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1、专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 178及答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING 1 A scholars professional ethics are essential to his career and in a sense determine his contributions to the public. What do the professional ethics really mean, and what are their importance to a scholar? Write a composition of about 200 words on the fo

2、llowing topic: My View on Professional Ethics of a Scholar Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. 2 The following chart shows the changes of marriage rate and divorce

3、 rate from 2003 to 2012. Look at the chart carefully and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should interpret the chart and give your comments. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructio

4、ns may result in a loss of marks. 3 The following chart shows the expansion plans of Chinese companies in overseas markets in the next 5 years. Look at the chart carefully and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should interpret the chart and give your comments. Marks will be awarde

5、d for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. 4 The following chart shows the data of Chinese tourists choices of destinations when they travel overseas. Look at the chart carefully and write y

6、our response in about 200 words, in which you should analyze the data, state the reasons and give your comments. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. 专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷

7、 178答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING 1 【正确答案】 My View on Professional Ethics of a Scholar There is no doubt that a distinguished scholar should be learned and creative. Besides these, having good professional ethics is also important to both the society and the scholars themselves. As far as Im concerned, g

8、ood professional ethics of a scholar involve the following aspects. Firstly, an outstanding scholar is never willing to utilize his knowledge to fish for fame and credit. Conversely, hell do his utmost to bring benefits to the general public. In order to raise the living standards of people and make

9、 our world a better place to live in, he would devote himself to the advancement of technology. Secondly, a respectable scholar should instruct young people selflessly, offer help to those who have trouble with their work, and keep a good relationship with other scholars. When they do scientific res

10、earch, mutual communication and teamwork are rather significant. On the basis of trust, great scientific accomplishments will be gained. Furthermore, a good scholar should be loyal to his scientific work and respect the work of others. Never should he allow himself to be involved in plagiarism or fa

11、lse research findings. Finally, a scholar shouldering great duties must be responsible to the society and himself. Before drawing a conclusion, he must insure that countless tests have been done. Taking all these factors into account, I may safely reach the conclusion that if an excellent scholar wa

12、nts to win the respect of people and contribute more to peoples benefits, he must have good professional ethics. 【试题解析】 开头部分 本文开头先肯定了杰出的学者应该学识渊博,并具有创造力。接着用 Besides these, 提出本文的论点:具有良好的职业道德对社会和学者自身来说都至关重要。并用 As far as Im concerned, 引出自己对良好职业道德所应包含的品质的看法。 中间部分 1)该部分用 Firstly, Secondly , Furthermore ,

13、和 Finally, 引出良好的职业道德所应包含的品质,层次分明,条理清晰。 2)在论述第一点时,作者建议学者应该 善加利用自己的学识,思路严密。 3)该部分分四点介绍了学者职业道德的方方面面,思考缜密。 结尾部分 用 Taking all these factors into account, 总结全文,指出学者要想赢得人们的尊重、对人们做出更多贡献,就必须具备良好的职业道德。 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 Changes of Marriage Rate and Divorce Rate As can be seen from the line chart above, it is

14、 obvious that from 2003 to 2012, the annual divorce rate in China had risen, while the marriage rate had fluctuated around a relatively stable mean. In modern society, marriage has long been considered as the home of love. But the chart shows that the divorce rate in China from 2003 to 2012 kept gro

15、wing on an annual basis. How does this social phenomenon come into being? On the one hand, it is due to the fact that the marriage values of Chinese people has undergone great changes with the development of economy. In recent years, many young people no longer consider divorce something disgraceful

16、. Without serious respect to marriage, a divorce is no bigger deal than a game to some people. On the other hand, a marriage means that two different people will live together, which requires the couple to know and understand each other. Nowadays, young people become very self-centered and would not

17、 like to seek common ground while reserving differences. Hence, the actual reasons of high divorce rate today lie in the worship of self as well as the loss of mutual understanding between husband and wife. From my point of view, regardless of the specific reasons, a divorce is a traumatic experienc

18、e for most of the couples and it can leave emotional scars that will last for a lifetime. So, before filing a petition to end our marriage, we should make sure that it is what we want. 【试题解析】 本题为图表作文。图中的曲线是关于结婚率和离婚率随时间变化的情况。我们可以看出,从 2003年到 2012年结婚率缓慢上升,波动不大,而离婚率却每年显著上升。在具体行文方面,考生应首先简单概述图表内容,然后具体分析离婚

19、率不断上升的原因,最后表达自己的看法。 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 Expansion Plans in Overseas Markets The chart above clearly demonstrates the data of Chinese companies expansion plans in overseas markets, including the changes in fields of research and development, production, marketing and services in five years. The number

20、 of enterprises planning overseas expansion in research and development field will increase by 32 percent and that in production will rise by 27 percent, a rapid pace compared with marketing and services. We can see clearly from the chart that Chinese companies today are showing greater interests in

21、 expanding global business by researching, developing, and producing new products overseas. There is no doubt that Chinas overseas business focus is shifting from service industry to knowledge-based and high-tech industries. For one thing, the Chinese were doing more labor-intensive businesses. This

22、 did attract a lot of foreign companies in the beginning. But the problem is that we only played the role of manufacturer. The shift of focus to the research and development and production shows that our domestic companies are also trying to become developers and creators. For another, with greater

23、interests of Chinese companies in global investment, the expansion of research, development and production overseas will bring huge profits. Nowadays, Chinese companies aim to produce more “Made in China“ products as well as “Invented in China“ goods. Taking into account what has been discussed abov

24、e, we can arrive at the conclusion that China is experiencing a revolutionary change in economic development. I believe that expansion in overseas markets is a strategic priority for many Chinese companies. It would be a great idea if these companies improve the scientific and technical level of the

25、ir research and production before they have a big share of overseas markets. 【试题解析】 本题为图表作文。图表展现了未来五年内中国企业海外扩张计划的数据。在具体行文方面,考生可以先简要叙述图表内容,然后分析进行海外扩张的两个原因:中国企业的角色转变和产品技术含量转变,最后表明自己的观点。 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 Chinese Tourists Choices of Overseas Destinations The chart provides some data regarding Chinese

26、tourists choices of overseas destinations. Its obvious that Asia is the most popular tourist destination when Chinese residents travel abroad. Then Europe, Americas, Oceania and Africa follow behind. As we all know, with the rapid development of economy, Chinese residents living standards have been

27、improved considerably. There are mainly two reasons why traveling abroad has become a trend in China and Asia is the most popular tourist destination. First, in terms of geographical location, Asian countries are close to China. Thus its relatively convenient for Chinese tourists to arrange the sche

28、dule, and these Asian tourist routes have become more and more mature. Second, from the aspect of cultural heritage, its easier for Chinese tourists to accept and appreciate tourist spots in Asia, such as our neighboring countries Japan and Korea. Therefore, Asian countries become the first choice o

29、f Chinese tourists overseas destinations. From what has been discussed above, we can learn that it is the geographic and cultural factors that make Asian countries become appealing destinations for Chinese tourists. 【试题解析】 本题为图表作文。饼图上的数据表明,中国游客的首选境外旅游地点是亚洲,其次是欧洲。在具体行文方面,考生可先简要叙述饼图内容,然后详细说明亚洲是中国游客首选境外旅游地的原因,最后陈述自己的观点。 【知识模块】 作文


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