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1、专业英语八级(对话听力)模拟试卷 1及答案与解析 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the followin

2、g five questions. Now listen to the interview. 1 According to the interview, which of the following phenomena CANNOT be called synaesthesia? ( A) Reading the letter “r“ and having the color purple in the mind. ( B) Hearing a sound and associating it with the smell of apple. ( C) A blind person being

3、 more accurate in hearing than an ordinary person. ( D) A chocolate eaten to the accompaniment of a piano piece tasting sweeter. 2 Why did the presenter say “this apple smells like Beethoven“ at the beginning of the program? ( A) To introduce the topic of the program. ( B) To tell the audience a dis

4、covery she made. ( C) Because she has synaesthesia. ( D) Because the apple has a long history behind it. 3 Which of the following can best describe the purpose of Dr. Spences first experiment? ( A) To find out why people make associations between smell and sound. ( B) To find out why people make ass

5、ociations between taste and sound. ( C) To find out if theres a connection between smell and sound. ( D) To find out which sound best matches a specific smell. 4 Why did the pieces of chocolate taste different in the second experiment? ( A) Because they were of different ingredients. ( B) Because th

6、e background music had different volume. ( C) Because the colors of the chocolate gave them psychological hints. ( D) Because the background music was of different pitches. 5 Which of the following CANNOT be inferred from the interview? ( A) They were running out of time at the end of the interview.

7、 ( B) Dr. Spence was able to establish the cause of synaesthesia. ( C) Some people assumed that sense works in isolation. ( D) The color of furniture in a room may have an effect on peoples appetite. 6 According to Sampras, what is the key point of a player having a coach being too close? ( A) The c

8、oach being as close as the players friend. ( B) The coach being honest with the player. ( C) The coach marrying the player. ( D) The coach keeping up with the current ATP schedule. 7 How does Sampras view the current ATP schedule? ( A) It is harder and tougher than in his prime. ( B) It is reasonabl

9、e in most players eye. ( C) It is unreasonable in most players eye. ( D) There are few players complaining on that. 8 What can we infer about tennis players back in Samprass days? ( A) Serve-and-volley players mostly dominate the competition. ( B) Baseliners mostly dominate the competition. ( C) Asi

10、an players mostly dominate the competition. ( D) European players mostly dominate the competition. 9 Which of the following is NOT mentioned while discussing being successful at the grassroots level? ( A) Good coaching, instructions and technique. ( B) The import of western coaching way or sending k

11、ids to foreign academy. ( C) Letting young players get together and compete with each other. ( D) Sharing the success stories of Li Na and ask young players to learn from her. 10 What can we learn from the conversation? ( A) Sampras is making up for what has been lost with his family members. ( B) I

12、t is Samprass fourth trip to China in three months. ( C) Sampras is not confident of Li Nas reaching another peak soon. ( D) Sampras still plays much in ATP although he is a little bit slower. 11 Which can be called a “seastead“ according to professor Petries definition? ( A) A cruise liner holding

13、thousands of guests. ( B) Greenland island, the second largest island in the world. ( C) An offshore oil platform providing accommodation for workers. ( D) ClubStead, a man-made floating city 100 nautical miles off the Californian coast. 12 Which of the following problems is NOT going to challenge s

14、easteaders? ( A) Difficulty in building a seastead. ( B) Difficulty in finding enough hands to build a seastead. ( C) Difficulty in escaping the control of existing governments. ( D) Difficulty in fostering an attractive cultural environment. 13 Of the several structures of a seastead, which one is

15、the most expensive? ( A) Barge-like structures. ( B) Ship-shaped structures. ( C) Platforms on semi-submersible columns. ( D) Pontoon-type vessels. 14 Which of the following offshore distances is most appropriate so as not to be included in territorial waters? ( A) 13 nautical miles. ( B) 11 nautica

16、l miles. ( C) 120 nautical miles. ( D) 2 nautical miles. 15 Why did professor Petrie mention the Internet? ( A) To encourage the feedback of the audience. ( B) To hint the potential popularity of seasteads. ( C) To denounce the vices of new technology. ( D) To illustrate the difficulty of building s

17、easteads. 16 What is the current supporting rate of British people for the upcoming 2012 London Olympic Games according to Sir Craig Reedie? ( A) The support for the games has been running more than 75 percent. ( B) The support for the games has been running less than 75 percent. ( C) The support fo

18、r the games has been running in excess of 35 percent. ( D) The support for the games has been running at round 35 percent. 17 Sir Craig Reedie said that this was effectively the first time London had won a bidding competition. Which of the following reasons is NOT mentioned? ( A) London took over th

19、e games from the Italian government in 1908. ( B) London beat other competitors in Singapore to hold the 2012 Games. ( C) London volunteered to take the organization just after World War II. ( D) London took over the games from the Italian government in 1948. 18 The organization has introduced the s

20、o called “demountable structures“ into London games, what do “demountable structures“ mean? ( A) They are structures like mountains which are hard to move around. ( B) They represent a long history of London. ( C) They can be taken down and moved to some other part of the country and put back up aga

21、in. ( D) They are new facilities against bad weather. 19 Sir Craig Reedie talked about the Beijing games and his outlook on the upcoming London games. Which one is INCORRECT? ( A) The standards set by Beijing were very high and London will be proud to meet them. ( B) The ceremonies in London will be

22、 basically the same with those in Beijing. ( C) The 2012 ceremony will be run in Trafalgar Square. ( D) The highlight of London games will be the president of the IOC issuing six invitations to major national Olympic committees. 20 Which of the following is INCORRECT about the tickets in London Olym

23、pic Games? ( A) About 20% of the tickets are sold internationally. ( B) It is possible to buy London tickets in China, the United States, or Germany. ( C) The organization created a demand in Britain that it was hard to satisfy the complete need. ( D) It is easy to buy ticket for local British peopl

24、e because tickets are sufficient. 21 Dr. Stephen Britchkow prefers to see clients in their homes or offices for the following reasons EXCEPT ( A) People usually feel more at ease talking about sensitive issues in their homes. ( B) Being in the environment where people live can give clinicians useful

25、 information. ( C) It is inconvenient for some people to travel to a psychologists office. ( D) There is the problem of privacy in his own office. 22 What does Dr. Stephen Britchkow mean by saying “to insure my clients confidentiality“? ( A) To make sure my clients information unknown to others. ( B

26、) To keep my clients confidence. ( C) To make sure everything is in my clients control. ( D) To expect my clients trust in me. 23 Which of the following statements about Dr. Stephen Britchkows education experience and career choice is INCORRECT? ( A) All through high school he was interested in bein

27、g an engineer. ( B) While in college, he took an interest and aptitude test and discovered his real talent. ( C) He took the testing feedback seriously and became a psychologist. ( D) Listening is an essential part of making good decisions in his clinical practice. 24 Which of the following is NOT t

28、he positive attitude toward the possible threat of terrorism? ( A) Encouraging children to talk or draw pictures that express their concerns and feelings. ( B) Avoiding over exposure to graphic media coverage on the TV. ( C) Watching repetitive news stories about terrorists from around the world. (

29、D) Conveying to children the message that life is precious. 25 What expectations should one have about experiencing success with counseling? ( A) The specific approach utilized. ( B) The therapeutic relationship. ( C) The interests of his client. ( D) The guidance offered. 专业英语八级(对话听力)模拟试卷 1答案与解析 SE

30、CTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now liste

31、n to the interview. 1 【听力原文】 F: (2) Wow, this apple smells like Beethoven. Good evening, welcome to Science & Nature. Believe it or not, smells and sounds may be more associated than you think. With me in the studio is Dr. Charles Spence from Oxford University. Good evening Dr. Spence. So, what exac

32、tly are we going to talk about today? M: Good evening, Riz. Some people tend to make weird associations between the senses. (1) When they hear, say, a piano solo for example, they might associate it with colors or smells. The condition is called synaesthesia. Synaesthesia is a phenomenon whereby a p

33、articular sensory stimulus triggers a second kind of sensation. F: Synaesthesia, what a mouthful! Its unique to a small number of people then? M: Well, not necessarily. Though ordinary people cant really smell an apple and say its like a piece from Beethoven, simpler associations are made by almost

34、everybody. Most people agree that low-pitched sounds are reminiscent of large objects and high-pitched ones evoke smallness. F: (3) Indeed, and loud sounds do seem “brighter“ than soft ones. There must be a link between different senses. M: To find out, I conducted an experiment. I recruited 30 volu

35、nteers and asked them to inhale 20 smells, apple, banana, violet and so on. After that, each of them had to click through 52 sounds of varying pitches played by different musical instruments. Finally, I asked them to identify which sound best matched the smell. F: Did anyone find it ridiculous to ta

36、ke a sniff and identify the sound? M: No, far from that, they later told me that it made sense. When I collected the data, I found that there was significant agreement between volunteers. Sweet and sour smells were rated as higher-pitched, smoky and woody ones as lower-pitched. Blackberry and raspbe

37、rry were very piano while musk was strongly brass. F: (5) Amazing. Were you able to find out the reason behind it, like some part of the brain doing the job? M: Unfortunately, no. Its not clear why they employ musical senses when smelling. But at least, we can say that the assumption that each sense

38、 works in isolation is wrong. F: What is the history of Synaesthesia study? What is its significance, doctor? M: Well, it has been studied in one way or another since the nineteenth century, although only recently has it reappeared in the limelight following a number of pioneering experiments demons

39、trating that it was a genuine phenomenon. Currently there are many different aspects of synaesthesia being examined, from its possible genetic basis to how it develops in the brain. Synaesthesia is also proving to be a useful tool in investigating other psychological phenomena. F: What about the con

40、nection between taste and hearing? It is said that in a restaurant background music should be selected according to what the customers eat. M: I actually had a second experiment in this respect. In that one, each volunteer was given four pieces of chocolate. While they were eating two of them, the b

41、ackground music was a low-pitched one played on brass. When they began to eat the third and fourth one, the music was switched to a higher-pitched piano piece. F: Let me guess, the first two pieces taste different from the other two. M: Thats right. (4) Volunteers rated the chocolate eaten during lo

42、w-pitched music as much bitter than that eaten during the high-pitched rendition. The chocolate was in fact identical. It was the sound that tasted different. F: Maybe next time I can put less sugar in the coffee and instead listen to a piano piece when drinking. M: In the third experiment, I asked

43、the volunteers to identify colors from the sound they hear and the result is. F: Im sorry, Dr. Spence. Well have to leave it here. Thank you for sharing with us your experiment on synaesthesia. M: Thank you! F: For more information and a detailed report on Dr. Spences experiment you can visit bbc. c

44、o.uk/science. And thats it from us for now. From all of us on the team, thanks for watching and enjoy your evening. Goodbye! 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 推断题 .从采访中可知, synaesthesia是 “听觉、视觉、嗅觉、味觉等不同感觉互相转换的现象 ”(a phenomenon whereby a particular sensory stimulus triggers a second kind of sensation),而 C选项盲人的听觉并没有涉及

45、两种感官。 【知识模块】 对话 2 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 理解题。主持人说 “这苹果闻上去像贝多芬 ”是以幽默的口吻引出下面关于 “移觉 ”的采访,而并非真的闻到了什么特殊的味道。 【知识模块】 对话 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 理解题。 Spence博士通过实验只能 知道是否有联系,而无法获知这种联系的内在原因 (Unfortunately, no Its not clear why they employ musical senses when smelling ),让志愿者选择匹配气味的声音也是为了看他们是否能得出相同的结论,而不是真的要找出具体哪个气味配哪个声音。 【

46、知识模块】 对话 4 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。第二个实验研究的是味觉和听觉的关系,背景音乐的不同处在于调子的高低和演奏乐器。 (While they were eating two of them, the background music was a low pitched one played on brass When they began to eat the second and third one, the music was switched to a higher-pitched piano piece )巧克力并无差异。 (The chocolate was

47、in fact identical ) 【知识模块】 对话 5 【正确答案】 B 【试题 解析】 推断题。 Spence博士没有找到 “移觉 ”的原因,因此 B不对。采访最后,主持人打断了博士的讲话,可推断出时间不够,而 “But at least, we can say that the assumption that each sense works in isolation is wrong ”一句可推断,以前有观点认为各种感官独立存在,互无关系。虽然采访中并没有提到家具颜色和胃口的关系,但这也属于视觉和味觉的 “移觉 ”,因此也可以做出推测。 【知识模块】 对话 6 【听力原文】 F:

48、 Today we have with us US tennis legend Pete Sampras on the sideline of “Wuhan Tiandi 2011 Li Na & Friends“ exhibition game in Wuhan of Central China. So, how is the tour to the Yellow Crane Tower? It is Wuhans landmark spot. M: Its pretty good to see that building. It kind of puts perspectives in t

49、he United States and our history compared with China. Its a big difference. F: Li Na seemed out of form after the French Open triumph, which reminds us that you also spent nearly three years to touch your second Grand Slam in 1993. How would you evaluate this kind of down periods after the peak and how to maintain her consistent performance? M: Its always been a tough situation after you made your first major. Its quite different afterwards. There are a lot of pressures from the media. For Li Na, its a big deal to claim the first major for her country.

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