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1、专业英语八级(人文知识)模拟试卷 50及答案与解析 一、 PART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN) Directions: There are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question. 1 Language acquisition device(LAD)was proposed by_. ( A) Sapir ( B) Saussure ( C) Chomsky ( D) Halliday 2 Which are the two m

2、ajor parties in Britain now? ( A) The Conservative and the Labour. ( B) The Liberal and the Labour. ( C) The Democratic and the Conservative. ( D) The Democratic and the Liberal. 3 “The Star-Spangled Banner“ is the national_of the United States. ( A) anthem ( B) flag ( C) emblem ( D) both B and C 4

3、Which of the following cities is the capital of New Zealand? ( A) Christchurch. ( B) Dunedin. ( C) Auckland. ( D) Wellington. 5 In the Seven Years War between England and France, French were driven out of the North American Continent and the French colony in Canada was reorganized as the British pro

4、vince:_in 176 ( A) Ontario ( B) Quebec ( C) Nova Scotia ( D) Newfoundland 6 _compiled the first English dictionary, A Dictionary of the English Language. ( A) Samuel Johnson ( B) Walter Scott ( C) James Boswell ( D) Noah Webster 7 The Jungle is a novel by_which exposed the corruption of the American

5、 meatpacking industry during the early 20th century, and was considered as a representative muckraking novel. ( A) Upton Sinclair ( B) Theodore Dreiser ( C) Sinclair Lewis ( D) Frank Norris 8 _is a narrative technique that presents thoughts as if they were coming directly from a characters mind with

6、out any consideration of orders of events. ( A) Monologue ( B) Allusion ( C) Stream-of-consciousness ( D) Psychological penetration 9 The study of how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in communication is _. ( A) phonetics ( B) phonology ( C) morphology ( D) semantics 10 The sense r

7、elationship between animal and horse is_. ( A) hyponymy ( B) homonymy ( C) polysemy ( D) synonymy 11 Which of the following is NOT a compound word? ( A) landlady ( B) greenhouse ( C) uplift ( D) unacceptable 12 In the United States, the Thanksgiving Day is the_Thursday of November. ( A) first ( B) s

8、econd ( C) third ( D) fourth 13 In Britain,_became the cultural centre for the youths and was the birthplace of the Beetles. ( A) London ( B) Glasgow ( C) Manchester ( D) Liverpool 14 Among the political parties in Ireland, which is NOT among the three biggest ones? ( A) The Democratic Socialist. (

9、B) The Labor Party. ( C) Fianna Fail. ( D) Fine Gael. 15 _is the capital of Wales. ( A) Belfast ( B) Birmingham ( C) Sussex ( D) Cardiff 16 _is the author of To the Lighthouse, a landmark novel of modernism which skillfully applies the technique of stream-of-consciousness in the narration. ( A) Jame

10、s Joyce ( B) Virginia Woolf ( C) Henry James ( D) John Fowles 17 In 1935, Ernest Hemingway wrote: “All modern American literature comes from one book by_called Huckleberry Finn. There was nothing before. And there has been nothing as good since. “ ( A) William Dean Howells ( B) Theodore Dreiser ( C)

11、 Washington Irving ( D) Mark Twain 18 “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood/And sorry I could not travel both/And be one traveler, long I stood/And looked down one as far as I could/To where it bent in the undergrowth. “ These lines are the first stanza of a poem by ( A) Robert Frost ( B) Wallace Ste

12、vens ( C) T. S. Eliot ( D) Carl Sandburg 19 _is the study of language in relation to society. ( A) Historical linguistics ( B) Psycholinguistics ( C) Semantics ( D) Sociolinguistics 20 The design features of human language include the following EXCEPT_. ( A) duality ( B) productivity ( C) performanc

13、e ( D) arbitrariness 21 The Input Hypothesis was put forward by_. ( A) Saussure ( B) Krashen ( C) Noam Chomsky ( D) M.A.K. Halliday 22 Which of the following kings(or queens)was NOT a sovereign of the Tudor dynasty? ( A) Henry VII. ( B) James I. ( C) Edward VI. ( D) Elizabeth I. 23 In Australia, leg

14、islative power is vested in the Commonwealth Parliament, which consists of the following EXCEPT_. ( A) the Queen ( B) the President ( C) the Senate ( D) the House of Representative 24 The head of state of New Zealand is_. ( A) the President ( B) Governor-General ( C) Queen Elizabeth II ( D) the Prime Minister 25 _is known as the automobile capital of the world. ( A) Detroit ( B) Colorado ( C) Denver ( D) Chicago 专业英语八级(人文知识)模拟试卷 50答案与解析


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