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1、专业英语四级模拟试卷 390及答案与解析 一、 PART I DICTATION (15 MIN) Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage

2、 will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minute 1 Co-education School SECTION A CONVERSATIONS Directions: In this section you wi

3、ll hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 2 According to the conversation, which item did the woman NOT purchase with her credit card? ( A) A TV. ( B) A DVD player. ( C) A plane ticket. ( D) A digital camera. 3 What reason is NOT

4、explained by the woman for obtaining a student credit card? ( A) She hopes to establish a good credit rating. ( B) She wants to buy things at a discount using the card. ( C) She can buy things without cash. ( D) She wants to control spending. 4 What does the woman imply about how she plans on resolv

5、ing her credit card problems? ( A) She hopes that someone will give her the money. ( B) She plans on getting rid of her student credit cards. ( C) She asks the men to help her. ( D) She is going to return the items she purchased on the card. 5 What does the conversation say about registration? ( A)

6、Each conferee is given a conference tag. ( B) The man has already got registered. ( C) Students are required to register today. ( D) Teachers cant register for the conference today. 6 What do we infer about the man at the registration? ( A) He is not eligible for the discount. ( B) He will not atten

7、d the conference from beginning to end. ( C) He is working on a postgraduate program. ( D) He is on the faculty of the Education Department. 7 What sort of accommodation does the man prefer? ( A) Double room without independent bathroom. ( B) Single room with independent bathroom. ( C) Suite with in

8、dependent bathroom. ( D) Single room without independent bathroom. 8 How long has the man suffered from the symptoms he described? ( A) One week. ( B) One month. ( C) Two months. ( D) Half a year. 9 Why didnt he go to see the doctor immediately? ( A) He has no time during weekdays. ( B) He has no ti

9、me during weekends. ( C) The symptoms disappear on weekends. ( D) Both A and 10 What happened during the past four weeks? ( A) The man has bought a new house. ( B) The mans company has moved to a new building. ( C) The mans family has moved to a new building. ( D) Nothing special. 11 Why did the bui

10、lding get sick? ( A) The building needs more breath. ( B) Too many pollutants and moisture. ( C) The building has been overused. ( D) People dont take good care of it. SECTION B PASSAGES Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the

11、 questions that follow. 12 According to the passage, when should we do when novel ideas appear? ( A) Discover the aims of their adherents. ( B) Ignore them. ( C) Follow the fashion. ( D) Regard them as normal. 13 What approach do the Futurists want us to adopt? ( A) Increase the production of litera

12、ture. ( B) Look to the future. ( C) Develop new literary forms. ( D) Avoid unusual words. 14 What is the comment made in the passage on Futurist poetry? ( A) Too emotional. ( B) Too new in type to be acceptable. ( C) Not literature as he knows it. ( D) Essential to basic change in the nature mankind

13、. 15 What kind of weather will it be when distant objects such as hills and tall trees seem to be very clear and near? ( A) The weather will be clear and fine. ( B) Rain will probably come. ( C) There will be a fog. ( D) Fine weather will continue. 16 When do some people have pains in their bones? (

14、 A) When there is a heavy rain. ( B) When fine weather continues. ( C) When there is a fog. ( D) When wet weather is coming. 17 What is a sign of a rainbow in the morning? ( A) The following day will be fine. ( B) Fine weather will continue. ( C) Rainy weather will probably come. ( D) The rain will

15、stop. 18 Which of the following word describes the relationship between the Indians and the early settlers? ( A) Friendly. ( B) Estranged. ( C) Hostile. ( D) Indifferent. 19 Which of the following is not mentioned in the text. ( A) Peanuts. ( B) Com. ( C) Sweet potatoes. ( D) Grain. 20 Which of the

16、following does not describe the land the Indians were left with? ( A) Too cold. ( B) Too hot. ( C) Too dry. ( D) Too rich. 21 Which of the following does not explain why the whites took land from the reservation? ( A) It had important minerals in it. ( B) They wanted to make national parks them. ( C

17、) They needed more land for new immigrants. ( D) They wanted the wood. SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 22 The UN team returned to the capital of Congo because _. ( A) they are

18、investigating the President ( B) they would join a demonstration ( C) the situation was insecure ( D) they helped Rwandan refugees 23 To which country do the Rodong 1 missiles bring the most threat? ( A) Japan. ( B) America. ( C) South Korea. ( D) Germany. 24 When will the Copa America in Columbia k

19、ick-off? ( A) 11 days later. ( B) 7 days later. ( C) Not decided yet. ( D) A year later. 25 According to the original decision, which day of the week will the tournament kick-off? ( A) Monday. ( B) Saturday. ( C) Wednesday. ( D) Friday. 26 What does this conference center on? ( A) Bridges. ( B) Comp

20、uters. ( C) Internet. ( D) Telecommunication. 27 The conference focuses on the following EXCEPT_. ( A) offering mutual help in its communications technology ( B) developing the information and communications technology sector in Africa ( C) describing some aspects of this technological gap ( D) lear

21、ning about updated networks 28 Mike Tysons heavyweight fight with Clifford Etienne was originally arranged to be on ( A) Monday. ( B) Saturday. ( C) Sunday. ( D) Tuesday. 29 It can be inferred from the news that ( A) people have been doubtful about Tysons boxing future. ( B) Mike Tyson is not fit to

22、 fight as a heavyweight boxer any more. ( C) there will be immediate rescheduling for the 10-round bout. ( D) it is Fight promoter Showtime that issued the postponement. 30 Under the national oil law, the Iraqi government _ . ( A) will give more oil revenues to only a few provinces ( B) will let pro

23、vinces distribute their oil revenues ( C) will distribute oil revenues according to population size ( D) will distribute oil revenues according to security needs 31 The construction package is meant to _ . ( A) help build more houses ( B) help improve the countrys economy ( C) help more children to

24、go to school ( D) help more young people to get education 二、 PART III CLOZE (15 MIN) Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. 31 【 C1】 _ are the missions of a learned soc

25、iety in an era of digital networks? 【 C2】_ the American Council of Learned Societies, we believe the 【 C3】 _ of digital networks will plow up and replant the worlds of scholarship and education. We believe these technologies can 【 C4】 _ us well if we take care in making the transition to using them.

26、 But we also believe 【 C5】 _ may do great damage if we are inattentive or timid or simply dazzled by the technologies. 【 C6】 _ to make the transition to digital networks in the humanities and social sciences is one of our main 【 C7】 _ at the ACLS. For a gathering in November 1996, we asked the execu

27、tive directors of the 56 learned societies that then belonged to the ACLS 【 C8】 _ brief essays on 【 C9】 _ they perceived to be the mission of their learned society in an 【 C10】 _ age. My remarks are informed by this collection of 【 C11】 _ and our subsequent discussion of them, but the views expresse

28、d are my 【 C12】 _ . In due 【 C13】 _ I will argue the following. The new technology will allow long-standing missions of learned societies to be performed in new ways, but the missions of learned societies are also likely to be 【 C14】 _ . 【 C15】 _ are significant changes afoot in the world of scholar

29、ship and higher education involving internationalization, interdisciplinarity, and interactive learning. Learned societies are unusually well-positioned to use the new technology to contribute to these changes. 32 【 C1】 ( A) Which ( B) How ( C) Where ( D) What 33 【 C2】 ( A) With ( B) On ( C) In ( D)

30、 At 34 【 C3】 ( A) technologies ( B) skills ( C) techniques ( D) equipment 35 【 C4】 ( A) perform ( B) serve ( C) function ( D) progress 36 【 C5】 ( A) it ( B) they ( C) that ( D) those 37 【 C6】 ( A) Helping ( B) Help ( C) Helped ( D) To help 38 【 C7】 ( A) worries ( B) concerns ( C) interests ( D) assi

31、gnments 39 【 C8】 ( A) prepare ( B) prepared ( C) to prepare ( D) preparing 40 【 C9】 ( A) which ( B) how ( C) what ( D) when 41 【 C10】 ( A) electrical ( B) electric ( C) eclectic ( D) electronic 42 【 C11】 ( A) essays ( B) missions ( C) societies ( D) views 43 【 C12】 ( A) own ( B) creation ( C) making

32、 ( D) quotation 44 【 C13】 ( A) time ( B) sequence ( C) presentation ( D) course 45 【 C14】 ( A) switched ( B) performed ( C) launched ( D) altered 46 【 C15】 ( A) They ( B) These ( C) There ( D) Those 三、 PART IV GRAMMAR no one has recovered. The public has also learned that earlier assurances that onl

33、y 5 to 10 percent of those who have been exposed to the virus will contract the disease were far too optimistic. Researchers have now raised that figure to at least a third. Estimates of expected future cases have, accordingly, been adjusted upward. A Bellevue doctor reflected the despair of those w

34、ho deal with AIDS patients every day: “The cost is staggering, the grief is overwhelming, and there is no end in sight. “ Yet these physicians and others continue to work and to hope. Others not directly involved can help by giving support to public funding for research, hospital and hospice care, a

35、nd support services. A public resolve to provide care now and an eventual cure for those who suffer is the best response. 81 The word “subsided“ (Line 2, Para. 1) probably means ( A) lessened. ( B) sank. ( C) vanished. ( D) settled. 82 According to the passage, the following facts are true EXCEPT th

36、at ( A) the American public are now mainly concerned with their own risk. ( B) Americans realize that AIDS has a powerful impact on their society. ( C) homosexuals run a higher risk of catching AIDS. ( D) drug addicts are more likely to contract AIDS. 83 According to the passage, most AIDS patients

37、have to depend on_to pay their hospital expenditure. ( A) their health assurance ( B) their life assurance ( C) their private coverage ( D) public fund 84 What can be inferred from the passage? ( A) Senior citizens are more likely to contract AIDS compared with young people. ( B) Many AIDS victims s

38、uffer not only physically, but also emotionally and psychologically. ( C) People will refuse donated blood in the future because it is likely to contain AIDS virus. ( D) Doctors have lost their hope to see an eventual cure for the AIDS patients. 85 Which of the following best states the theme of the

39、 passage? ( A) There is no good news on AIDS. ( B) The total economic cost for AIDS patients is staggering. ( C) Nationwide efforts must be made to find a cure for AIDS. ( D) AIDS has a deep impact on American society. 85 Basic to any understanding of Canada in the 20 years after the Second World Wa

40、r is the countrys impressive population growth. For every three Canadians in 1945, there were over five in 1966. In September 1966 Canadas population passed the 20 million mark. Most of this surging growth came from natural increase. The depression of the 1930s and the war had held back marriages, a

41、nd the catching-up process began after 1945. The baby boom continued through the decade of the 1950s, producing a population increase of nearly fifteen percent in the five years from 1951 to 1956. This rate of increase had been exceeded only once before in Canadas history, in the decade before 1911,

42、 when the prairies were being settled. Undoubtedly, the good economic conditions of the 1950s supported a growth in the population, but the expansion also derived from a trend toward earlier marriages and an increase in the average size of families. In 1957 the Canadian birth rate stood at 28 per th

43、ousand, one of the highest in the world. After the peak year of 1957, the birth rate in Canada began to decline. It continued falling until in 1966 it stood at the lowest level in 25 years. Partly this decline reflected the low level of births during the depression and the war, but it was also cause

44、d by changes in Canadian society. Young people were staying at school longer; more women were working; young married couples were buying automobiles or houses before starting families; rising living standards were cutting down the size of families. It appeared that Canada was once more failing into

45、step with the trend toward smaller families that had occurred all through the Western world since the time to the Industrial Revolution. Although the growth in Canadas population had slowed down by 1966 (the increase in the first half of the 1960s was only nine percent), another large population wav

46、e was coming over the horizon. It would be compared to the children of the children who were born during the period of the high birth rate prior to 1957. 86 What does the passage mainly discuss? ( A) Educational changes in Canadian society. ( B) Canada during the Second World War. ( C) Population tr

47、ends in postwar Canada. ( D) Standards of living in Canada. 87 According to the passage, when did Canadas baby boom begin? ( A) In the decade after 1911. ( B) After 1945. ( C) During the depression of the 1930 s. ( D) In 1966. 88 When was the birth rate in Canada at its lowest postwar level? ( A) 19

48、51. ( B) 1956. ( C) 1957. ( D) 1966. 89 Which of the following is not a cause of the decline in population growth after 1957? ( A) Young people received more education. ( B) Numerous marriages ended in divorce. ( C) Living standards kept rising. ( D) Young married couples spent most of their money o

49、n cars and houses. 90 The word “It“ in line 3 of the last paragraph refers to _. ( A) the horizon. ( B) nine percent. ( C) the growth in Canadas population. ( D) another large population wave. 90 We are at the very core of every communication we engage in. Even when we are not engaged in interpersonal communication, we are probably engaged in intrapersonal communication, i.e. communication within ourselves. There are some fairly obvious and visible forms of


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