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1、BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 34及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 You will hear a business presentation about 3 simple selling tactics. As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes, using up to three words or a number. After you have listened once, replay the recording. SELLING TACTICS NOTES Business Presentation P

2、ay Attention to Getting Attention 1 A major obstacle of selling things is that your sales message will be_.Three proven ways you can capture a prospects attention quickly: 2 Make a_. 3 Surprise your prospects_. 4 Include attention getting headlines on all_. Emphasize the Human Relationship 5 Prospec

3、tive customers are more receptive to buying from a real person than from_. Tip: 6 Sell yourself to make prospective customers _with the selling process. 7 Sell your company and its history of producing results to make prospective customers confident of your ability to deliver_. Trigger Your Customer

4、s Imagination 8 Convert the benefits delivered by your product or service into_. 9 Put your prospect in the picture by dramatizing what it feels like to be_. 10 Be_. 11 If you promote a business opportunity, describe what it feels like to be at home working Tip: 12 Be sure your word pictures are dra

5、matizing benefits and_. 二、 PART TWO 13 You will hear five reporters, reporting daily business news. For each extract there are two tasks. For Task One, decide which industry they reported from the list A-H. For Task Two, choose the summary of the business news from the list A-H. After you have liste

6、ned once, replay the recording. 13 Task One The industries they reported For questions 13-17, match the extracts with the industries, listed A-H. For each extract, choose the industry reported. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract. A oil industry B high-tech industry C fireworks

7、industry D retailing industry E movie industry F automobile industry G gas industry H manufacturing industry 18 Task Two-Summary of the news For questions 18-22, match the extracts with the summaries of the business news, listed A-H. For each extract, choose the summary reported. Write one letter (A

8、-H) next to the number of the text. A China and Russia are going to build hi-tech parks. B The U.S, and China issued a joint statement on economic and financial issues. C The Pan-Pearl River Delta region is willing to strengthen cooperation with the U. S. tourism players. D Shanghai gets western gas

9、 that pumps through the huge West-to-East Natural Gas Pipeline. E Shanghai Volkswagen Corporation plans to out the price of its car parts aiming to have more market share in China. F China plans to build a third scientific research station on Antarctica during the 11th five-year-plan period. G China

10、 plans to regulate fireworks industry. H China strives to build the “remanufacturing industry as one of its pillar manufacturing industries. 三、 PART THREE 22 You will hear a program about business. For each question (23-30), mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer. After you have listened

11、 once, replay the recording. 23 When it was over, the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 94 points to close at ( A) 10 217 ( B) 10 297 ( C) 10 317 24 How many per cent did shares of IBM almost plunge? ( A) 20 ( B) 30 ( C) 40 25 The main reason for the fall of shares of IBM is ( A) making wrong pla

12、n ( B) bad management ( C) the drop of Y2K spending 26 How many dollars did IBM and other technology companies pay for the year 2000? ( A) Tens of thousands ( B) Tens of millions ( C) Tens of billions 27 Why many corporations have bought computers and switched their software? ( A) Because their comp

13、uters were outdated ( B) Because Y2K will cause trouble ( C) Because their computers broke down 28 Why did many buyers postpone their purchase of new printers? ( A) They were waiting for the new millennium ( B) They had no money ( C) The printers were expensive 29 Which of the following is correct?

14、( A) Only IBM is suffering from the technology spending freeze ( B) Many computer companies suffer as well ( C) Any company could understand the risk 30 What is the main idea of this article? ( A) As goes General Motors, so goes the nation ( B) As goes IBM, so goes the market ( C) The reason why sha

15、res of computer companies fall BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 34答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【听力原文】 Man: Good morning everyone and welcome. Thanks for coming. My name is Bob Leduc. Today I will talk about some selling tactics. The following 3 simple selling tactics produce sales by responding to the way customers normall

16、y think and behave They work for any business regardless of what you sell, how you sell or where you sell it. 1. Pay Attention to Getting Attention Can you remember the last 3 advertising messages beamed at you? Can you remember even one of them? Most people cant, including your prospective customer

17、s. Thats because they automatically ignore the steady stream of advertising directed at them. This illustrates a major obstacle you need to overcome before you can sell anything. You have to get your prospects attention and get it fast or your sales message will be ignored. Here are 3 proven ways yo

18、u can capture a prospects attention quickly: Make a dramatic statement: Example: “Even, My Doctor Uses These Health Products“; Surprise your prospects with something unexpected: Example, “Try our service without charge for one month; why arent you making six figures?“ And Id like to tell you a tip:

19、Include attention getting headlines on all your web pages. Many visitors arrive at a web page then immediately click away unless something instantly catches their attention. 2. Emphasize the Human Relationship Prospective customers are more receptive to buying from a real person than from an imperso

20、nal company. Look for ways to create a personal relationship with your prospective customers. For example:If you sell face to face, spend some time early in the selling process getting to know a little about your prospects and letting them get to know you. If you sell online or in some other ways wh

21、ere you dont talk with prospects, include some information about you in your presentation. What you say about yourself will have the greatest impact if it highlights why you are umquely qualified to provide what your customer wants. And there is a tip. Sell yourself to make prospective customers com

22、fortable with the selling process. But sell your company and its history of producing results to make prospective customers confident of your ability to deliver what you promise. 3. Trigger Your Customers Imagination Convert the benefits delivered by your product or service into vivid word pictures.

23、 Then put your prospect in the picture by dramatizing what it feels like to be enjoying those benefits. Be specific. If you sell financial products, describe what it feels like to enjoy an affluent living without debt. If you sell boats, describe what it feels like cutting through the waves with you

24、r friends onboard. If you promote a business opportunity, describe what it feels like to be at home working without a boss. And Id like to introduce a tip. Be sure your word pictures are dramatizing benefits and not describing features. People dont really care about the new high-tech insulation used

25、 in their beverage cooler (a feature). They just want to be able to enjoy ice cold beverages all day long on a hot day (the benefit). These 3 selling tactics produce sales by responding to normal human behavior. Use them in your web pages, sales letters and personal presentations. The volume of busi

26、ness they produce will surprise you. 1 【正确答案】 ignored 【试题解析】 此题是针对听力原文细节的提问在听音时需要把握关键词语:sales message。听力原文是: This illustrates a major obstacle you need to overcome before you can sell anything You have to get your prospects attentionand get it fastor your 5alesmessagewill be ignored,意思 是在卖东西之前需要克服一个

27、主要的障碍。你必须很快地引起别人的注意,不然你的销售信息会被忽视。故此处填写: ignored。 2 【正确答案】 dramatic statement 【试题解析】 此句是针对听力原文细节的提问,在听音时需要把握关键词语: 3 proven ways。因此这里填写: dramatic statement。 3 【正确答案】 with something unexpected 【试题解析】 据听力原文 “Surprise your prospects with something unexpected ”可知答案为 with something unexpected。 4 【正确答案】 you

28、r web pages 【试题解析】 据听力原文 “Include attention getting headlines on all your web pages ”可知答案为 your web pages。 5 【正确答案】 an impersonal company 【试题解析】 此句是针对听力原文细节的提问,在听音时需要把握关键词语:prospective customers,要留心区别 a real person和什么相对。因此这里填写: an impersonal company。 6 【正确答案】 comfortable 【试题解析】 此句是针对听力原文细节的提问,在听音时需要

29、把握关键词语:tip,要留心区别听力原文中提到哪些 tip。因此这里填写: comfortable。 7 【正确答案】 what you promise 【试题解析】 与上题相同,要留心 tip的具体内容,因此这里填写 what you promise。 8 【正确答案】 vivid word pictures 【试题解析】 此题是针对听力原文细节的提问,在听音时要把题干内容与材料一一对应,因此,这里填写 vivid word pictures。 9 【正确答案】 enjoying those benefits 【试题解析】 此题是针对听力原文细节的提问,在听音时要把题干内容与材料一一对应,因

30、此,这里填写 enjoying those benefits。 10 【正确答案】 specific 【试题解析】 此题是针对听力原文细节的 提问,在听音时要把题干内容与材料一一对应,因此,这里填写 specific。 11 【正确答案】 without a boss 【试题解析】 此题是针对听力原文细节的提问,在听音时要把题干内容与材料一一对应,因此,这里填写 without a boss。 12 【正确答案】 not describing features 【试题解析】 此句是针对听力原文细节的提问,在听音时需要把握关键词语:tip,要留心区别听力原文中提到的 tip。 此这里填写: no

31、t describing features。 二、 PART TWO 13 【听力原文】 Speaker One Man: Good morning. This is Daily Business Report. Shanghai gets western gas. Gas started pumping through the huge West-to-East Natural Gas Pipeline on Friday, sending gas from the Tarim and Chongqing gas fields in western Xinjiang and Shanxi P

32、rovinces to Shanghai. At 9:00 am on National Day, PetroChina President Jiang Jiemin pushed a button at a gas compression station at Jingbian in Northwest Chinas Shanxi Province to launch the 4,000-kilometre-long pipeline Construction of the pipeline began on July 4, 2002 and cost more than 140 billi

33、on yuan (US $16.9 billion). It will transmit 12 billion cubic meters of gas a year. Speaker Two Woman: China and Russia are going to build hi-tech parks. President of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Lu Yongxiang said in Beijing Thursday that his academy and the Academy of Sciences of Russia (ASR)

34、planned to build hightechnology parks both in Northeast China and in Russias Novosibirsk. Representatives from CAS Changchun Academy and the ASR Siberia Academy signed a memorandum on seven cooperative projects Thursday morning at CAS headquarter. While carrying out the new form of science and techn

35、ology cooperation in building the hi-tech parks, Lu acknowledged, the two sides need to start appropriate research projects on the principle of equality and reciprocity. N. L. Dobretsov, vice ASR president who aim heads ASR Siberia Academy, said the hi-tech parks will epitomize increased cooperation

36、 between Russian and Chinese science communities. Speaker Three Man: Shanghai Volkswagen Corporation declared Tuesday a price-cutting plan for its car parts aiming to increase its market share in China. According to the plan, hundreds of components for Passat and Polo, its two dominant cars in China

37、, will get large price cuts of between 25 and 80 percent starting Oct. 1. The price adjustment “will offer more preferential prices and lower the maintenance costs for consumers“ as the corporation has formed “batch-produced ability for components“ and set up an “after-sale service network“ around t

38、he country, said a company spokesman. The spokesman said insurance premiums and purchasing and usage costs will also decline. Consequently, the two cars will become more competitive and help consumers regain confidence in the car market. Chinas car market is price-sensitive, but experts noted that p

39、rice cuts only have short-term effects. In the long run, other factors will win out. Shanghai Volkswagen is one of the top car sales companies in China. Speaker Four Woman: China strives to build the “remanufacturing“ industry as one of its pillar manufacturing industries, said Xu Binshi, member of

40、the Chinese Academy of Engineering, in Beijing Wednesday. “China will also set up related auxiliary industries, aiming to promote the national economy and realize re-employment and sustainable development,“ said Xu at a national workshop on “recycled economy“. He went on to say that remanufacturing

41、and self-renovation are considered in Chinas medium and long-term plans as a priority development theme and a key technology in the manufacturing sector. From the 1990s on, there have been enterprises in China studying remanufacturing, said Xu. Although the remanufacturing project is yet to be matur

42、e, he said, it is a “sunrise industry“ and a potential giant industry, which has the ability to improve the quality and performance of products, reduce material consumption, save energy resources and protect the environment. Xu added that the crucial step of putting forward Chinas remanufacturing in

43、dustry is to establish relevant laws and standardize business activity and market operation. Speaker Five Man: China plans to regulate fireworks industry. The Chinese government is planning to strengthen safety supervision over its scattered fireworks manufacturers to reduce the rising risks of acci

44、dental fireworks explosions. Sun Huashan, deputy director of the State Administration for the Supervision of Production Safety, said at a national fireworks safety conference held in Liuyang, Hunan Province that the incomplete safety supervision system in Chinas fireworks industry is the main reason

45、 for explosions. Sun said Chinas fireworks industry is still in need of regulation, and that safety supervision system in the whole is still weak. 13 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 听力原文的主要内容是关于西气东输项目成功,上海接收到来自西部的天然气,因此此题答案为 G。 14 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 听力原文第一句是: China and Russia are going to build hi-tech parks,由此,可得答案为

46、B。 15 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 根据听力原文第一句可得: Shanghai Volkswagen Corporation declared Tuesday a price-cutting plan for its car parts aiming to increase its market share in China,因此可得答案为 F。 16 【正确答案】 H 【试题解析】 根据听力原文第一句可得: China strives to build the“remanufacturing”industry as one of its pillar manufacturing in

47、dustries,因此可得答案为 H。 17 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 根据听力原文第一句可得: China plans to regulate fireworks industry,因此可得答案为 C。 18 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 听力原文是: Shanghai gets western gas Gas started pumping through the huge West-to-East Natural Gas Pipeline on Friday。因此,可得答案为D。 19 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 根据听力原文第一句可得答案为 A。 20 【正确答案】 E 【

48、试题解析】 根据听力原文第一句可得; Shanghai Volkswagen Corporation declared Tuesday a price-cutting plan for its car parts aiming to increase its market share in China,因此可得答案为 E。 21 【正确答案】 H 【试题解析】 根据听力原文第一句可得; China strives to build the“remanufacturing”industry as one of its pillar manufacturing industries,因此可得答案为

49、 H。 22 【正确答案】 G 【试题解析】 根据听力原文第一句可得: China Plans to regulate fireworks industry。因此可得答案为 G。 三、 PART THREE 22 【听力原文】 Woman: Good evening. They used to say “As goes General Motors, so goes the nation“. Today is “As goes IBM, so goes the market“. Its a rough one on Wall Street, down more than 200 points for much of the day. When it was over, the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 94 points to close at 10,297. IBM was off 21 points, after the computer giant w


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