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1、专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 136及答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING 1 Read carefully the following excerpt on real-name package delivery in China, and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should: summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then comment on whether sending package should requir

2、e real-name registration. You should support yourself with information from the excerpt. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Under New Crackdown, Sending Packages

3、Now Requires an ID Card Chinas State Post Bureau announced on Monday that it will start a nationwide campaign to crack down on illegal activities by enforcing real-name registration for senders. The nations new rules require senders to present official ID, especially when sending from a public place

4、, such as hotels or train stations. The rules also stipulate that packages should go through an X-ray machine for a security check. China began to mull a real-name registration policy in the industry after parcels tainted with toxic chemicals killed a man in East Chinas Shandong Province and poisone

5、d seven others in December 2013. A staff member surnamed Chen working in a post office in Hohhot said that senders must take their original ID cards to the post office. “The couriers will scan and record your ID information. Senders dont need to worry about personal information being in secure. For

6、instance, there will be specially-assigned personnel to keep and manage all this information,“ Chen added. However, many Net users still expressed concern over the leak of personal information in real-name registration. Zhu Hong, an associate professor told the mass media that whether the real-name

7、registration system would hold back packages containing illegal or hazardous goods is not clear. “We can trace the senders now with phone numbers. Registering ID cards might only speed up the process a bit“. 2 Read carefully the following excerpt on 2.5-day weekend in China, and then write your resp

8、onse in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should: summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then comment on whether 2.5-day weekend policy should be adopted in China You should support yourself with information from the excerpt. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficienc

9、y, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. China to Implement 2.5-Day Weekends This Summer The State Administration of Tourism is mulling over a new plan to create two-and-a-half day weekends across the country sometime by the summer

10、. The idea is to give employees more family time and also stimulate tourism. A number of provinces and municipalities across China, including Hebei, Jiangxi and Chongqing, have issued new policies, calling on companies to create 2.5-day weekends. Since being announced in November, the idea has begun

11、 gaining traction. “Its a good thing for us, because we can obviously take more time to relax.“ “I think its a good idea. There are so many people commuting on Fridays. The traffic is usually very crowded.“ Liu Simin, Deputy Secretary General of the Beijing Tourism Society, says having 2.5-day weeke

12、nds can help satisfy peoples desire for more short trips. However, he notes the new policy is limited in scope. “Three key points contained in this plan suggest its only a benefit for a certain group of people. Firstly, its not a rule, but rather a suggestion. Secondly, the plan is conditional. Last

13、ly, its only applied to the summer months, rather than to all year. Because of these stipulations, the coverage of the 2.5-day weekends is going to be very limited.“ Under the provisions, a 40-hour working week is still required, meaning employees who get 2.5-day weekends are going to have to make u

14、p the hours somewhere else during their week. 3 Read carefully the following excerpt on closing public toilets in UK, and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should: summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then comment on whether public toilets should be closed in

15、 UK. You should support yourself with information from the excerpt. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Public Toilets “Wiped Out“ in Parts of UK Some UK High Stre

16、ets and public spaces no longer have any council-run public toilets, the BBC has learned. At least 1,782 facilities have closed across the UK in the last decade, Freedom of Information requests found. The Local Government Association said councils were trying to keep toilets open but faced squeezed

17、budgets. Public toilets have existed on UK High Streets for more than 150 years, but there is no legal requirement for local authorities to provide toilets, meaning they are often closed down if councils feel they cannot afford the upkeep. Raymond Martin, of the British Toilet Association, said prov

18、iding toilets was about health, well-being, equality and social inclusion. “Its also about public decency and public dignity we dont want people being forced to urinate in the streets,“ he said. Joan Dean said her husband Brian, who has Parkinsons disease, was left humiliated when he wet himself aft

19、er failing to find a toilet on a trip to Levenshulme, in Manchester, where 18 toilets have been closed in the last 10 years. A Local Government Association spokesman said councils were doing everything they could to keep public toilets open, including running community toilet schemes to enable pubs,

20、 restaurants and shops to make their toilets available to the public. Cuts meant councils had less to spend on community services and the next few years would continue to be a challenge, he said. 4 Read carefully the following excerpt on the trend of youngsters living with parents, and then write yo

21、ur response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should: summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then comment on whether adults should live with their parents. You should support yourself with information from the excerpt. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, o

22、rganization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. A Million More Youngsters to Live With Parents A million more young people are likely to find themselves living with their parents over the next decade, according to an insurance company. The ma

23、in reason is the affordability of housing, the company said. The study forecasts that 3.8 million people aged between 21 and 34 will be living at home by 2025, a third more than at the moment. The number of households containing two or more families is also expected to rise, from 1.5 million to 2.2

24、million. Charlotte Nisbet and her boyfriend Jay Arkell both aged 24 were forced to move back in with his parents in east London, as they could not afford to rent by themselves. “It would be nice to have our own space, and not to worry about treading on his parents toes,“ she told the BBC. She cannot

25、 foresee being able to get a place of their own in the near future. “Im pessimistic. On our current salaries, no way. If we did, we wouldnt be able to eat out or go on holiday.“ But not everyone is gloomy about the prospect of sharing their living space with other couples. “The advantages include ha

26、ving other people around for company, cheaper living costs, and more people to share the chores,“ the company said, “Multigenerational living is often seen as a necessity rather than a choice, particularly when adults are forced to move back in with family to help save for long-term goals like buyin

27、g their own house.“ 5 Read carefully the following excerpt on the trend of people having a mid-career break, and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should: summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then give your comment on mid-career break. You should support your

28、self with information from the excerpt. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. The Surprising Benefits of a Mid-Career Break Once considered career suicide, sabbatica

29、ls are now not only accepted but encouraged by some employers. Heres how to take one and still get ahead. When Winston Chen told his friends that he had quit his job as chief technology officer at a software company to move to a small island in Arctic Norway with his family for a year, few people ca

30、lled him crazy. Instead, most people simply replied: “I wish I had the guts to do that.“ At first, he said he was concerned that time away from the industry might hurt his career. “Thats the main reason that keeps people from doing this, and I was no different,“ he said in an email. “But you have to

31、 create the urgency for living the life you want.“ While many people dream of taking time off mid-career, few actually do it. But the number of people taking lengthy sabbaticals later in life is increasing, according to experts. Thats in part due to companies becoming more open to the idea and the h

32、igher rate at which people are changing jobs. And depending on how you play your cards, you can return with a better job than when you left. Of course, not all employers will be open to the idea of a gap year. “Many employers are not so keen to see someone take off for a year because of the need for

33、 business continuity and consistency.“ said Reboot Partners Smith. 专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 136答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING 1 【正确答案】 Real-Name Parcel Delivery, Security Guarantee or Privacy Threat? A severe incident that parcels tainted with toxic chemicals had killed a man in 2013 caused Chinas State Post Bureau

34、 to enforce real-name registration for senders using the national courier service. That is to say, the senders are required to present their official ID when they deliver goods. However, in spite of the new rules, there is still a concern over the leak of personal information in real-name registrati

35、on and the new system is not assured to hold back the danger caused by illegal or hazardous goods. Therefore, as far as I am concerned, real-name parcel delivery is necessary but much more new regulations should be put forward to deal with the new privacy threat it brings about. There are many serio

36、us threats even after the states policy is carried out. Firstly, in some provinces the parcels with fake sender names are still accepted and most couriers fail to check what is inside the packages. Secondly, many of the senders refuse to work with the couriers, because they think it is unsafe to unv

37、eil their information, and therefore the couriers can hardly verify their real information. Thirdly, the worst problem is probably the leak of the personal information. If your phone number is leaked to real estate agents, you will have to receive lots of harassing phone calls, some of which may eve

38、n indicate your name, your address, your workplace, and even your personal account. As China moves into the era of E-commerce, courier services are gradually turning into an inseparable part of our life. At the same time, because of the lurking perils mentioned above, more strategies should be desig

39、ned to help the senders and the delivery services better co-operate with each other in order to move in a much smoother way. 【试题解析】 考生在下笔之前应先审题,明确写作要求:针对 “寄送包裹是否应该实名制 ”这一热议话题,首先总结材料中的主要观点,然后提出个人看法。文章结构可安排如下: 第一段:简要概括材料中所指明的现象。因为快递运输过中出现的事故,我国近来出台以下政策,要求寄送包裹的人在寄送时要使用身份证进行实名登记。然而该政策并没有完 全消除所有的危险,依然有不安

40、和信息不安全的现象存在。我个人的看法是,寄送包裹应该实名制,但应该加强法规,以减少隐患。 第二段:国家的政策实行之后仍然有很多问题。第一,在某些省份依然有人使用假名;第二,很多寄件人不配合政策,不愿意提供实名;第三,最严重的问题就是实名制后出现大量个人隐私被盗用的问题。 第三段:重申观点 使用快递不可避免,实名制也是必须,怎么保护好自己的个人信息,让寄件者和快递公司更好地合作是我们要考虑的问题。 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 No Need to Implement 2.5-Day Weekends 2.5-day weekends in summer has aroused a de

41、bate among the public as it concerns peoples family time and vacation plans. Many people believe that longer weekend will bring us more time to relax and boost tourism industry. However, this plan is only applied in summer and is not compulsory for all companies, so it has limited stimulation for to

42、urism. From my perspective, 2.5-day weekends should not be adopted in China. Firstly, even though the plan is partially designed to encourage “leisure time,“ people are not necessarily given more time to spend with their families, because they need to make up the hours somewhere else during their we

43、ek. So the plan does not make any sense if workers need to wake up earlier and stay up late during the other four days. Secondly, it is not worthwhile wasting a half day on Friday. If employees are allowed to take off at noon on Friday, it means most workers will be in a state of weekend in the morn

44、ing on Friday, which may cause low efficiency in work. Meanwhile, companies will lose half-day productivity which is a great loss for small and medium enterprises. So we can predict that most private enterprises will not implement this non-compulsory policy. All in all, 2.5-day weekends are neither

45、necessary nor viable in China. So our weekend should be two days again this summer, same as they were ever. 【试题解析】 本题给出的材料是针对是否应当推行两天半周末进行讨论,呈现了两种不同的观点。根据题目要求,先总结双方的观点,再给出自己的看法。文章可按下列结构来安排: 第一段:先整合概括正反双方的观点,然后表明自己的论点 在中国,不应采取两天 半周末。 第二段:陈述自己的理由。首先,两天半周末并不能真正带来更多休息时间;第二,两天半周末实际上会造成半天工作时间的浪费。 第三段:总结全文

46、 在中国,两天半周末不可行。 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 Changes for Public Toilets A tight budget has forced councils to close the non-profit services they provide including public toilets. However, officials in the British Toilet Association argued that peoples life and well-being or so may be well affected without publ

47、ic toilets. In my opinion, rather than closing the public toilets, councils should work out the problem with other solutions. Firstly, councils can co-operate with the local towns or NGOs or charities to transfer responsibilities for running the toilets to them. This can save a great many public inc

48、onvenience from closure and ease the burden of toilet costs on councils. By sharing the burden of toilets with other organizations, a huge sum can be spared and put to more constructive uses. Next, to help reduce future running costs, councils may make improvements to facilities, including energy an

49、d water saving measures. In addition, charges should be introduced and the public should prepare to pay for using public toilets to ensure that they remain open. The income from those toilets will be kept to pay for running costs. To sum up, public toilets have great importance, whether in regard to peoples well-being, social inclusion and harmony. Therefore, more measures should be taken to maintain the public toilets and other facilities. 【试题解析】 材料中介绍了英国政府关闭公共卫生间以及各方人士对其看法。根据题目要求,先简单总结材料中的观点,在针对是否关闭公共卫生间这一问题给出 个人观点。文章结构可安排如下


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