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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 579及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.

2、 When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 Basic Cultural Types As business goes global, businessmen have come to find the people in different cultu

3、res act quite differently, and that only when they can deal with cultural issues properly can they expect a business success. It is very important to understand different types of culture in order to success in 1 _. 【 1】 _. Four-factor framework to define and classify national culture. Individualism

4、 vs. Collectivism Individualism emphasizes 2 _, 【 2】 _. but collectivism emphasizes sacrificing personal needs. In an individualist culture, decision making may be quick, but its 3 may be slow.【 3】_. But the opposite is true in a collectivist culture. High vs. Low Power Distance Power distance refer

5、s to how people view power and their own role in decision making. In a culture with low power distance, employees will seek 4 _. 【 4】 _. in making decisions, and will be unwilling in accepting decisions they have made no contribution to. But in a culture with high power distance, employees will 5 mo

6、st decisions made by their boss. 【 5】 _. High vs. Low Avoidance of Uncertainty Avoidance of uncertainty refers to a societys ability m tolerate 6 . 【 6】 _. In a culture of high uncertainty avoidance people tend to give up individual freedom for 7 . 【 7】 _. In a culture of low uncertainty avoidance,

7、people may 8 more often. 【 8】 _. Masculinity vs. Femininity This refers to whether a society shows more male or female features. Societies with masculine values show much aggressiveness and assertiveness, and value material success. Societies with feminine values emphasize 9 , and quality of life. 【

8、 9】 _. In a feminine culture, the pace of business is slow and calm, and depends more on personal relationships. In a masculine culture, business is efficient, and people plan to enjoy 10【 10】 _. rather than present working day. 1 【 1】 2 【 2】 3 【 3】 4 【 4】 5 【 5】 6 【 6】 7 【 7】 8 【 8】 9 【 9】 10 【 10】

9、 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now li

10、sten to the interview. 11 Which is INCORRECT according to Jacob Yount about his business in China? ( A) The Chinese and Hong Kong end of his company has different functions. ( B) It was not easy when he first registered business in China. ( C) He had the social media like Twitter when the business j

11、ust started. ( D) Registering the Hong Kong company was relatively easy. 12 Jacobs advice for someone considering opening up their own business in China is to have “solid people“, which means:_. ( A) people who are strong ( B) people who are royal ( C) people who are healthy ( D) people who are loya

12、l 13 How well does Jacob use Mandarin? ( A) He can go out and have a general conversation in Mandarin. ( B) He can talk about the ins and outs of a plastic mold with a Chinese factory. ( C) He can only speak in Mandarin with his wife. ( D) He speaks only survival Chinese. 14 What does Jacob imply ab

13、out his experience working with Chinese factories? ( A) He can win every battle and argument. ( B) The way of doing businesses is different between East and West. ( C) He is happy because there is so much business in China. ( D) One can scare a Chinese factory by saying he is going to take his busin

14、ess elsewhere. 15 What will Jacob most probably do with his business in the years to come? ( A) He will move to the States and never return to China. ( B) He will expand his business in the States with social media. ( C) He will open an office in the States to hit the glass ceiling. ( D) He will go

15、to the States in person to make a more fluid supply chain from China to the U.S. SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer t

16、he questions. 16 Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? ( A) The coach starts from London every hour. ( B) Passengers are offered a variety of services. ( C) Greyhound is Britains largest bus and train operator. ( D) Currently Greyhound routes in Britain are limited. 16 In Britain, those wh

17、o live to be 100 years old receive a birthday card from the queen. In the future, centenarians everywhere may also receive a call from a geneticist. If they do, he or she will be seeking a sample of DNA that might, eventually, help to reveal the genetic components of extreme longevity. The more imme

18、diate use, however, will be in a competition. For on October 26th the X Prize Foundation, based in Playa Vista, California, unveiled its latest carrot to the worlds scientists. The foundation has already put up prizes in areas as diverse as cleaning up oil spills and landing a robot on the moon. The

19、 idea of a genomics X prize is not new. It has been around since 2006. But the latest announcement, in the pages of Nature Genetics, has a particular goal in mind. The foundation is offering $10m to the first team to sequence the genomes of 100 centenarians. The winners will have to do it accurately

20、, making no more than one mistake per million base pairs (the chemical letters in which genomic information is encoded). They will have to do it cheaply, spending less than $1,000 per genome. And they will have to do it quickly, within 30 days of starting. The goal of the project is twofold. First,

21、to discover what, genetically speaking, makes centenarians different from other people. And second, to try to establish an industry standard for sequencing. This is something the field sorely needs. The cost of sequencing has plummeted over the past decade, and several technologies have emerged, eac

22、h backed by different firms which will, for a suitable consideration, happily sequence your genome. No two firms, however, are likely to produce the same result. The full genome has 6 billion base pairs (3 billion from each parent, though many are duplicates), which means even the prize winner will

23、be allowed 6,000 mistakes. And some parts, particularly those where the same short pattern of base pairs is repeated over and over again, remain difficult to sequence well. Moreover, several techniques are inherently unreliable, having traded speed and simplicity for accuracy. The new X prize is des

24、igned to winnow the genetic wheat from the chaff. The scientific standards for victory have been set by a team led by Larry Kedes. Dr. Kedes, who founded the Institute for Genetic Medicine at the University of Southern California, is the foundations main adviser on matters genomic. Besides the low e

25、rror rate, Dr. Kedes requires that the sequence be complete-meaning that it includes at least 98% of the genomes base pairs. That is taxing because some parts of a chromosome, such as those near the centromere (the place where the two arms of a chromosome meet) are not easy to get at. He also requir

26、es that it be sorted by haplotype. A haplotype is a group of genes that tend to travel through the generations as a block. Dr. Kedes wants it to be clear which haplotypes came from which parent. The contest will begin in January 2013 and last 30 days. The first team to score their century of genomes

27、 at the new standards, price and speed will win the prize. But the wider prize, an understanding of how to stay healthy into a ripe old age, with all that may bring to medical science, will ultimately be shared by everybody. 17 According to the first paragraph, we know centenarians will probably ( A

28、) receive a birthday card from the British queen. ( B) be called to donate a sample of their DNA for study. ( C) be asked to reveal the secret of their longevity. ( D) participate in a competition to win big money. 18 The winner of the new prize for the genomics, in sequencing the genomes of the eld

29、erly, will have to ( A) make no mistakes whatsoever. ( B) spend the least amount of money. ( C) finish the project within a month. ( D) establish the industry standard. 19 There cant be identical sequencing results for the same individual because ( A) different companies use different technologies.

30、( B) there remain some technical difficulties. ( C) it is impossible to duplicate all the genomes. ( D) technicians are not careful enough seeking speed. 20 The word “taxing“ (Line Para. 5) is closest in meaning to ( A) straightforward. ( B) impossible. ( C) demanding. ( D) inherent. 21 Whats the po

31、ssible prospect the prize will bring about? ( A) Centenarians will become assets for medical research. ( B) People will live longer than before. ( C) More funds will pour in the relevant research. ( D) People will benefit from knowing the secret of longevity 一、 PART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN) Di

32、rections: There are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question. 22 The president of the lords in Britain is called_. ( A) Lord Chancellor ( B) Speaker ( C) Prime minister ( D) Chairman 23 Today, the City of London is the business center of London where_are

33、 located. ( A) big supermarkets ( B) theatres and cinemas ( C) large financial organizations ( D) restaurants and cafes 24 In 1351, the English government issued a Statute of_, which made it a crime for peasants to ask for more wages. ( A) Oxford ( B) Clarendon ( C) Laborers ( D) Magna Carta 25 “You

34、 have left the window wide open.“ Which of the following is the illocutionary act performed by the speaker? ( A) The speaker intends to ask someone to close the window or make a complaint. ( B) The hearer closes the window. ( C) The speaker intends to express what the words literally mean. ( D) None

35、 of the above. 26 Macrolinguistics includes the following branches except_. ( A) psycholinguistics ( B) sociolinguistics ( C) theoretical linguistics ( D) mental linguistics 27 If the distribution of a construction is functionally equivalent to that of one or more of its constituents, the constructi

36、on is called_. ( A) exocentric construction ( B) endocentric construction ( C) immediate construction ( D) contributive construction 29 _proposed the idea of the surface structure and the deep structure. ( A) Bloomfield ( B) Halliday ( C) Saussure ( D) Chomsky 30 The Canterbury Tales was written by

37、_. ( A) Alfred the Great ( B) Thomas Malony ( C) Geoffrey Chaucer ( D) Edmmund Spencer 31 The leading _ state in the United States is Wisconsin. ( A) wheat ( B) rice ( C) dairy ( D) maize 二、 PART IV PROOFREADING he exists. So he has to languish, poor boy, in the dreary trap of linearity, and cannot

38、shake off the painful details. Instead of a spectacular series of great and tragic moments, he has to live through everything, which is oppressive and offers little variety, like life itself. 三、 PART VI WRITING (45 MIN) Directions: Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic. 44 No

39、wadays many novels are adapted into films or TV plays. What do you think of film adaptations of literature? Write a comment of about 400 words on this issue. In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement wit

40、h appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Write your composition on ANSWER

41、SHEET FOUR. 专业英语八级模拟试卷 579答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mi

42、ni-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 【听力原文】 Basic Cultural Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I was told that most of you are ei

43、ther engaged or interested in business, and your participation in this series of lectures indicates that all of you may have realized the importance of culture to success in international business. As our lecture today is the first one, we are going to briefly look at some basic types of culture. Th

44、e Dutch researcher and business consultant. Geert Hofstede, has developed a useful framework that illustrates the four major issues that define and classify national cultures. Facts show that each issue has a very real effect on how people process information and interact, either personally or with

45、business colleagues. During the remaining part of the lecture, lets explore these issues one by one. First and foremost, we need to look at the conflict between individualism and collectivism. Does a society cherish individualism, the independent thinker, the person who values personal success over

46、group success, or does it function in an orderly fashion only when individuals sacrifice their needs to those of the group? The values that a society holds will determine how an individual defines himself or herself-as free individual or as a member of a group. Determine the answer to this most basi

47、c of questions about a societys cultural values, and you will obtain a valuable clue as to how to proceed in successfully concluding a business negotiation and managing a business relationship in the future. Understanding the contrast between the group and the individual is very important for busine

48、ss. In an individualist culture, decision making may be more rapid, but the implementation of a change in policy may be much slower than in a collectivist culture. On the other hand, it may take longer to come to a consensus in a collectivist environment, but once the decision is made, implementatio

49、n is generally quicker. The second issue in the study of cultural types is power distance. Power distance actually refers to how individuals in a society view power as well as their own role in decision making, In cultures with a low power-distance, individual employees will seek a role in decision-making and question decisions and orders that they ha


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