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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 629及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.

2、 When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 Bilingual Education I. Bilingual Education 1) Bilingual education provides instruction in both the studen

3、ts native language and the language of the (1)_country. 2)The development in the United States; 1971 Massachusetts was die first state to imple ment bilingual education; 1974;bilingual education became federal law; 1984;the law was renewed; ESL. II. Various Bilingual Programs 1) (2)_bilingual educat

4、ion Students learn ESL while taking classes in native language. They take classes in English only after a 3-year time limit. Native language serves as a transition to English. 2) Maintenance bilingual education Students take content-area classes in (3)_. Students who know their native tongue well wi

5、ll be more successful in ESL. However,the problem is the (4)_expense of the program. 3) Two-way bilingual education The program offers second language instruction to English native students while providing ESL to other students. Both students take classes in native languages. The purpose is to make

6、all students (5)_. 4) Immersion bilingual education Students are immersed in English for 1 year or 2. However, many students are overwhelmed in the (6)_ in learning English and they lost time that should learn more important concepts. III. The Principles of Bilingual Education The principle is to (7

7、)_the learning of English in the best method. Students should not stop learning English unless it is enough for academic growth. IV. The (8)_over Bilingual Education 1)cons; People fear of the attention given to languages other than English. They are in favor of the (9)_ politics. 2)pros: Students w

8、ho learn their native language well are learning a second language more easily. Thus they learn important concepts more easily. Some critics dont really want (10)_to be successful. SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer th

9、e questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 11 Whether you keep all the receipts in a shoe box or use online banking, you should be clear abo

10、ut ( A) the safety of the trading process. ( B) how to make the most money. ( C) each sum you have earned and spent. ( D) your ability to make major purchases. 12 Why do couples need a separate account? ( A) For small purchases. ( B) For major purchases. ( C) For household expenses. ( D) For mortgag

11、e payment. 13 Which of the following is NOT Sharons advice on checking your credit scores? ( A) Keep a copy of your credit report. ( B) Show your partner the credit report. ( C) Try to know your credit score. ( D) Lock your credit report away. 14 How does Sharon describe “money date“? ( A) Its relax

12、ing. ( B) Its unromantic. ( C) Its painful. ( D) Its devastating. 15 To find a reliable financial adviser, you have to do all the following EXCEPT ( A) search his information on some websites. ( B) see how your friends comment on him. ( C) make sure hes always done a good job. ( D) tell him that you

13、 have high Credit record. SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 16 Which of the following is TRUE of NICE

14、s latest advice on pregnant womens drinking? ( A) Its in contradiction to government advice. ( B) Its sufficiently supported by evidence. ( C) Its stricter than previous guidance. ( D) It advocates small daily amount of alcohol. 17 According to the news, peer support schemes are aimed at ( A) encour

15、aging new parents to breastfeed their babies. ( B) limiting alcohol consumption. by pregnant women. ( C) imposing fines on expectant mothers who drink. ( D) providing solace to mothers addicted to alcohol. 17 Kathryn Harrison is a wonderful writer. It seems important to get that on the table right a

16、way, since for most readers, her name will elicit one fact: Kathryn Harrison wrote a memoir about having slept with her father. Back in 1997, that notoriously hyper publicized book, “The Kiss“in which she recounted an affair she had in her 20s with the father she had not seen since she was a childse

17、t critics scratching furiously at the welts it raised in the culture, largely neglecting the book in the process for its lurid cover story. Skip to next paragraph In the hubbub, few pointed out that “The Kiss“ is a pretty terrific memoir. Poetic and compressed, it is not a pointed finger, or an artl

18、ess blurt, but a grimly hypnotic horror story, making human what might in other hands seem merely grotesque. Thats Harrisons particular gift as a writer; and while her output, from memoirs and essays and novels, has been of varying quality, she has continually circled around her central, obsessive t

19、hemes: narcissism, family violation, sexual taboo and physical suffering. For better or worse, this is a writer who veers toward what others find distasteful; in her novels, she has found parallel torments everywhere in history, from foot-binding in China (“The Binding Chair“) to the Inquisition (“P

20、oison“). The setting of “Envy“ is less exotic. Will Moreland, a New York psychoanalyst, thinks at once too much and too little. His son has died. His twin brothera world-famous swimmeris estranged. His wife is distant. In fact, everything in this grief-stained but otherwise normal existence feels a

21、little distant, and Will himself appears, if not precisely unreliable, then slightly clueless. In his struggle to wriggle out from his own anxieties, his remarks can seem like witty meta-comments on the narrative itself: “Yes, hes obsessed with sex. How else could he escape the inside of his head, w

22、here every thought refuses to be fleeting and instead waits its turn to be hyperarticulated, edited, revised and then annotated like some nightmare hybrid of Talmudic commentary and Freudian case study?“ In the spellbinding opening chapters, Will attends his college reunion and confronts an old girl

23、friend who may or may not have gotten pregnant by him years back. The ex is a grade-A wench, and their run-in is a startling rat-a-tat of mutual accusation. “Ironic that shed become a dermatologist,“ Will thinks. “Shed always had a personality like a rash, itchy, chafing, the kind of woman who just

24、wont let you get comfortable.“ She ends the scene (and it does feel like a scenethe best elements of “Envy“ are its most theatrical) with the fair-enough remark, “You are an excellent example of why it is that people think shrinks are nuts.“ The pages that follow ignore this electric showdown, or at

25、 least repress it. Theres a lot going on here, perhaps too much: a married couple drifting apart in grief, tension between Will and his philandering father, identical twins with non identical faces, a patient whose seductive behavior spills insistently over the edges of her shrinks couch. And despit

26、e Wills agitated attempts to interrogate the meaning of his life, he is surrounded by people who would prefer that he stop his inquiries immediately. As much detective as psychoanalyst, hes too blinded by over thinking to give in to his own intuition. Then abruptly, with one traumatic sexual sequenc

27、e, these disparate story lines cohere to reveal a new pattern: a Rorschach plot, in essence. The books muted family problems become elements in a Greekish tragedy, one filled with the tropes of sexual violation for which Harrison is best known. Its like one of those souvenir 1950s pens that tilt ups

28、ide down to strip an innocent cheesecake model to her pornographic double, and Harrisons witty, lucid, poetic sentences do carry us quite a long way through passages rife with the kind of ickiness bound to alienate some readers and rivet others. Unfortunately, her consistently skillful descriptions

29、arent quite enough to make the novel pay off in the end. As heightened as this hidden plot turns out to be, it is frustratingly formulaic at its deepest level. Its a dream horror that finally feels all too dreamlike, too embeddedly symbolic to have the pang of real life. And when the villain of the

30、book is unmaskedand there is a villain, as blackhearted as a medieval trollits disappointing to find a sociopath standing behind that particular door. So rank an antagonist renders the whole question of analytical motivation moot: the human flaws of the other characters pale by contrast; their strug

31、gles seem weightless next to such grave crimes. Still. there are standout moments here, mainly in the most chaotic and unmediated confrontations: the sequences, especially, in which a waifish, tattooed, sardonic, compulsively sexual graduate student is transformed into the worlds most disturbing the

32、rapy patient. What finally marks the book is Harrisons abandonment of the tragic mode. After a series of lurid turns that would leave most families in seizures of distress, her characters do not collapse, or brutalize one another. Instead, they fulfill Wills deepest psychoanalytic desires, and confe

33、ssreeling out monologues far less con vincing than the showdowns that came before. We are left with the loving attempts of well-meaning people to heal their wounds. In real life, that would be a beautiful ending; but in a novel soaked so deeply in horror, it feels too much like wishful thinking. 18

34、The central points in Kathryn Harrisons works doesnt include _ narcissism, family violation, sexual taboo and physical suffering. ( A) excessive love of oneself. ( B) forbidden sexual relationships ( C) sexual abuse ( D) rapes happening in family 19 What does Will Moreland think of his old girlfrien

35、d? rash, itchy, chafing ( A) Attractive ( B) Seductive ( C) Hard to stay with ( D) charmless 20 Which one is not true? ( A) Kathryn Harrisons novels are not accepted ( B) Kathryn Harrison shocked people with her personal experiences ( C) Kathryn Harrison didnt adhere to tragedy ( D) Will Moreland fa

36、mily has some troubles 一、 PART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN) Directions: There are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question. 21 _has been called the American Ruhr after the Ruhr River in Germany. ( A) The Ohio River ( B) The Rio Grande River ( C) The Mi

37、ssissippi River ( D) The Colorado 22 _ are bound morphemes because they cannot be used as separate words. ( A) Roots ( B) Stems ( C) Affixes ( D) Compounds 23 Emily Dickinson, the greatest American _, wrote more than a thousand verses infused with emotional depth and subtlety. ( A) novelist ( B) sho

38、rt story writer ( C) essayist ( D) lyric poetess 24 In Faulkners The Sound and the Fury, he used the technique of _, in which the whole story was told through the thoughts of a character. ( A) imagism ( B) stream of consciousness ( C) naturalism ( D) symbolism 25 The second largest racial and ethnic

39、 group in the United States is ( A) the White. ( B) the Hispanics. ( C) Chinese. ( D) the Blacks. 26 The study of a language through the course of its history is called ( A) Perspective study. ( B) Descriptive study. ( C) Synchronic study. ( D) Diachronic study. 27 Christmas is usually connected to

40、_. ( A) the reunion of a large family ( B) the eating of Easter eggs ( C) the resurrection of Christ ( D) the forgiving of others sins 28 One of Nathaniel Hawthornes masterpieces is ( A) The Scarlet Letter. ( B) The Fall of the House of Usher. ( C) Note of a Native Son. ( D) The Streetcar Named Desi

41、re. 29 _ proposed the idea of the surface structure and the deep structure. ( A) Bloomfield ( B) Halliday ( C) Saussure ( D) Chomsky 30 The author of “Auld Lang Sync“ Robert Burns was a great _folk poet. ( A) English ( B) Scottish ( C) Welsh ( D) Irish 二、 PART IV PROOFREADING this pigment is similar

42、 with that found in the retina【 M9】 _ of the eye. One layer down, in the derma, there is similar varietion in thickness ,mostly to protect 【 M10】 _ underlying tissue. 31 【 M1】 32 【 M2】 33 【 M3】 34 【 M4】 35 【 M5】 36 【 M6】 37 【 M7】 38 【 M8】 39 【 M9】 40 【 M10】 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH Directions: T

43、ranslate the following text into English. 41 我跟所有其余的人一样,生活在这世界上,是为着来征服生活。我也曾参加在这个 “搏斗 ”里面。我有我的爱,有我的恨,有我的欢乐,也有我的痛苦。但是我并没有失去我的信仰:对于生活的信仰。我的生活还不会结束,我也不知道在前面还有什么东西等着我。然而我对于将来却也有一点概念。因为过去并不是一个沉默的哑子,它会告诉我们一些事情。 SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE Directions: Translate the following text into Chinese. 42 What abo

44、ut the future? I am convinced that the future will be even more exciting than the past. As I told my grandson, I very much envy him and I would like to be his age and have the opportunity to become again a scientist, starting in another field, and to have a chance to push further the frontiers of kn

45、owledge. I urge many of you, who read these lines, to do the same. Science is a very exciting experience as well as a worthwhile like goal, because only those undertakings that challenge us to develop our minds and energies to attempt the unattainable are worthy of us. If I had been given the chance

46、 to live another life as a scientist in the 21st century. I would study the brain and investigate the mechanism of consciousness, reasoning, logic, and memory, and I would try to understand how this marvelous machine, that evolution has developed, is capable of analyzing itself and of understanding

47、the world and reality. This is the ultimate challenge, which I dare you to devote your life to, and to solve for the glory and benefit of mankind. The most precious message I want to convey to the Young is that your lives offer you an opportunity to leave a mark in history for the benefit of mankind

48、. No project should be impossible to accomplish if one is properly determined to succeed and not to spare ones energy and resources. 三、 PART VI WRITING (45 MIN) Directions: Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic. 43 The popularity of online bookstores is threatening the surviv

49、al of many privately run bookshops in China. It is a fact beyond disputes that bookstores are losing their customers to online ones. As a college student, what measures would you recommend to save physical bookstores? Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic: How to Save Physical Bookstores? 专业英语 八级模拟试卷 629答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture


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