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1、BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 12及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 You will hear part of a talk to a group of business students about the role of free gifts in product promotion. As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes, using up to three words or a number. After you have listened once, replay the recording. FRE

2、E GIFTS 1. Sue Barnard works as a freelance _ 2. One of her clients produces _ 3. Last week she was working in Wales, at a clients _ 4. She noticed that Prime magazine was offering a _ as a gift. 5. The magazine was contained in a _. 6. The magazines marketing policy involved carrying out a _ 7. Riv

3、al magazines are offering gifts such as a book, a _or a _ 8. All the free gifts are being offered in response to increasing _ 9. Magazines can get trapped in what Sue calls a _ 10. Advertising is a more imp _ 11. Free gifts need to reflect the real _ of the magazine. 12. A gift may increase magazine

4、 sales by up to _ 二、 PART TWO 13 You will hear five people talking about a mistake they made at work, and about how they responded afterwards. For each extract there are two tasks. For Task One, choose the mistake that each person made, from the list A-H. For Task Two, choose the way in which they r

5、esponded afterwards from the list A-H. After you have listened once, replay the recording. 13 Task One - What mistake did they make? For questions 13-17, match the extracts with the mistake that each person says they made, listed A-H. For each extract, choose the mistake that the person made. Write

6、one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract. A forgot to include some costs. B didnt calculate the cash flow. C miscalculated a time schedule. D appointed the wrong person. E gave out-of-date information. F didnt check someone elses work adequately. G complained through inappropriate channels

7、. H didnt allow for a rise in the inflation rate. 18 Task Two - How did they respond? For questions 18-22, match the extracts with how each speaker says they responded afterwards, listed A-H. For each extract, choose the response. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract. A by having

8、 my work checked by someone else B by becoming less impulsive C by accepting that I was responsible for others D by setting timetables for projects E by setting up regular meetings F by resigning from the company G by introducing a regular written update H by arranging to change jobs within the comp

9、any 三、 PART THREE 22 You will hear a radio interview with Martha Flowers, the Managing Director of the MAX chain of sandwich bars. Choose the correct phrase to complete each sentence or answer the question. Mark one letter(A, B, or C) for the phrase you choose. After you have listened once, replay t

10、he recording. 23 Martha started her business because ( A) someone asked her to. ( B) she saw a good opportunity. ( C) she had a lot of experience in fast food. 24 Martha says the first three years of the business were ( A) not very successful. ( B) surprisingly good. ( C) very interesting. 25 How do

11、 MAX try to follow the example of fast food chains ( A) by working faster ( B) be using cheap products ( C) by working efficiently 26 According to Martha, what is the most important factor in MAXs success? ( A) The same customers keep buying their products. ( B) They only sell the best quality produ

12、cts. ( C) They earn high profit. 27 Marthas advice to anyone who is starting a new business is to ( A) look for an area with few competitors. ( B) keep yourself well informed about competitors. ( C) try to offer lower prices than your competitors. 28 What surprises Martha about other companies? ( A)

13、 They dont monitor their competitors activities. ( B) They are unaware of their won weaknesses. ( C) They don t act on the information they have. 29 What does Martha say about office diaries? ( A) She thinks that, unfortunately, they are necessary. ( B) She never uses one at all. ( C) her secretary

14、keeps one for her. 30 What does Martha say about her employees? ( A) They must listen more carefully to what customers say. ( B) She finds whet they can tell her very useful. ( C) It is difficult to recruit enough good quality staff. BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 12答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【听力原文】 Woman: Hello. My na

15、mes Sue Barnard. Ive come to talk to you this afternoon about that old marketing perennial, the free gift. I work as a marketing consultant, on a freelance basis, and I thought that I would begin with an anecdote. One of the companies I work with is a major manufacturer of consumer durables, and so

16、I need to keep in touch with the latest campaigns being launched by rival groups, as well as seeing how our own efforts are looking. So Im a keen reader of weekly magazines. Although Im actually based in Manchester, last week I happened to be with some clients at their sales conference, which was be

17、ing held in Wales. On the way there, waiting at the station, I popped into a newsagents for a browse, to pass the time. The March issue of Prime magazine immediately caught my eye because the cover said Free Gift this Issue: Free Diary. And it puzzled me because I had seen the same issue on sale in

18、Manchester without any gift. Clearly, people in Wales were getting the same magazine, but all packaged up in a special plastic jacket with this gift inside. Why, I wondered, were people in my area losing out? Well, of course, the answer lies in the marketing policy of the magazine itself. No use giv

19、ing everyone a freebie because then thered be no way of gauging how successful itd been in drumming up extra sales. In other words, its a controlled experiment. In this case, flat sales of Prime in Manchester, coupled with strong sales in Wales, would indicate that the gift had done the trick, and t

20、his type of strategy is vital for magazines as more and more titles crowd the racks. Just looking round the newsagents this week, youll find one magazine giving away a book worth six ninety-nine, when the magazine itself only costs two ninety-nine. And it doesnt stop there. One rival is offering a C

21、D, another a calculator. And so it goes on. You know, it really is a readers market at the moment. But, I can see youre asking yourselves, if the gifts are actually far more expensive than the magazines.? Well, clearly, the magazines are facing greater competition and its all about offering your rea

22、der the best possible value. If your competitors got something out, then you dont want to be seen to be lagging behind. And once youve started, in a sense, youve got to keep on - you do get locked into a circulation war where the only way to stay on top seems to be through the free gifts. And rememb

23、er, it doesnt matter if the gift costs more than the magazine because the real profits come not from the cover price, but from the advertising revenues. To keep those flowing in, you need good figures, and thats where the free gifts come in. And, of course, it cant be any old gift. An inappropriate

24、choice would do more harm than good. The gift must reinforce the true brand values of the magazine. The specialist titles are particularly good at this. And its also a good opportunity for people to sample your magazine; it may bring in new readers. With the right gift, you could even be looking at

25、as much as fifteen per cent uplift on your sales, particularly in the teen market, where pop fashions come and go and its very important to encourage reader loyalty. 1 【正确答案】 MARKETING CONSULTANT 2 【正确答案】 CONSUMER DURABLES 3 【正确答案】 SALES CONFERENCE 4 【正确答案】 (FREE) DIARY 5 【正确答案】 (SPECIAL) PLASTIC JA

26、CKET 6 【正确答案】 CONTROLLED EXPERIMENT 7 【正确答案】 (FREE) CD; CALCULATOR 8 【正确答案】 COMPETITION 9 【正确答案】 CIRCULATION WAR 10 【正确答案】 COVER PRICE 11 【正确答案】 BRAND VALUE(S) 12 【正确答案】 15%/FIFTEEN PER CENT 二、 PART TWO 13 【听力原文】 Speaker One Woman: I organise IT projects, and hire other companies or individuals to d

27、o the work. With one, the contractor told me halfway through that it couldnt be done the way Id planned it, and it would be overdue. I took a chance that he was wrong, but he wasnt, and it really inflated the cost of the project, because of course the contractors staff had to be paid for longer. Whe

28、n my boss found out, I only managed to keep my job by suggesting that I email him weekly progress reports on any future projects, and notify him of any potential or actual problems. It really helped me too, because I think if you make a mistake, you shouldnt just say, It wont happen again, you have

29、to make sure it doesnt. Speaker Two Man: I worked for a publisher where you were allocated an art editor per issue from a studio team. I always got the useless one, because everyone else refused to work with him: he was so bad he should never have been given the job in the first place. In the end, I

30、 suddenly snapped, and instead of having a quiet word with my boss, as I should have done, I dashed off a furious memo about him to the head of his department. Well, that put me in the wrong, everyone was very angry with me, and I came very close to resigning. It certainly taught me not to rush into

31、 things: what seems the obvious course of action in the heat of the moment isnt necessarily the most effective one. Speaker Three Woman: When I worked in import-export, the best thing I ever did was getting myself transferred from one section to another. It happened because Id calculated how much we

32、 should charge a customer for some goods we were going to import on a regular basis, and didnt allow for our agents commission. When the invoices started coming in, I realised we were making a loss. I tried to increase the price to the customer without telling my boss, but, in the end, I had to admi

33、t what Id done, and I think thats the only reason I didnt get the sack. It gave us quite serious cash flow problems for a Jew months. But it made me realise that I really wasnt interested in that side of the work. Speaker Four Man: I used to work in a catering company, and was promoted to Catering M

34、anager, but at first I just kept on messing around with the rest of my staff. My duties included doing the rounds when everyone else had left. One evening, one of my staff put several thousand pounds worth of frozen food in a fridge by mistake. I should have discovered this, but I didnt, and the nex

35、t day the food was ruined. When I told my boss, I treated it as a joke, and put the blame on the person whod made the mistake. My boss made it clear that I was ultimately answerable for what my staff did, and if my attitude didnt change Id be out of a job. Needless to say, it did change, and quickly

36、. Speaker Five Woman: I used to work in a PR agency, doing publicity for lots of celebrities, and we were always too busy to pool our knowledge. Eventually, I instituted a working lunch once a week, to swap the latest information. Id realised that we needed something like that when I was publicising

37、 one of our clients, and gave a journalist from a national newspaper the phone number of the person I thought was the clients booking agent. What I didnt know, but some of my colleagues did, was that the client had changed agents, so the wrong one then got hundreds of calls. He was furious, so were

38、our client and her new agent, and so was my boss. All I wanted was to hide away somewhere until it all blew over. 13 【正确答案】 C 14 【正确答案】 G 15 【正确答案】 A 16 【正确答案】 F 17 【正确答案】 E 18 【正确答案】 G 19 【正确答案】 B 20 【正确答案】 H 21 【正确答案】 C 22 【正确答案】 E 三、 PART THREE 22 【听力原文】 I = Interviewer M = Martha Flowers(Intervi

39、ewee) I: Martha Flowers, youre the founder and managing director of Max Sandwiches. First of all, thank you for agreeing to speak to us. M: Youre welcome. I: Id like to begin by asking you to tell us some- thing about how you started what is now a very successful business. M: OK, Eh, I started it be

40、cause I was hungry really. There was nowhere to buy something cheap yet healthy at lunchtime. And I spotted a gap in the market. I set up the business with a partner. I: What? Someone who knew the business? M: Yes, hed had lots of hands-on experience. However the first three years were difficult. We

41、 worked all hours and hardly made any profit. We just didnt have sufficiently clear ideas of what we wanted, and frankly we were lucky to survive. These days we are very much more focused. I: Martha, would it be fair to describe max as just one more fast food company? M: No. Were definitely not that

42、. For us, its all about selling naturally made products at reason- able prices, not selling cheap food fast. Having set that, the fast food chains do some things very well. And Id tike us to imitate the good aspects of how they operate. What I mean is we should cut out waste the way they do, not was

43、te time or materials. I: All right, so thats the aim. Now Id like to ask you something about how you actually run your business like. Are you, like so many executives nowadays, a slave to your diary? M: No, I am not. I dont even own one. I find this lack of structure gives me immense flexibility. I

44、really dont see how you can get things done if youre tired down all the time. I am sorry for my secretary, who has, to cope with the way I work, but for me its the only way. I: But how are meetings scheduled? M: Well, this is another thing. I hate meetings. The only regular feature of my week is the

45、 senior management team meeting. And we focus there not on details but on major issues. This means I can actually spend about 95% of my time listening to customers. And this is really the key to bow I run my business life-listening to our employees, because they can often tell you how to get things

46、right. I: Your approach certainly seems to be working. Your company is expanding all the time. How do you account for this success? I: Were I a high volume low margin business. We only make a little profit on everything we sell, so basically we have to sell a lot. And the secret of success in a busi

47、ness like this is a loyal customer base. Its as simple as that. I: Well, obviously the next question is what exactly do you do to keep your customers loyalty? M: We have to look at three things. The price of the product, the quality of the product and the attitude of our employees. They have to unde

48、r- stand one thing very well indeed, and that is, it s the customers who pay their salary. I: Martha, if you were asked to give just one piece of advice to someone who is staring out in business today, what would you say? M: Id say, look at what other people in your line of business are doing. Its a

49、bsolutely vital. I: But doesnt everyone monitor what their competitors are doing? M: Perhaps they do, but the important thing is what action you then take. A lot of people seem to monitor whats going on so they know what their feelings are. Then they do nothing about it. I find it must extraordinary. I: Martha Flowers, thanks very much for talking to us. M: Youre welcome. 23 【正确答案】 B 24 【正确答案】 A 25 【正确答案】 C 26 【正确答案】


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