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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 321及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.

2、 When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 Age Structures in Mexico and Sweden Age structure refers to the percentage of the population in different

3、 age 【 1】 _Mexicos age structure is quite different from Swedens in 【 1】 _ that the former is like a 【 2】 _with a wider base. In Sweden, the age 【 2】 _ structure is shaped like a rectangle, which results from a(n)【 3】 _ 【 3】 _ birth rate and low death rate in early and middle age. In Mexico, the pop

4、ulation is expanding rapidly. In Sweden, the population is stable in size with a(n)【 4】 _distribution. 【 4】 _ The Effects of Different Age Structures Age structures affects population growth: a)A country with a larger percentage of people at the bottom of the pyramid will have a 【 5】 _population gro

5、wth rate. 【 5】 _ b)a larger proportion of women of 【 6】 _age results in a faster 【 6】 _ population growth. Age structure affects 【 7】 _: 【 7】 _ 1)a larger percentage of people of 【 8】 _, age means more wealth 【 8】 _ and higher standard of living. 2)a larger proportion of children is responsible for

6、more expenditure on 【 9】 _to achieve the same standards. 【 9】 _ 3)the 【 10】 _rate is likely to be higher for jobs will have to be 【 10】 _ found for a larger number of graduates. 1 【 1】 2 【 2】 3 【 3】 4 【 4】 5 【 5】 6 【 6】 7 【 7】 8 【 8】 9 【 9】 10 【 10】 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section yo

7、u will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 11 According to Dr. Adams, w

8、hat should we have as an attainable goal of language learning? ( A) Speaking as fluently as a native speaker. ( B) Gaining proficiency in a foreign language. ( C) Learning a language well within a month. ( D) Learning words without active use of them, 12 Which of the following is Dr. Adams suggestio

9、n to tap your learning potential? ( A) Following what a role model does. ( B) Learning new words in contexts. ( C) Knowing your own ways of learning. ( D) Reciting new vocabularies loudly. 13 If you favor reading illustrated books to learn a language, you are primarily ( A) an auditory learner. ( B)

10、 a visual learner. ( C) a tactile learner. ( D) an unusual learner. 14 When watching movies to learn English, you should NOT ( A) turn on the captions for reference. ( B) watch in the most relaxed possible way. ( C) pause when encountering new expressions. ( D) use an English-English dictionary. 15

11、According to the interview, which .of the following helps to better understand different accents? ( A) Following classroom instructions. ( B) Watching plenty of movies online. ( C) Breaking down Cultural barriers. ( D) Backpacking around the world. SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this sectio

12、n you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 16 Which of the following statements is true? ( A) The wounded woman was dead on the way to the hospital. ( B) In the

13、second shooting, the man was deadly wounded. ( C) The police have no evidence to show the shootings were gang-related. ( D) The condition of the child in the first shooting is not available this morning. 17 What is the problem with the space shuttle? ( A) Two of the ceramic tiles were damaged. ( B)

14、Some gap fillers popped up. ( C) The space shuttle was over-heated by high-speed friction with the atmosphere. ( D) The engine of the space shuttle was out of control. 18 According to the schedule, the space shuttle will return to the earth on. ( A) Monday. ( B) Tuesday. ( C) Thursday. ( D) Friday.

15、19 The tea industry declined in India due to the following reasons EXCEPT ( A) falling demand. ( B) increasing popularity of soft drinks. ( C) high production costs. ( D) lower wages paid to domestic tea growers. 20 Which of the following words can best describe the prospect of tea industry in India

16、? ( A) Promising. ( B) Tough. ( C) UnprediCtable. ( D) Bright. 20 My father was a gruff man. I couldnt remember the last time he had tenderly stroked my cheek, tousled my hair or used a term of endearment when calling my name. His diabetes had given him a short temper and he screamed a lot. I was en

17、vious when I saw other fathers plant gentle kisses on their daughters foreheads or impulsively give them a big bear hug. I knew that he loved me and that his love was deep. He just didnt know how to express it. It was hard to say “I love you to someone who didnt say it back. After so many disappoint

18、ing times when I would flinch from his sharp rebuff I began to withdraw my own warm displays of affection. I stopped reaching out or hugging or kissing him. At first this act of self-restraint was conscious. Later it would become automatic, and finally it was ingrained. The love between us ran stron

19、g but silent. One rare evening out, when my mother had successfully coaxed my usually asocial father to join us for a night in the town, we were sitting in an elegant restaurant that boasted a small but lively band. When it struck up a familiar waltz tune, I glanced at my father. He suddenly appeare

20、d small and shrunken to me not powerful and intimidating as I had always perceived him. All the old hurts welled up inside but I decided to dare one last time. “Dad, You know Ive never ever danced with you. Even when I was a little girl, I begged you, but you never wanted to! How about right now? “

21、I waited for the usual brusque reply that would once again slice my heart into ribbons. But instead he considered me thoughtfully and then a surprising twinkle appeared in his eye.“ I have been remiss in my duties as a father then.“ he uncharacteristically joked. “Lets hit the floor and Ill show you

22、 just what kind of moves an old geezer like me still can make!“ My father took me in his arms. Since earliest childhood I hadnt been enfolded in his embrace. I felt overcome by emotion. As we danced, I looked up at my father intently but he avoided my gaze. His eyes swept the dance floor, the other

23、diners and the members of the band. His scrutiny took in everyone and everything but me. I felt that he must already be regretting his decision to join me for a dance; he seemed uncomfortable being physically close to me. “Dad,“ I finally whispered tears in my eyes. “Why is it so hard for you to loo

24、k at me?“ At last his eyes dropped to my face and he studied me intently. “Because I love you so much“, he whispered back. “Because I love you. “ I was struck dumb by his response. It wasnt what I had anticipated. But it was of course exactly what I needed to hear. His own eyes were misty and he was

25、 blinking. I had always known that he loved me, I just hadnt understood that his vast emotion had frightened him and made him mute. His taciturn manner hid the deep emotions flowing inside. “I love you too, Dad“ I whispered back softly. He stumbled over the next few words“ I . Im sorry that Im not d

26、emonstrative.“ Then he said “Ive realized that I dont show what I feel. My parents never hugged or kissed me and I guess I learned how not to from them. Its. its, hard for me. Im probably too old to change my ways now but just know how much I love you.“ “Okay“ I smiled. When the dance ended, I broug

27、ht Dad back to Mom waiting at the table and excused myself to the ladies room. I was gone just a few minutes but during my absence everything changed. There were screams and shouts and scrapings of chairs as I made my way back across the room. I wondered what the commotion was all about. As I approa

28、ched the table I saw it was all about Dad. He was slumped in his chair ashen gray. A doctor in the restaurant rushed over to handle the emergency and an ambulance was called but it was really all too late. He was gone. Instantly they said. What had suddenly made me after so many years of steeling my

29、self against his constant rejection ask him to dance? What had made him accept? Where had those impulses come from? And why now? In the restaurant that night all I saw was his slumped body and ashen face surrounded by solemn diners and grim faced paramedics. But its a totally different scene that I

30、remember now. I remember our waltz on the dance floor and his sudden urgent confession to me. I remember him saying “I love you“ and my saying it back. And as I remember this scene somehow incongruously the words of an old Donna Summer song tap out a refrain in my mind: Last dance, last chancefor lo

31、ve It was indeed the first, last and only dance that I ever had with my father. What a blessing that we had the chance to say before it was too late, the three words that live on forever long after we are gone stretching into eternity. 21 Which of the following is NOT true about the father? ( A) He

32、was a bad-tempered man because of the disease he had suffered. ( B) He was an asocial man with little idea of using body language. ( C) He was an affectionate father who seldom joked. ( D) He was a loving father without much warm demonstration of love. 22 “Brusque“ in the third paragraph is closest

33、in meaning to ( A) abrupt. ( B) impulsive. ( C) ingrained. ( D) characteristic. 23 It can be inferred from the passage that ( A) the father didnt follow his parents example of expressing love. ( B) dancing with her father made the daughter further understand her father. ( C) the fathers constant rej

34、ection made the daughter hate her father. ( D) its hard for a father to have intimate body contact with his daughter. 24 What is the theme of the story? ( A) Bitter memory of the eccentric father. ( B) Love between the father and the daughter. ( C) Generation gap between the father and the daughter.

35、 ( D) How to express love to people you love? 24 In business, if not politics, the world has quietened down a bit: the number of spectacular bankruptcies, indictments, scandals, and implosions is not as high as it was. Although executives still have to face a global slowdown, the uncertain effects o

36、f the war in the Middle East, and the still fresh confusion over bird flu, they might now be excused a deep breath and a look at aspects of their businesses that may have been neglected in the scramble to stay on top of new accounting laws and restated earnings. One area to start catching up on is k

37、nowledge. This is true both personally, as executives Work out whether or not they are staying on top of internal or external developments, but also at the level of companies. A survey of knowledge management, Knowledge Unplugged, published in 2005 by McKinsey, found that the best-performing compani

38、es were far more likely than the worst-performing ones to use creative techniques for acquiring, processing and distributing knowledge-everything from emphasizing teamwork in product development to holding “idea contests“ and trying to avoid boring daily routines. But creating an atmosphere in which

39、 knowledge can be shared can be almost as challenging as obtaining it in the first place. This is the potential prisoners dilemma of knowledge: the more valued it becomes, the less incentive employees have to share it with one another, at the risk of losing the competitive advantage of what they kno

40、w-or, worse, seeing another profit at their expense. This proves to be even truer at the company level. While firms might turn to external partners to enhance their knowledge base, the sharing will be incomplete without mutual trust. Since “knowledge“ is such a vague term, it helps to have specific

41、goals in mind when looking to gain more of it. Are you looking for information about your company, or industry in particular? Despite the gen eral slowdown in executive education, there are still a number of courses devoted specifically to helping managers in given industries-technology, for example

42、 , or health care. Are you more concerned with acquiring more knowledge, or putting it to better use? Do you need to move quickly, or is this a subject that needs to be explored in greater depth? And bear in mind that styles of learning vary. Some people will profit most from informal networking; so

43、me enjoy learning in a classroom; others will be able to take advantage of the company intranet. Be flexible in the pursuit of knowledge; it is better to set performance targets, concentrate on meeting them, and allow individuals and their teams to explore their own solutions. Sometimes the best way

44、 to generate knowledge is simply a bit of brainstorming. The edition of Executive Education Outlook looks at the options available to executives in gaining knowledge, and enhancing what they already have. It includes a look at the state of distance learning-neither the revolution the hype claimed it

45、 would be in the late 1990s, nor completely dismissible-as a possiible conduit of knowledge, the best place to go for new programmes in knowledge management, and a consideration of the demand for the best sources of knowledge: business-school academics. Coming in June, Global Executive will also fea

46、ture a series of Executive Dialogue interviews with prominent CIOs, further exploring the themes of information and knowledge gathering. Concentrating on knowledge now may be the best way to be prepared for the next challenges facing the business world. 25 It can be inferred from the first paragraph

47、 that ( A) some corporations are doomed to go bankrupt. ( B) executives have been trying to acquire knowledge. ( C) there are still some political disputes in the world. ( D) the economy is undergoing a revival. 26 Which of the following statements is NOT true of knowledge? ( A) Both individuals and

48、 companies need to acquire it. ( B) It is a key factor to the performance of a company. ( C) Executives in business overlooked knowledge. ( D) It is more difficult to obtain knowledge than share it. 27 Employees are unwilling to share knowledge with others because ( A) they are afraid to be blamed b

49、y their boss. ( B) they are afraid to be outdone by their colleagues. ( C) they consider it a waste of time to do it. ( D) they want to spend time acquiring more knowledge. 28 According to the passage, distance learning is considered to ( A) completely change the way people acquire knowledge. ( B) be of little value for peoples acquisition of knowledge. ( C) be useful in some aspects for the acquisition of knowledge. ( D) have great potential i


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