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1、BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 43及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 You will hear a speech at the Sustainable Business in East Asia Conference. As you listen, for questions 1 12, complete the notes, using up to three words or a number. You will hear the recording twice. Sustainable Business in East Asia Conference NOTES Speak

2、ers experience: 1. There used to have a race called Cross Harbour _. 2. The race required jumping off on Kowloon side and swimming to _. 3. About two decades ago, it was _. 4. The people made great efforts to clean up our _. 5. Take a ride on the _. 6. Now the harbour doesnt _. Hong Kong experience:

3、 7. Some of Hong Kongs successful companies have been progressively taking on the idea of _. 8. The private sector has funded two important _. 9. They promote sustainable development and _. 10. Sustainable business involves using resources in a _. 11. It is being aware of long-term _. 12. Our privat

4、e sector has vision and _. 二、 PART TWO 13 You will hear five different business telephone calls. For each extract there are two tasks. For Task One, choose the receivers information of each call from the list A H. For Task Two, choose the callers purpose described from the list A H. You will hear th

5、e recording twice. 13 TASK ONE RECEIVERS INFORMATION For questions 13 17, match the extracts with the receivers information, listed AH.For each extract, choose the information stated. Write one letter (A H) next to the number of the extract. A Prince Sports Group Custom Services B Jerome Allgood C P

6、hoenix Printers D Frederic E Jennifer Austin F Ahmed Azia G Caroline H First Direct 18 TASK TWO CALLERSS PURPOSES For questions 18 22, match the extracts with the callerspurposes, listed A H. For each extract, choose the callers purpose stated. Write one letter (A H) next to the number of the extrac

7、t. A want a catalog of prices B purchase some products C open an account D invest to a programme E need more bags F deposit a sum of money into a bank G speak to Leo Dayton H solve a problem with an order 三、 PART THREE 22 You will hear part of a business negotiation between Mr. Mitchell and Madam Li

8、. For each question 23 30, mark one letter A, B or C for the correct answer. You will hear the recording twice. 23 What does the catalogue include? ( A) Agrochemicals exports. ( B) Dyestuff and pigments. ( C) Insecticides and fertilizers. 24 What would be Mr. Mitchells main concern among the product

9、s in the catalogue? ( A) Dyestuffs. ( B) Insecticides. ( C) Agrochemicals. 25 25 How many catalogues would Mr. Mitchell take home? ( A) Five. ( B) Six. ( C) Seven. 26 What does Mr. Mitchell concentrate on this visit? ( A) Dyestuffs. ( B) Insecticides. ( C) Agrochemicals. 27 What is the maximum quant

10、ity that one container holds? ( A) 10 metric tons. ( B) 12 metric tons. ( C) 14 metric tons. 28 How much does Madam Li offer for the agents commission on these minimum quantities? ( A) 2% of the selling price of dyes. ( B) 2% of the price of all dyes. ( C) 2% of the revenues. 29 What is the initial

11、thing that Mr. Mitchell will do to develop a market for reactive dyes? ( A) Developing more end users. ( B) Setting appropriate prices of dyes. ( C) Launching a promotional program. 30 What does Mr. Mitchell ask for towards the end of the negotiation? ( A) He asks if Madam Lis company would offer so

12、me promotional allowances. ( B) He requires Madam Lis company to pay for the advertising campaign. ( C) He asks Madam Lis company to take the financial responsibility of selling products. BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 43答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【听力原文】 Good morning ladies and gentlemen. When I was a very small boy ju

13、st a few years old in the 50s, we used to have a race called Cross Harbour Swimming Contest and at that time whoever jumped off on Kowloon side and swam to Hong Kong side, and whoever finished crossing the harbour won the race. It was cancelled about two decades ago simply because the harbour was ge

14、tting so dirty. Maybe not quite to the extent that Victor has so grimly and so vividly described just a few minutes ago, but it was cancelled because the water was simply so unsafe that anybody who jumped into the water might not emerge on the other side. The people actually put in very intense effo

15、rts about a decade ago because we wanted to clean up our harbour. So, for many of you visitors to Hong Kong, I hope you have a chance to enjoy one of the bargain tourist attractions of the world, which is to take a ride on the Star ferry going from Hong Kong to Kowloon and back, and you will find th

16、at the meaning of Hong Kong is a fragrant harbour and it doesnt stink Any more. I do urge you to try that most popular and best bargain tourism destination in the world. The strong business participation in todays conference has demonstrated that sustainability is lot a threat to business. It is als

17、o clear, from the rack records of many businesses, that sustainability is not a gimmick nor is it a fad. To take the Hong Kong experience as an example: for at least a decade now, some of Hong Kongs most prominent and successful companies have been. progressively taking on the idea of sustainability

18、 in their business plans and practices. It is also the private sector that has been behind and has funded two important initiatives; the Business Environment Councih and the Association for Sustainable and Responsible Development in Asia. They promote sustainable development and responsible investme

19、nt practices in this region. A number of well-established advocacy groups and think tanks have also successfully brought issues of environmentalism and sustainability into our public s minds. Sustainable business involves using resources in a responsible manner. It is being aware of long-term viabil

20、ity and not just short-term balance sheet profits; and, above all, transparency. In a market-driven economy, such as Hong Kongs, it is absolutely right that the private sector should play a leading role in promoting and adopting all these objectives. The progress so far shows that there is vision, a

21、nd consensus in our private sector, that go well beyond the bottom line. 1 【正确答案】 Swimming Contest 2 【正确答案】 Hong Kong side 3 【正确答案】 cancelled 4 【正确答案】 harbour 5 【正确答案】 Star ferry 6 【正确答案】 stink 7 【正确答案】 sustainability 8 【正确答案】 initiatives 9 【正确答案】 responsible investment practices 10 【正确答案】 responsib

22、le manner 11 【正确答案】 viability 12 【正确答案】 consensus 二、 PART TWO 13 【听力原文】 Conversation 1 F: Hello, this is First Direct, how can I help you? M: This is Ahmed Aziz speaking. Er, Im interested in opening an account with you, but I have a couple of questions. F: What exactly would you like to know, Mr. A

23、siz? M: First of all, if I bank with you, how do I pay money into my account? F: Well, as you probably know, First Direct is a part of the Midland Bank. That means you can pay into your First Direct account at any of their branches. M: I see. Er, do they charge me for that? F: No, thats free. M: OK.

24、 Right. The other thing I wanted to know was: do you pay interest on current accounts? F: Yea, we do. As long as your account is in credit. The interest is then calculated daily, and we add it to your account at the end of each month. M: Uh huh. F: Is there anything else youd like to know, Mr. Aziz?

25、 M: No, I think thats all for the time being. Thank you. F: Thank you for calling, Mr. Aziz. Goodbye. Conversation 2 F: Hello. M: Is that Caroline? F: Yes, speaking. F: Hello, this is Frederic calling. F: Oh, good morning, Frederic. How are you? F: Fine. And you? F: Not too bad, thank you. M: Good.

26、We need another 30 by 10 by 2 hags to go down to Lievin tonight. F: Right. 30 by 10 by 2. OK. Im not actually in the office yet. I shall be there within about half an hour. Could I call you then after Ive checked with the factory? M: Sure. F: OK, then. Fine. Ill call you hack. M: Thanks. F: All righ

27、t. Bye for now. Conversation 3 M: Prince Sports Group Customer Services; this is Dawn. F: Hi, Dawn. Im interested in the prices of some sports equipment. M: Would you like us to send you a catalogue? F: Yes, thanks, that would be great. M: May I have your name and address? F: My names Jerome Allgood

28、. M: And your address? F: 226 Dryden Avenue. M: And what city? F: Trenton. M: And the zip? F: 08638. M: OK, would you be interested in an Ektelon catalogue or Prince? Tennis or racket ball? F: Id like the Prince tennis one, please. M: OK, great. My name is Dawn. Im in the Customer Service Department

29、. Ill get that catalogue out to you right away. If you have any questions, please call back and Ill be glad to talk to you about our products. F: Great. M: Thanks. F: Thank you. Bye. M: Bye. Conversation 4 M: Phoenix Ms. Good morning. F: This is Jennifer Austin from Leroy Motors. Could I speak to Le

30、o Dayton, please? M: Im afraid hes not in at the moment. Can I give him a message? F: Well, Im ringing about a reprint of one of our brochures. I asked him to do it six weeks ago and were still waiting for them. If I remember rightly, I did say it was rather urgent. M: Ill get him to call you back a

31、s soon as he comes in, Ms. Austin. F: Thank you very much. Conversation 5 F: This is Jennifer Austin speaking. M: Leo Dayton from Phoenix Ms. I understand theres been a problem with an order. F: Thats right. I asked you to do a reprint of our A90 brochure some time ago and we still dont have it. M:

32、Yes. Ive just been trying to find out what happened. It seems some urgent work came in and your order got overlooked. Im really sorry. F: I see. Well, the problem is we have an exhibition coming up at the beginning of next month and well want to have them for then. How soon can you get them done? M:

33、 Would the end of the week be OK? F: Thatd be great. M: Right, then. Ill see that you get them by Friday. And Im really sorry about this. F: Dont worry. 13 【正确答案】 C 14 【正确答案】 E 15 【正确答案】 A 16 【正确答案】 G 17 【正确答案】 H 18 【正确答案】 H 19 【正确答案】 G 20 【正确答案】 A 21 【正确答案】 C 22 【正确答案】 E 三、 PART THREE 22 【听力原文】 F:

34、Mr. Mitchell, when we last met, time did not permit us to discuss Sinochems exports of agrochemicals. Shall we review these now before we continue our discussions on dyestuffs and organic pigments? M: I think that might be a good idea, Madam Li. Our time in Beijing is growing short and I do wish to

35、take home as much information as I can. F: This catalogue describes our agrochemicals exports, which include insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, and plant growth regulators, as well as fertilizers. M: We would like to take home a number of copies of this catalogue, if we may, for review by our mar

36、keting division. In the meantime, however, it would appear that insecticides would be of primary interest. F: Certainly, Mr. Mitchell. Just let me know how many copies you want and will have them delivered to your hotel before you leave. M: Oh, half a dozen will be fine for now. F: I will make sure

37、this is done. May we now continue our discussions on dyestuffs and organic pigments? M: Yes, I believe we have reached the stage where we should explore the feasibility of setting up an agency relationship with your company. I have reviewed our notes on our previous discussions and we have pretty we

38、ll concluded that on this particular visit we should focus on your dyestuffs. F: That will be fine. In other words, you would like to leave the possible importation of our inorganic and organic pigments for future consideration? M: Yes, that is correct. We believe that Galaxy needs to do its homewor

39、k on these commodities. We would like to complete some further market research studies before making any commitments to you in regard to this. F: We appreciate your candour, Mr. Mitchell. Whenever you wish to reopen discussions concerning these commodities, we will look forward to hearing from Galax

40、y. M: Now during our earlier discussions, you mentioned that your minimum quantity of shipping dyestuffs offshore is one container, holding between 10 and 14 metric tons. F: That is correct, Mr. Mitchell. M: What would be your agents commission on these minimum quantities? F: We, too, have had some

41、internal discussions on this matter and we can offer you an agent s commission of 2% of the selling price on all dyes. M: Some of the dyes will be more readily marketable than others. For example, I can foresee that, with the fight amount of promotional effort, we would be able to develop a signific

42、ant market for your reactive dyes. Nevertheless, we would have to launch a fairly extensive, and no doubt costly, promotional program to introduce these dyes to the end users. There would be a very considerable first time advertising expenditure, followed by regular outlays for reinforcement adverti

43、sing as these products become known and the end users begin to apply them. F: As you know, the reactive dyes are considerably more expensive than the sulfur dyes. Therefore, any sales of these commodities would generate significant agency revenues. M: During the initial stages, however, most of thes

44、e commissions would be required to pay for the promotional expenses, which will be very substantial indeed. Have you considered the feasibility of assuming financial responsibility for at least a portion of the required advertising campaign? We would visualize some television and perhaps radio adver

45、tising, but primarily inserts into local daily newspapers and trade magazines. F: We have not previously provided our agents with any, what you might call, promotional allowances. Advertising of our products is strictly the responsibility of the agent. M: Under these circumstances, it would take a v

46、ery long time before Galaxy would be able to recoup its up front expenditures. F: Of course, if you were to import and market larger quantities from the outset, your commission would increase accordingly. M: Which would, of course, undoubtedly increase your profits as well. 23 【正确答案】 A 24 【正确答案】 B 25 【正确答案】 B 26 【正确答案】 A 27 【正确答案】 C 28 【正确答案】 A 29 【正确答案】 C 30 【正确答案】 A


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