you trust and who will listen to you. Sometimes just talking about problems helps. ( A) Tell us what we can do in our spare time. ( B) Is it true that men generally have more stress than women7 ( C) Tell us what we can do when we have too much stress.

22、( D) Do you think todays world is more stressful than the world of 50 years ago? 43 Tom: What was your worst subject? Ron: Mm. that would be chemistry. I never could learn to like it very much, and my marks werent ever very good. The chemical formulas were hard for me to understand, and in chemistry

23、 class there are a lot of chemical formulas! Tom: _. Ron: Ive wanted to be involved in computer engineering ever since I was little. If I pass this interview and am offered a position with this company, I want to contribute to improving technology and developing better computers. I want to be a prof

24、essional in this field. ( A) What do you think of computer engineering? ( B) How do you spend your free time? ( C) Did you enjoy your school life? ( D) Can you tell me about your hopes for future? 44 Peter: _ Diane: No, not all memories are correct, but they all tell us something about the person wh

25、o is doing the remembering. The memory may tell us what the person likes or dislikes, what he or she wishes, and it may also tell us about his or her fears. Peter: _ Diane: Thats a good question. Its easier to remember things that have emotional meaning to you. Its also easier to remember informatio

26、n that you practice and use a lot. Repetition also reinforces memory; the more you repeat something, the better you remember it. ( A) Are there different kinds of memory? ; What makes it easier for people to remember certain things? ( B) What makes it easier for people to remember certain things? ;

27、Axe all memories accurate? ( C) What aspects of brain biology interest you? ; Are all memories accurate? ( D) Are all memories accurate? ; What kind of things are easier for people to remember? 45 Carla: _ Angie: Well, I lived in a small town in the country once and it was quite boring. Nothing ever

28、 seemed to happen. Theres much more going on in the city. Its more exciting. Carla: _ Angle : Although the city is more exciting, its also much noisier, dirtier and more crowded than the countryside. Sometimes I miss the peace and quiet there. ( A) Why are you living in the city?; How would you comp

29、are life in the city to that in the country? ( B) Why dont you live in the city now? ; How would you compare life in the city to that in the country? ( C) Would you like to live in the country?; Why is the city better than the country? ( D) Why do you like living in the city? ; What are the disadvan

30、tages of the country? 三、 Part Reading Comperhension 45 In the lumberyard by the lake, where trees from the woods were turned into boards for construction work, there was an old brick building two floors high, and all around the outside walls were heaped great piles of soft sawdust. There were many o

31、f these golden mountains of dust covering that part of the yard right down to the blue lake. That afternoon, bored with having nothing else to do, all the fellows followed Michael up the ladder to the roof of the old building and they sat with their legs hanging over the edge looking out across the

32、lake. Suddenly Michael said, “I dare you to jump down,“ and without thinking about it, he pushed himself off the roof and fell on the sawdust where he lay rolling around and laughing. “I dare you all!“ he shouted. “Youre all cowards,“ he said, encouraging them to follow him. Still laughing, he watch

33、ed them looking down from the roof, white-faced and hesitant, and then one by one they jumped and got up grinning with relief. In the hot afternoon sunlight they all lay on the sawdust pile telling jokes till at last one of the fellows said, “Come on up on the old roof again and jump down.“ There wa

34、snt much enthusiasm among them, but they all went up to the roof again and began to jump off in a determined, desperate way till only Michael was left and the others were all down below grinning up at him calling, “Come on, Mike. Whats the matter with you?“ Michael wanted to jump down there and be w

35、ith them, but he remained on the edge of the roof, wetting his tips, with a silly grin on his face, wondering why it had not seemed such a long drop the first time. For a while they thought he was only fooling them, but then they saw him clenching his fists tight. He was trying to count to ten and t

36、hen jump, and when that failed, he tried to take a long breath and close his eyes. In a while the fellows began to laugh at him; they were tired of waiting and it was getting on to dinnertime. “Come on, youre a coward, do you think were going to sit here all night?“ they began to shout, and when he

37、did not move they began to get up and walk away, still shouting. “Who did this in the first place? Whats the matter with you all?“ he called. But for a long time he remained on the edge of the roof, staring unhappily and steadily at the ground. He remained all alone for nearly an hour while the sun,

38、 like a great orange ball getting bigger and bigger, rolled slowly over the grey line beyond the lake. His clothes were wet from nervous sweating. At last he closed his eyes, slipped off the roof, fell heavily on the pile of sawdust and lay there a long time. There were no sounds in the yard, the wo

39、rkmen had gone home. As he lay there he wondered why he had been unable to jump; and then he got up slowly and walked home feeling deeply ashamed and wanting to avoid everybody. 46 Why did the boys first decide to climb onto the roof of the building? ( A) To test their courage. ( B) To pass the time

40、. ( C) To keep out of the way of the workmen. ( D) To get a better view of the woods. 47 When the boys jumped after Michael, they _. ( A) were not afraid at all ( B) wanted to do it again immediately ( C) were glad they had got down safely ( D) found the jump easier than expected 48 Why didnt Michae

41、l make the second jump immediately? ( A) The ground seemed further away. ( B) He thought his friends had been foolish. ( C) He was trying to trick his friends. ( D) He wanted his friends to go away. 49 How did Michaels friends react when he didnt jump? ( A) They left immediately. ( B) They were not

42、surprised. ( C) They remembered how they had felt themselves. ( D) They thought he was joking. 50 When Michael finally jumped the second time, he _. ( A) was proud of himself ( B) improved on his first jump ( C) could not understand what had stopped him ( D) was not so angry with his friends 50 Acco

43、mmodation Near the town centre-Single rooms available Sunningdale Hotel French, German, Spanish and Russian spoken 150 per week single room or 27 per day, with English breakfast and dinner. Double room 120 each person a week, 25 daily. Haft price for children under 14. The sunningdale Hotel was buil

44、t in 1913 and opened by Prince Louise. It has provided excellent service for people from all over the world and people of all ages and nationalities have stayed here. During the past 80 years over 50,000 guests from 174 different countries have visited Sunningdale. The hotel is on one of the main ro

45、ads leading to the town centre. It is about 20 minutes by bus from the centre of town and buses to many other parts of the town stop outside the hotel. Guests should be careful not to travel on buses with the blue sign Express on the front because they do not stop near our hotel. An underground stat

46、ion is less than 100 metres away. The main building has 200 well-furnished, centrally-heated single rooms, each fitted with hot and cold water. Showers, baths and toilets are at the end of all corridors. The hotel has a shop, sitting rooms, four television rooms, a table tennis room, a library and l

47、aundry. There are also eight pianos available for guests use. There are spaces to park cars on the hotel drive. Daily newspapers are provided free and stamps can be bought at the office. Guests who stay for long periods must pay for their accommodation weekly in advance and one weeks notice is requi

48、red for departures. Short- or long-term guests are welcome but long-term guests are offered rooms first. Meal times are: breakfast 7 : 00 - 9 : 30 am; lunch 1 : 00 - 2: 00 pm; dinner 5 : 30 - 7 : 00 pm. During the week, for those studying or working late, dinner can be requested until 11:00 pm by wr

49、iting your name on the late list or by telephoning before 7 : 00 pro. A selection of 10 menu choices are available for breakfast and dinner. Guests are advised to use taxis to get to the hotel if they arrive by train because we are some distance from the main railway station. 51 Laundry is included in the cost of a room. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 52 An Express bus will take you from the hotel to the centre of the town. ( A) Y


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