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1、专业英语八级(改错)模拟试卷 261及答案与解析 一、 PART III LANGUAGE USAGE 0 Technologies collapse the distance between a desire and its fulfillment by reducing either the time or the effort involved. This has long been the point on that new technologies have been【 S1】 _ marketing, and digital technologies have only augme

2、nted a【 S2】 _ longstanding trend. But they have done so to such a degree and the【 S3】 _ change may be qualitative. Consider the ease on which we may now【 S4】 _ locate, purchase, and receive commodities that just a few years ago would have taken us considerably less time and trouble to acquire.【 S5】

3、_ The content of a book is only one of a multitude of possible examples, but it illustrates the point remarkably well. Theoretical science in his view required aristocratic repose and leisure, and anything of the sort existed in America. Instead, Americans were【 S6】 _ promiscuously active. All of th

4、is is marvelous and fascinating and helpful, but cranks, and Im not always above being a crank, might point out that making something effortless and instant simultaneously renders it ephemeral and trivial. If you eliminate the effort and time involved realizing a desire, you also diminish the satisf

5、action and joy【 S7】 _ that attends the fulfillment. Beyond this, however, there is also a【 S8】 _ matter of habits and assumptions and how these in turn shape individuals who together comprise of the political and economic【 S9】 _ culture of the nation. What sorts of habits, then, are inculcated by a

6、technological environment ordered around this general tendency? Certainly not the kind of habits that sit well with the venerable notion of delaying gratification. Nor, it would seem, would these【 S10】 _ habits leave one well suited for the demands of citizenship. 1 【 S1】 2 【 S2】 3 【 S3】 4 【 S4】 5 【

7、 S5】 6 【 S6】 7 【 S7】 8 【 S8】 9 【 S9】 10 【 S10】 10 In every economic system, entrepreneurs and managers bring together natural resources, labor, and technology to produce and distribute goods and services. But the way these different elements are organized and used also reflect a nations political id

8、eals and【 S1】 _ their culture. The United States is often described as a “capitalist“【 S2】 _ economy, a term coined by 19th-century German economist and social theorist Karl Marx to describe a system which a small group of【 S3】 _ people who control large amounts of money, or capital, make the most i

9、mportant economic decisions. Marx contrasted capitalist economies to “ socialist“ ones, which give more power in the political system. Marx and his followers believed that capitalist economies concentrate power in the hand of wealthy business【 S4】 _ people, who aim mainly to maximize profits; social

10、ist economies, on the other hand, would be more like to feature greater control by【 S5】 _ government, which tends to put political aims a more equal distribution of societys resources, for instance ahead of profits. Does pure capitalism exist in the United States? While those categories, if oversimp

11、lified, have elements of truth to them, they【 S6】 _ are far less relevant today. If the pure capitalism described by Marx ever existed, it has long since disappeared, as governments in the United States and many of other countries have intervened in their【 S7】 _ economies to limit concentrations of

12、power and address many of the social problems associating with unchecked private commercial【 S8】 _ interests. As a result, the American economy is perhaps better described as a “ mixed“ economy, with government playing the【 S9】 _ important role along with private enterprise. Although Americans often

13、 disagree about exactly where to draw the line between their beliefs in both free enterprise and government management, the mixed economy they have developed has been remarkable successful.【 S10】 _ 11 【 S1】 12 【 S2】 13 【 S3】 14 【 S4】 15 【 S5】 16 【 S6】 17 【 S7】 18 【 S8】 19 【 S9】 20 【 S10】 20 A broad

14、public discussion of environmental problems began in the mid-1980s, when the first “green“ groups formed in opposition to Erevans intense industrial air pollution and to nuclear power generation in wake of the 1986 reactor explosion at Chernobyl.【 S1】 _ Environmental issues helped form the basis of

15、the nationalist independence movement when environmental demonstrations subsequently merged with these for other political causes in the【 S2】 _ late 1980s. In independent Armenia, environmental issues divide society into those who fear of “environmental time bombs“ and those who【 S3】 _ view resumpti

16、on of pollution-prone industrial operations as the only mean of improving the countrys economy. In the early 1990s, the【 S4】 _ latter group blamed Armenias economic woes on a role played by【 S5】 _ the former in closing major industries. In 1994 three national environmental laws were in effect: the L

17、aw on Environmental Protection, the Basic Law on the Environment, and the Law on Mineral Resources. The Council of Ministers, Armenias cabinet, includes a minister of the environment. Therefore, no comprehensive environmental protection【 S6】 _ program has emerged, and decisions on environmental poli

18、cy have been made on an ad hoc basis. Environmental conditions in Armenia have been worsened by the Azerbaijani blockade of supplies and electricity from outside. The results of the blockade and the failure of diplomatic efforts to lift it led the government propose reconstruction of the Armenian At

19、omic【 S7】 _ Power Station at Metsamor, which was closed after the 1988 earthquake because of its location in an earthquake-prone area and what had the same safety problems as reactors listed as dangerous in【 S8】 _ Bulgaria, Russia, and Slovakia. After heating debates over startup【 S9】 _ continued th

20、rough 1993, French and Russian nuclear consultants declared operating conditions basically safe. Continuation of the blockade into 1994 gave added emergency to the decision.【 S10】 _ 21 【 S1】 22 【 S2】 23 【 S3】 24 【 S4】 25 【 S5】 26 【 S6】 27 【 S7】 28 【 S8】 29 【 S9】 30 【 S10】 专业英语八级(改错)模拟试卷 261答案与解析 一、

21、PART III LANGUAGE USAGE 【知识模块】 改错 1 【正确答案】 that which 【试题解析】 关系代词误用。此处为定语从句,先行词为 the point,且关系代词前有介词 on,所以必须用 which来引导。 【知识模块】 改错 2 【正确答案】 marketing marketed 【试题解析】 非谓语动词误用。通过前面的 have been且根据 technologies和market之 间的动宾关系,可以推断该处的句子应该用被动语态, been后应接过去分词,故将 marketing改为 marketed。 【知识模块】 改错 3 【正确答案】 and th

22、at 【试题解析】 固定搭配错误。 to such a degree that 为固定结构,意思是 “到如此程度以至于 ” ,故将 and改为 that。 【知识模块】 改错 4 【正确答案】 on With 【试题解析】 固定搭配中的介词误用。该处为定语从句,先行词为 ease, with ease为固定短语,意思是 “不 费力地 ”,故关系代词 which前需加上 with而不是on。 【知识模块】 改错 5 【正确答案】 less more 【试题解析】 语义错误。根据语义,该句表达的意思是 “在过去,选择、购买、得到物品需要更多的时间,也更麻烦些 ”,故将 less改为 more。 【

23、知识模块】 改错 6 【正确答案】 anything nothing 【试题解析】 代词误用。根据后文的 instead可知,此处表达的意思是否定的,应该是 “这在美国是不复存在的 ”,故应将 anything改为 nothing。 【知识模块】 改错 7 【正确答案】 involved 一 in 【试题解析】 介词缺失。 involved in doing sth的意思是 “涉及,包含 ” ,为固定搭配,故在 involved后加上 in。 【知识模块】 改错 8 【正确答案】 a the 【试题解析】 冠词误用。该句中 matter后面接有 of构成的介词短语作定语,表示特指,故将 a改为

24、 the。 【知识模块】 改错 9 【正确答案】 of 去掉 of 【试题解析】 介词冗余。 comprise的意思 是 “包含 ,由 组成 ”,为及物动词,故将介词 of去掉。 【知识模块】 改错 10 【正确答案】 delaying delayed 【试题解析】 非谓语动词误用。 gratification的意思是 “满意,喜悦 ”,和动词delay之间是动宾关系,应该用过去分词表示被动,故将 delaying改为 delayed。 【知识模块】 改错 【知识模块】 改错 11 【正确答案】 reflect reflects 【试题解析】 主谓不一致。该句的主语为 the way,为单数名

25、词,谓 语动词也应该用单数形式,故将 reflect改为 reflects。 【知识模块】 改错 12 【正确答案】 their一 its 【试题解析】 代词误用。该处物主代词指代的是前面出现的 a nation,其为单数形式,故将 their改为 its。 【知识模块】 改错 13 【正确答案】 which in 【试题解析】 介词缺失。该处为定语从句,先行词 a system在从句中作状语,故需要在关系词 which前加上介词 in。 【知识模块】 改错 14 【正确答案】 hand hands 【试题解析】 名词单复数错误。文中 hand后面的定语是 of wealthy busines

26、s people,应该用复数形式。 in the hands of 的意思是 “在 的手中,由 掌握 ”,其为固定短语,故将 hand改为 hands。 【知识模块】 改错 15 【正确答案】 like likely 【试题解析】 固定搭配错误。 be likely to的意思是 “很可能 ” ,为固定搭配,故将 like改为 likely。 【知识模块】 改错 16 【正确答案】 if一 though 【试题解析】 连词误用。句中的 categories是指既定的分类方法,并非假设,且oversimplified和 haveelements of truth to them之间有明显的贬义和

27、褒义的区别,应为让步关系,故将 if改为 though。 【知识模块】 改错 17 【正确答案】 of一去掉 of 【试题解析】 介词冗余。 many other后面接复数名词,为固定用法,意思是 “很多其他的 ” ,故将介词 of去掉。 【知识模块】 改错 18 【正确答案】 associating一 associated 【试题解析】 非谓语动词误用。 be associated with为固定搭配,意思是 “与 有关 ”,此处 associate作后置定语也应该使用过去分词,故将 associating改为associated。 【知识模块】 改错 19 【正确答案】 the an 【试

28、题解析】 冠词误用。 play a anrole 的意思是 “起着 的作用 ”,表示泛指,而 play therole 表示特指,不符合语义。 important以元音音素开头,故将the改为 an。 【知识模块】 改错 20 【正确答案】 remarkable remarkably 【试题解析】 词性混用。该处应该用副词来修饰形容词 successful,故将remarkable改为 remarkably。 【知识模块】 改错 【知识模块】 改错 21 【正确答案】 wake一 the 【试题解析】 固定搭配中的冠词缺失。 in the wake of为固定短语,意思是 “随着 而来,作为

29、的结果 ”,故在 wake前加上定冠词 the。 【知识模块】 改错 22 【正确答案】 these一 those 【试题解析】 代词误用。指代复数名词表示 “那些 ”时通常用 those,而非 these,故将 these改为 those。 【知识模块】 改错 23 【正确答案】 of一去掉 of 【试题解析】 介词冗余。 fear为及物动词,其后直接跟宾语,故将介词 of去掉。 【知识模块】 改错 24 【正确答案】 mean一 means 【试题解析】 词义混淆。 means为单数可数名词,意思是 “方法,手段 ”,而mean作名词时,意思是 “平均值 ”。根据句意, 应将 mean改为

30、 means。 【知识模块】 改错 25 【正确答案】 a一 the 【试题解析】 冠词误用。该处 role被后置定语 played by the former in closing major industries修饰,可见其为特指,故将不定冠词 a改为定冠词 the。 【知识模块】 改错 26 【正确答案】 Therefore一 However 【试题解析】 衔接副词误用。该处衔接副词前后句的意思分别是 “亚美尼亚的内阁中有环保部长 ”和 “没有综合的环保项目出现 ”,这两句之 间是转折关系,而此处衔接副词后面有逗号,故将 Therefore改为 However。 【知识模块】 改错 27

31、 【正确答案】 propose一 to 【试题解析】 动词不定式符号 to的缺失。该句中 led为 lead的过去式。 lead sb to do sth为固定用法,意思是 “导致 做 ” ,故在 propose前加上动词不定式符号 to。 【知识模块】 改错 28 【正确答案】 what一 which 【试题解析】 关系代词误用。该句为定语从句,与 and前面由 which引导的定语从句并列,先行词同为 the Armenian Atomic Power Station at Metsamor,故将what改为 which。 【知识模块】 改错 29 【正确答案】 heating一 heated 【试题解析】 词义混淆。 heating的意思是 “加热的,供热的 ”, heated的意思是“激昂的,激烈的 ”,这里用来修饰名词 debates,应该用后者,故将 heating改为heated。 【知识模块】 改错 30 【正确答案】 emergency一 urgency 【试 题解析】 词义混淆。 emergency的意思是 “突发情况 ”, urgency的意思是 “紧急事件,紧迫性 ”,根据句意,此处应该表示 “紧迫性 ”,故将 emergency改为urgency。 【知识模块】 改错


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