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1、BEC商务英语(中级)阅读模拟试卷 53及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 Look at the statements below and the information on soy and soy product on the opposite page. Which section (A, B, C, or D) does each statement 1-7 refer to? For each statement 1-7, mark one letter (A, B, C, or D) on your Answer Sheet. You will need to use so

2、me of these letters more than once. A The soybean is a legume native to China. For 5000 years, China has been using soybeans as a source of food and medicine. As one of the five sacred grains in China, soybeans were extensively cultivated and highly valued. In the eighteenth century, soybeans were i

3、ntroduced in Europe for the first time and were regarded merely as an object of botanical curiosity. It was only in the 1930s when the United States began exploring and developing soybean varieties through hybridization. Today, as a main source of protein, soybeans are a regular component of human d

4、iet in countries such as China, Japan and Indonesia. B Many countries around the world produce as well as consume soybeans for different reasons. In Asia, the soybean is grown chiefly for the beans, which is consumed fresh, fermented, or dried. As a source of protein and oil, soybean milk is made wi

5、th the whole soybeans. Bean curd is made from soymilk and tofu is seasoned or cooked together with other dishes. In the West, soybeans are produced primarily for the soybean meal used as livestock feed. As more investigative results of research have unveiled the health benefits of soybean food produ

6、cts, soy foods are gaining more popularity as a health product. C Soy has been available for more than two decades in health food stores, specialty markets and restaurants that serve healthy, hot meals. But now its poised to become the food of the next millennium, available soon in nearly everything

7、, everywhere. Some people believe the soy protein business will triple over the next two years because of the FDA announcement (The FDA is now letting companies advertise a connection between soy protein and a healthy heart, and it is sure to mean healthy profits). D Today the one-billion-dollar-a-y

8、ear soybean business is dominated by companies that produce soy burgers, soymilk and tofu, but the future is in new products like soy pizza, soy peanut butter, even soy breakfast cereal. But experience has shown that unless healthy food tastes good, it fails in the marketplace. And many consumers co

9、nsider the taste of soy, in this case tofu, bland or at best, bean-like. In Boca Burger in Chicago they wont say how they make their soy burgers taste like meat, but theyre convincing enough to be featured in school cafeterias and fast food restaurants. 1 In food industry sales volume is determined

10、by nothing other than flavor. 2 People in Asian countries eat soy products regularly to obtain protein. 3 Considerable profits will be achieved in food industry because of advertisements on soy products. 4 The soybean is used as a source of food for both human and livestock around the world. 5 The w

11、estern countries primarily regarded soybean as an interesting and rare plant. 6 Soy will become one of the most popular foods in the 21st century. 7 Soy product may reduce the risk of heart disease. 二、 PART TWO 7 Read the article below about Microsoft anti-trust suit. Choose the best sentence from t

12、he opposite page to fill each of the gaps. For each gap 8-12, mark one letter (A-G) on your Answer Sheet. Do not use any letter more than once. WHAT NEXT IN THE MICROSOFT SUIT The Justice Departments top anti-trust prosecutor says this week that the government is looking at a full range of remedies.

13、 It wants to find the appropriate punishment following a judges ruling that Microsoft is a monopoly, including the possible breakup of the software company. “We are looking at the range of sanctions; were talking to people in the industry, people who work with Microsoft, people who manufacture compu

14、ters and were doing an analysis to make sure that we have a remedy that will promote competition, assure innovation and promote consumer choice, “ he said. He thought the judge was quite clear that innovation has been impaired and he had heard all the evidence. Meanwhile, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gat

15、es said in a letter published today that the software maker is committed to “a fair and responsible“ resolution of the anti-trust trial. (8) “Weve been here before in a first lawsuit, “ he said. “And eventually the courts came out on the side of the consumer, saying that all companies should have th

16、e ability to innovate their products and take their chances in the marketplace.“ (9) “As this case moves toward resolution, Microsofts 30, 000 employees are focused on creating the next generation of products that will deliver the benefits of the Information Age, anytime, anywhere and on any device,

17、 “ Gates wrote. (10) . On Friday, Jackson took Microsoft to task for numerous instances of anti-competitive behavior, including its dealings with America Online over the latters browser choices, its contracts with PC makers, which forced them to feature prominently the Internet Explorer Web browser

18、instead of Netscapes competing product. (11) . The judge noted that Microsofts own studies confirmed that Microsoft could have charged only $ 49 per Windows upgrade and still remained profitable, and that it had enough power within the market to charge $ 89. (12) It is through high “barriers to entr

19、y“, in other words, by making it more costly to create competing software. A Bob Herbold, the executive vice president and chief operating officer for Microsoft, said that the judges ruling this week is just a first step in the process that is just getting under way. B Microsofts competitors know th

20、at the company in fact has a referee starting directly over the shoulder every time it moves on a playing field. C Whats more, Microsoft erected the barriers to keep others out of the marketplace. D The Justice Departments top anti-trust prosecutor says this week that the government is looking at a

21、full range of remedies. E Jackson said that the company took that additional profit and invested it not in its own products but in efforts to keep other companies out of various software markets. Meanwhile Bill Gates, in a full-page advertisement published in the Washington Post and addressed to the

22、 companys customers, partners and shareholders, commented on Fridays ruling. G He claimed that Microsoft is committed to resolving this matter in a fair and responsible manner, while ensuring that the fundamental principles of consumer benefit and innovation are protected. 三、 PART THREE 12 Read the

23、article below about the difficulties of managing a small business, and the questions on the opposite page. For each question 13 18, mark one letter (A, B, C, or D) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose. THE DIFFICULTIES OF MANAGING A SMALL BUSINESS “The organizational weaknesses that entrep

24、reneurs have to deal with every day would cause the managers of a mature company to panic.“ Andrew Bidden wrote recently in Boston Business Review. This seems to suggest that the leaders of entrepreneurial or small businesses must be unlike other managers, or the problems faced by such leaders must

25、be the subject of a specialized body of wisdom, or possibly both. Unfortunately, neither is true. Not much worth reading about managing the entrepreneurial or small businesses has been written, and the leaders of such businesses are made of flesh and blood, like the rest of us. Furthermore, little h

26、as been done to address the aspects of entrepreneurial or small businesses that are so difficult to deal with and so different from the challenges faced by management in big businesses. In part this is because those involved in gathering expertise about businesses and in selling advice to businesses

27、 have historically been more interested in the needs of big business. In part, in the UK at least, it is also because small businesses have always preferred to adapt to changing circumstances. The organizational problems of entrepreneurial or small businesses are thus forced upon the individuals who

28、 lead them. Even more so than for bigger businesses, the old saying is true-that people, particularly those who make the important decisions, are business most important asset. The research that does exist shows that neither money nor the ability to access more of it is the major factor determining

29、growth. The main reason an entrepreneurial business stops growing is the lack of management and leadership resource available to the business when it matters. Give an entrepreneur an experienced, skilled team and he or she will find the funds every time. Getting the team, though, is the difficult bi

30、t. Part of the problem for entrepreneurs is the speed of change that affects their businesses. They have to cope with continuous change yet have always been suspicious about the latest management solution. They regard the many offerings from business schools as out of date even before they leave the

31、 planning board and have little faith in the recommendations of consultants when they arrive in the hands of young, inexperienced graduates. But such impatience with management solutions does not mean that problems can be left to solve themselves. However, the leaders of growing businesses are still

32、 left with the problem of who to turn to for advice. The answer is horribly simple: leaders of small businesses can ask each other. The collective knowledge of a group of leaders can prove to be enormously helpful in solving the specific problems of individuals. One leaders problems have certainly b

33、een solved already by someone else. There is an organization called KITE which enables those responsible for small businesses to meet. Its members, all of whom are chief executives, go through a demanding selection process, and then join a small group of other chief executives. They come from a rang

34、e of business sectors and each offers a different corporate history. Each group is led by a moderator, an independently selected businessman or businesswoman who has been specially trained to head the group. Each member takes it in turn to host a meeting at his or her business premises and, most imp

35、ortant of all, group discussions are kept strictly confidential. This encourages a free sharing of problems and increases the possibility of solutions being discovered. 13 What does the writer say about entrepreneurs in the first paragraph? ( A) It is wrong to assume that they are different from oth

36、er managers. ( B) The problems they have to cope with are specific to small businesses. ( C) They find it difficult to attract staffs with sufficient expertise. ( D) They could learn from the organizational skills of managers in large companies. 14 According to the second paragraph, what has led to

37、a lack of support for entrepreneurs? ( A) Entrepreneurs have always preferred to act independently. ( B) The requirements of big businesses have always taken priority. ( C) It is difficult to find solutions to the problems faced by entrepreneurs. ( D) Entrepreneurs are reluctant to provide informati

38、on about their businesses. 15 What does the writer say about the expansion of small businesses? ( A) Many small businesses do not produce enough profits to finance growth. ( B) Many employees in small businesses have problems working as part of a team. ( C) Being able to recruit the right people is

39、the most important factor affecting growth. ( D) Leaders of small businesses lack the experience to make their companies a success. 16 What does the writer say is an additional problem for entrepreneurs in the fourth paragraph? ( A) They rely on management systems that are out of date. ( B) They wil

40、l not adopt measures that provide long-term solutions. ( C) They have little confidence in the business advice that is available. ( D) They do not take market changes into account when drawing up business plans. 17 What does the writer say the members of the KITE organization provide? ( A) Advice on

41、 how to select suitable staff. ( B) A means of contacting potential clients. ( C) A simple checklist for analyzing problems. ( D) Direct experience of a number of industries. 18 The writer says that KITE groups are likely to succeed because _. ( A) members are able to elect their leader ( B) the lea

42、ders have received extensive training ( C) members are encouraged to adopt a critical approach ( D) information is not passed on to non-members 四、 PART FOUR 18 Read the article below about marketing. Choose the best word or phrase to fill each gap from A, B, C, or D on the opposite page. For each qu

43、estion 19-33, mark one letter (A, B, C, or D) on your Answer Sheet. Marketing Mergers agencies find out whether there is a demand for a product and what sort of demand it is. They will want to know if there are competitors to the product they are going to place; who will use it-men, women, or both;

44、will there be only one section of men or women who will use it, would a low price (19) more customers, or would they need to add something to it to make it popular, or change its packaging (20) it? For the (21) to these and other questions they will make a survey-an examination-of the market. The su

45、rvey most people are (22) with is the questionnaire; where a (23) -a specially selected group of people-are asked questions about products they use: and why they buy them. But market research techniques can be more complicated than this, (24) for example, a group of people discussing a subject, say,

46、 (25) hygiene, to find out if a new toothpaste will sell. Tests may be made by giving away (26) samples of the new product, or reactions to a brand name-the name of a product-may be studied to find out whether a new product will be (27) on the market. From the information (28) , the marketing compan

47、ies can prepare their advertising campaign-the (29) plan. There are two types of advertising-product and brand advertising. Product advertising tells people that a new invention or device is being sold. Perhaps a new design of typewriters with special (30) or a new pen that is easier to use. Brand a

48、dvertising tells people there is a new name on the (31) . A product, what it does, and how it is made, could be the same as (32) , for example, soap powder, but its name is different. In the UK there are basically (33) two detergent, or soap companies which produce hundreds of brand names for powder

49、s that are really the same product. ( A) attract ( B) cater ( C) frighten ( D) apply ( A) reproduce ( B) repeat ( C) redesign ( D) reuse ( A) date ( B) answers ( C) information ( D) message ( A) general ( B) connected ( C) aware ( D) familiar ( A) sample ( B) crowd ( C) model ( D) volunteer ( A) relating ( B) showing ( C) involving ( D) making ( A) group ( B) family ( C) household ( D) personal ( A) expensive ( B) several ( C) free ( D) preferred ( A) achievable ( B) successful ( C) adaptable ( D) fruitful ( A) tak


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