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1、专业英语八级(社会类新闻听力)模拟试卷 2及答案与解析 SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 1 Why is the Kurdish broadcasting littl

2、e short of revolutionary? ( A) Ethnic homogeneity is a founding principle of the Turkish Republic. ( B) Kurdish broadcasting, being banned for decades, started to broadcast. ( C) The Turkish Republic has recognized the Kurds as a separate minority. ( D) Both A and B 2 Which of the following is TRUE

3、according to the news item? ( A) The Kurds are refused to be recognize as a separate minority. ( B) The broadcasting will attract a huge number of audiences. ( C) The symbolism of the Kurdish broadcasting is immense. ( D) The broadcasting will be on the air 35 minutes a week. 3 Which team has been b

4、eaten by the Greek National team on its way to win the final? ( A) The French team. ( B) The Japanese team. ( C) The Korean team. ( D) The Russian team. 4 What is the main idea of the news item? ( A) The national team won the final unexpectedly. ( B) The hero players and coach were admired by fans.

5、( C) The national team transformed the after the match. ( D) The wildest dreams of the fans were held for 100 years. 5 Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? ( A) Public property should be handed back to its original owners. ( B) Census was suggested to save the culture and language. ( C) E

6、thnic groups and languages are dying out in Chile. ( D) Ethnic groups should be given more autonomy. 6 Which of the following is CORRECT? ( A) One indigenous group only has two people left. ( B) One indigenous group only has twelve people left. ( C) One indigenous group only has twenty people left.

7、( D) One indigenous group only has two thousand people left. 7 Which of the following is NOT correct according to the news item? ( A) The seven submariners have been rescued. ( B) The submarine has been trapped for five days. ( C) The Russian is grateful for British rescue efforts. ( D) The submarin

8、e has been entangled by nets and cables. 8 What is Mr Ivanov now asking President Putin to do? ( A) To give state honours to the British team. ( B) To give state honours to the submariners. ( C) To investigate into why the submarine became trapped. ( D) To investigate into why Russias Navy couldnt r

9、escue its own men. 9 According to UNICEF, which of the following is NOT a source of children for the traffickers? ( A) Asia. ( B) Africa. ( C) South America. ( D) Eastern Europe. 10 Which of the following is NOT correct? ( A) In Newcastle authorities are less aware of child trafficking. ( B) Child t

10、rafficking is suggested to be made a criminal offence. ( C) Child trafficking has been in existence in Nottingham for long. ( D) Thousands of children work as prostitutes or domestic servants in the UK. 11 Which of the following is TRUE according to the news item? ( A) The eight elephants will be tr

11、ansported to Sydney and Canberra. ( B) The importation of the elephants was approved after years of consideration. ( C) The Australian government thinks the elephants will help protect the species. ( D) Its estimated that less than 3,400 elephants remain across a dozen countries. 12 Which of the fol

12、lowing is NOT a reason for wildlife campaigners to be against the governments decision? ( A) Elephants suffer a wide range of health problems in zoos. ( B) Elephants suffer from mental illness in zoos. ( C) Elephants die at a younger age in zoos. ( D) Elephants dont breed well in zoos. 13 Which of t

13、he following statements is INCORRECT? ( A) The company lost another aircraft in March this year. ( B) All the passengers lost their lives in the plane crash. ( C) The two engines of the plane were both destroyed. ( D) The black box has not been found yet. 14 How many people were killed in the plane

14、crash in March this year? ( A) 8. ( B) 7. ( C) 18. ( D) 14 15 How many cars were set on fire on Tuesday night? ( A) Just over 600. ( B) Much less than 600. ( C) About 300. ( D) Less than 600. 16 Which of the following is mentioned as the cause of the violence? ( A) Far-right people. ( B) Large-scale

15、 immigration. ( C) Troublemakers in Paris area. ( D) The French international footballers. 17 According to the news, who is Sienna Miller? ( A) A reporter. ( B) A film star. ( C) A senior editor. ( D) A former Culture Minister. 18 Which of the following is CORRECT? ( A) News International is the wor

16、lds biggest media group. ( B) Voicemail messages left on mobile phones are easy to hack. ( C) More than two reporters at News of the World have been jailed in 2007. ( D) News of the World is likely to pay tens of millions of dollars in compensation. 19 Which of the following are NOT being blamed for

17、 the bad news on jobs? ( A) Inflation. ( B) Foul weather. ( C) High energy prices. ( D) The earthquake in Japan. 20 That the US economy has softened is shown by all the following EXCEPT_. ( A) Unemployment had fallen steadily. ( B) The manufacturing surge is tailing away. ( C) New entrants are soake

18、d up into the labour market. ( D) The property market still on its knees is dragging down growth. 专业英语八级(社会类新闻听力)模拟试卷 2答案与解析 SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news it

19、em, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 1 【听力原文】 Thirty-five minutes of broadcasting twice a week may not seem like much, but this is little short of revolutionary for Turkey. Ethnic homogeneity is one of the founding principles of the republic. For decades the use of Kurdish has b

20、een banned, publications proscribed, broadcasters prosecuted. That has all changed. The state broadcaster has yielded to government pressure and has implemented the law passed almost two years ago, allowing broadcasts in languages other than Turkish. Given the ready availability of Kurdish language

21、broadcasting on satellite television, its unlikely that TRTs limited offering will attract a large following, but the symbolism is immense. The Turkish Republic, which has for so long resisted recognising the Kurds as a separate minority, has done just that. 1 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 社会类 2 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 社

22、会类 3 【听力原文】 At the beginning of this tournament no one in their wildest dreams had ever imagine their team would hold the cup aloft at the end of the final match. It was a major step forward for the national team just to qualify for the tournament and go to Portugal. Now not only has Greece won the

23、final, but on the way its beaten some of the best teams in Europe, including the former champions, France and the Czech Republic. It s a total transformation for a team which had been regarded as something of a joke even by its own fans. When the players and coach arrive back later today they 11 be

24、greeted as national heroes and feted at another huge celebration in the stadium where the first modern Olympics were held more than a hundred years ago. 3 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 社会类 4 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 社会类 5 【听力原文】 At the extreme south of Chile, ethnic groups and languages are being wiped out. The reporters

25、found two indigenous groups, the Aonikenk and the Selkam had disappeared and another two are close to extinction. One group, the Kawesqar, has just twenty people left and the other, the Yagans, seventy. One Yagan woman who travelled more than two thousand kilometres north to Santiago for the formal

26、ceremony told the BBC there are only two people left who spoke their language fluently. The report recommended an urgent census and new programmes to try to save their culture and language. The study also called for the three thousand Rapa Nui people of Easter Island to be given greater autonomy und

27、er the umbrella of Chilean sovereignty. On the key issue of land rights, it called for a mechanism to study ancestral links to the land. It said public property should be handed back to its original owners. 5 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 社会类 6 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 社会类 7 【听力原文】 Among Russias high command there is genu

28、ine gratitude for the British rescue effort. Without British help its clear the seven Russian submariners would have perished at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. At an official reception the Defence Minister Sergei Ivanov presented Commander Ian Riches and two of his men with engraved Russian naval

29、wristwatches. Mr Ivanov is now asking President Putin to give state honours to the British team. It was their Scorpio submersible, flown in from Prestwick that cut through the nets and cables entangling Russias mini-submarine. The seven Russians had been trapped inside for three days. Suffering from

30、 hypothermia and a lack of oxygen theyd appeared doomed. Commander Riches said when he saw the mini-submarine bob to the surface the feeling of elation was out of this world. Russia s government has ordered an investigation into why the submarine became trapped, and why Russias Navy couldnt rescue i

31、ts own men. 7 【正确答案】 B 【知识模块】 社会 类 8 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 社会类 9 【听力原文】 UNICEF defines child trafficking as the transportation and exploitation of unwilling or unknowing victims. The organization believes that thousands of children are being brought into the UK every year from Africa, Eastern Europe and A

32、sia. They are forced to work as prostitutes, domestic servants or in various forms of criminal activity. In recent months cases have emerged in Newcastle and Nottingham, suggesting that traffickers are targeting places where the authorities may be less aware of such activities. The UN says that the

33、government should make it a criminal offence to traffic a child for any purpose and should provide money from central funds to help the victims. 9 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 社会类 10 【正确答案 】 C 【知识模块】 社会类 11 【听力原文】 The eight elephants destined for zoos in Sydney and Melbourne have been in quarantine in Thailand s

34、ince last October. After months of deliberation Australias environment minister, Ian Campbell, has approved their importation and they are due to arrive later this year. Wildlife campaigners have insisted that scientific evidence has proved that elephants in zoos dont breed well and suffer a wide ra

35、nge of health problems. On top of that, its claimed they die at a younger age than those living in the wild or kept in parks. Nicola Beynon from the Humane Society International is hoping legal action here in Australia will force the government to reverse its decision. The government in Canberra is

36、allowing these Asian elephants into Australia as part of a conservation programme which it believes will help safeguard the species. The population of these magnificent animals has been decimated over the past century. It s estimated that fewer than 34, 000 now remain across a dozen countries. 11 【正

37、确答案】 C 【知识模块】 社会类 12 【正确答案】 B 【知识模块】 社会类 13 【听力原文】 All the rescuers found in the mountains of the Sierra de Perija in Venezuela was the scattered wreckage of the plane and the charred corpses of its occupants. There were no survivors. The plane not only lost both of its engines a fact revealed from

38、its last radio messages but the aircraft exploded on impact, producing a fireball that was seen kilometres away. The aircrafts black box has been found and will be analysed by experts from Venezuela and France, which has sent its own investigators to look into the tragedy. West Caribbean Airways is

39、now under the microscope. The company lost another aircraft in March this year in a crash which killed eight people. The airline is in severe financial difficulties and even before this disaster had been told to tighten up its maintenance programme by the Colombian Aviation Authority. The company s

40、promised to suspend flights until preliminary investigations are completed. 13 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 社会类 14 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 社会类 15 【听力原文】 Fewer cars were torched around the country on Tuesday night just over six hundred but there were many arrests, according to a spokesman for the Interior Minister. The P

41、aris area was relatively calm but there was trouble in cities like Toulouse and Lyon. The governments emergency decree allowing for widespread new police powers is now in force. Many cities may now impose curfews if the authorities see fit. The far-right leader of the National Front, Jean-Marie Le P

42、en, has told the BBC the violence is the consequence of large-scale immigration. Hes called for troublemakers to have their French nationality withdrawn. The French international footballer, Lilian Thuram, in Martinique where hes due to play for his country later on Wednesday, has criticised the Int

43、erior Minister, Nicolas Sarkozy, for describing some people on troubled housing estates as scum. 15 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 社会类 16 【正确答案】 B 【知识模块】 社会类 17 【听力原文】 One of the worlds biggest media groups, News International, is apologizing and offering compensation for the actions of one of its newspapers which

44、 hacked into the mobile phones of celebrities over a sustained period. Here is Gabriel Gatehouse. These are sensational admissions that are likely to cost the newspaper tens of millions of dollars in compensation payments. The list of claimants includes film stars, like the actress Sienna Miller and

45、 public figures such as the politician and former Culture Minister Tessa Jowell. A reporter and a private investigator at News of the World had already been jailed in 2007 for hacking into voicemail messages left on mobile telephones. But the News of the World had always claimed that instances of ha

46、cking were isolated and that the pair acted without the knowledge of senior editors. It now appears the problem went far further. 17 【正确答案】 B 【知识模块】 社会类 18 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 社会类 19 【听力原文】 Official figures from the United States show that the job market there has weakened last month, adding to evidence

47、 that the US economy may be slowing. Unemployment rose to 9.1%. The number of new jobs created was sharply down from previous months. Jonny Dymond reports from Washington. Foul weather, high energy prices and the earthquake in Japan are being blamed for the bad news on jobs. But the broader picture

48、is most troubling. The US economy has softened. The manufacturing surge is tailing away, and the property market still on its knees is dragging down growth. Unemployment had fallen steadily from December to April, but since then it has climbed. The new jobs created this month wont soak up new entrants into the labour market, let alone reengage the millions that lost their jobs in the recent severe recession. 19 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 社会类 20 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 社会类


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