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1、BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 102及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 You will hear a speaker addressing a group of investors attending a seminar to learn about the advanced business practice. As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes, using up to three words or a number. After you have listented once, replay the r

2、ecording. THE DEVELOPMENT OF CONTRACTING-OUT 【 L1】 You may not be familiar with the term “contracting-out“, it involves calling in_to implement the activities which are not the central work of the company. 【 L2】 Contracting-out is very popular in_with individuals and corporations. 【 L3】 Years ago co

3、ntracting-out was restricted to_such as office cleaning, catering or garden maintenance. 【 L4】 Now, it has spread into areas such as_, quality assurance, recruitment and marketing. 【 L5】 Anderson Consulting is one of the biggest consultancies specialising in_. 【 L6】 Recently, we formed a partnership

4、 deal to take over the accounting services of an_. 【 L7】 _of both companies participated in drafting the agreement. 【 L8】 Our company absorbs over_of the oil companys staff as part of our own staff. 【 L9】 We wanted to do a survey to explore how_were adapting themselves to the contracting-out. 【 L10】

5、 From the survey, we learned that the contracting-out is the_to reap profits. 【 L11】 The weakness of this business practice is the likeliness to lose control over the_ in a particular company. 【 L12】 As expected, the contracting-out will_over the next few years. 1 【 L1】 2 【 L2】 3 【 L3】 4 【 L4】 5 【 L

6、5】 6 【 L6】 7 【 L7】 8 【 L8】 9 【 L9】 10 【 L10】 11 【 L11】 12 【 L12】 二、 PART TWO 12 You will hear five different people talking about training programme they have just attended. For each extract, there are two tasks. For Fask One, decide what industry each speaker works in from the list A-H; For Task Tw

7、o, decide what they have mainly learned in the training programme, from the list A-H. After you have listened once, replay the recording. Task One-Industry that each speaker works in For questions 13-17, match the extracts with industry each speaker works in, listed A-H. For each extract, decide on

8、the industry each speaker works in. Write one letter(A-H)next to the number of the extract. A The speaker works in a wine company. B The speaker works in a school. C The speaker works in an airline company. D The speaker works in an online electrical appliances company. E The speaker works in a soft

9、ware company. F The speaker works in a bank. G The speaker works in a consulting company. H The speaker works in a sales company. 13 _ 14 _ 15 _ 16 _ 17 _ 17 Task Two-What they have mainly learned For questions 18-22, match the extracts with what they mainly learned for the speaker, listed A-H. For

10、each extract, choose what each speaker has mainly learned. Write one letter(A-H)next to the number of the extract. A The importance of cooperation. B The importance of hard-work. C How to forge tight relationship with customers. D How to ask for a raise. E How to become an excellent salesperson. F T

11、he philosophies of the company. G To identify principal duties and learn to be responsible and serve the customers well. H How to get promotion quickly. 18 _ 19 _ 20 _ 21 _ 22 _ 三、 PART THREE 22 You will hear a radio interview with the Managing Director of a restaurant chain. For each question(23-30

12、), mark one letter(A, B or C)for the correct answer. After you have listened once, replay the recording. 23 What is the momentum for Olivia to achieve so much at such a young age? ( A) She is never afraid of failure. ( B) She likes taking part in different tasks and experiencing new things. ( C) Her

13、 brother gave her a lot of confidence. 24 What is Olivias major in university? ( A) finance ( B) catering ( C) english literature 25 What has made Olivia a successful woman? ( A) her ability to learn new things ( B) her knowledge obtained in university ( C) her fundamental understanding of business

14、26 When Olivia was in Australia, what did she do? ( A) as a sales manager ( B) as an office manager ( C) as a waiter 27 In what way does her brother help her? ( A) He is a strong supporter for her. ( B) He never upsets her. ( C) He can work long hours. 28 Why does Olivia say catering is a tough job?

15、 ( A) Because she has little time to rest ( B) Because she has little time of her own, except work ( C) Because she has no time to sleep 29 Olivia and her brother sold off their soft drink corporation, because ( A) the business didnt bring her much interest. ( B) she wanted to travelling overseas. (

16、 C) she wanted to change her career. 30 What is her advice for the friends who want to take part in the catering? ( A) One should have a high degree of learning. ( B) One should start from the basis and have the ability to learn. ( C) One should have good relations in the society. BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷

17、102答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 【听力原文】 You will hear a speaker addressing a group of investors attending a seminar to learn about the advanced business practice. As you listen, for questions 1 to 12, complete the notes, using up to three words or a number. After you have listened once, replay the recording.

18、You now have 45 seconds to read through the notes. pause Now listen, and complete the notes. pause Man: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Im honoured to have this opportunity to talk to you. My name is Jonathan Hargreaves, and Im Chief Executive of the Institute of Corporation and Marketing Resear

19、ch. I wonder how many of you here today have heard about a business practice which is becoming increasingly popular today. I am referring to the practice of contracting-out. You may not be familiar with the term “ contracting-out“ it involves Calling in professional help to carry out activities whic

20、h dont form the central core of a particular business. Contracting-out is now being used increasingly in special partnership arrangements with individuals and other companies. Contracting-out is popular because it makes it possible for other companies and individuals to perform functions previously

21、done by a companys own staff. Several years ago contracting-out was; restricted to non-essential functions such as; office cleaning, catering or garden maintenance. However, it has now spread into areas that include accounting as I mentioned in the example Ive just given information technology, qual

22、ity assurance, recruitment and marketing. The consulting company which I represent is Anderson Consulting, one of the biggest consultancies specialising in contracting-out. Recently, we broke new ground when we formed a partnership deal to take over the accounting services of a well-known internatio

23、nal oil company. The agreement was drafted by a working party consisting of representatives from both companies. The arrangement meant our company absorbing more than 200 of the international oil companys staff as part of our own staff. And the result was a 30 per cent reduction in operating costs f

24、or the oil company. At Anderson Consulting weve just published the results of an interesting survey carried out for us. We wanted the survey to explore how 200 British organisations were reacting to contracting-out. From this survey we found that ordinary contracting-out, that is, going to service o

25、rganisations for cleaners, security staff, and so on was the most common way for organisations to reap benefits. But the newer kind of contracting-out that Ive described seemed to be gaining ground that is, the kind that people from outside are brought in to participate in certain important function

26、s accounting, marketing and so on. The survey showed that nine out of ten firms which completed our questionnaires have contracted out one or more functions. Well, the main reservation about con-tracting-out was the possibility of losing control over vital activities in a particular company. It is o

27、nly natural that most companies would at first experience some concern about another company taking over the responsibility for doing their accounts or their recruitment. But once theyve overcome this concern and experienced all the benefits of contracting-out, theyre usually hooked on the idea. Con

28、tracting-out is certainly a very big market now, and the predictions are that it will grow rapidly over the next few years. pause Now listen to the recording again. pause That is the end of Part One. You now have 20 seconds to check your answers. pause 1 【正确答案】 PROFESSIONAL HELP 【试题解析】 你们可能对 “外包 ”这个

29、术语不了解,外包 包括请求专业帮助,以进行公司非核心任务的活动。 2 【正确答案】 SPECIAL PARTNERSHIP ARRANGEMENTS 【试题解析】 现在,外包越来越多地运用到建立与个人或其他公司的特殊合作伙伴关系中。 3 【正确答案】 NON-ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS 【试题解析】 几年前,外包被限定非核心的功能,例如:办公室清洁、餐饮或是花园维护。 4 【正确答案】 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 【试题解析】 现在外包扩展到了很多的领域,包括会计 例如我所举的例子 信息技术、质量监督、招聘和市场营销。 5 【正确 答案】 CONTRACTING-

30、OUT 【试题解析】 我代表的咨询公司,是专门从事外包的大型咨询公司之一。 6 【正确答案】 (AN)INTERNATIONAL OIL COMPANY 【试题解析】 我们开辟了新的天地,因为我们达成了合作伙伴协议,接管一家知名国际石油公司的会计业务。 7 【正确答案】 REPRESENTATIVES 【试题解析】 来自于双方公司代表所组成的工作团起草了这份协议。 8 【正确答案】 200 【试题解析】 根据此协议,我们公司从这家国际石油公 司吸收了二百多名员工来我们公司工作。 9 【正确答案】 BRITISH ORGANISATIONS 【试题解析】 我们希望通过调查,来获知参与到外包中的二

31、百多家英国公司对外包的反应如何。 10 【正确答案】 MOST COMMON WAY 【试题解析】 外包,即向服务公司寻求清洁员、安保人员等服务,是企业获得利益的最普通方式。 11 【正确答案】 VITAL ACTIVITIES 【试题解析】 外包的主要缺点是对于某一特定公司来说,可能会对公司的主要活动失去控制。 12 【 正确答案】 GROW RAPIDLY 【试题解析】 外包现在是一个大的市场,并且根据预测,在未来几年它将迅速地发展。 二、 PART TWO 12 【听力原文】 You will hear five different people talking about traini

32、ng programme they have just attended. For each extract, there are two tasks. Look at Task One. For each question, 13-17, decide what industry each speaker works in from the list A H; Now look at Task Two. For each question, 18 22, decide what they have mainly learned in the training programme, from

33、the list A H. After you have listened once, replay the recording. You have 30 seconds to read the two lists. pause Now listen, and do the two tasks. pause Man; It seems that I dont completely understand the company I work for before the training programme during the training process, I fully compreh

34、end the three distinct but interrelated philosophies of my company: practice-based, partnership-oriented and holistic. As to practice-based, it is about a collaborative style of working as our consultants and clients combine their knowledge and experiences to create success. This is best achieved wh

35、en working very closely with the clients management teams since they have the ultimate responsibility in driving their organisation forward. Working with clients in a practice-based manner requires trust and confidence on both sides. Therefore it is imperative that we see our clients as partners tha

36、t we serve long-term. The more we work together; the better is the understanding and the solutions that will emerge. The holistic approach that we adopt in the work is expressed in three characteristics; system perspective, balance of hard and soft factors and transferring knowledge and growing tale

37、nts. Woman: I majored in marketing in college. I have learned theories of customer relationship management at school. However, in my companys training programme, I knew more about customer relationship management both in theory and from some practical examples. As an online electrical appliances com

38、pany, our company pays great attention to forging a tight connection with the customers. While providing customer service, our company also gathers data on the customers buying habits and needs, and then stores and analyses that data and uses it to improve products and services as well as management

39、 policies. Through some vivid examples, I also learned some simple techniques in establishing powerful sustaining relationships with customers, such as the use of open-ended questions; questions that begin with “when“, “how“, “where“ and “why“ help to quickly engage the prospect to start talking as

40、these questions cannot be answered by a simple yes or no response. These questions are very effective in getting customers to “open up“. Well, you say, it is really a practical method. Man: Yes, cooperation. Thats what is heard most in the training. Well, I have to admit cooperation means a lot, esp

41、ecially for our software company, in which usually several members of staff are involved in a single project or under some circumstances; several companies are engaged in a project. Of course, good cooperation calls for effective communication among all staff members, between managers and staff, amo

42、ng several companies who work on the same project, among your company and its; suppliers and customers etc: I have learned some effective communication skills; during the training. Say, for example, use the word “i“. When you use the word “I“, youre letting people know that what youre! saying is onl

43、y according to your personal understanding, not a blanket fact. This can help keep people from feeling targeted and attacked. Theres a difference between telling someone “Youre ignoring me“ and “I feel like you are ignoring me.“ Woman; The training is quite a new experience for me. I had never reali

44、sed that to work in a wine and brandy corporation was such a fancy experience. The first class in the training was to identify our principal duties; and to ensure that we were aware of individual roles and responsibilities. Beyond that, we were trained in specific details in serving our customers. F

45、rom that Ive learned that taking orders is more than just writing down what the customers need. More importantly, we were offered a definitive checklist in taking a wine order, presenting and pouring the wine. Firstly, we should write down the name of the wine clearly on the order book. And then sho

46、w the wine to the person who ordered it, to check that it is the correct bottle. Then give the person who ordered the wine the option of tasting it. Man: Yeah, to be a good salesman is really a. great challenge for me, especially because of the fact that Ive just graduated from school and never had

47、professional sales training. In the training I have learned some qualities that a professional salesperson should have. First of all, a good salesperson is usually a good talker, and he has the “gift of the gab“, an outgoing personality, is charming, friendly, has a sense of humour. However, people

48、are looking for a person who is honest, has integrity, is truthful, and most importantly, cares about the needs of his or her clients and possesses a genuine desire to serve them. In-depth research of the top 3 percent of outstanding sales professionals throughout the country has shown that these to

49、p performers share two common characteristics the ability to establish rapport with their customers and the consistent creation of an atmosphere of trust in all their sales relationships. pause Now listen to the recording again. pause That is the end of Part Two. pause 13 【正确答案】 G 14 【正确答案】 D 15 【正确答案】 E 16 【正确答案】 A 17 【正确答案】 H 18 【正确答案】 F 19 【正确答案】 C 20 【正确答案】 A 21 【正确答案】 G 22 【正确答案】 E 三、 PART THREE 22 【听力原文】 You will


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