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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 243及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.

2、 When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 On Public Speaking When people are asked to give a speech in public for tile first time, they usually fee

3、l terrified no matter how well they speak in informal situations. In fact, public speaking is the same as any other from of【 1】 _that people are usually engaged in. 【 1】 _ Public speaking is a way for a speaker to【 2】 _ 【 2】 _ his thoughts with the audience. Moreover, the speaker is free to decide o

4、n the【 3】 _ of his 【 3】 _ speech. Two key points to achieve success in public speak- ing: 【 4】 _of the subject matter. 【 4】 _ good preparation of the speech. To facilitate their understanding, inform your audience beforehand of the【 5】 _ of your speech, 【 5】 _ and end it with a summary. Other key po

5、ints to bear in mind: beware of your audience through eye contact. vary the speed of【 6】 _ 【 6】 _ use the microphone skillfully to【 7】 _yourself 【 7】 _ in speech. be brief in speech; always try to make your message 【 8】 _ 【 8】 _ Example: the best remembered inaugural speeches of the US presidents ar

6、e -the【 9】 _ 【 9】 _ ones., Therefore, brevity is essential to the【 10】 _ 【 10】 _ of a speech. 1 【 1】 2 【 2】 3 【 3】 4 【 4】 5 【 5】 6 【 6】 7 【 7】 8 【 8】 9 【 9】 10 【 10】 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions tha

7、t follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 11 Who go to classes at the adult education center? ( A) Those who have more leisure time. ( B) Those who want t

8、o get diplomas. ( C) Those who want to get “A“ levels. ( D) Those who have already left school. 12 Whats the reason for the third type of people to attend classes? ( A) For personal pleasure and a qualification. ( B) For their interest in the course. ( C) In order to make new friends. ( D) In order

9、to study English Literature. 13 What courses require previous qualifications? ( A) The academic courses. ( B) The vocational courses. ( C) A level or diploma courses. ( D) The majority of courses. 14 How long do the courses usually last? ( A) 5 or 6 months. ( B) 9 or 10 months. ( C) One year. ( D) O

10、ne year and a half. 15 Which of the following is NOT true according to the interviewer? ( A) Homework is compulsory for diploma courses. ( B) It usually cost between 10 and 25 to take a course. ( C) The pensioners usually spend less money than others. ( D) Students can be recommended for jobs after

11、training. SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 16 According to the reports, Libya _. ( A) was responsibl

12、e for the killing of the Saudi Prince ( B) planned violence against the Saudi royal family ( C) helped Saudi terrorists kill the Saudi Prince ( D) plotted to overthrow the Saudi ruler 17 How did the U.S. respond to the reports? ( A) It condemned Libya. ( B) It broke diplomatic ties with Libya. ( C)

13、It would not normalize relations with Libya. ( D) It was investigating the matter. 18 According to the news, what did a top UN official talk about? ( A) A new schedule for Africas development. ( B) The slow progress in Africas poverty reduction. ( C) The prediction of Africas economic trend. ( D) Th

14、e lack of funds for a UN development program. 19 According to the current trends, the goal set 4 years ago is expected to be reached by _. ( A) 2015 ( B) 2047 ( C) 2050 ( D) 2147 20 What can be inferred from the news? ( A) The number of terrorist attacks last year was more than 190. ( B) Colin Powel

15、l didnt trust CIA ( C) The report exaggerated the number of terrorist attacks last year. ( D) CIA made corrections on the report before its release. 20 Bermard Bailyn has recently reinterpreted the early history of the United States by applying new social research findings on the experiences of Euro

16、pean migrants. In his reinterpretation, migration becomes the organizing principle for rewriting the history of preindustrial North America. His approach rests on four separate propositions. The first of these asserts that residents of early modern England moved regularly about their countryside; mi

17、grating to the New World was simply a “natural spillover“. Although at first the colonies held little positive attraction for the English - they would rather have stayed home - by the eighteenth century people increasingly migrated to America because they regarded it as the land of opportunity. Seco

18、ndly, Bailyn holds that, contrary to the notion that used to flourish in American history textbooks, there was never a typical New World community. For example, the economic and demographic character of early New England towns varied considerably. Bailyns third proposition suggests two general patte

19、rns prevailing among the many thousand migrants: one group came as indentured servants, another came to acquire land. Surprisingly, Bailyn suggests that those who recruited indentured servants were the driving forces of transatlantic migration. These colonial entrepreneurs helped determine the socia

20、l character of people who came to preindustrial North America. At first, thousands of unskilled laborers were recruited; by the 1730s, however, American employers demanded skilled artisans. Finally, Bailyn argues that the colonies were a haft-civilized hinterland of the European culture system. He i

21、s undoubtedly correct to insist that the colonies were part of an Anglo-American empire. But to divide the empire into English core and colonial perphery, as Bailyn does, devalues the achievements of colonial culture, as Bailyn claims, that high culture in the colonies never matched that in England.

22、 But what of seventeenth-century New England, where the settlers created effective laws, built a distinguished university, and published books? Bailyn might respond that New England was exceptional. However, the ideas and institutions developed by New England Puritans had powerful effects on North A

23、merican culture. Although Bailyn goes on to apply his approach to some thousands of indentured servants who migrated just prior to the revolution, he fails to link their experience with the political development of the United States. Evidence presented in his work suggests how we might make such a c

24、onnection. These indentured servants were treated as slaves for the period during which they had sold their time to American employers. It is not surprising that as soon as they served their time they passed up good wages in the cities and headed west to ensure their personal independence by acquiri

25、ng land. Thus, it is in the west that a peculiarly American political culture began, among colonists who were suspicious of authority and intensely antiaristocrafic. 21 The author of the passage states that Bailyn failed to _. ( A) give sufficient emphasis to the cultural and political interdependen

26、ce of the colonies and England ( B) take advantage of social research on the experiences of colonists who migrated to colonial North America specifically to acquire land ( C) relate the experience of the migrants to the political values that eventually shaped the character of the United States ( D)

27、investigate the lives of Europeans before they came to colonial North America to determine more adequately their motivations for migrating 22 According to the passage, Bailyn and the author agree on which of the following statements about the culture of colonial New England? ( A) High culture of New

28、 England never equaled the high culture of England. ( B) The colonists imitated the high culture of England, and did not develop a culture that was uniquely their own. ( C) The Southern colonies were greatly influenced by the high culture of New England. ( D) New England communities were able to tre

29、at laws and build a university, but unable to create anything innovative in the arts. 23 The author of the passage is primarily concened with _. ( A) comparing several current interpretations of early American history ( B) suggesting that new social research on migration should lead to revisions in

30、current interpretations of early American history ( C) refuting an argument about early American history that has been proposed by social historians ( D) discussing a reinterpretation of early American history that is based on new social research on migration 24 The author of the passage would be mo

31、st likely to agree with which of the following statements about Bailyns work? ( A) Bailyn underestimates the effects of Puritan thought on North American culture. ( B) Bailyns description of the colonies as part of an Anglo-American empire is misleading and incorrect. ( C) Bailyn failed to test his

32、propositions on a specific group of migrants to colonial North America. ( D) Bailyn overemphasizes the experiences of migrants to the New England colonies, and neg lects the southern and the western parts of the New England. 24 There is a great concern in Europe and North America about declining sta

33、ndards of literacy in schools. In Britain, the fact that 30 percent of 16 year old have a reading age of 14 or less has helped to prompt massive educational changes. The development of literacy has far-reaching effects on general intellectual development and thus anything which impedes the developme

34、nt of literacy is a serious mather for us all. So the hunt is on for the cause of the decline in literacy. The search so far has forced on socioeconomic factors, or the effectiveness of “traditional“ versus “modern“ teaching techniques The fruitless search for the cause of the increase in illiteracy

35、 is a tragic example of file saying “They cant see the wood for the trees“. When teachers use picture books, they are simply continuing a long-established tradition that is accepted without question. And for the past two decades, illustrations in reading primers have become increasingly detailed and

36、 obtrusive, while language has become impoverished - sometimes to the point of extinction. Amazingly, there is virtually no empirical evidence to support the use of illustrations in teaching reading. On the contrary, a great deal of empirical evidence shows that pictures interfere in a damaging way

37、with all aspects of learning to read. Despite this, from North America to the Antipodes, the first books that many school children receive are totally without text. A teachers main concern is to help young beginning readers to develop not only the ability to recognize words, but the skills necessary

38、 to understand what these words mean. Even if a child is able to read aloud fluently, he or she may not be able to undersdand much of it: this is called “barking at text“. The teachers task of improving comprehension is made harder by influences outisde the classroom. But the adverse effects of such

39、 things as television, video games, or limited language experiences at home, can be offset by experiencing “rich“ language at school. Instead, it is not unusual for a book of 30 or more pages to have only one sentence full of repetitive phrases. The artwork is often marvellous, but the pictures make

40、 the language redundant, and the children have no need to imagine anything when they read such books. Looking at a picture actively prevents children younger than nine from creating a mental image, and can make it difficult for older children. In order to learn how to comprehend, they need to practi

41、se making their own meaning in response to text. They need to have their innate powers of imagination trained. As they grow older, many children turn aside from books without pictures, and it is a situation made more serious as our culture becomes more visual. It is hard to wean children off picture

42、 books when pictures have played a major part throughout their formative reading experiences, and when there is competition for their attention from so many other sources of entertainment. The least intelligent are most vulnerable, but tests show that even intelligent children are being affected. Th

43、e response of educators has been to extend use of pictures in books and to simplify the language, even at senior levels. The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge recently held joint conferences to discuss the noticeably rapid decline in literacy among their undergraduates. Pictures are also used to

44、help motivate children to read bacause they are beautiful and eyecatching. But motivation to read should be provided by listening to stories well read, where children imagine in response to the story. Then, as they start to read, they have this experience to help them understand the language. If we

45、present pictures to save children the trouble of developing these creative skills, then I think we are making a great mistake. Academic journals ranging from educational research, psychology, language learning, psycholinguistics, and so on cite experiments which demonstrate how detrimental pictures

46、are for beginner readers. Here is a brief selection: The research results of the Canadian educationalist Dalt Willows were clear and consistent pictures affected speed and accuracy and the closer the pictures were to the Words. the slower and more inaccurate the childs reading became. She claims tha

47、t when children come to a word they already know, then the pictures are unnecessary and distracting. If they do now know a word and look to the pictures which are not closely related to the meaning of the word they are trying to understand. Jay Samuels, an American psychologist, found that poor read

48、ers given no pictures learnt significantly more words than those learning to read with books with pictures. He examined the work of other researchers who reported problems with the use of pictures and who had found that a word without a picture was superior to a word plus a picture. When children we

49、re given words and pictures, those who seemed to ignore the pictures and pointed at the words than children who pointed at the pictures, but they still learnt fewer words than the children who had no illustrated stimuli at all. 25 Readery are said to “bark“ at a text when _. ( A) they read too loudly ( B) there are too many repetitive words ( C) they ar


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