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1、BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 85及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 Look at the form below. You will hear a woman talking to an employment agency. PERSONPLAN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Message Date and time of message: 18/5/2004 9:30 a. m. Caller: Mary Jones Name of Company: Jack Strong Inc. Staff required: 1 Skills required: 2 3 To s

2、tart work: 4 Contact number: (212)562 6030 4 Look at the form below. You will hear a man talking to a catering services department. Catering Services Department Message To: Elizabeth Date: 5/12/2004 Time: 2:30 p.m. Mr. Moss from 5 division rang. He wants to order a dinner on 6 for 15. He wants it se

3、rved in the 7 dining room with at least three 8 . Can you get back to him as soon as possible? 8 Look at the diary below. You will hear two people discussing appointments. September 2008, Week 38, 16 Monday 9:30 meeting with 9 10 with Jim Wang 17 Tuesday Visit 11 (all day) 18 Wednesday 2:15 p.m. 12

4、with accountant. 二、 PART TWO 12 You will hear five short recordings. For each recording, decide what advice the speaker is giving. Write one letter (A H) next to the number of the recording. Do not use any letter more than once. After you have listened once, replay each recording. A. begin and end t

5、he talk well B. rehearse a few times beforehand C. use clear visual materials D. maximize eye contact with the audience E. check all equipment thoroughly F. look smart and business-like G. avoid talking for too long H. get the audience to participate 13 _ 14 _ 15 _ 16 _ 17 _ 17 You will hear another

6、 five short recordings. Each speaker is talking on the phone. For each recording, decide the main reason for the phone call. Write one letter (A H) next to the number of the recording. Do not use any letter more than once. After you have listened once, replay each recording. A. to ask for advice B.

7、to explain an error C. to ask for a decision D. to ask for information E. to make a complaint F. to request help G. to confirm details H. to express thanks 18 _ 19 _ 20 _ 21 _ 22 _ 三、 PART THREE 22 You will hear a part of a speech about the Asian crisis. Choose the best answer for each of the questi

8、ons (23 30). Mark one letter (A, B or C) for the answer you choose. You will hear the speech twice. 23 Which of the following is a result of the Asian crisis? ( A) Physical capital accumulation. ( B) Institutional development. ( C) Dislocation of the use of resources. 24 Which of the following will

9、be the result of the crisis-induced policy reform which is reinforced by the IMF programs? ( A) Making markets more effective in allocating resources. ( B) International orientation of East Asian economies. ( C) Imposing arrangements on developing countries. 25 Which of the following characterizes t

10、he old East Asian economic style? ( A) A floating exchange rate. ( B) A rigidly fixed rate. ( C) A hybrid exchange rate. 26 What were the more advanced countries among the troubled ones doing before the crisis? ( A) They were having change in economic structure and export specialization. ( B) They w

11、ere having smooth political change. ( C) They were taking a floating exchange rate instead of a hybrid one. 27 Before the crisis, what was Thailand doing? ( A) Experiencing success in graduation from Labour intensive to more technologically complex production. ( B) Absorbing surplus agricultural lab

12、our into modern industries. ( C) Rehabilitating financial system. 28 Why does Vietnam look more vulnerable to adverse effects in the medium term? ( A) Because current account deficits as a proportion of GDP have been larger in Vietnam than in any other major Southeast Asian economy in recent years.

13、( B) Because Vietnams structural reform is an urgent requirement. ( C) Because Vietnam draws the wrong lessons from the crisis. 29 Concerning opening the capital account and the associated reform, what should be paid more attention to? ( A) The need for competitive markets and transparent regulatory

14、 arrangements. ( B) The government direction of subsidized resources to favoured enterprises. ( C) The systemic reforms that are necessary for an open capital account to be consistent with reasonable stability. 30 Which of the following is the most suitable title for this speech? ( A) Long-term Effe

15、cts of the Asian Crisis. ( B) The Restoration of Political Coherence and Stability in Southeast Asia. ( C) The Current Stabilization Programs in East Asia. BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 85答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 【听力原文】 Woman: Hello. Is that the Personplan employment agency? Man: Yes, it is. How can I help you? Woma

16、n: Im Mary Jones from Jack Strong Incorporated. We need an experienced receptionist whos a good communicator. The person must be able to use a word processor as well. Man: I think we can do something about that. Youll be wanting them to start . ? Woman: Urn, well, July would suit us best. Our recept

17、ionist is planning to leave in August and we want her to show the new person the ropes. Man: Very sensible. If youll just give me a few more details, Ill see what we can do for you. 1 【正确答案】 (experienced) receptionist 2 【正确答案】 communication/(good) 3 【正确答案】 word processing 4 【正确答案】 July 4 【听力原文】 Man:

18、 Good morning, is that Elizabeth in Catering? Its Moss from Sales Division here. Woman: No, Mr. Moss, Im afraid shes not here at the moment. Can I take a message? Man: Well, I want to order a dinner for the reps on Saturday. Now, theres going to be eight of them and seven from here so we are looking

19、 at 15. With that sort of size its going to have to be the executive dining room as the board room isnt big enough, dont you think? And then I want at least three catering staff on duty. That should do it. Now food. . . Woman: I think I ought to check that through with Elizabeth and get back to you

20、with the menus, really. Man: Yes, yes. Youre probably right . 5 【正确答案】 sales 6 【正确答案】 Saturday 7 【正确答案】 executive 8 【正确答案】 catering staff 8 【听力原文】 Woman: Whats next week looking like, Ben? I want to find time to go over that report with you. Man: Im just looking at the diary and as far as I can see

21、youre not free until Wednesday morning. Youve got that meeting with Mr. Brown on Monday at 9:30 and then theres Jim Wang for lunch and thats bound to go on most of the afternoon. Tuesdays out as youre at the factory all day. So its going to have to be Wednesday morning. And dont forget that you have

22、 an appointment at quarter past two with the accountant so well have to cut it short before lunch. Looks like another busy week! 9 【正确答案】 Mr. Brown 10 【正确答案】 lunch 11 【正确答案】 factory 12 【正确答案】 appointment 二、 PART TWO 13 【听力原文】 Man: Obviously you cant force people to be interested, but they can go awa

23、y saying “That was a really good presentation“ and how do you do that? Well, for me, the golden rule is dont run over time. Whatever it is you want to say and however much time you have to say it in, as soon as your time is up, stop. You only lose them after that!pause 13 【正确答案】 G 【试题解析】 此段话的主题是 “Yo

24、u cant force people to be interested ”并且,“the golden rule is: dont run over time”,要长话短说。 14 【听力原文】 Woman: Id advise making a clear outline of what you want to say beforehand on paper. to make sure you dont forget anything. Then categorize the points and come up with words like a code thatll remind y

25、ou about what you want to say. Then practise it as much as you can, so that in the end you hardly have to look down and the audience can see your face.pause 14 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 在开始演讲前,要做好充分的工作, “making a clear outline beforehand on paper, categorizethe points and come up with words” ,也就是说,要演练一番,才能达到预

26、期效果。 15 【听力原文】 Man: Ive been in this business for years and I think I can safely say Im good at it. Not because Ive got fancy visual aids, not because Ive got a wardrobe full of designer suits not me! And certainly not because 1 have stacks of little note cards. People love my talks and you know why

27、 they do the talking! Thats the key.pause 15 【正确答案】 H 【试题解析】 文中使用了三个排比句结构, notbecause not because and certainly notbecause ,意思是我善于做不是因为我有较好的外貌,也不是因为我的穿着考究,当然也不是因为我手里有许多的提示卡片,而是 “they do the talking”,即: “get theaudience to participate ” 16 【听力原文】 Woman: You know that some people will be there because

28、 they want to be and some will be there because they have to be. So it helps if you start with a joke or something that captures their attention, and if you stop on a high note as well, youll find most people go away feeling good. If you find youve got time left, you can use that for questions from

29、the audience.pause 16 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 文中使用了很清晰的结构, “if you startwith a joke or something that captures theirattention, and if you stop on a high note aswell, ” ,也就是说,你的演讲具有良好的开头和有力的结尾。 17 【听力原文】 Man: I always end up saying too much, but I think you only get one chance to say it sometimes, so better

30、too much than too little. What helps enormously is to be clever about how you use the OHP. Anything I put on the OHP has got to be simple and easy to read, so that it helps the listeners. Diagrams, especially, have to be large enough for the audience to see.pause 17 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 要很好地使用 OHP(投影仪 ),

31、 “Diagrams, especially, have to be large enough for theaudience to see”。因此,要更好地使用可视觉材料。 18 【听力原文】 Woman: Good morning. Im calling about your advertisement in Stationery News looking for overseas distributors. Could you send me some more details about this, as Im very interested in this opportunity.

32、My name is Sally Brown, and the address is. . .pause 18 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 此电话是有关询问征询海外分销商的广告, “Could you send me some details aboutthis?”因此,本题答案是 “to ask for someinformation”。 19 【听力原文】 Man: Hello. We bought a photocopying machine from you last week, but were having a few problems with it. I dont thin

33、k weve worked out how to use it properly yet. Do you think you could send someone round to show us how it works, please?pause 19 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 此电话是寻求帮助的,打电话者购买的复印机出现故障,请求商家来维修。故答案为 “to request help”。 20 【听力原文】 Woman: Hello. Im thinking about placing an advertisement in your Classified Section, but

34、 Ive got a question. What Id like to know is whether you think an advertisement in bold would be more effective. I know theyre more expensive, but in your experience, is it worth the extra money?pause 20 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 此女士想刊登一个广告,想咨询一下广告费用、样式等方面的问题,并想得到对方的建议。因此,答案是 “ask for advice”。 21 【听力原文】 Woman

35、: Hello, Mandy. You know that report we were talking about yesterday? Well, I faxed you a copy of it in the afternoon but Im afraid some of the pages were wrong. I was working on another report at the same time and, somehow, some of the pages got mixed up. Im not sure how it happened, but what Ill d

36、o is, Ill fax you a new copy now. I hope this hasnt caused any problems.pause 21 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 女士打电话告诉对方,她昨天发送的一份传真有几页可能有问题,她正准备发送一份新的传真。因此,答案是 “to explain anerror”。 22 【听力原文】 Man: Good morning, i ordered some paper from you a week ago and you promised to send it to me immediately. It should have

37、been here by now, but I havent received it. This is really unacceptable. I shall have to find another supplier if you cant deliver on time. 22 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 此男士打电话抱怨对方没有能够及时送货,因此答案是 “to make a complaint”。 三、 PART THREE 22 【听力原文】 What effect will the crisis have on longer-term economic growth and s

38、tructural change? The crisis has dislocated the use of resources, but it has not negated the years of human and physical capital accumulation and institutional development. Many of the conditions which supported sustained rapid growth will remain in place: high savings and investment; emphasis on ed

39、ucation acceptance of a major role for markets in resource allocation deep integration into the international economy; and, after a while, the self-reinforcing character of internationally-oriented growth across neighbouring economies. It is possible but not certain that the international orientatio

40、n of East Asian economies will have been enhanced by the crisis. The initial round of crisis-induced policy reform, reinforced by the IMF programs, will make markets more effective in allocating resources. In Indonesia in particular, the market-oriented reforms within the IMF agreement are far-reach

41、ing. The question is whether these reforms will survive recovery, or whether they will be discredited as arrangements imposed from outside when East Asian developing economies were weak. Two of the preconditions of growth in the old East Asian style have obviously been lost for the time being a reas

42、onable degree of macroeconomic stability and political coherence around the growth objective. If the current stabilization programs are successful, the prospects for future economic stability will have been enhanced. Exactly the same mistakes will not be made again. There will be greater caution at

43、signs of inflationary pressure and payments imbalances. In the troubled countries, there is unlikely to be a return to the hybrid exchange rate regimes that were in place at the onset of crisis. The choice will be between a floating rate and a rigidly fixed rate in the Hong Kong style. The restorati

44、on of political coherence and stability around the growth objective is facilitated by constitutional and political arrangements that support reasonably smooth political change in Thailand, Korea and Malaysia. The challenge is greater in Indonesia. In the years leading up to the crisis, the more adva

45、nced among the troubled economies were experiencing pressures for rapid change in economic structure and export specialization to support continued economic growth. Korea was grappling with reform of the chaebol to support the more intensive innovation, flexibility and competition that is necessary

46、in a high-income advanced economy. Malaysia was experiencing success in graduation from labour-intensive to more technologically complex production, but faced shortage of high-level skills and, in the meantime, needed institutional reform in order to use efficiently high levels of foreign skills and

47、 technology. Thailand had exhausted the potential for extensive growth based on absorption of surplus agricultural labour into modern industries, and needed high investment in education of a fairly basic kind to effect a change in comparative advantage to support continued rapid growth. The pressure

48、 for structural change has eased for the time being. But with the rehabilitation of financial systems, the expected strong performance in the export industries and the consequent appreciations of real exchange rates as recovery proceeds, the pressures will return. Continued strong growth from that t

49、ime will depend on the progress that is made on the structural issues in the troubled years. For East Asian developing economies on the edge of the crisis, contagion and demonstration effects will be important. Chinas intention to hold the value of the yuan for some time near its current rate against the dollar will be challenged by the restored competitiveness of Southeast Asian economies in labour-intensive industries. China will


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