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1、专业英语八级(听力)模拟试卷 253及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening to the mini-lecture, please complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word(s)

2、 you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task. 0 Reading Tips I. Three【 T1】 _ phases of reading【 T1】 _ before reading during reading after reading . Pre-reading tips finding【

3、T2】 _ to make comprehension easier【 T2】 _ having pre-reading discussion activities to ease cognitive burden being aware of the【 T3】 _ of reading【 T3】 _ different types of reading skills: skimming, scanning, extensive reading,【 T4】 _【 T4】 _ understanding the【 T5】 _ of the material【 T5】 _ . During-rea

4、ding tips A. tips for【 T6】 _:【 T6】 _ summarizing, reacting,【 T7】 _, arguing, evaluating,【 T7】 _ involving ones own experience B. suggestions in a classroom setting make predictions read selectively call up【 T8】 _ to facilitate comprehension【 T8】 _ focus on significant pieces of information make use

5、of【 T9】 _ or guess【 T9】 _ break words into their【 T10】 _【 T10】 _ read in【 T11】 _【 T11】 _ learn to pause 【 T12】 _【 T12】 _ IV. After-reading tips A. the purpose of reading: to see into【 T13】 _【 T13】 _ to mesh new information with what one already knows B.【 T14】 _【 T14】 _ discussing summarizing making

6、questions filling in【 T15】 _【 T15】 _ writing reading logs role-playing 1 【 T1】 2 【 T2】 3 【 T3】 4 【 T4】 5 【 T5】 6 【 T6】 7 【 T7】 8 【 T8】 9 【 T9】 10 【 T10】 11 【 T11】 12 【 T12】 13 【 T13】 14 【 T14】 15 【 T15】 SECTION B INTERVIEW In this section you will hear ONE interview. The interview will be divided in

7、to TWO parts. At the end of each part, five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the interview and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A , B , C and D , and mark the best answ

8、er to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the questions. ( A) Psychiatrist. ( B) Psychologist. ( C) Physician. ( D) Photographer. ( A) Dollars and cents. ( B) Freedom. ( C) Opportunities. ( D) Security. ( A) Paying yourself first. ( B) Avoiding getting into debt. (

9、C) Spending less money. ( D) Saving one hour a day of the income. ( A) Because more money means more trouble. ( B) Because people dont know how to enjoy themselves with money. ( C) Because money has nothing to do with happiness. ( D) Because people dont know how to keep their money and spend it wise

10、ly. ( A) Many of them wont change their jobs for more money. ( B) Many of them applied for a sales job after years of teaching. ( C) Many of them were content with their basic salaries. ( D) Many of them were dissatisfied with their welfare benefits. ( A) Middle-class individuals. ( B) Millionaires.

11、 ( C) Low income individuals. ( D) Billionaires. ( A) The teacher. ( B) The social worker. ( C) The firefighter. ( D) The manager. ( A) He doesnt want to be in the first-class seat on a plane. ( B) He doesnt want to go anywhere by plane. ( C) Being in the first-class seat doesnt make the place peopl

12、e dislike pleasant. ( D) Being in the first-class seat doesnt make people happy. ( A) Wealth. ( B) Beauty. ( C) Passion. ( D) Health. ( A) Whether money can really bring happiness. ( B) How people become millionaires. ( C) Why rich people still feel unhappy. ( D) What makes you the happiest. 专业英语八级(

13、听力)模拟试卷 253答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening to the mini-lecture, please complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word(s) you fil

14、l in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task. 0 【听力原文】 Reading Tips Good morning, everyone. Last class we discussed some of the shifts and trends in theories relating to reading. Thi

15、s time we will examine tips which will help to develop our abilities as learners in reading classes. (1) These tips can be viewed in three consecutive stages: before reading, during reading, and after reading. For instance, before starting to read a text it is natural to think of the purpose of read

16、ing the text. As an example of the during-reading techniques, re-reading for better comprehension can be mentioned. And filling out forms and charts can be referred to as an after-reading activity. These tasks and ideas can be used to enhance reading comprehension. First of all, I will introduce to

17、you some pre-reading tips. Before the actual act of reading a text begins, some points should be noted in order to make the process of reading easier. (2) It is necessary to find the necessary background information to facilitate comprehension. In addition, pre-reading discussion activities can ligh

18、ten learners cognitive burden while reading, because prior discussions will have been incorporated. Some key vocabulary and ideas in the text should be acquired beforehand, including key concepts, important vocabulary, and appropriate conceptual framework. The teacher may lead a discussion in which

19、he or she draws out the information you already have and interjects additional information deemed necessary to an understanding of the text to be read. Moreover, the teacher can make explicit links between prior knowledge and important information in the text. Therefore, involve yourselves in this p

20、art. (3) It is also necessary for you to become aware of the purpose and goal of reading a certain piece of written material. At the beginning stage this can be done by the teacher, but as you become more mature, this purpose, i. e. awareness-raising strategy, can be left to yourselves. For instance

21、, you may be guided to ask yourselves, “Why am I reading this text? What do I want to know or do after reading?“ One of the most obvious, but unnoticed points related to reading purpose is the consideration of the different types of reading skills. Skimming is reading rapidly for the main points; sc

22、anning is reading rapidly to find a specific piece of information; extensive reading is reading a longer text, often for pleasure with emphasis on overall meaning; (4) intensive reading is reading a short text for detailed information. However, the four skills are often subsumed into one intensive r

23、eading. The most frequently encountered reason is that when you study a foreign language, you feel the urge to look up every word you dont understand and to pinpoint every structural point you see unfamiliar. To be aware of the different types of reading, ask yourselves about the types of reading yo

24、u do in your first language. Whats more, you must become familiar with the fact that texts may take on different forms and hold certain pieces of information in different places. (5) Thus, it is necessary to understand the layout of the material being read in order to focus more deeply on the parts

25、that are more densely compacted with information. Even paying attention to the year of publication of a text, if applicable, may aid you in presuppositions about the text as can glancing at the name of the author. The tips I mentioned in pre-reading will not take a very long time to carry out. The p

26、urpose is to remind you to overcome the common urge to start reading a text closely right away from the beginning. After learning about the pre-reading tips, of course we will move to the during-reading tips. (6) What follows are tips that encourage active reading. (7) They consist of summarizing, r

27、eacting, questioning, arguing, evaluating, and placing a text within ones own experience. These processes may be the most complex to develop in a classroom setting, the reason being that in English reading classes most attention is often paid to dictionaries, the text, and the teacher. The teacher m

28、ay interrupt this routine and encourage you to talk about what you are reading. I suggest the following strategies. CD Make predictions as to what is going to happen next in the text and be able to integrate and combine what has come with what is to come. (2) Readers who are more proficient read sel

29、ectively, continually making decisions about their reading. (8) (3) The prior knowledge that has been activated in the pre-reading section should be called up to facilitate comprehension. Concentrate on significant pieces of information while skipping insignificant pieces. (9) Make use of context or

30、 guess. You are not encouraged to define and understand every single unknown word in a text. Instead you should learn to make use of context to guess the meaning of unknown words. (10) Break words into their component parts to keep the process of comprehension ongoing. Efficient readers break words

31、into their affixes or bases. These parts can help you guess the meaning of a word. (11) Read in chunks. To ensure reading speed, you should get used to reading groups of words together. This act will also enhance comprehension by focusing on groups of meaning-conveying symbols simultaneously. Learn

32、to pause. Good readers will pause at certain places while reading a text to absorb and internalize the material being read and sort out information. (12) Paraphrase. While reading texts it may be necessary to paraphrase and interpret texts subvocally in order to verify what was comprehended. Finally

33、, I will give you several after-reading tips. It is necessary to state that post-reading activities almost always depend on the purpose of reading. Doing post-reading exercises first checks your comprehension and then leads you to a deeper analysis of the text. In the real world the purpose of readi

34、ng is not to memorize an authors point of view or to summarize text content, but rather (13) to see into another mind, or to mesh new information with what one already knows. Group discussion will help you focus on information you did not comprehend, or comprehended incorrectly. Accordingly, attenti

35、on will be focused on processes that lead to comprehension or miscomprehension. (14/15) Generally speaking, post-reading can take the form of various activities such as discussing the text, summarizing, making questions, filling in forms and charts, writing reading logs, role-playing and so on. OK.

36、Thats all for todays lecture. I hope these suggestions can be helpful during your reading. See you next week. 【知识模块】 听力 1 【正确答案】 consecutive 【试题解析】 本篇讲座的主题是关于阅读活动的一些建议。根据句 (1)可知,讲话者给出的建议可以被看成是三个连续的阶段:阅读前,阅读中和阅读后。因此答案为 consecutive。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【正确答案】 background information 【试题解析】 根据句 (2)可知,讲话者给出了阅读前活

37、动的第一条建议:找到必要的背景知识来促进理解。因此答案为 background information。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【正确答案】 purpose and goal 【试题解析】 根据句 (3)可知,讲话者认为,知道阅读某篇书面材料的目的和目标也是必要的,故答案为 purpose and goal。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【正确答案】 intensive reading 【试题解析】 根据句 (4)可知,阅读技巧之一是精读,即细致地阅读一篇短文,以获得详细的信息,故答案为 intensive reading。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【正确答案】 layout 【试题解析】 根据

38、句 (5)可知,了解阅读材料的框架很有必要,这是为了阅读时能把精力集中在信息集中的部分,所以答案为 layout。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【正确答案】 active reading 【试题解析】 根据句 (6)可知,接下来讲话者将要讲一些鼓励积极阅读的建议,所以答案为 active reading。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【正确答案】 questioning 【试题解析】 根据句 (7)可知,鼓励积极阅读的建议包括总结、做出反应、提问、辩论、评价、结合自己的经验等 ,故答案为 questioning,注意填动名词形式。 【知识模块】 听力 8 【正确答案】 the prior knowle

39、dge 【试题解析】 句 (8)中,讲话者给出了第三条阅读中建议:应该回忆阅读前获得的相关知识以促进理解,故答案为 the prior knowledge。 【知识模块】 听力 9 【正确答案】 context 【试题解析】 根据句 (9)可知,讲话者给出的第五条阅读中建议是:要充分利用语境或猜词技巧,因此答案为 context。 【知识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 component parts 【试题解析】 根据句 (10)可知,讲话者给出的第六条阅读中建议是:对难词进行词形分解使理解过程得以继续,故答案为 component parts。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【正确答案】 ch

40、unks 【试题解析】 根据句 (11)可知,讲话者给出的第七条阅读中建议是:成组阅读,为了确保阅读速度,你应该习惯于成组地阅读单词,因此答案为 chunks。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【正确答案】 paraphrase 【试题解析】 根据句 (12)可知,讲话者给出的最后一条阅读中建议是:用易懂的文字解释阅读材料,故答案为 paraphrase,注意这里应填动词原形。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【正确答案】 another mind 【试题解析】 根据句 (13)可知,阅读的目的是了解另一个人的思想或者将新信息与已经掌握的信息相融合。因此答案为 another mind。 【知识模块】 听

41、力 14 【正确答案】 various activities 【试题解析】 根据句 (14)可知,阅读后的活动可以采取多种形式 。因此答案为various activities。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 forms and charts 【试题解析】 根据句 (15)可知,阅读后的活动形式包括讨论文章内容、写总结、提问、填写表格和图表、写阅读记录、角色扮演等,因此答案为 forms and charts。 【知识模块】 听力 SECTION B INTERVIEW In this section you will hear ONE interview. The intervie

42、w will be divided into TWO parts. At the end of each part, five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the interview and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A , B , C and D , an

43、d mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the questions. 16 【听力原文】 W: Many people dream of making it big, buying a bigger house, designer clothes and a nicer car, but with a record number of millionaires now living right here in the United States

44、, an age-old question is now front and center can money really buy happiness? (1) Best-selling author David Bach is a psychiatrist and a money advisor on CNBCs The Millionaire Inside. Going from rags to riches, he says he found happiness but it wasnt just about dollars and cents. Morning, David. M:

45、Good morning, Maggie. W: What do you think that makes people happy then, if they have no money? M: (2) Well, I think what most Americans really want is freedom. We are in the land of the free, but when three out of four people are living paycheck to paycheck, they dont feel free. (3) So I think ther

46、e are a lot of opportunities for the average American to become what I call an automatic millionaire, which means paying yourself first, saving one hour a day of your income and spending less. W: Do you mean that people having different levels of life all have to do the same thing? M: Absolutely. In

47、 different levels of life, you have to survive all them, or someone really is living paycheck to paycheck. Then you have security, where someone as you might have basic means to cover. Maybe that gets six months to years with the expenses pre-set. Once you get past a year of expenses, you start to b

48、ecome free. W: (4-1) You also say that happiness is not as simple as making more money. M: (4-2) Yes. The more money you have, the more you are going to spend anyway. People dont know how to keep their money. And people dont know how to spend it wisely. W: We spend so much time in our lives trying t

49、o make money. We must believe its going to bring us happiness. But the research you have ever done about it is a kind of mixed, isnt it? M: Well, the research is mixed. And I think part of the reason for that is that people acknowledge in their souls, if not in their wallets, that it wont make them happy. Most people dont marry for mone


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