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1、专业英语八级(作文)模拟试卷 96及答案与解析 一、 PART V WRITING 1 In terms of attitudes to creativity there seems to be a reversal of priorities: young Westerners making their boldest departures first and then gradually mastering the tradition; and young Chinese being almost inseparable from the tradition, but over time,

2、 possibly evolving to a point equally original. Which should go first, creativity or tradition? The following are opinions from two sides. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should: 1. summarize briefly the opinions from both sides; 2. give your comm

3、ent. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Chinese Lily: Solid and basic skills are the base of successful creativity. Only when one masters the basic skills of trad

4、ition well, can he go further and learn things completely. Without basic skills, creativitys just bullshit! Take writing for example. Writing a novel is beyond possibility if you cant even make a grammatically correct sentence. Anyway, I have been practicing playing piano everyday since I was four y

5、ears old. And now I can make my own small tunes. Marilyn: I am afraid that if skills are not acquired early, they may never be acquired. On the other hand, there is no comparable hurry to promote creativity. Even though we Chinese dont talk creativity much, enormous creativity can be found in Chines

6、e scientific, technological and artistic innovations past and present, and they start from our very tradition. Dick: Those seemingly basic and elementary skills we have learned in school actually play a significantly indispensable role in our future work. Maybe you dont like the dull reading, writin

7、g or practicing, but after a considerable period of time, you may sense the difference. When we examine any innovation closely, its reliance on previous achievements is very obvious, which is the so-called “standing on the shoulders of giants“ phenomenon. Westerners Legend from France: The society c

8、hanges very quickly. Everyday we may have to face the emergence of the new. No matter how skilled you are in doing something, there will be new things you cannot handle and there will be new areas youve never come across. At this time, the spirit of creativity is beneficial to our career. When confr

9、onting some difficult challenges, creativity can offer us a brand-new angle to see through the essence of the matter. And unless creativity has been acquired early, it may never emerge; on the other hand, skills can be picked up later. Chip Kidd from the US: Every business requires creative thinkers

10、, they may be engineers, medical researchers, technology innovators, business entrepreneurs, artists, performers, writers, illustrators, designers, inventors, educators or parents. Those with the ability to “think outside of the box“ will lead the future and make special things happen. I seek the sh

11、arp, scary pleasure that comes from beginning something new, that calls on all my resources and challenges my mind, my body, and my spirit, all at once. Wapnick from the UK: Because the rate of changing is accelerating and everything is moving more quickly, there is a more competitive environment an

12、d we need new ways to do things. I think people will have better lives if they are more creative problem solvers. If you have a creative idea about how to accomplish something faster, smarter or better than the current method, do it your way and see what happens. Its always been true both for busine

13、ss and individual fulfillment. Write your response on ANSWER SHEET FOUR. 2 Many middle-aged and elderly women can be seen participating public square dancing, in an effort to exercise and socialize with peers. But nearby residents are losing their temper for the noise. How do you think of public squ

14、are dancing? The following are opinions from two sides. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should: 1. summarize briefly the opinions from both sides; 2. give your comment. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization

15、 and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Square dancing participants A retiree told the Los Angeles Times: Its good for my health to be able to come out and exercise. I used to be quick to lose my temper, but now nothing bothers me. When I dance,

16、 I forget all my cares. And I can also hike up mountains with little effort. A resident surnamed Wang: I think there should be some public education, telling residents how to do things in a proper way to protect other peoples living environment. Everyone has the responsibility to reduce noise pollut

17、ion. 50-year-old Beijinger Wang Xin: Its an activity that can help people socialize and increase confidence. Maybe you dont have many dancing skills or the confidence to dance in front of the public, but you can still enjoy it. 33-year-old Yang Hu: My mother is a fan of square dancing. She dances ab

18、out one hour with her friends after dinner every day. I see nothing wrong with square dancing. After all, there are very few entertainment activities for middle-aged and elderly people. Wang Yi: The key is to set up a community organization and management. If these communities can gather these indiv

19、iduals together and organize them to dance in the same location within fixed time durations, such problems will be solved. Nearby residents A man surnamed Shi: I just wanted some sleep and I shouted loudly because I was so angry about the annoying noise. I think square dancing is a good activity but

20、 the music they play is always too loud to tolerate. One netizen: I think its OK to dance in a park but not in a community. I feel lucky because the elderly in my community have their schedules. They dance for 30 minutes from 20:00 to 20:30. I can handle it. Some complain about people dancing in res

21、idential areas, and some complain about salesgirls who dance in front of their shops every morning. A young father; Its in my face, in my ears, in fact, right bang in my home. I have an infant daughter, only four months old. I dont know how to get her to sleep with the noise. I fear that the first w

22、ords she will speak are the saccharine lyrics that waft in daily through the walls and windows. The official A staff member from a residential committee office in Beijings Chaoyang district: There are many complaints of the noise of public square dancing. Sometimes we get over 10 complaints from our

23、 residents during summer. Because in the summer its very hot and people want to open their windows to be cool. The loud music is more difficult to tolerate than in the winter. Write your response on ANSWER SHEET FOUR. 3 In most cultures it is traditional for a man to propose marriage on a bended kne

24、e, with a diamond ring. As a womans proposal is often considered inappropriate and unacceptable, do you think it is okay for women to propose marriage? The following are opinions from two sides. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should: 1. summarize

25、 briefly the opinions from two sides; 2. give your comment. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Men Britny (the UK) : A man should take the initiative to propose m

26、arriage. Generally speaking, after being in a relationship for some time, most (not all) men have their mind on marriage. If he hasnt proposed after a while, maybe his mind isnt on it. LAAD Gunner-USMC (the US) : I wouldnt like it. Theres nothing wrong with it but I think it would be kind of awkward

27、. I mean it would be flattering, but it really steals a major moment in a mans life. But Im not every guy. Blonde Amber (Ireland) : Too often, TV and movies promote an “ideal“ romance that many women mistake for how the reality should be: that girls should “ wait“ to be swept off their feet by a “wh

28、ite knight“. The reality is that if you are in a secure and respectful relationship, whichever partner proposes marriage is unimportant. A real man would not be threatened by a confident woman. Should a woman propose? Why not? If a man can accept her for her accomplishments and skills, he should be

29、man enough to accept a marriage proposal. Teamkrejados (Australia) : If women want to be equal in society, it should not be mens exclusive role to propose marriage, provide a house, a car and money that the relationship needs to get parental and societal approval. Now that women are allowed to have

30、careers and buy property there is no reason for men to have so much pressure. Women Celina (China) : I would never propose to a guy because it not only shows my insecurity but exposes my desperation. Times have changed, but there are some issues that are definitely not up for compromise. To make it

31、worse, if a woman is ever forced to go down on one knee then the guy doesnt deserve her. CarolleRain (France): I dont take this question as some kind of social power issue. Its just a personal choice. It is true in most Asian countries that men are the ones who should propose and it is deeply rooted

32、 in Asian culture. Nowadays, some girls propose. It is nothing to do with social power; it is just their personal choice. If one day I meet a shy guy, maybe I will be the one who proposes and vice versa. Melissa (Canada) : I dont feel theres anything wrong with a woman proposing to a man. It doesnt

33、mean youre desperate. When a man proposes to a woman, does that mean hes desperate too? What if hes ready and the woman isnt? Hes waiting for her. Women want a confident, strong man that can take charge. But men also want a woman who is confident, self-sufficient and knows what she wants from life.

34、So my thing is, proposing is not ones responsibility anymore. Sarah (Australia): I actually proposed to my man. I am truly in love with him and would like to spend the rest of my life with him. Yes, we talked about marriage but didnt know if or when we should ask the question. I waited for our first

35、 anniversary as a couple to propose. Yes, I hear it from my father because he is an old school but all I can say is tell him a female has rights just as many as a male has. I love him and thats all that matter. Just hope everything work out for the best. Write your response on ANSWER SHEET FOUR. 4 M

36、any young couples, especially the post-80s in China, are opting for “naked marriage“ tying the knot without buying houses and cars or even holding a ceremony. Do you think you can strip away all the materialism and just marry for love? The following are opinions from two sides. Read the excerpts car

37、efully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should: 1. summarize briefly the opinions from two sides; 2. give your comment. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in

38、a loss of marks. Kimiful (China) : I could not accept a totally “ nude“ marriage, but partially “ naked“. I can forget the shining diamond ring and splendid ceremony but my bottom line is an apartment where we could live our lives in a stable environment. Marriage is not just a piece of paper, nor a

39、 fairy tale. Its reality. I totally agree that it cannot survive if theres no material base. Those sad stories of broken couples come as a warning to me that one should have both psychological and material aspects prepared before getting married. Chopsticksll (Singapore) : Getting married is easy. Y

40、ou need only a marriage certificate and a wedding photo to certify that you are now husband and wife. But marriage is another stage of life. You are responsible not only for yourself but also for another person and maybe another two more persons, referring to your children. I am not against marriage

41、 if the couple love each other dearly, but they should be mature and practical enough to consider life in a marriage. The parents, relatives and friends may not mean very much to the couple but the couples needs and the needs of their children (to come) should not be neglected or taken for granted.

42、Would they be ready for it? Ththth (the US) : Im a girl. I support “naked marriage“. Marriage is between us, if we think “naked marriage“ is what it should be, then that is what it will be. We are in the 21st century; dont put too much pressure on men to buy you house and diamond ring. You dont have

43、 jobs? You cannot buy it yourself? I have a job; my boyfriend also has a job. We dont have enough money for a house right now, but that does not mean we wont get married. We will buy a house together, meaning we both put our money together to buy a house. This is not the mans duty; this is both peop

44、les duty to build a family together. Here in New York, many people rent a house, since buying one is too expensive. Who says he needs to buy me a diamond ring? Im fine with any type of ring. Who says we need expensive cars? Here people take the train to work everyday. Cars can be bought later. Remem

45、ber the wife needs to work too and not always be demanding the husbands money. Astaris (India) : What do a house and car have to do with marriage? You rent a flat or house, or buy one; buy and sell a car according to your needs and economic abilitywhat does any of this have to do with marriage? The

46、artificial barriers to a normal, happy life for a young couple in China and India are simply terrible. JeffinChina (Scandinavia) : It would be outrageous if a woman here were to demand a house and a car for their marriage. Chinese women should keep this in mind when seeking a Western guy: If a guy i

47、ndicates he wants a “naked marriage“ (or a civil marriage as it is called in the West) it doesnt mean he doesnt value you or wants an easy divorce in the future, he just doesnt want a materialistic wedding. Also, dont ask him for a house and a car; he will conclude you are only interested in money a

48、nd he will most likely leave you. Write your response on ANSWER SHEET FOUR. 专业英语八级(作文)模拟试卷 96答案与解析 一、 PART V WRITING 1 【正确答案】 Creativity vs. Tradition As is known to all, the advancement of the society depends on continuous innovations, while innovations stem from the tradition. The views toward the

49、 priorities of creativity and tradition vary greatly among the Chinese and the Westerners. Chinese tend to believe that basic skills are the solid foundation for further learning and future work. Whats more, it is advisable to acquire the traditional skills as early as possible, and comparatively, creativity can be cultivated over time. Most importantly, anyone who makes breakthroughs in intellectual pursuits must first understand the research and works created by thinkers of the past. While Westerners hold just the oppo


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