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1、专业英语八级(翻译)练习试卷 2及答案与解析 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH Directions: Translate the following text into English. 1 我们这代人,和现在的年轻人不同,我们没有什么择业自主权。所以每一次,不管被派到哪里,我不会想别的,就想着怎么把工作做好,做得最好。也许我这种个性特点和我母亲的教导有关。 母亲是个凡事要求尽善尽美的人,她不能原谅一件事没有做好。比如刷马桶,我使劲刷了几次还 是没有刷干净,对她说实在刷不干净了。她不说话,自己拎过去,挽起袖子就刷。不管用到些什么工具,最终的结果总是,我们做不到的,她做

2、到了。也许这是一种很可怕的教育方法,但事实上,在她的影响下,从小我就懂得一个道理,任何事,只要你努力去做,动脑筋去做,没有做不成的。 2 8月 17日的下午,约克逊号邮船无数的窗眼里,飞出五色飘扬的纸带,远远的抛到岸上,任凭送别的人牵住的时候,我的心是如何的飞扬而凄恻 ! 痴绝的无数的送别者,在最远的江岸,仅仅牵着这终于断绝的纸条儿,放这庞然大物,载着 量重的离愁,飘然西去 ! 船上生活,是如何的清新而活泼。除了三餐外,只是随意游戏散步。海上的头三日。我竟完全回到小孩子的境地中去了,套圈子,抛沙袋,乐此不疲,过后又绝然不玩了。后来自己回想很奇怪,无他,海唤起了我童年的回忆,海波声中,童心和游伴

3、都跳跃到我脑中来。 SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE Directions: Translate the following text into Chinese. 3 Worries about the future of tribal peoples are in many ways a continuation of what has been going on for a very long time. Individual peoples have always been massacred, enslaved or deprived of their free

4、dom think of the peoples under the Aztecs, or the tribal peoples of India. Pressures on tribal peoples are not intrinsically related to modernity or capitalism. Attempts to look after tribal peoples are also relatively old. Groups such as the Aborigines Protection Society or the Anti-Slavery Associa

5、tion date back to the last century. But what is new today is the scale and speed of expansion into areas inhabited by aboriginal peoples. Most tribal peoples survive in areas which traditionally have been marginal to business the Arctic, the desert, tropical forests. It is their bad luck that in man

6、y cases these are unexploited mineral-rich regions that are now coming under pressure. Another development is the move away from paternalistic protection. The 1960s, when the pressures on the tribal peoples of Amazonia first came to public attention, was a period of liberal thinking. People were sho

7、cked, groups like Survival International were set up, and there was a feeling that tribal peoples would disappear unless we in the West did something about it-we, the very people who were creating the pressures in the first place! Now the weight has shifted from westerners trying to look after triba

8、l peoples to tribal peoples being given the power to look after themselves. 4 Weve come a long way with computers already. The interactive childrens toy called a Furby has ten times the processing power of the Apollo command module, and there are now so many microchips in an automobile that Chrysler

9、 like to joke that they only bother to put wheels on their cars to stop the computers dragging along the highway. In simple terms, the eighties were shaped by cheap microprocessors and the nineties by cheap lasers; the symbol of the eighties was the IC, and the symbol of the nineties is the web. The

10、 next decade? Well, thats going to be shaped by very low-cost, very high-performance sensors. Were basically going to attach eyes, ears and sensory organs to our computers and ask them to observe and manipulate the physical world on our behalf. Processors and sensors are going to be everywhere: help

11、ing McDonalds to keep your French fries consistent the whole world around by embedding networked sensors in their frying machines; telling Coca-Cola when a vending machine is broken or empty; and helping diabetics with subcutaneous microdelivery systems for insulin which deliver medication on a prec

12、ise schedule. 专业英语八级(翻译)练习试卷 2答案与解析 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH Directions: Translate the following text into English. 1 【正确答案】 My mother was a perfectionist in everything she undertook, and would not tolerate a task that was not done to perfection Take brushing the wooden toilet bucket for example

13、, though I had brushed it several times with great efforts, it was still not very clean So I said to her that it was really impossible to clean it thoroughly Without uttering a word, she took the bucket away, rolled up her sleeves and began brushing it herself In one way or another, the final result

14、 was always the same: she managed to do things what we had said were unable to do This might sound like an overly strict method of educating ones children, but actually, due to the influence of my mother I came to understand at a very early age the simple truthnothing is impossible as long as you wo

15、rk hard at it and use your brain 【试 题解析】 “凡事 ”即 “她从事的每一件事 ”in everything she undertook。 “要求尽善尽美的人 ”即 “完美主义者 ”a perfectionist。 “原谅 ”这里的意思是 “容忍 ”tolerate。 “没有做好 ”可以译成 that was not done to perfection,这里的 “好 ”是“完美 ”的意思。 “马桶 ”在这里指的是南方用的木制马桶 the wooden toilet bucket。“我 还是没有刷干净 ”的意思是 “马桶仍然不太干净 ”it was stil

16、l not very clean。“刷不干净了 ”即 “不可能彻底刷干净 ”impossible to clean it thoroughly。 “她不说话 ”即 “一声不吭 ”without uttering a word。 “不管用到些什么工具 ”可以译成 in one way or another。或 by whatever means。 “也许这是 ”的意思是 “也许这听起来 ”this might sound like。 “很可怕的 ”中的 “可怕 ”有些过分,译成 overly strict(过于严格 )更恰当。 “教育方法 ”可用 method of educating ones

17、 children或 method of education表示。 “在她的影响下 ”即 “由于我母亲的影响 ”due to the influence of my mother。 “一个道理 ”与后面跟的 “任何事 ” 是同位成分,所以要用 the simple truth that。 “努力去做 ”work hard at it,用 it复指 “任何事 ”。把 “去做 ”直译成 to do it不符合英语表达习惯。 “动脑筋去做 ”是 use your brain, “去做 ”的意思已经隐含,不必译出。 【知识模块】 翻译 2 【正确答案】 Those sentimental indivi

18、duals, standing in large numbers on the increasingly distant shore, could only hold on to the paper streamers until they would eventually break, reluctantly letting the iron mammoth sail westward, loaded down as it was with the heavy grief of parting! Daily life on the ship was refreshing and active

19、. Outside of the three meals, all my time was spent playing games and taking walks on the decks as I pleased. For the first three days, I seemed to have totally reverted to my childhood. I tossed rings and small beanbags, never tiring of playing these games. Then three days later, I cut all connecti

20、on with such pastimes. As I recalled it all later, I felt very strange though there was nothing more to it than this: The sea had unmoored my childhood memories, and midst the sound of the surging waves, a sense of childlike innocence and my young playmates flooded my mind. 【试题解析】 这段材料选自冰心的散文纸船,文字优美

21、,语言文学性很强,句式短小精悍,翻译时注意体会作者的言外之意,在忠实原文的基础上进行意译,注意文章的语体色彩。 首句中的 “痴绝 ”表示被离别折磨得伤感到了极点,故译为 sentimental较为合适。 “在最远的江岸 ”可以理解为:随着船的起航,江岸慢慢远去,直到最远时纸带断裂,所以译为 on the increasingly distant shore。 “牵着 ”对应的英文是 hold on to。 “放这庞然大物 飘然西去 ”可以译为 reluctantly letting the iron mammoth sail westward。译文是一个动名词词组,加了 reluctantly

22、(勉强地 )和 iron(铁的 )两词使译文更 形象生动。 “离愁 ”可以是 grief of parting或 pain 0f separation。 第二段第三句中的 “小孩子的境地 ”即指 “孩提时代 ”。 “过后又绝然不玩了 ”中 “过后 ”一词,可以只用 later一个单词,但这里译成 Then three days later,是为了跟前面的 for the first three days相呼应。 “绝然不玩 ”译成 cut all connection with such pastimes比 didnt play them anymore更具文学色彩,而且避免了重复 。 “无他

23、 ”即 “除此之外没有别的 ”,译为 there was nothing more to it than this。 “唤起 ”可以译成 unmoor。 unmoor原为 “起锚 ”的意思,这里是比喻用法,意为 “唤起 ”,正好跟主语 The sea对应,非常巧妙。 “跳跃到我脑中来 ”翻译成 flooded my mind比jumped into my mind好,前者表示许多事情涌人脑海,更为形象生动。 【知识模块】 翻译 SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE Directions: Translate the following text into Chinese.

24、3 【正确答案】 部落民族的未来令人担忧,他们在许多方面的问题都是长期的历史问题的延续。一个个的部族遭屠杀,受奴役,被剥夺自由,阿兹特克人统治下的部族或印度的部族就是例证。部族受到的压迫与现代社会或资本主义并无内在联系。 为保护部族所做的努力也已有相当长的历史。土著人保护会和反奴隶制联合会之类的团体上个世纪就已经成立了。然而今天的新问题是,对土著民族居住区的蚕食规模大、速度快。大多数部族残存在传统上远离商 业的地区 北极地区、沙漠地带、热带森林。他们的厄运是,这些地方往往是尚未开发的矿藏丰富区,而这些地区现在正承受压力。 【试题解析】 首句中的 Worriescontinuation 直泽成

25、“对 的担忧是 的继续 ”不易理解。 Worries about 的前提是 “有人担忧 ” ,这里不妨译成 “令人担忧 ”。之所以有担忧,是因为有问题,所以在 “ 令人担忧 ”之后,不妨另起一句,添加 “他们的问题 ”作为主语。 tribal peoples中的 people应当按 “民族 ”理解, tribal people即 “部落民族 ”或 “部族 ”。既然中文的主语是 “他们的问题 ”, what has been going on for a long time就可以译成 “长期的历史问题 ”。第二句中的individual后面的中心词是复数,这里如果译成 “个别的 ”或 “单独的

26、”,会偏离原文意思,不如译成 “一个个 ”。 under the Aztecs意为 “在阿兹特克人统治下 ”。pressures从上下文看,这里可以译成 “压迫 ”。 modernity这里译成抽象的 “现代性 ”或 “现代状态 ”都不恰当,最好还是译成具体的 “现代社会 ”。第二段中的 look after原意为 “照看,照料 ”,从下文的 protection看,这里可以理解为 “保护 ”。aborigines意为 “土著人 ”。有人认为这个词带有贬义,应该译成 “原住民 ”。 date back to原意为 “追溯到 ”。说一个组织追溯到某一时候,也就是该组织 “(那时 )已经成立了 ”

27、。 scale and speed这里的 “规模和速度 ”是说 “规模大,速度快 ”。 expansion into的原意为 “向 里的扩张 ”,这里可以译成 “蚕食 ”。 survive这里翻译成 “残存 ”比 “存活 ”或 “幸存 ”更准确。 marginal to“对 是边缘性的 ”也就是 “远离 ”的意思。 under pressure中 pressure的意思显然不是 “压迫 ”而是 “压力 ”。 【知识模块】 翻译 4 【正确答案】 我们在计算机技术方面已经取得了巨大进步。一种名为 Furby的交互式儿童玩具的处理能力是当年阿波罗号宇宙飞船指令舱处理器的十倍。现在的汽车上都装有大量

28、微型芯片,所以克莱斯勒公司的人喜欢开玩笑说,他们之所以要给自己出的汽车装上轮子,不过是免得让计算机自己在公路上拖着地走。 简而言之,左右八十年代的是廉价微处理器,左右九 十年代的是廉价激光技术;八十年代的象征是集成电路,九十年代的象征是网络。下一个十年呢 ?左右下一个十年的将是造价极低、性能极高的传感器。简要地说,我们要给计算机装上眼睛、耳朵和感觉器官,让机器替我们观察和处理物质世界。 处理器和传感器会到处都是:给麦当劳店的油炸机装上联网的传感器,可以保证你在全世界任何麦当劳店都吃到炸得同样好的薯条;可口可乐公司的售货机要是坏了或空了,公司会自动得到通知;给糖尿病患者装上胰岛素皮下微输药系统,

29、可以保证用药的时间和计量精确。 【试题解析】 这段材料选自美 国加州硅谷未来研究所主任 Paul Saffo的 The Future of Electronics,本文探讨了电子技术的前景,是科技题材说明文体。本文涉及到电子领域的一些术语,翻译时应忠实原文,将语句组织通顺,在翻译不涉及科技术语的部分,可根据具体语境进行意译,本文翻译难点是科技词汇。 come a long way即 “取得巨大进步 ”。 Furby是指一种电子动物玩具,外表既像猫又像狗,会说话,还能学会唱歌、跳舞和做其他事。 Apollo即 “阿波罗号宇宙飞船 ”。 command module意为 “(宇宙飞 船的 )指令舱

30、 ”。 Chrysler这里指克莱斯勒汽车公司的人。 第二段首句中的 shape意为 “左右,决定性地影响 ”。 microprocessors和 lasers处于句尾的强调位置,译文如和原文一样采用被动结构,无法取得同样效果,因此这里变换句式。 IC是 integrated circuit(集成电路 )的缩写。末句中的。 basically的意思不是 “基本上 ”,而是 “简要地说 ”。 them应译成 “机器 ”。 末段首句中的 helpingconsistent 意为 “帮助麦当劳店使你的炸薯条保持一致 ”就是 “保证你在任何麦当劳店吃到炸得同样好的薯条 ”。 helpinginsulin 意为 “用胰岛素皮下微输药系统帮助糖尿病患者 ”,即 “给糖尿病患者装上胰岛素皮下微输药系统 ”之意。 【知识模块】 翻译


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