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1、BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 64及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 You will hear three telephone conversations or messages. Write one or two words or a number in the numbered spaces on the notes or forms below. After you have listened once, replay each recording. Conversation One Look at the notes below. You will hear a man

2、phoning for a job application. CJ PRODUCTIONS CJ Personnel CJ Job Application Requests Job: (1)_ (Marketing Department) Reference Number: (2)_ Advertised in: (3)_ Name: Daniel Johnson Address: Internal, c/o (4)_ 5 Look at the form below. You will hear a conversation on the phone. Reservation Card To

3、: Dr. Green From: Linda Date: 18th April Time: 2:30 p. m. Information of patient Name: David (5)_ Symptom: something wrong with the (6)_ Date of meeting: 15th, (7)_ Time for meeting (8)_ 9 Look at the notes below. You will hear a conversation about a new type of cleaner. Cleaner Message 1 Its very g

4、ood on aluminum and (9)_, but not very good with (10)_. 2 It works well on enamel, its perfect for floor tiles. But its not good for (11)_floors; however, (12)_is fine. 二、 PART TWO 13 You will hear five short recordings. Each speaker is reporting on a training course they have attended. For each rec

5、ording, decide what training course each speaker has attended. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording. Do not use any letter more than once. After you have listened once, replay the recordinqs. A financial planning B stress management C marketing strategies D negotiation skills E

6、 time management F computer skills G presentation skills H team-building 18 You will hear another five recordings. For each recording, decide what the speaker is trying to do Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording. Do not use any letter more than once. After you have listened onc

7、e, replay the recordings. A place an order B make a complaint C change an appointment D give a warning E explain a delay F thank someone G make an announcement H reject an offer 三、 PART THREE 23 You will hear a radio interview with Ross Rayburn, who is a successful small businessman. For each questi

8、on 23-30, mark one letter (A, B, or C). You will hear the recording twice. 23 Mr. Rayburn encourages unconfident beginners to work in a retail company because it can ( A) bring them quick money. ( B) help them gain experience. ( C) help them develop relationships. 24 According to Mr. Rayburn, the di

9、fference in starting styles is made by ones ( A) personality. ( B) financial strength. ( C) working background. 25 Mr. Rayburn believes people can immerse themselves in positive information by ( A) listening to motivational tapes. ( B) talking to successful individuals. ( C) reading relaxing books b

10、efore bed. 26 Among ten sales people who started their business at the same time, Mr. Rayburn was the only successful one, because he was the ( A) luckiest. ( B) most qualified. ( C) most hard-working. 27 According to Mr. Rayburn, the most effective way to do a sales job is ( A) call your clients re

11、gularly. ( B) visit your clients in person. ( C) keep email contact with your clients. 28 If the client happens to be busy at that moment, Mr. Rayburn will ( A) leave a message. ( B) just greet the client. ( C) apologize for the interruption. 29 For Mr. Rayburn, what is the most delightful thing to

12、work for himself? ( A) He has more time to sleep. ( B) He gets everything he makes. ( C) He is no longer controlled by his boss. 30 Mr. Rayburn suggests if you want to be successful and remain successful, you need to ( A) know the meanings of long terms in any business contract. ( B) study for one m

13、ore term in university and get more information. ( C) have insight and perseverance in the development of your business. BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 64答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【听力原文】 Woman: This is the Personnel Department of CJ Productions. Please state the title and reference number of the job youre phoning abou

14、t and state where you saw the advert. Please give your name and address clearly. Man: Hello. Im phoning about one of the jobs going in the Marketing Department. Its the Regional Organisers job in that department which Im interested in. The reference number quoted in the ad is J-1-8-5-6-R. This is an

15、 internal request I saw the advertisement you put in the staff newsletter. Please send the application form and information pack to me, Daniel Johnson in the Sales Department. Thank you. 1 【正确答案】 Regional Organizer/Organiser 【试题解析】 这段听力材料是关于求职者应聘的。其中,女声主要是提问,男声提供了所有问题的答案,也就是说我们本题所需要的信息都出现在男声部分,因此要特别

16、留意。此题是关于应聘岗位的,在听力时要对职位名称特别留意。听力原文为: Its the Regional Organisers job in that department which Im interested in. 表明应聘的职位为 Regional Organizer/Organiser。 2 【正确答案】 J1856R 【试题解析】 此题是针对序列号的提问,在听音中要特别留意字母和数字一起的编号。听力原文中直接出现答案,应为 J1856R。 3 【正确答案】 Staff newsletter 【试题解析】 此题是针对信息出处的提问,在听音中要注意分辨信息可能出现的地方,如互联网、杂志

17、、报纸、朋友介绍等。听力原文中提到是内部招聘信息,是在员工简报上看到的,因此,答案为 staff newsletter。 4 【正确答案】 Sales Department 【试题解析】 此题是针对收件人地址的提问,在此题中表现为应聘者的地址。听力原文中提到该应聘者为内部员工,是 sales Department的。 5 【听力原文】 Woman: Hello. Springfield Health Centre. Can I help you? Man: Yes. Id like to speak to Dr. Greens receptionist, please. Woman: Yes.

18、 Man: This is David Port. I have been having some chest pains recently. Woman: Well, Mr. Port. What can I do for you? Man: I would like to make an appointment to see the doctor. Woman: Yes. Would Thursday morning suit you? Man: Thursday is the 15th of May. OK. At what time? Woman: Is 10:30 OK for yo

19、u? Man: Yes, thats fine. Woman: Whats your name again please? Man: David Port. D-A-V-I-D, P-O-R-T. Woman: Thank you. Dr. Green will see you at 10:30 on Thursday. 5 【正确答案】 Port 【试题解析】 此题是针对来电者姓名的提问,在此题中也就是针对病人姓名的提问,听音时应注意。在听力原文中,该信息出现了两次,第一次是在自我介绍时,第二次是在来电者被要求拼写自己姓名的时候。 6 【正确答案】 chest。 【试题解析】 此题是针对病状

20、的提问,听音时需要注意病人在描述自己身体不适时的词汇。听力原文是: I have been having some chest pains recently,也就是说该病人胸部不适,答案为 chest。 7 【正确答案 】 May 【试题解析】 此题是针对预约日期的提问,听音时要注意对时间的描述。听力原文中出现了三个不同的时间信息,一是星期: Thursday,一是月份: May,一是具体日期: 15th。这里答案为月份: May。 8 【正确答案】 10:30 上午 【试题解析】 此题与上题类似,是针对预约日期的提问,听音时要注意对时间的描述。在最后接线员和病人确认时,再次出现了预约时间:

21、10:30am。 9 【听力原文】 Man: Tell me about this new cleaner please. Can it be used to clean metal? Woman: Yes, on certain kinds. Its very good on aluminum and brass. Man: Aluminum and brass. I see. What about other metals? Can it be used with silver? Woman: Well, its not really very good with silver. We h

22、ave a special cleaner for silver. Man: Oh. And what about enamel surfaces, like on a bathtub, for example. Woman: Yes, it works well on enamel. Man: And what about on things like floor tiles? Woman: Yes, its perfect for floor tiles. It really takes off tough stains and marks. But its not good for cl

23、eaning wooden floors or wooden surfaces. It might even damage them. Man: How about plastic? Woman: Plastics fine. No trouble at all. Man: Good, then Ill take two cans, please. 9 【正确答案】 brass 【试题解析】 这段听力内容是关于清洁剂性能的,在听音时要多注意销售人员的介绍,区分适用于什么不适用于什么。此题是对该清洁荆适用于哪种金属的考查,听音的时候要注意把握金属的名称。根据听力原文,这里填: brass。 10

24、 【正确答案】 silver 【试题解析】 此题是对该清洁剂不适用于哪种金属的考查,听音的时候要注意把握金属的名称。根据听力原文,这里填: silver。 11 【正确答案】 wooden 【试题解析】 此题是针对清洁剂不使用于哪些物品的考 查,听音的时候要注意把握金属的名称。根据听力原文,这里填: wooden。 12 【正确答案】 plastic 【试题解析】 此题是针对清洁剂使用于哪些物体的考查,听音的时候要注意把握金属的名称。根据听力原文,这里填: plastic。 二、 PART TWO 13 【听力原文】 Man: I especially like the session on

25、customer needs. We look at how to identify customer needs with things like product research and market analysis. There was also quite a bit on promotional techniques and we looked at different preaches there and we talked about stressing value for money. I thought all the trainers were very good. Ev

26、erything was presented clearly and we always had time for questions and discussion. 13 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 材料中出现 “like the session on customer needs”这类词语,表明叙述者很喜欢上顾客需求课程,因此可推测此课程是有关市场营销策略的,即:marketing strategies。故选 C。 14 【听力原文】 Woman: I met lots of people on the course. They were from many different fir

27、ms but most of them are trained accountants. The course was aimed at companies who were expanding internationally,so we spent quite a lot of time on the influence of exchange rates and on allowing for it in budgets.Yes, and there was also one session on computer packages and how they might be useful

28、. 14 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 材料中说明 “most of them are trained as accountants the influence of exchange rates” ,即参加此课程的大部分人是财务人员。由此推测,应该是财务管理课程,即: financial planning。故选 A。 15 【听力原文】 Man: We looked at the role of leaders in large companies and we talked about the personality,communication skills that we though

29、t they needed in order to get people working for them. We looked at some case studies where managers had worked very hard at getting groups of staff to work together, then we discussed how this made these projects more successful. 15 【正确答案】 H 【试题解析】 材料中说明 “the role of leaders in large companies, the

30、 personality, communication skills, getting groups of staff to work together”等,说明所有这些都是有关团队建设的内容,因此,此课程是 “team building”。故选H。 16 【听力原文】 Roman: Ive become a lot more organized since taking the course. Some of the things we learned are quite too easy to do, but theyre effective and Im no longer under

31、such pressure from deadlines.I suppose the course was mainly about setting targets and managing diaries properly. We also talked about ways of being more efficient like grouping similar tasks together. 16 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 材料中出现 “become more organized, no longer under such pressure from deadlines; mor

32、e efficient like grouping similar tasks together”,表明通过学习此课程,可以更有效地应对工作中的压力,因此,此课程是 “stress management”。故选 B。 17 【听力原文】 Man: One thing that we are always reminded of is the need to research whom youre going to speak to. It may seem obvious that how you get things across should depend on your audience

33、, but we spent a lot of time watching videos and saw examples of people forgetting this. We learned that preparation wasnt just finding out how many people there would be, but also something about the kind of things they expect to hear. 17 【正确答案】 G 【试题解析】 材料中出现 “who you are going to speak to, depend

34、ing on your audience, the kind of thing they expect to hear”说明这里谈论都是演示的技巧,即 “presentation skills”。故选 G。 18 【听力原文】 Man: This is the fourth time Ive called about this. Its a complete waste of my time and my staffs time. When we ordered the photocopier from you, you assured us it would be installed by

35、one of your engineers and set up ready for use. Well,all your engineer did is plug it in and that was it.And now every time we turn it on, we get a warning message. However, we dont know what it means because your man didnt even leave us a copy of the manual. 18 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 听力原文中叙述者一直在讲述自己购买复印机之

36、后,售后服务人员态度太差,致使他们现在还不能用这台复印机。故选 B。 19 【听力原文】 Woman: Before we start, Ive been entrusted to tell you that Dr. Jones has been delayed. That means he wont make it in time for his presentation on “Dealing with Economic Crisis“. Unfortunately,this means we have to cancel the session and anyone who signed

37、 up for it should now choose between the other two sessions which are running this afternoon. Thank you. And now Ill hand you over to Julia. 19 【正确答案】 G 【试题解析】 听力原文中叙述者在解释其他演讲者不能到场的原因,以及带来的后果,根据意思理解。故选 G。 20 【听力原文】 Man: Im just ringing to tell you about the positive feedback weve had on the presenta

38、tion you gave last week. I really appreciate you stepping in like that at the last moment. I know you were a bit nervous, but Im very grateful you agreed to do it. And looking at the feedback forms, the only complaint was about the size of the room. So,well done! 20 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 听力原文出现 “appreciat

39、e”这类字眼等,说明叙述者是在致感谢词。故选 F。 21 【听力原文】 Woman: Ive checked with the Warehouse Manager and it seems there was a mix-up with the transport documents and your order was somehow sent to San Diego instead of San Francisco. By the time the driver got back to San Francisco,hed missed the next flight out. And t

40、hen there was an announcement cancelling the last flight due to technical problems. Anyway, your order will be on the first plane tomorrow. 21 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 根据上下文意思理解此段可以看成是在解释货物迟发的原因。故选 E。 22 【听力原文】 Man: Hello, Rosa. This is Gina Karlland. I was just calling to say Im actually busy on the 15th,so

41、 I wont be able to see you in the afternoon. In fact, Ill be out all that week. So, I was wondering, rather than delaying things any longer, could we bring everything forward to the 13th? If thats OK for you, perhaps you could call me. My extension is 507. 22 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 听力原文的叙述者首先说到自己较忙,希望改动约会的

42、时间。故答案为 C,更改见面时间。 三、 PART THREE 23 【听力原文】 F: Mr. Rayburn, do you have a most important piece of advice for a person considering working for themselves? M: No. What is most important will vary with each person. Some will need to discover themselves first, others just need to get started. If someone i

43、s not confident of their abilities, I would encourage them to get a sales job in a retail company. Promotions come quickly in retail. They will get experience in all sorts of business disciplines: sales, buying, inventory control, income statements, and lots of other important knowledge. They will a

44、lso get the chance to enter management and discover if they enjoy that relationship. If they decide to go out on their own, they will have the basics for success along with knowledge of their own strengths and weaknesses. F: So what makes the difference in starting styles, and how would a person fin

45、d where they fit? M: Personalities. Some learn best getting face to face with clients, others need to get face to face with themselves first. Everyone needs to keep learning and challenging themselves if they expect to be successful. There are many good inspirational books or biographies of successf

46、ul people that a person can read. I am usually reading three or four books at a time; I do make sure the book I read before bed is inspirational. I also listen to motivational tapes or books on tape. A lot of your ability to apply yourself comes from your own determination, you develop that by immer

47、sing yourself in positive information. F: How well were you prepared when you went out on your own? M: I started my business at the same time as 9 other sales people, of the 10 of us I was the least qualified. Within a short time I was the only one left. There is a huge amount of work required when

48、starting a business. I am extremely lucky that my wife knows how important it is for me to stay glued to my desk, or sometimes the kitchen table, without interruptions. It took 4 months before I was making enough to cover all my bills, and a bit more for good stuff. Those were 4 months of 6 or 7 day

49、s a week, working from early morning to late night. I kept that schedule for quite a while as my business just took off, and I still wake early to get a few uninterrupted hours of work in before the world starts humming. F: Once you have started sales, how can you be most effective? M: The key is getting face to face with your c


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