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1、BEC商务英语(初级)听力模拟试卷 105及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 When will this product be launched?2 What percent of the net profit margin is considered good? ( A) 9% ( B) 12% ( C) 15% 3 What is their estimated expenditure this year? ( A) $3,420,000 ( B) $2,340,000 ( C) $4,320,000 4 What are they looking for to help the

2、woman? ( A) a new bookkeeper ( B) a new librarian ( C) a new teller 5 What are their main products for the Middle Eastern market? 6 In which room will the meeting take place? 7 What is Alices first job? ( A) Private secretary ( B) Salesperson ( C) Teller 8 When will Lily start the new job? 9 On whic

3、h day will the meeting take place?10 Which chart shows the sales of the three companies?11 What do they need to order?12 Which position did the woman plan to apply for?13 When will the man meet the manager?14 Where is the Eagles Express Mail? 15 By how much has advertising been cut? ( A) 20% ( B) 30

4、% ( C) 35% 16 In which city is the flight delayed? ( A) LONDON ( B) BIRMINGHAM ( C) GLASGOW 17 Who will give the speech in the anniversary party? ( A) Ms. Kay ( B) Mr. Brooks ( C) Mr. Tanner 18 Which chart represents the development of sales?19 Which is the quickest way for the man to go to the meet

5、ing?20 Which job is the man interested in? ( A) Secretary ( B) Cashier ( C) Salesperson 21 What will the man do next Saturday? ( A) To attend the conference ( B) To be at work ( C) To attend the team working workshop 22 When will the man take the flight?23 Which model would the woman take at last?24

6、 In which discipline did the man receive his highest degree?25 When was the contract sent to PINACLE? ( A) Monday ( B) Thursday ( C) Sunday 26 Which chart indicates how the sales go?BEC商务英语(初级)听力模拟试卷 105答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【听力原文】 Woman: So, lets move on to the topic of release date. Gentlemen, when

7、do you think we will be able to launch this product? Walt? Man: Well, I tend to feel that. we should probably be able to start testing the product in April. That means that if all goes well, we can have a first release in May. 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 题干提示点 1: when说明考查的是某个时间,请考生关注选项中三个月份;题干提示点 2: will be l

8、aunched说明该产品即将上市。 2 【听力原文】 Before investing in a company or buying share in a company listed on a stock exchange, it is vital that you find out about the companys operations. Take care to look at the gross and net profit figures for at least the last three years. A net profit margin of at least 10 p

9、ercent is considered good, 15 percent is better. 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 题干提示点 1: what percent说明考查的是数字百分比,请考生关注选项中的数字;题干 提示点 2: net profit margin说明考查的是净利润额。 3 【听力原文】 Man: Can we go over some figures please? What has our total outlay been this year? Woman: Yes, our shareholders meeting is soon. I think itd

10、 be a good idea to review the key numbers. Our expenditures are estimated at $4,320,000. Man: What percentage is that research and development? Woman: About 27%. Weve invested heavily in developing some new technologies. 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 题干提示点 1: what说明考查的是金钱数额,请考生关注选项中三个数额;题干提示点 2: their estimated

11、 expenditure说明考查的关键在于 估计开销。 4 【听力原文】 Man: Have you finished the balance sheets yet? Woman: Ive been working on them since 10 this morning. Im almost done, and Im exhausted. Man: No need to rush. Janet told me were looking for a new bookkeeper to help you. Woman: Is that true? Man: Yes, Weve been loo

12、king, but no luck yet. 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 题干提示点 1: what说明考查的是寻找对象,请考生关注选项中的三个职位;题干提示点 2: to help the woman暗示考查的是与财务有关的职位,可以此排除 B项。 5 【听力原文】 We would like to inform you that we act on a sole agency basis for a number of manufacturers. We specialise in refined cotton goods and all types of household li

13、nen for the Middle Eastern market. Until now, we have been working with your textiles department and our collaboration has proved to be mutually beneficial. 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析 】 题干提示点 1: what说明考查的是公司产品,请考生关注选项内容,注意全面性;题干提示点 2: main products说明考查关键点为公司主要生产的产品, for the Middle Easternmarket强调了产品的中东销售市场。 6

14、 【听力原文】 Woman: Hello. Id like to book a conference room for Friday. Is Conference Room A available? Man: Ill check. A second please. Oh, Im afraid it isnt. But Conference Room B and C are free then. Woman: Well, I think Conference Room B is not big enough. Id like to book the other one. Man: OK. Ill

15、 reserve it for you. 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 题干提示点 1: in which说明考查的是某个地点,请考生关注选项中的三 个房间;题干提示点 2: meeting说明要选会议室地点。 7 【听力原文】 Man: Alice, please tell me about your work experience. Woman: I have been working as a private secretary for ten years. Man: Well, what else have you done? Woman: Oh, after college,

16、I worked as a teller for a while. And I was trained as a salesperson and later I went to work for ABC Company. I stayed there for a year before moving to this job. 7 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 题干提示点 1: what说明考查的是某个事物,请考生关注选项中三个名词在文中出现的位置;题干提示点 2: job说明要谈论的话题是工作。 8 【听力原文】 Man: I heard youve got a new job. Congr

17、atulations, Lily. Woman: Thank you. Man: When will you start? Woman: March is suggested by them. Man: So next month? Woman: Well, Im afraid not. Two months notice is required by my current company. Man: So does that mean youll get started in April? 8 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 题干提示点 1: When说明考查的是某个时间,请考生关注选项中三

18、个月份在文中出现的位置;题干提示点 2: start说明要谈论的话题是工作开始的时间。 9 【听力原文】 Man: Hello, this is John. Im afraid Im not able to attend the meeting on Tuesday. Woman: Well then, lets rearrange a date. Is Wednesday all right? Man: Ive got an early appointment then. Sorry. Woman: Then, how about Thursday? Man: Thatll be fine.

19、 Woman: Great. Ill call to tell you the time on Wednesday. 9 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 题干提示点 1: day说明考查的是某个日期,请考生关注选项中三个日期在文中出现的位置;题干提示点 2: meeting说明要谈论的话题是会议召开的时间。 10 【听力原文】 Man: As you can see, Company Xs sales is approaching that of the Company Y the top. Woman: I know Company Z used to be in the top until

20、 Company Y surpassed them last quarter. Man: But Company X may soon reach a similar level. 10 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 题干提示点 1: chart说明考查的是某个图表表述的信息,请考生关注图表对应信息的出现位置;题干提示点 2: sales说明要谈论的话题是销售额。 11 【听力原文】 Man: Hello, Ann. Do you need any help? Woman: Thanks, Jim. I think everything is fine. Ive booked the con

21、ference hall and. Man: Have you got a laptop? Woman: Yes, I have. But I havent got an OHP yet. Man: Ill take care of that. Woman: Thats great. Thank you. 11 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 题干提示点 1: what说明考查的是某个具体事物;题干提示点 2:order说明要谈论的话题涉及预订问题。 12 【听力原文】 Man: Hello. Neolasar. Woman: Hello. I found in the paper that

22、youve got a vacancy for a sales manager. Man: Well, that position was actually in the Finance Department, but now the vacancys filled. We are looking for a deputy manager in the Finance Department, though. Woman: Thank you. Im much interested in that, too. 12 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 题干提示点 1: which position说

23、明考查的是某个具体职位;题干提示点 2: plan说明要考查的要点是原计划应聘的职位。 13 【听力原文】 Man: Hello, this is Steve Brown. May I make an appointment to see the manager on Wednesday morning? Woman: Im afraid hes not available then. What about the afternoon? Man: Well, Ive got an appointment in the afternoon. Is Thursday OK? Woman: Yes,

24、 it is. But we can only make it the morning. 13 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 题干提示点 1: when说明考查的是某个具体时间;题干提示点 2:meet the manager说明要考查的要点是预约见面的信息。 14 【听力原文】 Man: Good, morning. Eagles Express Mail. Woman: Hello, Ive got to get to your office. Im at the station. Can I walk there? Man: Yes. Turn left out of the stat

25、ion, go past two blocks, and then turn right. Its on your right, opposite to the department store. Woman: Thank you. 14 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 题干提示点 1: where说明考查的是某个具体地址;题干提示点2: Eagles Express Mail字样在图中没有出现,说明要考生注意缩写形式。 15 【听力原文】 Man: The market shares figures seem worrying, dont they? Woman: Yes. Now down

26、 by 20%. Advertising shrinks by 30%, and I think that is the problem. Man: Well, actually, its all because of a reduction in total expenses. Woman: So by how much? Man: 35%. 15 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 题干提示点 1: how much说明考查的是某个具体数量;题干提示点 2: cut说明要考查的要点是数据降低的数量。 16 【听力原文】 Man: Do you know why the managers pla

27、ne hasnt arrived? Woman: I just get it from the airport reception that it was held up Glasgow. Man: I thought it was a direct flight. Woman: No, actually, it stops in Birmingham and London as well. 16 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 题干提示点 1: which city说明考查的是某个具体城市地点;题干提示点 2: delayed说明要考查的要点是飞机延误。 17 【听力原文】 Man: Hav

28、e you heard whos giving the speech as the representative of our business partners? Woman: Its normally Ms. Kay. Man: Not this anniversary party. I heard its Mr. Brooks. Woman: Really? But they just started business with us. I thought it might be Mr. Tanner, classmate of the president. Man: No. Mr. B

29、rooks company invests most heavily in our products and thats why he is invited to give the speech. 17 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 题干提示点 1: who说明考查的 是某个人;题干提示点 2: give the speech说明要考查的要点是发言人是谁。 18 【听力原文】 Man: I heard sales declined gradually at first but then increased, is that right? Woman: The figure did decre

30、ase for two quarters. But last month, there was great improvement in it, while the figure drops this month. Man: Well, would it go down to the same level as the end of the second quarter? Woman: Hard to say. 18 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 题干提示点 1: which chart represents说明考查的是图表对文字信息的表示;题干提示点 2: development说明要考查

31、的要点是变化规律。 19 【听力原文】 Man: Im going for a business meeting to York. Do you know the ways to go there? Woman: Well, theres a flight going there. Man: How long does it take? Woman: About an hour. And you could drive there too, but it would take two hours. Right, there is an express train going to York.

32、It only takes about fifty minutes. Man: Thank you. 19 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 题干提示点 1: quickest说明考查的是所用时间最短的方式;题干提示点 2: meeting说明考查关键点为怎样到会议目的地。 20 【听力原文】 Woman: Good morning, 4JOBS. Man: Hello. Id like to know the vacancies registered recently. Woman: Well, let me check. Here, a secretary, $1,000 a month a

33、nd a cashier $1,500 a month. Man: Any other vacancy paid higher? Woman: Oh, yes, here is one. A salesperson stationed abroad, $3,000 a month. Man: Well, Id better take the local one. 20 【正确答案】 B 【试 题解析】 题干提示点 1: which job说明考查的是所做的具体工作;题干提示点 2: the man interested in说明考查的重点已经限定,是其感兴趣的。 21 【听力原文】 Woman

34、: Have you heard about the conference next Saturday? Man: Yes. Actually, Ive booked a place already. But I just know that Im arranged to be on duty that day, so. Woman: What a shame. Im going to the team working workshop afterwards. Why not go with me? Man: I will. Thanks. 21 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 题干提示点 1

35、: what和 do说明考查的是具体所做的事情;题干提示点 2: next Saturday说明考查的重点已经限定,是当天的事情,而非其他时间。 22 【听力原文】 Man: Amy, could you rearrange my flight reservation for me? I have to meet the client tomorrow and I wont be available the whole day. Woman: Yes, of course. What about morning flight the day after tomorrow? So youll b

36、e right in time for the afternoon meeting. Man: Sounds great. Thanks. 22 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 题干提示点 1: when说明考查的是具体的时间;题干提示点 2:flight说明考查的重点是航班的时间。 23 【听力原文】 Woman: Id like to see your pocket projectors. Man: What about Model D? Many people take it. Woman: Well, it looks a little bigger. Man: Then, let m

37、e show you Model E and Model F. They are lighter and much smaller. Woman: Well, they look fine. But Im afraid they are far too more expensive for me. Id like to take the cheapest one. 23 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 题干提示点 1: which model说明考查的是所选的具体型号;题干提示点 2: at last说明考 查的重点已经限定,是其最终的选择。 24 【听力原文】 Woman: Hello, t

38、his is Rose in Personnel. Please check if your information in the staff databank is incorrect. Man: OK. Ill check it. Well, there are some mistakes. The highest degree Ive received is not a bachelors degree in accounting. Woman: Oh sorry, what is it, then? Man: Actually, its a masters degree in fina

39、nce. And you forgot to put in my associates degree in banking. 24 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 题干提示点 1: which discipline说明考查的是具体的某一学科;题干提示点 2: highest degree说明考查的重点已经限定,是 其最高学历。 25 【听力原文】 Woman: The secretary in PINACLE just called. She said they need the contract by this Sunday. Man: But, its Thursday now. Woma

40、n: Well, its all right. I remember that Lynn sent it out this Monday. Man: Thats good. Theyll have it by Sunday for sure. 25 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 题干提示点 1: when说明考查的是所用的具体时间;题干提示点2: sent说明考查的重点已经限定,是合同寄出的时间。 26 【听力原文】 Woman: How is the sales going in the previous quarter? Man: Im afraid the sales declined a little in April, while there was improvement in May, fortunately. Woman: How about June? Man: Well, ehh.it dropped drastically to hit the trough. 26 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 题干提示点 1: which chart说明考查的是图表对文中信息的表示;题干提示点 2: the sales说明考查的重点是销售情况。


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