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1、BEC商务英语(中级)阅读模拟试卷 71及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 Look at the sentences and the book reviews below. Which book (A, B, C or D)does each sentence 1 7 refer to? For each sentence 1 7, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet. You will need to use some of the letters more than once. A Salinas outlines

2、 the key qualities of good management in this autobiography. He believes that decisions should be based on facts, not opinions; that peoples strengths should be exploited;and that disagreement is sometimes necessary. But the main point he makes is that leadership means performing well at all times a

3、nd setting a good example. B In this collection of essays, top business leaders predict how businesses will change over the next few years. They analyse changes in business and society and their effects on job markets, as well as taking a look at possible strengths and weaknesses of leading economic

4、s and their currencies. This collection outlines a vision of tomorrows business world and the type of leaders that will be required. C This book is a well-researched study of the problem of leadership in global quoted companies. 160 international business leaders were asked how they added value to t

5、heir companies and their answers form the main part of this book. Both managers and companies are analysed in order to show how they cope with difficult issues. A useful book for all senior managers. D 100 well-known US business leaders through this century are described in this book, which analyses

6、 how their fortunes were made and sometimes lost. The background, business career character and personal life of each individual are outlined, creating an impressive collection of biographies and an excellent reference work. 1 This is an account of one business leaders experiences. 2 This book sugge

7、sts probable trends in the business world. 3 In this book you learn about the lives of business leaders from the past. 4 The writer of this book gives his personal views of what makes a good business leader. 5 This book looks at how large companies deal with various problem areas. 6 This book is bas

8、ed on interviews with business leaders. 7 This book describes both successes and failures. 二、 PART TWO 7 Read the article below about price planning. Choose the best sentence from the list to fill each of the gaps. For each gap 8 12 mark one letter (A G) on your Answer Sheet. Do not mark any letter

9、more than once. There is an example at the beginning. A price represents the value of a goods or service for both the seller and the buyer. Price planning is G The value of a goods or service can involve both tangible and intangible marketing factors. An example of a tangible marketing factor is the

10、 cost savings(8) An example of an intangible marketing factor is a consumers pride in the ownership of a Lamborghini rather than another brand of automobile. For an example to take place, both the buyer and seller must feel that the price of a goods or service provides an equitable value. To the buy

11、er, the payment of a price reduces purchasing power(9)To the seller, receipt of a price is a source of revenue and an important determinant of sale and profit levels. Many words are substitutes for the term price: admission fee, membership fee, rate, tuition, service charge, donation, rent, salary,

12、interest, retainer, and assessment. No matter what it is called, (10) : monetary and non -monetary charges, discounts, handling and shipping fees, credit charges and other forms of interest, and late-payment penalties. A non-price exchange would be selling a new iron for 10 books of trading stamps o

13、r an airline offering tickets as payment for advertising space and time. Monetary and non-monetary exchange may be combined. This is common with automobiles, (11)This combination allows a reduction in the monetary price. From a broader perspective, price is the mechanism for allocating goods and ser

14、vices among potential purchasers and for ensuring competition among sellers in an open market economy. If there is an excess of demand over supply, prices are usually bid up by consumers. If there is an excess of supply over demand, (12) A a price contains all the terms of purchase B obtained by the

15、 purchase of a new bottling machine by a soda manufacturer C where the consumer gives the seller money plus a trade-in D available for other items E Prices are usually reduced by sellers F price means what one pays for what he wants G systematic decision-making by an organization regarding all aspec

16、ts of pricing 三、 PART THREE 12 Read the article below about Common Stock and Preferred Stock and the questions. For each question 13- 18, mark one letter A, B, C or D on your Answer Sheet. Common Stock and Preferred Stock A public corporation issues certificates of ownership, called common stock, wh

17、ich may be traded on stock exchanges. Anyone can buy and sell shares of common stock. Owners of stock are referred to as shareholders and stockholders. Common stockholders are accorded certain rights by the corporate charter. In the United States, these rights vary from state to state, but in genera

18、l the articles of incorporation spell out voting rights and rights to receive profits. Common stockholders are the voting owners of a corporation. They are usually entitled to one vote per share. They may vote on numerous affecting the corporation (including a decision to sell or merge with anther c

19、orporation)and elect a board of directors, who, in turn , hire managers to run the business. A majority shareholder is one who owns over 50 percent of the outstanding shares in a corporation and, thus, can call the shots. All other shareholders are minority shareholders. In large corporations no sin

20、gle person or organization owns anywhere near a majority interest. In large, publicly owned corporations a shareholder with as little as 10 percent of the shares may control the corporation effectively. If things go badly, a coalition of so called dissident shareholders may gather enough votes to re

21、place the existing board of directors; the new board may fire the existing management and bring in their own management team. Although common stock represents ownership in a company, it does not guarantee the owners a specified rate of return. As owners, the stockholders receive profits after all ex

22、penses, including debts and taxes, have been paid. They receive profits from the business in the form of dividend payments, which represent a percentage of profits. Not all after-tax profits are paid to the stockholders in dividends. Directors usually decide quarterly how much, if any, if the profit

23、s they wish to distributed to the owners. The profits are either distributed to the owners in dividends or they are reinvested bank into the company in the form of retained earnings. If the company decides to keep the profits, the company may become more valuable and the price of the stock usually g

24、oes up. Some investors prefer profits in the way of dividends while others speculate for an increase in the price of stock. If a company goes broke, common stockholders get last claim on whatever is left over. Corporations may also issue preferred stock to investors. Preferred stock usually has no v

25、ote in the election of the board of directors, but does get preference in the distribution of the companys earnings. It offers investors a different type of security and may be issued only after common stock had been issued. The term“ preferred“ applies to two conditions. First, preferred stockholde

26、rs gain preferential treatment in the matter of dividends; That is, they receive a fixed rete of dividends prior to the payment of dividends on common shares. Second, if the company goes out of business or liquidates, preferred stockholders are closer to the front of the line than common stockholder

27、s when distributing the companys assets. Dividends to preferred stock may be cumulative or noncumulative. Cumulative preferred stock maintained its claim to dividends even if the company had a bad year in 1994, they might decide not to pay dividends. But if they had a good year in 1995, and declared

28、 stock dividends do not accumulate. If dividends are not declared, noncumulative owners lose their claim to the profit of that period. All in all, common stock usually has more control through voting privileges, greater chance for high returns, and more risk, while preferred stock usually has less c

29、ontrol, fixed returns, less risks, and less chance for big gains. 13 The second paragaph describes_. ( A) the returns to common stockholders ( B) the majority and minority stockholders ( C) the voting rights of common stockholders ( D) the formation of common stock 14 Common stock traded on stock ex

30、changes represents_. ( A) the voting rights the stockholders have ( B) the stock shared by common people ( C) the profits the shareholders receive ( D) the ownership of a public corporation 15 One of the differences between common stock and preferred stock lies in that_. ( A) the former is safer in

31、getting dividends ( B) common stockholders get more stable profits ( C) the latter gets more fixed returns ( D) preferred stockholders have more rights in voting 16 The main purpose of the third paragraph is to tell us_. ( A) the rate of returns to the stockholders ( B) the risk of common stockholde

32、rs ( C) the distribution of profits to the stockholders ( D) the benefits of common stock 17 For those who want to get high returns, it is better for them to buy_. ( A) preferred stock ( B) common stock ( C) noncumulative stock ( D) cumulative stock 18 With cumulative preferred stock, stockholders c

33、an_. ( A) claim to the former profits when the company has a good year ( B) have more control over the company ( C) claim to the former profits when the company had a bad year ( D) receive high returns 四、 PART FOUR 18 Read the text below about an accountant. Choose the best word to fill each gap, fr

34、om A, B, C or D. For each question 19 33 mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet. There is an example at the beginning. Charlie Has a Chance to Get Ahead Charlie is employed as an accountant in a small assembly plant in the Midwest. In his seven years at Astro-Technology, he has become19

35、with most of the 200 employees and enjoys the.20of his office and the company attitud e toward him. However, in the past three years, he has not received a promotion, and there is little chance for one in the near future. The raises he has21.have not kept up with inflation. He has discussed the situ

36、ation frequently with his wife, Rita, who is working as a personnel officer at a research firm in town. Although Rita has never told Charlie, she feels that her job has more status than his. 22Charlie earns slightly more than income, she has more flexible hours, more holidays with pay, better compan

37、y fringe benefits, and apparently more status when the two companies organizational charters are23. Rita enjoys her present position and the salary she receives. The two daughters are doing well in grammar school and are active in girl scouts and the 4H Club. A month ago Charlie24a new position for

38、an accountant in their home office in Dallas. He knows that his company has a25of promoting from within, and his supervisor feels that he would have a good chance of getting the position. It would mean an immediate 15 percent26in pay; more prestige, because he would have a private office; and more 2

39、7for promotions. He applied for the position, but was afraid to tell his wife. When the interview was28he informed Rita that he had to go to Dallas for a seminar. Charlie was29with Dallas and the possible neighbourhoods his family could select to make their home. The home office was impressive! Dark

40、 walnut and chrome were everywhere, and the personnel in the office were very friendly. After a tour of the facility he had an interview with five managers. A week later he was30that he was one of the three finalists. He was excited and eager to accept the position if it was offered him. That night,

41、 when he told Rita, she was31 The move would mean the y would have to leave their lovely home that they had been remodeling over the last seven years. The girls would have to find new friends. Finally and most32could Rita find a job as good as the one she has? It seemed unfair to force her to move a

42、nd give up a good job, just so Charlie could satisfy his own33 It turned into a real argument. Charlie wanted to move and Rita did not. Charlie was saying that he is a striver and Rita was saying she is happy with their status in life. ( A) known ( B) acquainted ( C) acquaint ( D) knowed ( A) enviro

43、nment ( B) context ( C) atmosphere ( D) relation ( A) accepted ( B) get ( C) receive ( D) received ( A) If ( B) Even though ( C) However ( D) Or ( A) compared ( B) comparing ( C) contrast ( D) contrasted ( A) heard of ( B) heard ( C) listened ( D) listened to ( A) rule ( B) habit ( C) practice ( D)

44、practices ( A) raise ( B) raising ( C) arise ( D) arising ( A) chances ( B) chance ( C) opportunity ( D) opportunities ( A) schedule ( B) scheduled ( C) scheduling ( D) met ( A) impressive ( B) impressing ( C) impress ( D) impressed ( A) noticing ( B) noticed ( C) informed ( D) inform ( A) upsetting

45、 ( B) excited ( C) pleasant ( D) upset ( A) important ( B) unhappy ( C) sad ( D) unfortunately ( A) goal ( B) spirits ( C) wants ( D) ego 五、 PART FIVE 33 Read the text below about the U. S. economy. In most of the lines 34 45 there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not

46、fit in with the meaning of the text. Some lines, however, are correct. If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet. If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word on your Answer Sheet. The U. S. economy is growing most slowly, the U. S. Federal Reserve said on Wednesday in

47、a report. Economic business activity in most districts is 34 reported to be generally good and expanding moderately, in according to a 35 survey of regional business conditions last week. But the survey found 36 labour-market tightness and, in a few of regions, rift tightness appears to be 37 broadl

48、y based. As a result, wage gains have been tended to outstrip price increases. 38 The survey will be ruled by Federal Reserve policy-makers when they will meet 39 next month to consider adjusting interest rates. It was based on with information 40 collected during the middle of last week. There is a

49、 growing belief that Federal 41 Reserve officials will raise up short-term interest rates at the meeting to slow 42 economic growth and prevent from any acceleration in inflation. Recent reports, 43 including for shrinking unemployment, expanding factory orders and continued 44 high levels of home sales, have caused many to ask question earlier beliefs 45 that the dynamic economy in the country will slow by itself in the near future. BEC商务英语(中级)阅读模拟试卷 71答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 “ 这是对一个商业公司领导的经历的介绍。 “ 由 A段中


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