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1、BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 84及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 You will hear a business presentation about 3 simple selling tactics. As you listen, for questions 1 12, complete the notes, using up to three words or a number. You will hear the recording twice. SELLING TACTICS NOTES Business Presentation Pay Attention to G

2、etting Attention 1. A major obstacle of selling things is that your sales message will be_ Three proven ways you can capture a prospects attention quickly: 2. Make a_ 3. Emphasize the_ 4. Trigger Your Customers_ Emphasize the Human Relationship 5. Prospective customers are more receptive to buying f

3、rom a real person than from_ Tip: 6. Sell yourself to make prospective customers_with the selling process. 7. Sell your company and its history of producing results to make prospective customers confident of your ability to deliver_ Trigger Your Customers Imagination 8. Convert the benefits delivere

4、d by your product or service into_ 9. Put your prospect in the picture by dramatizing what it feels like to be 10. Be _ 11. If you promote a business opportunity, describe what it feels like to be at home working_ Tip: 12. Be sure your word pictures are dramatizing benefits and_ 二、 PART TWO 12 You w

5、ill hear five different business people talking about corporations. For each extract there are two tasks. For Task One, choose the advantage of corporations described from the list A H. For Task Two, choose the disadvantage of corporations from the list A H. You will hear the recording twice. TASK O

6、NE ADVANTAGE For questions 13 17, match the extracts with the advantages, listed A H. For each extract, choose the advantage stated. Write one letter(A H)next to the number of the extract. A Continuous life B Ease of attracting capital C Greater motivation D Ease of transferring ownership E Large si

7、ze F Limited liability G Tax advantages H Almost unlimited secrecy 13 _ 14 _ 15 _ 16 _ 17 _ 17 TASK TWO DISADVANTAGE For questions 18 22, match the extracts with the disadvantages, listed A H. For each extract, choose the disadvantage stated. Write one letter(A H)next to the number of the extract. A

8、 Government regulations B Lack of secrecy C Difficulty in creating D Lack of cooperation E Rigid structure F Lack of planning G Lack of personal interest H Higher taxes 18 _ 19 _ 20 _ 21 _ 22 _ 三、 PART THREE 22 You will hear part of an interview between Jessie Paul, the global marketing head in Quin

9、tant, and an interviewer. For each question 23 30, mark one letter A, B or C for the correct answer. You will hear the recording twice. 23 Which of the following is she not responsible for in the new company? ( A) Building awareness for the BSP concept. ( B) Popularising BSP concept nationally. ( C)

10、 Managing all aspects of the Quintant brand. 24 What made her realise the real potential of BPO? ( A) She was a brand expert in Infosys. ( B) She attended Nasscoms BPO Summit, held in Mumbai in February 2003. ( C) She used to outsource one particular service. 25 Which of the following is not true ab

11、out the challenges Quintant has to face in the global market? ( A) Convincing employees in the company. ( B) Building intellectual capital. ( C) Putting in place the marketing infrastructure. 26 What is included in her action plan for the next six months to? ( A) Both. ( B) Building teams. ( C) Crea

12、ting awareness. 27 What is Quintant focusing on? ( A) The banking and finance markets in Canada, the US, the UK and Asia Pacific. ( B) The banking and finance markets in Canada, Germany and Asia Pacific. ( C) the banking and finance markets in Canada, the US, the UK and Germany. 28 What project is Q

13、uintant working on? ( A) Getting some clients. ( B) Optimising people processes. ( C) A big bank in Europe and a financial company in the US. 29 What is the reason for her to quit Infosys and take up a job in a start-up company? ( A) She wanted empowerment and sought to work with an intellectual poo

14、l. ( B) She was better paid in the new company. ( C) She met with problems in her former company. 30 What is the response of the Infosys management? ( A) Discouraging. ( B) Encouraging. ( C) Preventing. BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 84答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 【听力原文】 You will hear a business presentation about 3 simp

15、le selling tactics. As you listen, for questions 1 12, complete the notes, using up to three words or a number. You will hear the recording twice. (10 seconds pause) M: Good morning everyone and welcome. Thanks for coming. My name is Bob Leduc. Today I will talk about some selling tactics. The follo

16、wing 3 simple selling tactics produce sales by responding to the way customers normally think and behave. They work for any business regardless of what you sell, how you sell or where you sell it. 1. Pay Attention to Getting Attention Can you remember the last 3 advertising messages beamed at you? C

17、an you remember even one of them? Most people cant, including your prospective customers. Thats because they automatically ignore the steady stream of advertising directed at them. This illustrates a major obstacle you need to overcome before you can sell anything. You have to get your prospects att

18、ention and get it fast or your sales message will be ignored. Here are 3 proven ways you can capture a prospects attention quickly: Make a dramatic statement: Example: “Even My Doctor Uses These Health Products“)Surprise your prospects with something unexpected: Example: “Try our service without cha

19、rge for one month; why arent you making six figures?“ And Id like to tell you a tip: Include attention getting headlines on all your web pages. Many visitors arrive at a web page then immediately click away unless something instantly catches their attention. 2. Emphasize the Human Relationship Prosp

20、ective customers are more receptive to buying from a real person than from an impersonal company. Look for ways to create a personal relationship with your prospective customers. For example: If you sell face to face, spend some time early in the selling process getting to know a little about your p

21、rospects and letting them get to know you. If you sell online or in some other way where you dont talk with prospects, include some information about you in your presentation. What you say about yourself will have the greatest impact if it highlights why you are uniquely qualified to provide what yo

22、ur customer wants. And there is a tip. Sell yourself to make prospective customers comfortable with the selling process. But sell your company and its history of producing results to make prospective customers confident of your ability to deliver what you promise. 3. Trigger Your Customers Imaginati

23、on Convert the benefits delivered by your product or service into vivid word pictures. Then put your prospect in the picture by dramatizing what it feels like to be enjoying those benefits. Be specific. If you sell financial products, describe what it feels like to enjoy an affluent living without d

24、ebt. If you sell boats, describe what it feels like cutting through the waves with your friends onboard. If you promote a business opportunity, describe what it feels like to be at home working without a boss. And Id like to introduce a tip. Be sure your word pictures are dramatizing benefits and no

25、t describing features. People dont really care about the new high-tech insulation used in their beverage cooler(a feature). They just want to be able to enjoy ice cold beverages all day long on a hot day(the benefit). These 3 selling tactics produce sales by responding to normal human behavior. Use

26、them in your web pages, sales letters and personal presentations. The volume of business they produce will surprise you. (10 seconds pause) 1 【正 确答案】 IGNORED 2 【正确答案】 DRAMATIC STATEMENT 3 【正确答案】 HUMAN RELATIONSHIP 4 【正确答案】 IMAGINATION 5 【正确答案】 AN IMPERSONAL COMPANY 6 【正确答案】 COMFORTABLE 7 【正确答案】 WHAT

27、 YOU PROMISE 8 【正确答案】 VIVID WORD PICTURES 9 【正确答案】 ENJOYING THOSE BENEFITS 10 【正确答案 】 SPECIFIC 11 【正确答案】 WITHOUT A BOSS 12 【正确答案】 NOT DESCRIBING FEATURES 二、 PART TWO 12 【听力原文】 Questions 13- 22 You will hear five different business people talking about corporations. For each extract there are two tas

28、ks. For Task One, choose the advantage of corporations described from the list A H. For Task Two, choose the disadvantage of corporations from the list A-H. You will hear the recording twice. (10 seconds pause) M: Unlike partners and proprietors, owners in a corporation have limited liability. They

29、stand to lose only what they have invested. Creditors can sue a corporation for not paying its debts, forcing the corporation to declare bankruptcy. Creditors, however, cannot make the stockholders pay the corporations debts out of their own personal assets. Because corporations have to report so ma

30、ny of their activities and because many government agencies scrutinize their activities, corporations often lose the competitive advantage of secrecy. Corporations must make public reports on profits, total sales, and research expenditures. Competitors can learn much about each other by reading repo

31、rts and studying reports from hearings. F: Stockholders can transfer shares of stock to others without causing the termination of the corporation. Major stock exchanges list the latest selling price for thousands of stocks by the minute, and they provide a ready market for buyers and sellers. The wi

32、thdrawal is easy compared to the other forms of ownership because the sale of an owners stock does not dissolve the corporation. A proprietor can have a brain-storm over a ham sandwich at lunch. Make a decision. And act on it before the end of the day. But corporations have many departments, committ

33、ees, and boards that must approve major projects before actions can be taken. M: Unlike proprietorships and partnerships, a corporation can last indefinitely. While some charters specify the length of life of the company, most assume an indefinite life span. The existence of the corporation is unaff

34、ected by the death or withdrawal of its stockholders. The government creates the corporation as an artificial being and feeds its offspring with dozens of rules and regulations. Many of these regulations apply to all organizations, but enforcement is focused on the larger corporations. In order to c

35、omply with all the regulations, corporations spend a good deal interpreting laws, maintaining records, and reporting to government agencies. F: Corporations have a large advantage in obtaining more money for expansion. They can raise money more easily because its stock and bonds are bought and sold

36、in public markets such as stock exchanges. The price of ownership is known, and when the company wants to raise new funds, it can sell new shares or bonds to the public and attract funds from both domestic and foreign investors. The larger a corporation becomes, the more sources of financing are ava

37、ilable to it. The corporation is treated as a legal entity and must pay taxes on its taxable income. When after-tax corporate profits are paid out in dividends to the stockholders, the dividends are taxed a second time as part of the individual owners income. Thus owners pay taxes twice on corporate

38、 profits. M: While all corporations are not large, most large businesses are corporations. Large size offers the advantage of economical production methods; large companies can buy materials, manufacture products, and ship finished goods in bulk. But even more important is the ability to specialize.

39、 This potential, combined with the ability to pay higher salaries and offer attractive fringe benefits, gives the corporation an advantage in hiring and keeping top-rate employees. A corporation is more costly and difficult to create than other forms of ownership. Preparing the articles of incorpora

40、tion, developing a prospectus for potential owners, complying with regulations on stock issues, and registering in other states is costly and time consuming. Filing fees, lawyer expenses, and promotion costs can be expensive. (10 seconds pause) 13 【正确答案】 F 14 【正确答案】 D 15 【正确答案】 A 16 【正确答案】 B 17 【正确答

41、案】 E 18 【正确答案】 B 19 【正确答案】 E 20 【正确答案】 A 21 【正确答案】 H 22 【正确答案】 C 三、 PART THREE 22 【听力原文】 Questions 23 30 You will hear part of an interview between Jessie Paul, the global marketing head in Quintant, and an interviewer. For each question 23 30, mark one letter A, B or C for the correct answer. You w

42、ill hear the recording twice. (10 seconds pause) M: What is your primary role in the new company? F: I will be responsible for building awareness for the business services provisioning(BSP)concept, popularising the same concept internationally, and managing all aspects of the Quintant brand. In keep

43、ing with the global delivery model adopted by the business, I will work with local marketing teams based out of the US and Europe. M: Since when were you interested in BPO business process outsourcing and BSP? F: I feel that IT is nothing but BPO. As an outsourcing, its not a new subject to me. I wa

44、s a brand expert in Infosys, and I can say that we used to outsource public relations service from an agency, which means we had outsourced one particular service. I realised the real potential of BPO only in February 2003, when I attended Nasscoms BPO Summit, held in Mumbai. M: You believe that BSP

45、 is the next big wave in IT. So what are the challenges Quintant has to face in the global market? F: I feel that convincing people clients and building intellectual capital and putting in place the marketing infrastructure are the key challenges. Quintant will be the lighthouse in the BSP space, an

46、d it will be exciting to build it grounds-up. It is the first BSP company in India. M: What is your action plan or agenda for the next six months? F: I need to set things in the right place. They include optimising people processes, building teams and creating awareness. We are already in the proces

47、s. M: What are the areas verticals Quintant is focusing on? F: We are focusing on the banking and finance markets in Canada, the US, the UK and Germany. Asia Pacific is not our thrust area, at least in the initial stage. M: Quintant was launched in March 2003. Do you have any clients right now? F: N

48、o, we dont have any. We arent even expecting any in the first one year. But we are working on two outsourcing projects for a big bank in Europe and for a financial company in the US. M: As part of your job, will you be in touch with Phaneesh Murthy, who is Quintants strategic consult and an ex-colle

49、ague in Infosys? F: Yes, I need to coordinate with local marketing teams based out of the US and Europe. M: What prompted you to quit Infosys or inspired you to take up a job in a start-up company? F: Working with Infosys, Indias best global services brand, was a tremendous experience. Since I had financial stability, I looked at empowerment and sought to work with an intellectual pool. I have also a desire to be part of the creation of


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