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1、专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 37及答案与解析 SECTION A COMPOSITION (35 MIN) 1 Posts on websites about students on campus making comparison of cost of living surge dramatically. Such a phenomenon in university leads many students to form a habit of outdoing each other with respect to consumption, which is also called “ke

2、eping up with the Joneses“. What do you think? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic; On Keeping up with the Joneses 2 Having a credit card has become a fashion on campus, so theres an ongoing debate on whether using a credit card improves the students financial ability or ju

3、st lures them to form a bad consuming habit. What is your opinion on credit card? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Credit Card on Campus 3 Civil servant is now the hottest word in China, and thousands of people are competing for one position of this kind. What do you th

4、ink are the reasons for its popularity? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic; Civil Servant Craze 4 About 500 Confucius Institutes are built all over the world. Without doubt, as China begins to play an increasingly important role in the worlds affairs, Chinese language is b

5、ecoming more and more popular, too. Whats your opinion about it? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Chinese Fever 专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 37答案与解析 SECTION A COMPOSITION (35 MIN) 1 【正确答案】 On Keeping up with the Joneses Now in the consumer market, college students, as a special group

6、 of consumers, are increasingly attracting peoples attention. Many students tend to be equipped with luxuries such as clothes of famous brands, top-grade cosmetics, and digital products as their peers do, which can be called “ keeping up with the Joneses“. Reasons for this phenomenon are multi-facet

7、ed vanity, drive of desires, and philosophies of seeking pleasure and following the crowd. Students refer to the competition on consumption as a benchmark for identity and wealth, which, once failed, would demonstrate economic or cultural inferiority. Such negative emotions have a harmful effect on

8、students themselves, their families, and the society. First, conspicuous consumption brings a tremendous burden to the parents. Second, this philosophy of life endows students with immature personalities and implants naive thoughts in them, which, in the long run, will lead to a distortion of the mi

9、nd and erosion of values. Whats worse, consequences mentioned above will lead to the moral decline of the whole society since college students are the backbone of the country. I think it is high time that we took measures to alleviate the symptoms of such a universal illness on campus. To begin with

10、, parents should not indulge their childrens pursuit of luxuries and more pocket money. Furthermore, students should attach more importance to academic achievements and the cultivation of capabilities rather than to irrational consumption. Finally, the whole society should make joint efforts to bett

11、er the atmosphere of universities and lead the students to the right way of consumption. 【试题解析】 本题是一个观点陈述型题目,要求就学生盲目攀比这一现象发表个人看法。考生可以从该现象产生的原因、影响以及应对措施等角度展开论证。论证时也可结合自己身边的例子,使文章更具说服力。 思路 1:学生相互攀比是市场经济发展的负面产物。 学生作为心 智发展还不成熟的群体,易受经济利益的影响,把名牌、奢侈品这些可以刺激直观感受的物品作为评价个人能力的标准。这种不成熟的、扭曲的价值观需要社会加以修正和引导。 思路 2:学

12、生盲目攀比的行为是由于父母教育的缺失。 有些家长因为家庭条件好,会无节制地满足孩子各方面的需求,易使孩子产生虚荣心,从而盲目攀比。家长需要转变教育方式。父母是孩子的第一任老师,对孩子的教育直接影响他们今后的人格塑造。因此,家长应该转变教育方式,引导孩子在各方面都健康发展。 范文首先分析学生产生盲目攀比心理的原因和影响, 然后提出应对措施。 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 Credit Card on Campus Nowadays, more and more college students are inclined to use credit cards in their daily

13、 life. Buying clothes in shopping malls, subscribing books on the Internet, eating in a restaurant all these activities can be connected with the use of credit card. But I think the use of credit card should be restricted. The reasons are as follows: First of all, it may lead to our financial crisis

14、. When we get a card, we can spend our savings in the blink of an eye. We are often not aware of how much we have spent, not to mention the establishment of financial ability. We may find all our money has gone when we really need it. Second, it may lead to our credit crisis. When the money is overd

15、rawn, if we do not pay it back in time, the bank will record this improper behavior, and the file will last for 10 years. We cannot loan money during this period even when we are in dare need of money. Last but not least, it may put our privacy in danger. When the magnetic card does not work, we mus

16、t expose our personal information to others. This may lead to the misuse of the account or other crimes carried out in the name of us. To sum up, there are advantages and disadvantages of using credit card on campus. But taking the balance of payments, credit and safety into consideration, I persona

17、lly suggest that the use of credit card on campus should be restricted. 【试题解析】 本题是一个观点陈述型题目。大学生使用信用卡已经成为一种校园时尚。有人认为信用卡可以提高学生的理财能力,也有人认为它会使学生养成不良的消费习惯。信用卡作为一种现代消费手段必然有其优缺 点,因此针对这个论题考生应当有自己的观点或倾向,并提供充足论据支持论点。 思路 1:大学生使用信用卡利大于弊。 信用卡为大学生消费提供了便捷的支付方式,并且拓宽了市场消费渠道。对大学生来说,信用卡在方便他们消费的同时,也可以帮助他们提高理财能力。对社会来说,大

18、学生使用信用卡可以刺激市场消费,发展银行相关业务等。因此,大学生使用信用卡利大于弊。 思路 2:大学生使用信用卡弊大于利。 大学生使用信用卡时比较盲目,很少会注意消费金额,容易导致个人财务危机;有些大学生过度使用信用卡会造成 透支而无法还款,可能会影响个人信誉;有些技术方面的缺陷会泄露个人信息,严重的还会威胁人身安全。因此,大学生使用信用卡应当控制在合理、安全的范围内,否则弊大于利。 范文的观点是大学生使用信用卡有利有弊,然后着重分析其不利影响,提醒大学生注意个人财产、隐私安全,有节制地使用信用卡。 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 Civil Servant Craze What is

19、the hottest position in China? The answer is for sure: civil servant. Hundreds of years after Fan Jins story, the fever of becoming a civil servant does not seem to have subsided. You cannot imagine that thousands of arms are stretching out strenuously, fighting over one position. I think reasons fo

20、r its popularity are as follows. Firstly, let us look at the following data; more than 530,000 applicants contested for 12,700 jobs last year, about 42 people competing for each job on average, according to the statistics of the Ministry of Education. The competition for certain posts is even hotter

21、. For example, thousands of candidates are competing for the most coveted position, customs officer. We cannot deny that a certain number of candidates are truly longing for serving the public. But the craze for some well-paid positions also shows us that most candidates choose to work for the gover

22、nment with an eye on interest- Facing the recent economic turndown, some candidates also find the stability of this post very attractive. While the Chinese government is trying hard to cultivate innovation and improve the government efficiency, we need more well-educated young men to serve the count

23、ry voluntarily, instead of caring about their own interest only. The youth should think it over seriously, not just following the trend of civil servant craze. 【试题解析】 本题是一个给定观点型题目,要求考生就 “公务员热 ”产生的原因加以分析。 “公务员热 ”是当前中国的一个热点话题,成千上万人为了一个岗位竞争得 “头破血流 ”,因此在分析原因的过程中,考生可以通过分析目前 “公务员热 ”的普遍现象,并结合当前政府的相关政策、社会需求

24、和应考者心态几方面着手分析,透过社会现象分析内在原因。按照题目要求,可以从以下几个方面展开论述: “公务员 ”的定义:公务员是指依法履行公职、纳入国家行政编制、由国家财政负担工资福利的工作人员。 “公务员热 ”的现象:国家公务员考试由于其规模之大、参与人数之多,被称为“国考 ”,是近年来备受重视的应聘考试。每年,上百万人为了通过考试花费大量的时间和精力,只为捧得 “铁饭碗 ”。 “公务员热 ”的成因: 1社会上的有志之士为了真正服务于人民、体现自身价值,积极参加公务员考试; 2报考公务员时存在着冷门和热门的现象,这表明有不少人考公务员是为自身谋利益; 3由于公务员是政府机关提供的工作职位,因此

25、对应考者来说,通过考试就意味着拥有一份稳定的工作,迎合了应考者寻求稳定生活方式的心态; 4政府提供工作 岗位表明了国家提倡通过 “公务员 ”考试的方式选拔人才,以此来满足社会需求。 应对策略: 1政府部门应当在公务员人才选拔上提高标准,尤其要在面试关上着重考察应聘者的综合能力,选拔真正有意愿为群众服务的人才; 2应考人员不仅要提升自己的专业能力,更要摆正心态,不能只为生活而工作,要深刻理解服务于群众的内涵。 范文陈述了 “公务员热 ”的现象,并结合成因的 1、 2和应对策略的 1、 2进行写作。 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 Chinese Fever About 500 Confuc

26、ius Institutes are built all over the world to spread Chinese culture and language. And, many overseas students flood into China to learn Chinese each year. Chinese fever is becoming a hot topic all over the world. A growing number of people have realized the importance of knowing, speaking and mast

27、ering Chinese which is as foreign and outlandish to them as China once was. The reasons for the flourishing phenomenon of learning Chinese are complicated, varied and intermingled. First of all, with the rapid development of Chinas economy and foreign trade, there is a globally growing demand for ex

28、perts who can speak Chinese. Besides, as it is indispensable in global economy, China now exerts significant influence on the world in military, cultural and political perspectives. Therefore, the oriental Chinese culture is arousing the foreigners interest, which strongly highlights Chinese as well

29、. Undoubtedly, it is beneficial to both sides that foreigners in growing numbers are taking up Chinese. With its help, those misunderstandings between the East and the West will be clarified and resolved, so will the discrepancies. If only the two sides had known each other better, a great number of

30、 the former unhappy encounters would have been avoided. 【试题解析】 本题是一个自由发挥型题目,要求考生就 “汉语热 ”这一现象发表看法。这一题目发挥的空间很大,且 “汉语热 ”的例子不胜枚举,因此考生应注意重点突出、详略得当。以下三种思路供参考: 思路 1:着重分析 “汉语热 ”现象产生的原因。 “汉语热 ”产生的原因是多方面的,如近年来在世界各地开办的旨在传播中国文化和推广汉语教学的 “孔子学院 ”;随着中国经济的迅猛发展,各国对汉语人才的需求不断增长;国外政府把握时事,鼓励本国人民学习汉语等。 思路 2:着重分析 “汉语热 ”现象的

31、体现。 考生可以就 “汉 语热 ”现象的陈述展开文章,例如越来越多的外国友人通过学习汉语了解中国,并到中国参观、旅游,近距离了解中国;来自世界各地的朋友都会使用一些简单的汉语词汇,拉近了与中国人民的距离;针对国外汉语学习者的热门电视节目 “汉语桥 ”报名人数的逐年递增和参与人员汉语能力的提升,表明汉语在世界各地已经普及开来。 思路 3:着重分析 “汉语热 ”的意义。 汉语热是消除东西方误解和隔阂的重要契机,我们应抓住这一机遇让世界更加了解中国,同时也让中国走向世界。 范文结合了思路 1和思路 3,首先分析 “汉语热 ”产生的原因 ,然后通过展示其产生的积极意义,表达了对汉语发展的期望。 【知识模块】 作文


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