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1、专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 138及答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING 1 Read carefully the following excerpt on garbage classification and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should: summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then comment on whether individuals and companies should be punishe

2、d for incorrectly disposing of garbage. You should support yourself with information from the excerpt. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Greater Public Participa

3、tion Needed to Sort Garbage Correctly Residents will be fined 50 yuan maximum and organizations not more than 50,000 yuan for not throwing rubbish correctly in Guangzhou, capital of south Chinas Guangdong province. The regulation will take effect on Sep. 1 this year. An official with the local city

4、planning management sector said that the organizations that fail to correctly dispose of garbage will be fined in the grace period, but individuals violating the rules will not be punished. Property management companies worried about the effective implementation of the regulation, saying that they c

5、an only encourage or persuade residents to put waste in the right places but they are not able to fine the violators. They have to pay more money to hire cleaners to relocate the rubbish to the right places, which means the property management fees will accordingly rise. Currently the law enforcemen

6、t department is only responsible for supervising whether the waste in the residential areas is correctly disposed, and as for how to require individuals to handle garbage classification, it is up to the property management companies. This seems to clearly define the roles and responsibilities of dif

7、ferent parties, but the lack of public participation might undermine the intentions of the garbage-sorting campaign. The garbage classification law is something new in China, and the relevant government departments should pay more attention to raising public awareness to deal with garbage correctly

8、instead of simply imposing harsh punishments on them. 2 Read carefully the following excerpt on wanghong effect and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should: summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then comment on wanghong effect. You should support yourself wit

9、h information from the excerpt. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Cyber-Celebrity Culture is Warping Chinese Youth The recent online debut of a new girl band, wh

10、o calls themselves “Sunshine“, has made waves on the interwebs. These teens, with their “unattractive“ and “fat“ appearance and laughably bad singing skills, induce ferocious criticism, but at the same time, thrive on it. This, of course, is not the first time that ugly, untalented wannabe celebriti

11、es have made headlines in China. Back in 2006, Furong Jiejie (“Sister Lotus“), a 20-something woman in Beijing, posted her narcissistic pictures of plump figure, plain face and inelegant dance moves. Those won her a nationwide following as well as paid appearances on television. Surely enough, after

12、 Sister Lotus started appearing on prime-time television, a whole slew of copycat “ugly“ girls also started blogging about themselves. And following Sunshines explosion on social media, numerous new bands like “Power Girls“ “Love-wings“ and “Superstar“ starring average-looking adolescent girls start

13、ed popping up on peoples mobiles. Some people think that this kind of grass roots self-promotion is fantastic for Chinese youth who may not otherwise have any opportunities or privileges to get them ahead in Chinas competitive society, but for those middle-class kids who come from good backgrounds a

14、nd receive excellent educations, there is a rising concern among parents that social networking is distracting these kids from academics. Whats worse, they also fear that the narcissistic addictions of the students to social media will interfere with learning knowledge and real-life skills, leaving

15、an entire generation of wired youth with absolutely no other recourse once their online followers forget about them. 3 Recently, “workfare“ has been developed in some countries to replace the traditional “unemployment welfare“. Under “workfare“ models, welfare recipients are obliged to perform some

16、work or undergo training in exchange for their welfare payments. Do you think “workfare“ models are a sensible choice. The following are the supporters and opponents opinions. Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should first sum

17、marize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your view on the issue. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization, language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. YES Workfare offers the unemployed opportunities to d

18、evelop skills to work their way out of poverty. Productive work raises the expectations of those involved by increasing their self-respect and provides them with more confidence in their abilities. It also develops skills associated with work, such as time keeping, taking and giving instructions, wo

19、rking in a team, accepting responsibility and prioritising. Such skills may seem mundane, but they are very valuable to employers. Workfare schemes require applicants also to search for work whilst completing the schemes. Moving from a traditional something-for-nothing welfare scheme to a workfare s

20、ystem stops all these individuals from being burdens on the state, cutting welfare rolls very rapidly and allowing the government to concentrate upon assisting the truly needy. NO Workfare is actually a more expensive option than traditional unemployment benefit. The jobless are ultimately given at

21、least the same amount of taxpayers money, but the state also has to pay the costs of setting up the schemes, the materials, the wages of supervisors, transport and childcare, etc. In a recession, when the numbers of the unemployed rise substantially, the costs of work-fare schemes could be prohibiti

22、ve and lead to the collapse of the policy. Furthermore, even if the state wanted to, they couldnt enroll everyone given that most people who lose a job find another within six months, theres no point dragging people into these schemes who will find work anyway given a little more time. 4 In recent y

23、ears, postponing the retirement age has become a hot topic that people talk about every day. Is it necessary to postpone the retirement age? The following are the supporters and opponents opinions. Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in whic

24、h you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your view on the issue. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization, language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. YES With the countrys pension f

25、und gap becoming wider than ever, retirement age should be postponed immediately. Postponing the retirement age will benefit the companies which need highly-skilled and experienced workers to perform certain tasks that are beyond the scope of younger workers. As for the old, postponing the retiremen

26、t age is also beneficial to them. Because they can not only earn money to cover daily expenses, but also make their talents and skills recognized and valued. NO Postponing the retirement age will bring a lot of harm. One is the stress of unemployment. With the growing number of students graduating f

27、rom school every year, it is more and more difficult for them to land a good job. If the retirement age is postponed, it will be even harder for them to find a job. Postponing the retirement age is not good news to the enterprises, either. Old workers are unable to fully concentrate on their work; t

28、herefore, the efficiency of enterprises will be greatly reduced. 5 Human flesh search means using the Internet to expose information about people who are thought to deserve no privacy. Is human flesh search a righteous act? The following are the supporters and opponents opinions. Read carefully the

29、opinions from both sides and write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your view on the issue. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization, language quality. Failure to follow th

30、e above instructions may result in a loss of marks. YES With the convenience of the Internet, the righteous people take matters into their own hands and seek justice on the Internet. More and more people who have committed crimes are found and punished by the public. As a result, human flesh search

31、is helpful in keeping justice online. NO Privacy is a basic right for everyone, even for criminals. Therefore, the action of cyber violence and privacy violation should not be encouraged by the public. Whats more, human flesh search can be misused on purpose. If you dont like someone, you can lie ab

32、out him. So strangers will attack him, which will bring the innocent a lot of troubles. 专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 138答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING 1 【正确答案】 Unnecessary to Punish People for Incorrect Garbage Disposal A regulation, which stipulates fines for individuals and organizations who fail to correctly dispose

33、 garbage, is due to take effect this year. The new regulation is aimed at raising public awareness of dealing with garbage. Although the roles are well defined for the property management companies and the law enforcement department, the former still fret over the effective implementation of the reg

34、ulation because they have no rights to fine the violators. As far as I am concerned, punishments for incorrectly disposing of garbage are not necessary. To begin with, the authorities have long ignored to teach citizens how to properly dispose of garbage. Consequently, a majority of citizens have no

35、 knowledge of throwing rubbish correctly. Therefore, however heavy the punishments may be, the effort will only come to naught. Besides, compared with punishments, the better way to raise public awareness of correctly disposing of rubbish is the spread of knowledge. Government should conduct more ac

36、tivities to teach people the exact way of dealing with garbage. Only when the people have a thorough understanding of how to handle their garbage can they really participate in the correct garbage disposal. In conclusion, I think punishments for incorrect disposal of garbage are unnecessary. 【试题解析】

37、本题主要讨论是否应该因为不合理处理垃圾而受罚。首先应当总结概括材料中内容,再给出自己的观点。文章结构可安排如下: 第一段:简要概括材料内容,提出自己的看法 因不合理处理垃圾而受罚是没有必要的。 第二段:分两点论证自己的观点。首先,由于有关单位忽视教会市民如何正确处理垃圾,因此大部分人并不知道如何合理处理垃圾,罚款只能是徒劳无功;再者,与罚款相比,更有效的措施莫过于传播垃圾要如何合理处理的相关知识。 第三段:总结全文,重申观点 因不合理处理垃圾而受罚是没有必要的。 【知识模 块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 The Negative Effects of Wanghong Effect China

38、is witnessing the internet swarming with wanghong, the grass-root internet celebrities who win nationwide popularity by pulling stunts. Some people deem this as a good way for these wanghong to get themselves known. But for parents of students who receive good educations, they fret over the distract

39、ions of the social networking on their children that may eventually leave them with no real-life skills and knowledge to survive in the future. As far as I am concerned, this wanghong effect will exert negative influences on our society. To begin with, the internet celebrities behaviors convey wrong

40、 values to children or teenagers. A majority of internet celebrities attract their followers by conducting delirious, dangerous activities, making cynical remarks about things people hold a grudge against, showing off their wealth, or even worse, displaying violence and sex. This will undeniably sha

41、pe the kids values in a negative way. Whats more, wanghong effect poses a threat to the social order. For example, the recent news has it that some wanghong dined on an underground train during rush hours. This not only presents a threat to other passengers safety, but also breaches the traffic rule

42、s. In conclusion, I think the wanghong effect will exert negative influences on our society. 【试题解析】 本题的主旨是对网红效应做出评价。首先应当总结概括材料中内容,再给出自己的观点。文章结构可安排如下: 第一段:简要概括材料内容,提出自己的看法 网红效应带给我们社会的影响是消极的。 第二段:分两点铺陈论述自己的观点。第一,他们发表的内容传达的是错误的价值观;第二,网红效应对社 会秩序造成威胁。 第三段:总结全义,重申观点 网红效应对我们社会的影响是消极的。 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 Wo

43、rkfare Is Necessary and Beneficial Recently, workfare programs have generated considerable debates and controversies. Some people believe that workfare can help the unemployed develop skills and reduce the financial burden on the state. Others argue that workfare programs cost more than traditional

44、welfare schemes. Personally, I think workfare will benefit the unemployed and the community as well. First, workfare programs aim to break the cycle of poverty in which welfare dependence can become a way of life. A workfare model typically not only focuses on social protection through welfare payme

45、nts, but also encourages workers to get into work. Furthermore, putting unemployed people into a workplace-like environment tends to remove one of the biggest barriers to employment the lack of recent job experience. Thus the combination of job search support and employment experience, even at entry

46、 level, enables one to better find gainful long-term employment. Second, workfare systems contribute to the communities where unemployed people are obligated to undertake work. Taxpayers may feel that they get more value for their welfare dollars when they observe welfare recipients working for bene

47、fits, making such programs more politically popular. Perhaps most importantly, these programs will consequently support social cohesion and help build the overall social fabric of communities. Therefore, it is necessary and beneficial to implement workfare programs. 【试题解析】 本题的主旨是讨论失业补贴是否应当通过劳动获得。材料中

48、给出了两方观点,首先应该总结归纳正反方意见,再给出自己的观点。文章布局可安排如下: 第一段:建议概括支持和反对失业保险通过劳动获得的观点,提出自己的观点 通过劳动获得失业补贴,对失业者个人和社区都有益。 第二段:列出论据论证自己的观点。首先,通过劳动获得,失业者摆脱领取失业金的命运:第二,通过劳动获得,失业者对社区有益。 第三段:归纳全文,重申观点 通过劳动获得失业补贴是有必要,有益处的。 【知识 模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 To Postpone or Not To Postpone As Chinas population ages, postponing the retirement

49、 age has been under heated debate. Supporters believe that having those highly skilled and experienced “old“ labor force work longer will not only narrow the countrys pension fund gap, but also be beneficial to the companies in desperate need of their skills and experience. As for the workers, when their valuable skills are recognized, they will derive more pleasure from their prolonged working life. Meanwhile, opponents argue that old workers unable to concentrate on working will decrease the companys efficiency and take new


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