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1、BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 13及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 You will hear a college lecturer talking to a class of business students about a supermarket chain. As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes, using up to three words or a number. After you have listened once, replay the recording. WILLIAMS SUPERM

2、ARKET CHAIN 1. Initially, Sharon Tucker was Williamss _ 2. The companys programme of _its outlets was unsuccessful. 3. Last six months: 10% increase in _ 4. Tucker decided against policy of_used by rivals. 5. The high-low strategy that Tucker introduced is usually called“. “. 6. Williams calls its s

3、pecial offers the companys“_“. 7. The company delivers _to homes in the area of the stores. 8. Example of special offer: _ for half normal price. 9. Difficult to ensure that _ are adequate to cope with demand. 10. Success of sales strategy is due to planning and the fact that _is not centralised. 11

4、. Williams is now concentrating on selling_ 12. Williams is planning to extend _ of stores. 二、 PART TWO 13 Yon will hear five different people talking about a special training programme for their company. For each extract there are two tasks. For Task One, choose the person who is speaking from the

5、list A-H. For Task Two, choose the opinion that each person expresses from the list A-H. After you have listened once, replay the recording. 13 Task One Person For questions 13-17, match the extracts with the people, listed A- H. For each extract, choose the person who is speaking. Write one letter

6、(A-H) next to the number of the extract. A the sales director B the managing director C a secretary D a new junior manager E the advertising manager F the finance director G the catering manager H the information technology manager 18 Task Two-Opinion For questions 18-22. match the extracts with wha

7、t the people say, listed A-H. For each extract, choose the opinion expressed. Write one letter (A-H) next to number of the extract. A There are good ideas, but little of practical value. B The sessions go on too long. C It may be difficult to remember everything. D There are too many specialized ses

8、sions. E The eating arrangements should be improved. F Technology isnt being given enough importance. G The training methods are old-fashioned. H People expect too much from the programme. 三、 PART THREE 22 You will hear part of a conversation between two managers from different companies, a woman ca

9、lled Elizabeth and a man called Steven. For each sentence 23- 30,mark one letter A,B or C for the correct answer. After you have listened once, replay the recording. 23 Elizabeth says at the beginning that her company is ( A) planning to expand. ( B) small and not very rich. ( C) doing rather badly

10、at the moment. 24 Steven thirds that his computer system ( A) is just as fast as the latest systems. ( B) is much faster than Elizabeths present system. ( C) is completely different to the newest systems. 25 Steven believes that the real reason the computers in his company are being replaced is ( A)

11、 so that the business can move into the international market. ( B) because of a difference of opinion in this company. ( C) because their clients will like it. 26 Elizabeth thinks that the price Steven is asking ( A) includes the price of installation and servicing. ( B) is within the amount her com

12、pany has budgeted for. ( C) is a perfectly reasonable price for the equipment. 27 Steven agrees that this company will ( A) install the system and pay part of the servicing costs. ( B) pay the costs of servicing for the first year. ( C) install and service the system. 28 Steven offers to train Eliza

13、beths staff to use the system, provided that ( A) the trainers go to Elizabeths company. ( B) only a limited number of people receive training. ( C) Elizabeths company doesnt try to compete with his. 29 How does Elizabeths company differ from Stevens? ( A) It is likely to become larger than Stevens

14、in the future. ( B) It has started to operate in more then one country. ( C) It has started to operate in more than one country. 30 What does Steven say about the chairs? ( A) He will have difficulty getting permission to include them. ( B) He will be able to give them to Elizabeth as part of the de

15、al. ( C) It is unreasonable of Elizabeth to ask for them. BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 13答案与解 析 一、 PART ONE 1 【听力原文】 Man: Good morning. In todays class well be comparing two supermarket chains whose futures are looking very different at the moment. First of all, the Williams chain. Sharon Tucker joined William

16、s two years ago as Sales Director, taking over as Chief Executive three months later. The company was struggling. Sales growth was fading away, and profits were falling. Its strategy of focusing on redesigning stores was doing nothing to boost sales. In short, Williams had lost its way. After just o

17、ne year under Tuckers leadership, its regained its confidence, and with good reason. Sales have been rising for fifteen months, starting almost as soon as she walked in the door. Theyre up by five per cent in the last six months, excluding new space, with profits over the same period rising by ten p

18、er cent. And the company claims to have attracted a million new customers. Tucker came from the American chain Hursts, and her experience there persuaded her that everyday low pricing, the strategy pursued by that giant and by most of the British supermarket groups, wouldnt work for a small player l

19、ike Williams. Its larger rivals could too easily undercut it. Instead, she decided to use a high-low strategy, which is generally known as loss- leading. The techniques familiar: cut the price of twenty or so selected items each week. The radical part came in the implementation. Instead of making it

20、 a national campaign, which would allow Williamss rivals to instantly follow its price cuts, the companys best deals, as theyre called, vary from town to town, and change every week. The company employs five thousand distributors in order that, every week, a third of all the people living in the cat

21、chment area of a Williams store receive flyers through their doors, detailing these special offers. The price cuts are dramatic, like forty per cent off breakfast cereals, the same off bars of soap, fifty per cent off soft drinks, and so on. Indeed, many items are sold at below the cost to Williams.

22、 Shoppers seem to love it, as is evident from Williamss sales. But its high risk: sales have to increase by enough to limit the impact on profits, and they have to be able to deliver the goods. Thats harder than it sounds. Some of the products on offer fly out of the door, selling as much in a week

23、as they normally would in a year. Organising adequate stock levels for that, on different products around the country, is a nightmare of logistics. What makes all this feasible, apart from very good planning, is that Williamss distribution system isnt centralised, unlike some of the other supermarke

24、t chains. Williams has just passed the first anniversary of its promotional campaign, so itll be more and more difficult to keep sales rising. But the companys working hard to keep the momentum going with a renewed focus on fresh produce, having been tempted in recent years by clothing and electrica

25、l goods, which are both in highly competitive sectors. The company has also promised longer opening hours at their stores in order to increase convenience for their customers. Now lets compare Williamss success with one of their suffering rivals. 1 【正确答案】 SALES DIRECTOR 2 【正确答案】 RE(-)DESIGNING 3 【正确


27、TWO 13 【听力原文】 Man: Well, its quite interesting, isnt it? I mean, overall youre never going to please everyone always. I think one of the main benefits is perhaps something we werent really expecting. Earnest, I wasnt. And thats the way people with different roles, different jobs are working together

28、 here. Sure my responsibility is to go across the departments. Everyone wants a PC, needs help with the software. I am always here in about the problems. Never good things, of course, with the network. Here were sharing experiences, different viewpoints, bringing in the ideas which reflect our diffe

29、rent roles. Then again thats maybe a problem in itself cause I really don t see how Im gonna hold all this in my head. Im sure that next week itll all have disappeared from my memory. Woman: Frankly, I wonder if my time would have been better spent hack in the office. Well, I dont want to sound nega

30、tive. Maybe its just me. I grant you theres some great theory going around. Amazing ideas really. All these visions of what could really be happening, pictures of the possible future, and more have you. But, at the end of the day, well be back at the same old office, And Ill be typing and running ar

31、ound, and still be expected to do 10 things at once. So, if Im honest, Im not really sure how all these fine speeches are really going to help me in my job. A letter is still a letter, isnt it? Mind you, Im not saying its not inspirational. In some ways. Man: I feel very privileged and on top of eve

32、rything its a great way to meet everyone. Its really helping my confidence. The sessions on technology have been interesting because I know so little about it. Theyve told me Ill get more on that as time goes by. And actually my problems not really that, because, well, what I need at this early stag

33、e is some kind of overview, some kind of feeling of the whole picture. You know, how those fix together. I dont know where Ill be in five years time, you see. So Im not quite sure what I need to know now. Thats why its a hit frustrating that each lecture serum so separate, so single-issue? Id like a

34、 wide range to be covered. Woman: Its going pretty smoothly Id say all in all, weve had worse, weve had better, and given that we had to put the whole menu together at a pretty short notice. Having said that though, I am not at all sure they see it like that. I dont know. I think half the problem is

35、 people come to something like this with so much hope. I mean they assume the world is going to change overnight. And of course nothing is that simple. I hear them complaining, but not about the food, Im happy to say, that is not quite what they want, too general, too specific, and soon. Anyway, the

36、 snacks and the luncheons seem to have gone down all right. And I suppose thats all l need to worry about. Man: Yes, its difficult of course balancing the costs and benefits, the time lost from the office compared to what I am investing in, but Ive al- ways said our staff, our people are our biggest

37、 as- set. So anything that brings my people up must be a value in itself. Of course much will depend on the performance reports, which I hope the different departments can draw up to me reason- ably soon. Otherwise I won t really be in a position to know if I did make the right choice. My main reser

38、vation at this stage is that I dont see sufficient input on the system, on the IT side of things. And thats a great pity, because its vital that we explore our existing computer system to get the best out of them. I want a company that is right up-to-date. 13 【正确答案】 H 14 【正确答案】 C 15 【正确答案】 D 16 【正确答

39、案】 G 17 【正确答案】 B 18 【正确答案】 O 19 【正确答案】 A 20 【正确答案】 D 21 【正确答案】 H 22 【正确答案】 F 三、 PART THREE 22 【听力原文】 S=Steven, E=Elizabeth S: Well, that is very interesting, thanks very much. E: Do please sit down. I think you could both me some coffee after staring at computers for so long. S: Yes, thanks, that wo

40、uld be nice;. We do need to talk business now. E: so do we have a deal? Are we agreed that the computer systems will suit your needs? S: Yes. I think it will be fine. As were not a big company, although things are going pretty well, we obviously cant afford the latest technology. Thats exactly why I

41、 have decided to buy second-hand computers as opposed to the new ones. I do have a few concerns: I did read that one of the drawbacks of these particular systems is that its very slow? E: Well, thats all comparative really. Obviously, since the system was first made, things have changed. And its slo

42、w compared with new computers. But the difference is still quite minimal. And compared to your present system, its still at least four times as fast. S: One obvious question I must ask you before making a decision is why do you want m sell your computers in the first place? Clearly you feel they nee

43、d updating. E: Well, actually there has been quite a difference of opinion in our company about the wisdom of replacing them. In fact I dont think its necessary. But some people feel that, because of the international nature of our business, we need to keep up with the very latest technology. I dont

44、 really know why, maybe, to impress our clients, I suppose. Obviously, for a small business like yours, it doesnt matter as much. S: Well, yes, thats also true. I am still worded about your asking price. Its more than weve planned to spend. E: I am afraid Ive gone as low as I can. Im simply not allo

45、wed to let it go any cheaper. And quite honestly, Elizabeth, I really do think its a very good price. S: No. having seen what you have here, I certainly think its a fair price. But the installation and servicing will add considerably to our costs. E: OK, un, well. How about if we have our engineers

46、install the system and we will cover half the costs of any necessary servicing. S: What? For the first year or two? E: Yes, well, lets say for the first year. S: OK, That .sounds very reasonable. And 1 under- stand that you mentioned to John when you first approached him about this that we will be a

47、ble to send some of our people over to you so that they can be trained to use the system, is that right? E: Well, not exactly, I said we might be able to offer some training. But Ive rather bad to re- mind you that we should go over to you. I really dont think that my boss will be happy having your

48、staff coming here to be trained. You know, he just tends to see you as the competition. S: OK. Its a fair point. You send your people to us. Mind you, I wish we were in a position to compete with you. E: Yes, I know. S: And anyway our business is much more narrowly focused on our particular area of

49、domestic food market. E: I know., Elizabeth. You dont really need to tell me. Anyway, so, do we have a deal? S: Just one more thing, I believe you said you are going to replace your office chairs at the same time as computers? E: Yes? S: And obviously well need the chairs to go with your computers? E: Oh, I see. You certainly drive a hard bargain, Elizabeth. All right, I must say that does seem fair enough. I thi


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